Group check in thread



  • fit_chickx
    fit_chickx Posts: 571 Member
    Aztec4Life wrote: »
    My real name is James for anyone interested, LOL. I'n VERY HAPPY with my weight and other health measurables (blood work #s excellent, blood pressure, resting heart rate, etc). I was on 7 prescription drugs and now NONE. Was diabetic and have a current A1C of 5.0. Oh, and I eat 3-5 fruits a day so that stuff about sugar in fruit...

    I'm almost embarrassed to say but I haven't had too many struggles. When I met the surgeon on Jan 15, 2015 I walked up the hill by my house and haven't stopped walking since (other than a couple months late last year battling shingles) And my emotional and mental health are probably the best they've ever been. I can be blunt sometimes because I see a lot of folks stressing too much. I take things one day at a time. I eat A LOT but stay away from processed foods for the most part.

    My girlfriend and I reward each other when we reach various health goals (weight loss, running 5k, etc) She's got me a few tattoos and we got each other annual passes to Disneyland last year. I feel I can continue this lifestyle indefinitely. I know eventually I'll stop losing weight and will probably gain some as I age but I'm ok with that. Being able to live my life to it's fullest has been a great blessing.
    Samquentin wrote: »
    Hi! I try to be active, but mostly just read for the hints/encouragements/other's questions/comments. :)
    -I am 9 weeks post op as of yesterday, lost a total of 80 pounds so far, 50 pre-op, and 30 post-op. In my opinion, my weight loss is going good. :) My body is changing so much, and I realized, I lost my double chin. wooo!!!
    -I really don't struggle much, I stick to the plan given to me by my surgery team, focus on getting my protein and water, and at least 150 cardio minutes a week. I love that I can be more active now, and don't get out of breath just walking!
    -My mental aspect is AWESOME! I've struggled with depression and anxiety my whole life, I notice now my I'm much more positive and happy. I see lots of people say they struggle after surgery with missing food, I never did. bonus!
    -My overall weight goal is to hit 160, and see where I am at. My small goals are every 25 pounds. My big goal is to run, I just am not sure how to start yet, by I told my husband last night @Aztec4Life is my running spirit animal! I'm just in awe with him!!
    -I totally want a new tattoo, and to get to maintenance, and reward my self with an arm lift.

    Nice to meet You @Samquentin. You and @Aztec4Life are bariatric warriors. Great that you have each other for support.

    Getting my mental heath back was the best gift out of my surgery. I also struggled with depression/anxiety. I am so much more positive and true to myself again.

    @Aztec4Life is my hero. But men always lose faster than us..right? >:) Just teasing. or am I ?????
  • fit_chickx
    fit_chickx Posts: 571 Member
    rpyle111 wrote: »
    I am coming up on three years post sleeve surgery. I lost 180 pounds total, with 100 of them coming pre-surgery. I managed to get to my goal weight and then tried to adjust to maintenance. As I added calories, I let some of the habits and behaviors slip and after about a year at goal, I started to creep back up.

    Currently sitting with about 20 pounds to lose to get to my new goal, which is about ten pounds higher than my original goal.

    Although it can be discouraging, I know that the process works and I need to get back to the habits and behaviors that made me successful.

    Physically, i feel better than I have in my adult life, although as I get older, the abuse of my joints when i was heavy has some lasting effects. I am more active and able to do just about whatever I want.

    Not necessarily a reward, but losing the weight allowed me to do some traveling that I would not have risked at 400+ pounds. Last year I went on an 8 day Amazon fishing trip with my Brazilian family and the second trip is this September!


    Hi Rob,

    We had surgery around the same time frame. My surgeons office said a 15 pound gain is a normal thing to see after goal..ughh I didn't want to hear that. My weight fluctuates. I try not to let it mess with my head. I give myself a bounce range. When It creeps up I know it's time to put the work in. I still indulge on vacations etc. It causes me to crave the bad stuff. I have to detox back to the basics. lol

    I appreciate a loving slap to the head from anyone here on the forum to get me back in line.

    Hell of a reward and adventure. An Amazon fishing trip. I could not even imaging that experience. Photos please!

