Junk-Free July



  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    Mihani, did we talk about carrot dogs recently? For some reason, I've heard about them recently too! That's the exact recipe I decided on LOL It was either yesterday or the day before that I found it. The only problem I'd have with making it is that we donated our BBQ to the office for the vegetarians to have something to grill on. Grills aren't that much, but its a lot to spend on seeing if you like carrots barbecued!

    I just had a yummy black bean burger! The ones I made last night, as I mentioned, weren't great. But the ones I made today, wowee. I think it is the combo of the burger and the sauce that goes with it. It does have 1/2 tsp of maple syrup in the sauce, and 1/4 cup of cashews.

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,952 Member
    That's funny Carla, I don't know if we talked about them. They are the latest craze on the E2 FB group. Lots of different recipes floating around. A lot of people make them in a skillet or broil them. I do have a Foreman grill too, maybe I'll dig it out and try 'em on that. I need to get a grill pan one of these days. I got rid of my propane grill some years ago too. I hadn't used it in a couple years and when I decided to grill a basket of veggies one day and uncovered it, I discovered chipmunks had made nests in it!

    Those burgers look awesome, bookmarked.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,952 Member
    Long day, going to bed early. I still don't feel well.

    B - steamed broccoli and lentils
    L - skipped it
    D - some sweet potato, lentils, power greens,salsa

    I'm so done with today.
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    Sorry you're still not feeling well, Mihani. I have a headache right now, too. I came on right after dinner which made me suspect the food, but tonight was just a rerun of yesterday's dinner. I didn't get around to having Matcha tea yesterday or today, so maybe it's a caffeine withdrawal headache.

    Bananas are now tasting way too sweet in my smoothies. I went from 1/2 to a 1/3 and now I prefer them without. I've been throwing in a few chunks of frozen mango instead and enjoying that.

    B - smoothie
    L - mixed greens & shredded cabbage salad topped with a black bean patty, hummus, and leftover burger sauce
    D - repeat of lunch
    S - fruit salad
  • liapr
    liapr Posts: 648 Member
    Hi guys!! So funny, I keep seeing the carrot dogs on FB too. If either of you try them, let us know!

    Wow Carla, you're bursting with delicious recipes! Thanks tonyou both for posting. It's so nice to have recommendations. I made a lentil dal yesterday and the recipe sounded great and the end result looked great but it was too tangy with the lemon juice amount. Nice to have testers' feedback! Lol

    Hi jreunion!!! I have a 2 month old and just signed up to the Y yesterday! It made me super excited to go back into the gym even though I was so nervous about it. I'm nervous to try the child care but it looks nice. I guess the theme of Baby #1 is that I'm nervous about everything lol. Vegan smoothie sounds like a great idea, especially if it made you feel much better.

    Mihani, I wonder what's causing the sicky feelings (other than general exhaustion maybe)? I hope you feel better. Can you take a day on the weekend to do nothing (no housework either!) or even an afternoon?

    I've been doing well with vegan and feeling good. I've gradually gotten rid of the junky stuff that was still lingering in my diet and I'm down a few pounds but nothing crazy yet. I haven't had it in me to go super strict yet but I think it's coming. Hope you guys have a great weekend!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,952 Member
    I have a full blown cold. Woke up in the middle of the night coughing and head all stuffed up. I think my body has been fighting it all week and finally lost the battle. I slept in, went to the office for about 6 hours, came home early. Going to eat a little something and go to bed. Thinking of maybe making a pot of the On the Mend Red Lentil Kale Soup from OSG. That stuff does make me feel better, and it doesn't take long to make. I don't have any fresh kale or spinach for it, but I have plenty of power greens. I can throw a couple big handfuls of that in there, or use frozen kale, pretty sure I have a couple bags stashed.

    Not as good a day as usual... had an upset stomach. Probably the dayquil shots did that.

    B - a little bit of oatmeal, didn't taste good with this cold and put it away for tomorrow
    L - ate a bit of my salad, then a bunch of crackers lol
    D - soup if I get off my duff and make it
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    Feel better, Mihani. I hope you get some good rest and managed to make that soup so you have something to get you through the next few days.

    Lia, I'm impressed that you're not only on track with your food but also planning to go to the Y and workout! Here's a dahl recipe I've used before http://blog.fatfreevegan.com/2013/07/fat-free-dal-tadka.html. I am pretty sure this is the one that ends up tasting like the red lentil cauliflower curry we all make, minus the cauliflower and yams.

    I had a smoothie for breakfast, and tu-no salad for lunch with greens. Joe really wanted the black bean burgers again, so we had those for dinner with the sauce. This time I didn't bother adding the 1/2 tsp of maple syrup. I figured that was such a tiny amount that we wouldn't notice either way and we didn't. After dinner, Joe gave me a bowl full of cherries and I ate them waaay too fast and ended up getting stuffed.