  • fit_chickx
    fit_chickx Posts: 571 Member
    -I'm here but not crazy active on the board.
    -Weight loss is ok. I had VSG in March 2016. I've lost 80lbs and I'm up 8lbs from my lowest. I'm sort of maintaining at the moment so I need to get back to it. I have not yet reached my goal. I want to lose another 50lbs.
    -I have always struggled with food. That hasn't changed. It's a day-by-day struggle that I don't always win.
    -I'm currently injured and am not able to workout in the way that I want. This is part of the reason I gained 8lbs back. I'm being pouty and pessimistic about it rather than trying to find a work-around.
    -I don't really set small goals. Overall/large goal is to meet my goal weight.
    -I don't have any goal rewards either.

    Your not pouty and pessimistic. Its a real struggle and hard work. Give yourself credit for 80lbs down.

    The goal is healthy. No need to be a workout maniac. Do what you can to move more. (without injuring yourself) :) The little things you do each day will make a difference.

    not sure if you have seen this before. Just a little motivation for your day.
  • hippie_spirit
    hippie_spirit Posts: 104 Member
    HI! I'm Tati. I have attended the required seminar for the vertical sleeve and have my first appointment with the surgeon on Aug. 4. I am anxious to get this process started!!
    I need both knees replaced and my orthopedic surgeon said that my recovery would be so much easier if I wasn't this much over weight. My BMI is only 4 points away form his cut off. I have been heavy for the last 27 years, ever since I had my second child. My knees have taken a beating and walking is painful. I really couldn't wait to have my first knee done ... the weight loss requirement from the surgeon was a blow to my ever declining mood. Then I realized that everything happens for a reason! Just on a whim I called our insurance company (our previous insurances never covered weight loss surgery) ... and they said it was covered if I met their criteria. I took a deep breath, smiled to myself and knew that this was the next step in my life!
    I joined this group to learn what other people's experiences have been. So I haven't had anything to contribute ... YET!
    I would love some friends that have had a vsg, so please add me if you would like!
    I love photography, dogs, kayaking and riding my bike. I'm 57, married with 2 grown children and one starting college in Sept.
    Thank you for sharing your journey! You help more people than you know!
  • fit_chickx
    fit_chickx Posts: 571 Member
    clcmfp wrote: »
    Hi! I had VSG on 2/22/17. I'm down about 78 pounds, so going well, I think.

    The only thing I struggle with right now is social eating. Over the summer, I go to a lot of cocktail and dinner parties and have a lot of guests come stay with us. While I don't drink, I have a hard time not picking at appetizers or eating more than I would on my own or higher calories foods than I would normally. At this point, I try to combat it by regulating the rest of my day and trying to be aware of what I'm eating rather than grabbing mindlessly. Passing on dessert is hard, but helps!

    The mental side of weight loss is fine. I was a bit depressed with the mental part of surgery from about week 3 to week 8, but that has passed. I missed my friend, food. But then the weight loss takes off, eating becomes easier, I have a therapist, and it just gets easier to accept.

    Goals? Be more active, get the last 35 pounds off within a year of surgery, long term goal is learning to maintain this weigh loss which is something I've never been able to do. Long term reward is plastic surgery to repair the damage of being fat for so long.

    78 pounds down and gone! only 35 to go. you got this.

    Maintaining is a bit scarey. I stay connected with my bariatric brothers and sisters to keep working at this. Anyone of us can gain weight back. I have friends that started this process and had large gains. I am there for them and it's a reality check for me.
  • fit_chickx
    fit_chickx Posts: 571 Member
    Hi! I try to be semi-active. I track every day and check out this board every couple days....I am almost 11 months out. I was sleeved on 8/23/16.

    How is your weight loss or maintenance going?
    My personal goal weight is 163 and I'm sitting at 169.4 right now. I've bumped up my weight lifting so I notice myself toning but not necessarily dropping lbs. Honestly, I am happy where I am right now so we will just see how things go....

    Are you having any struggles? What are you doing to overcome them? Ehhh, I struggle a lot with eating. Eating has always been a comfort for me whether I am happy, sad, stressed - whatever - I go to food. I've slipped many times over the past couple of months but I am blessed to say that I always find my way back and I use exercise as a comfort for me now more than I do food.
    How are you with the mental side of weight loss?
    To me - I don't feel like I look like I weigh 169lbs. I look in the mirror and still see that 280lb person but I'm getting better. I finally stopped going to the plus size section when shopping or even picking up a size 12 or 14 because I just knew that the 8 or 10 wouldn't work. It's a struggle and a lot has happened over the past 11 months so I'm giving myself time to catch up mentally.
    What are your small or large goals.
    Right now I'm taking it one day at a time. My goal is just to continue to be healthy and active.
    Any goal rewards for yourself?
    I don't have any goal rewards.

    You are so right. Body image is a strange thing. It comes with time.

    How long have you been lifting? Love women that lift. It's really transforming. I'm amazed at how strong I am at my old fart age. lol

  • RedfootDaddy
    RedfootDaddy Posts: 274 Member
    Hi, I'm De. I lurk in this group a lot. But I can count on one hand the number of times I've posted. I'm pre-op, at the very beginning of the process. Probably still looking at another year and many pounds before surgery. I'm enrolled in a great program at the Toronto Western Hospital, but I like lurking in this group. It gives me hope.

    My big goal at the moment is to get down to 210lbs before my surgery, that's about 95lbs away. I also have a goal of walking/running a 5k in September and running a 5k in January, we'll see how that goes!

    My big goal rewards are going to be tattoos. If I end up with big flappy batwings of loose skin, I want to get batwings tattooed onto them.
  • rpyle111
    rpyle111 Posts: 1,066 Member
    fit_chickx wrote: »
    Hi Rob,

    We had surgery around the same time frame. My surgeons office said a 15 pound gain is a normal thing to see after goal..ughh I didn't want to hear that. My weight fluctuates. I try not to let it mess with my head. I give myself a bounce range. When It creeps up I know it's time to put the work in. I still indulge on vacations etc. It causes me to crave the bad stuff. I have to detox back to the basics. lol

    I appreciate a loving slap to the head from anyone here on the forum to get me back in line.

    Hell of a reward and adventure. An Amazon fishing trip. I could not even imaging that experience. Photos please! Amazon/100_1317.jpg.html?o=16 Amazon/100_1246.jpg?1500484087490&1500484088307&1500484089538&1500484090189 Amazon/100_1046.jpg?1500484088307&1500484089538&1500484090189 Amazon/100_1391.jpg Amazon/100_1204.jpg?1500484324768&1500484325397&1500484326555

  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member
    fit_chickx wrote: »
    -I'm here but not crazy active on the board.
    -Weight loss is ok. I had VSG in March 2016. I've lost 80lbs and I'm up 8lbs from my lowest. I'm sort of maintaining at the moment so I need to get back to it. I have not yet reached my goal. I want to lose another 50lbs.
    -I have always struggled with food. That hasn't changed. It's a day-by-day struggle that I don't always win.
    -I'm currently injured and am not able to workout in the way that I want. This is part of the reason I gained 8lbs back. I'm being pouty and pessimistic about it rather than trying to find a work-around.
    -I don't really set small goals. Overall/large goal is to meet my goal weight.
    -I don't have any goal rewards either.

    Your not pouty and pessimistic. Its a real struggle and hard work. Give yourself credit for 80lbs down.

    The goal is healthy. No need to be a workout maniac. Do what you can to move more. (without injuring yourself) :) The little things you do each day will make a difference.

    No doubt.
    I used to weight lift and it was my way of stepping back and destressing, especially at work (we have a gym). No mania, it was just how I settled the monkey-chatter in my brain.
    My injury is mostly just genetics catching up with me, not something I did, and that's why I'm struggling to deal with it.
  • Lizakabibbis
    Lizakabibbis Posts: 370 Member
    Hardcore lifting? about 3 months - in that time I've only lost around 10lbs but I've lost 2 dress sizes. If I didn't have so much excess skin on my arms they would look AMAZING haha!! But I can see the definition and it makes me feel good and keeps me going back for more!
  • ruqayyahsmum
    ruqayyahsmum Posts: 1,514 Member
    fit_chickx wrote: »
    Hi im claire. I had RNY bypass January 2014
    So far down 150lb