    Having fun spinning my yarn. Working on one right now that I'm really enjoying. It's a mix of locks from different colors and breeds of sheep and I'm doing it 'wild and wooly'.

    I'd show you my food bowl from today, but they are all starting to look very similar LOL
    Oh! Sprouted bread. Ezekiel bread used to be hard to find, but even our local Safeway here in the boonies has it in the freezer section now. I'm saving my grain for the evening, and savoring that little slice of heaven with dinner.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,952 Member
    Soup turned out good. I ended up with power greens since my frozen kale was "best by" about a year ago. It probably would still be okay but thought it would make the soup watery. I need to do an overhaul of my freezers and throw out some stuff. I slept about 12 hours off and on, feeling a bit better. Going to run to the grocery and get that out of the way so I can prep tonight or tomorrow. Then working from home today so I can go back to bed as needed.

    Getting back to the Y is awesome Lia!

    Can't wait to see your latest yarn creation Carla. I love the Ezekiel bread too.

  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    12 hours sleep sounds like just what you needed, Mihani.

    I need to overhaul my freezer too. When we moved last year, we just unplugged it and moved it here without doing a cleanup. Our garage has been taken over by Ruby and she chews everything, so the freezer is pretty much a nice big shelf to keep stuff away from Ruby. Every time I need something in there, I dread the procedure of lifting a ton of weight in the air while being jumped on and craning my neck trying to see whatever is in there that I so desperately need.

    Cruisin' on easy street today! smoothie, then leftover tu-no, and leftover bean burgers.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,952 Member
    Nice when you have leftovers and don't have to fuss over cooking for a day or two (or 3 or 4!!!) ... caught an awesome price on organic store-brand chickpeas and black beans this morning, 4 cans for $3. Got 8 of each. I feel your pain on the freezer lol. I have the small freezer that's part of the fridge, then a small chest freezer. The chest freezer tends to get things piled on it too. There are no flat surfaces in my house that aren't covered in books, pots and pans that haven't found their way back into the cabinets yet, cookbooks and printed recipes and (mostly expired) coupons, etc.

    Especially the books. Good grief I have a lot of books and I got rid of probably 10 boxes worth a few years ago! I have trouble parting with them. If I enjoyed them it's like tossing away an old friend. The kindle helped a lot, at least it has kept most of my latest acquisitions from piling up more.

    Feeling quite a bit better. Slept more today. Cough is mostly gone just still really congested and tired.

    B - toast and some blueberries
    L - soup, always tastes better the second day
    D - probably more soup, and maybe a baked potato with some steamed broccoli

    I think I will plan to overhaul both freezers on Tuesday night, since garbage collection is Wednesday.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,952 Member
    In the midst of cleaning/chopping/steaming broccoli, asparagus, cauliflower, collards, kale. Also going to roast corn on the cob (I like it cut off the cob and added to salads) and saute a big skillet of mushrooms. Should be set for the week then.

    Trying to get all this done, and finish laundry, then heading up to my home office to work the rest of the day. I should probably run to the office but I really don't feel like it.

    B - oatmeal with chopped baby spinach and a few walnuts
    L - red lentil kale soup, salad
    D - planning stir-fry bok choy, green onion and mushrooms with brown rice
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    I'm the same with books, Mihani. Joe and I decided to sort through our books before we moved, and then we kept taking turns upping the number we could keep until we just put them all back into boxes and brought them all with us. So silly. The Kindle is sooooo nice for keeping the book collection under control. If it is fiction, I read it on the Kindle. If it is non-fiction and the library has it, I borrow it and see if I really need to own it. (The library thing is new to me since we moved. Unfortunately, before I 'discovered' the library I bought so many art books on sketching, painting etc. that I have a big shelf full. I keep meaning to ask at the library if they will take donations. They may be hurting for space though, as a few of the books I borrowed from them were in storage.

    I am starting to feel confident about being able to stay on plan. That could be bad. LOL. But, Joe and I both really are loving the food we've been eating. We still struggle with wanting snacks at night. Some nights more so than others, but overall I am not missing the bad goods and I'm feeling so much healthier already. I have more energy, I haven't had an afternoon nap in weeks. The most difficult part for us is prepping the food. I ordered another salad spinner that will hopefully work better than the one I have. I'm going to wash all of the produce on grocery day.

    Breakfast - smoothie
    Lunch - everything salad with hummus and green goddess dressing, beans
    Dinner - Pinto Bean chili, steamed broccoli, greens w/ gg dressing, 1/4 avocado
    Snack - cherries

    Here's my first week's worth of spinning for Tour de Fleece

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,952 Member
    Wow that yarn is so cool!!! Are you going to use it in your weaving?

    Haha... yeah I did the same thing when I moved to this house 14 years ago with the books. It's a bigger house so at least I spread them around more. I've done well with whittling down some of the "stuff" over the past few years though. Besides the books got rid of lots of unused small appliances and dishes, knick knacks I was tired of dusting, etc.