    Its been very up and down.
    Fell pregnant 9 months post surgery but miscarried at 13 weeks and went off the rails with many aspects of life
    Took up running and was doing well until i realised i was pregnant again.
    Developed hypoglycaemia and they wanted me eating every hour of the day.
    I hit my lowest weight after giving birth at 25 weeks but i was so so ill they kept me in hospital 5 weeks before transferring me away from baby for surgery.
    From that point i gained weight. They still had me eating things like biscuits hourly
    Everytime i tried to restrict my food my milk supply took a big hit
    In the last 3 months ive managed to strike a balance between my intake, exercise levels and my milk supply
    I hike rather than run currently. I hike with my 18 month old on my back partly to keep him close and partly for the extra calorie burn lol
    Mentally its tough. Im not happy with what i see in the mirror and it feels so slow going
    I dont really have any goals, i just want to be happy with what i see in the mirror but i dont think it will happen
    Ive not done rewards

    Be gentle with yourself. You have been through alot. Love that your hiking with the baby. ;) You are a hiking bad @ss!

    Appearance, I get it. I've had to work on this. I hid from cameras and mirrors for years. I had a distorted view of myself before surgery. I have a bit of a distorted view now. I accept parts of me look like a shar pei puppy. They are cute..Right?


    Lol love the shar pei puppies, they are definitely cute!

    I have alot of loose skin thats only going to get worse. Ill have to find a way to make peace with it as my hospital made us sign a form saying we wont seek skin surgery before they went ahead with our operations
  • cjcarter77
    cjcarter77 Posts: 48 Member
    I am here, and actively logging; I only check the boards every few days though. I am now 4 weeks post op and have lost 15.4 since surgery, 47.8 total. I think the surgery threw my hormones for a big loop but everything seems to be settling down now. I didn't lose any weight for almost 3 weeks and was really questioning what I had done. My loss is much slower after surgery than before but hopefully it won't be that way forever. My biggest struggle was the no loss right after surgery. My big goals are to do a color run, and to be able to ride horses again. I haven't really set small goals, I just try to take this one day at a time and move! I feel so much better when I get some exercise in.
  • gamommy
    gamommy Posts: 131 Member
    Mandy_1982 wrote: »
    Oh I forgot! As for a reward, I really want to get a Fitbit or similar fitness device. 50 pounds lost is what I'm striving for to be able to get it. I need to work hard for my reward! :smile:

    I can't speak for the Fitbit because I have never used one, but I have the Garmin Vivosmart HR and I love it. It is waterproof (for real, I swim & shower with mine no problem) and I find it to be really accurate. The Garmin Connect app is nice and syncs with MFP and other things too. The price is also a little less expensive than a Fitbit. Something to consider. :)
  • jamielslater
    jamielslater Posts: 125 Member
    fit_chickx wrote: »
    Only if your interested. A quick check in to see who is currently active on the bariatric forum.

    How is your weight loss or maintenance going?
    Are you having any struggles? What are you doing to overcome them?
    How are you with the mental side of weight loss?
    What are your small or large goals.
    Any goal rewards for yourself?

    Weight loss has gone well for me. VSG 10/5/16. HW 241 SW 217 GW 145 CW 142. I am 5' 4.5"
    I am just over 41 weeks from surgery and hit my goal at 39 weeks. I could not be more thrilled.

    I have definitly had my struggles. I still struggle with head hunger and eating if I am not hungry. If i find myself trying to munch too much I make myself go do something to distract me and I grab some fluids. I drink a lot of crystal light. I was a big water drinker before, but it seems to bother me some now, not sure why.

    My goal now is to continue the good lifestyle changes I have made and to continue with more. I have been working out 3 days a week but I would like to add to that to hit 10k steps each day on my fitbit. I have a desk job so somedays I really struggle with getting steps in and I only hit my goal the days I work out. That is why I would like to start getting more steps on the days I don't work out.

    I am eating about 1200 calories a day as I try and figure out what maintenance looks like for me. I have never hit my goal weight in the past so this part is very new to me. I love getting to review everyone's food diaries for ideas.
  • ruqayyahsmum
    ruqayyahsmum Posts: 1,514 Member
    Mandy_1982 wrote: »
    Oh I forgot! As for a reward, I really want to get a Fitbit or similar fitness device. 50 pounds lost is what I'm striving for to be able to get it. I need to work hard for my reward! :smile:

    I got a fitbit charge hr for christmas (i was given a different brand that malfunctioned on day 2 and was replaced twice before i decided to upgrade to fitbit)

    I love it, definitely motivates me to move more, i join in challanges to push more (currently dying on my *kitten* trying to keep up with the big walkers)