    I ended up taking another nap. I'm still pretty whipped from this cold. I am going to get in a few hours of work before bedtime. Too hot to make stir-fry as planned. Think I'll just have some salad and a peach.
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    I was planning to make the chili, bean burgers, and a stir fry all tonight in prep for the next few days, but ended up just making the chili. I'll make the patties tomorrow and I think I'll freeze them all if I can so we have some easy meals.

    Yep, the yarn will be for my weaving, though I'm really just making these yarns to learn spinning more than anything else, so I don't have specific projects in mind for any of them yet, except maybe the blue & green one towards the back. I have some other fibers that remind me of seaweed and oceany things, and I think that one might fit in well with that. Some of the other ones I can always weave into a shawl or scarf.

    Hope that nap helps get you over the hump!
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    Woohoo! End of week 2 and down another 5 lbs for a total of 10 lbs lost so far.

    For lunch, I'm planning on leftover tu-no salad. Dinner will be the pinto chili again or the pinto patties. The last round of lettuce that Joe planted in the garden was planted too deep or dried out too much and didn't sprout, and also didn't get planted soon enough, so we're buying our greens at the grocery store for now and going through a lot. It's funny how the greens don't last when you're actually eating them!

    Big fires in BC going where some of my family and friends live. They evacuated some people at 9 pm and they had to drive hours just to get to a safe area, taking their kids, horses, and animals with them. Others don't have the ability to take all of their animals and have to open the gates and close the barn so they don't go in there and get trapped. I'm having a hard morning. But, so far everyone that I know is safe and my friend was able to bring her 3 horses with her (it was her on FB instructing people how to leave horses behind if people have to.)
  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    Carla, you are on fire!!

    I've missed so much already this month!! I was on vacation last week, so I didn't log in much. It was nice.

    Mihani, I'm with you, I VOW to be 100% compliant for the rest of this month.

    I have 6 weeks to go until my 20 year anniversary. I NEED to have some progress before then.
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    Hop on the veggie train with Mihani and I, Karrie! *toot toot* (the sound of a bean fart powered train :D)
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,952 Member
    Wow, Carla!!! Awesome loss! You are rocking it! The batteries died in my scale (maybe logging in those big numbers for so long wore them out haha!) and I haven’t got around to replacing. I am half in mind not to replace until the end of the 6 weeks so I don’t get to focusing too much on the scale.

    Funny about the greens for sure. I am having to stop several times a week to replenish my containers of arugula, spinach, power greens. I use them as a base under all my steamed veggies or on a flat with oil-free hummus, etc. I go through at least half a 5 oz. container a day. I don’t know for sure that I’m eating an entire pound each of fresh and cooked veggies, but I am eating a LOT of veggies. LOL on the bean powered train.

    That is so scary about the fires! I am glad your friend was able to get there with her horses and that you have a place that can keep them safe until things are under control. Can’t imagine how much worry that is for you with friends and family in the area.

    Welcome back from vacation Karrie. Glad you had fun. Yay for another team member on the 6 week plan!

    B – oatmeal and greens cooked in water with a few blueberries and a couple walnuts
    L – big bowl with arugula, steamed kale/cauliflower/broccoli, spoonful of roasted corn, black beans, salsa
    D – whole wheat sandwich thin with homemade E2 hummus, steamed asparagus, baby spinach, watermelon

    The summer watermelon overload is on. I bought one Saturday, then my boss brought me one today! I am going to be eating a LOT of watermelon this week. I do realize I’m overdoing the starches slightly for the 6 week plan. Need to rein it in. I do love summer corn though, and I just use a little bit to add that roasted corn flavor to my salads and bowls.
  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    mmmm... watermelon. I haven't bought any since I had the yucky one I threw out. But maybe it's okay to buy some more now....
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    edited July 2017
    I haven't heard more from family and friends regarding the fires, but I learned from my mom that one of my aunts decided to stay at her house to stop looters and keep the roof wet down, etc. One of my cousins stayed with her. Hopefully they don't get trapped. Apparently the air is horribly smokey and they have to stay inside. (Really, it isn't worth it! Leave!! yeesh.)

    My smoothie was really gross today LOL I wasn't paying much attention I guess. It was super thick and I may have added 2 scoops of the detox greens powder instead of one. It was cold and wet and somehow super bland. I dumped half of it which I hate when its full of good stuff but I couldn't stand it anymore and it was starting to warm up and get even more disgusting.

    I recently bought some organic dried hibiscus flowers on Amazon and I've been making tea with them. I read that they have even more antioxidants than green or even matcha tea. On the plus side, I actually like the taste! I've never been a fan of green tea, so I'm happy to switch over. In the meantime, I have at least 1 box of regular green tea and a new bag of matcha. I can put the Matcha into capsules if I want.

    Gross smoothie
    salad w/ gg dressing and baked marinated tofu, hummus
    pinto bean patty, salad, gg dressing