    For me though it doesnt track other activities so well
    If i run round my garden it logs me as being on an elliptical so either fitbits screwy or i have a real odd running gait
  • fit_chickx
    fit_chickx Posts: 571 Member
    garber6th wrote: »
    Hello everyone :-) I had VSG surgery almost 4 years ago. For the most part, I really had no troubles and everything was great for a while but my weight did creep back up because I went down a slippery slope. I gained back about 30 lbs of the 200+ lbs I lost and have been chipping away at it by getting back to the basics that I know work. I was hard on myself for the regain but I realized that overall, I still kept off a LOT of weight and my health in general is amazing. My doctors and surgeon are both super happy with my success, but I will be happier when I am back down to where I was before the regain.

    One thing that has helped me with the mental aspect of weight loss is that I started therapy a year before I even considered surgery. I knew that if I didn't get my head right, I wouldn't get my health right. I am glad I did that because losing a couple hundred lbs can be amazing but also overwhelming, especially for a woman. It was a challenging adjustment to say the least. I still see my therapist to keep myself in check and it really does help. I know that I didn't get to almost 400 lbs because I had everything under control, so I believe in taking care of my mental health is an important part of everything I have been doing to take care of my physical health.

    My company has a wellness program that I participate in so I have monthly goals that I set with my coach and that really helps. My goals right now are to do cardio 5 times a week, strength training 3 times a week, and to make sure I weigh myself at least twice a month. I don't usually reward myself for reaching goals, to me reaching them is reward enough, but I did decide that when I lose the 30 lbs I regained, I am going to get a new tattoo :-)

    Good to hear from you, You are going to get this last 30 pounds. If you can lose 200 lbs what's 30lbs?

    Many people are afraid to get therapy / counselling with weight loss issues. Glad you shared your experience with it.
  • rll22
    rll22 Posts: 39 Member
    I am here also, I read a lot of post but don't post a lot. I have have finally decided to do something about my weight before I hit 400 lbs! It's a whole lifestyle change and I am doing well so far. I mean I still have major food cravings and I'm not perfect all the time but who is? I just remind myself that I'm not doing all this work just to throw it away by one bad meal! I have realized that my serving sizes were outta control and I now get full after a normal serving size. (That never happened before!)
    I haven't had surgery yet, hopefully by October but might be as late as December. I've lost almost 23lbs so far (since my first weigh in with my surgeon). I hope to loose another 25+ by October. My long term goal is to loose over 150lbs. As a reward I haven't really thought about that other than the reward will be I can be more active (I love nature would love to actually go hiking and not have to take a ton of breaks or not even start because I know I can't do a 4 mile hike right now) and since I am and avid nature/wildlife photographer maybe my reward for loosing 100lbs will be a new landscape lens?! I am always looking for friends who are going through the same thing to help each other out.
  • rll22
    rll22 Posts: 39 Member
    I'm here. I'm pre-op but have lost around 35 pounds. My doctor's office has been slow submitting all my records to the bariatric surgeon's office to get insurance approval. I'm hoping surgery will happen by October. My goal is to lose 100 pounds. The doc wants me exercising a hour a day, and that has been a struggle. Using this app keeps my calories at around 1,200 a day. I'm excited for surgery and just want to get this process rolling a little faster.

    Looks like we might have surgery at the same time! I too am looking to get the process moving! I might be approved for end of September or October but my insurance might also not approve until November or December, but I'm hoping for October. I've been able to stay within the calorie goal of 1370 (to get the amount of protein, carbs, and fat that my Dr wants) but the exercising thing has been my main challenge! I really should say lack of exercise!!! It's hot where I live and I don't tolerate the heat well, I've tried walking at night (9pm and still 90 degrees) but it is hard to convince myself to get up of the couch to do it!!
    Good job on your weight loss so far!!
    You can add me as a friend if you would like!
  • rll22
    rll22 Posts: 39 Member
    edited July 2017
    My rewards are clothes. Since my body is changing so quickly I tend to get new to me clothes to save $$ but when I hit a milestone I buy something nice. I haven't decided on an end goal reward just yet. [/quote]

    I think this will probably be might short term reward as well!! I will need new clothes, I wear baggy clothes to begin with (I don't like tight fitting clothes!!) so a few of my shorts are already sliding down! It's a good thing but big girl clothes are expensive!