

  • Krysless2
    Krysless2 Posts: 1,985 Member
    @AB0215 hey Ash, just a heads up the weights are a little off in excel. I went ahead in entered my week 1 results but since it shows me having a 20% loss. I figured I ought to tell you something’s amiss lol
  • cmhubbard92
    cmhubbard92 Posts: 5,032 Member
    @Krysless2 I was just about to come and say the same thing. I just noticed that some of the weights are off. @AB0215 For mine, it's referencing the week 3 weigh in for January (although I wish my gain was a loss this week!) Hopefully it's an easy fix!
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    @AB0215 I am going to pile on some more spreadsheet inaccuracies; sorry.

    The Big Butt Theory

    @maryc11 (Saturday) should have a starting weigh of 191.0.
    @ForLangston (Friday) is missing from the spreadsheet. Her starting weight should be 254.6 and her February week #1 weigh-in should be 260.0.
    My starting weight should be 191.8.

  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    edited February 2022
    HASWLRS wrote: »
    @AB0215 I am going to pile on some more spreadsheet inaccuracies; sorry.

    The Big Butt Theory

    @maryc11 (Saturday) should have a starting weigh of 191.0.
    @ForLangston (Friday) is missing from the spreadsheet. Her starting weight should be 254.6 and her February week #1 weigh-in should be 260.0.
    My starting weight should be 191.8.


    You guys can actually correct any starting weights without hurting anything and all I do is go back to the last month and double check but it happens a lot when weights are entered after I copy them over for context because what I actually do is manually copy over the entire column and then add new members and it seems like no matter when I do it, weights always seem to change after I copy them over, which is fine but for context that's a lot of times why that happens.
  • Krysless2
    Krysless2 Posts: 1,985 Member
    So we can change the starting weight without messing anything up? What about adding back people who go missing?
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    Krysless2 wrote: »
    So we can change the starting weight without messing anything up? What about adding back people who go missing?

    @Krysless2 Adding people back is a little more complicated and they normally go missing for missing weights, and because of the way that they're removed, they are generally still there just in a different place, so adding them back is a little different and actually can mess up formulas.

    But if you're just adjusting a starting weight, one the month has begun, I change those to fixed values instead of formulas so they can be sorted, so changing those values won't have an effect on any formulas.
  • Krysless2
    Krysless2 Posts: 1,985 Member
    Ok thank you! So it sounds like we can correct a starting weight after the month has begun without screwing up the spreadsheet. Moving forward, do we need to let you know once we correct it?
  • DaffyGirl88
    DaffyGirl88 Posts: 4,706 Member
    Good morning all! Could someone please post the link to February so that us peons can see it?? Thanks ever so. :)
  • cmhubbard92
    cmhubbard92 Posts: 5,032 Member
    @DaffyGirl88 the February spreadsheet is there on the main page listed under February. It just happens to say January still :wink:
  • DaffyGirl88
    DaffyGirl88 Posts: 4,706 Member
    @DaffyGirl88 the February spreadsheet is there on the main page listed under February. It just happens to say January still :wink:

    HA! Well that explains it, thanks @cmhubbard92 :)
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    edited February 2022

    Week 1 Results

    One day I'll understand how the days get away from me, but that day is not today.

  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member

    So I am probably going to post the results today instead of waiting because it otherwise complicates the new month and from what I can see we do have a lot of TBBT missing weights, which means you'll probably end up just editing the starting weights when they decide to post them because I'm just not editing the ending since they were late anyway as they're due at midnight Sat.

  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member

    I've come to the realization that I have reached a point where I can't do it all and I need to do something for myself and with that being said I need to spend less time on this challenge. So what I've decided to try doing is only doing the higher level functions and not getting so involved in the day to day functions, so I will do the week endings, and the month beginnings/endings but I just can't do the captain's duties anymore like enter weights or keep up with daily postings/team challenges.

    This has been a really difficult decision for me to make as I really believe in this challenge and I want it to continue so I feel like I can still take care of the things that I know how to do while not investing so much time and going through all the teams with a fine tooth comb and messing up because after a while I try to go too fast and I end up making too many mistakes because my time is much more limited these days and I really need to take some time and get myself back on track because these last 10 months have been particularly difficult for me and I need to spend more time on taking care of myself and that has to be a priority for me right now.

    So with that being said, if it's easier for the Captains, I'll create the spreadsheets for the daily posts that I've made in the past, but that is the extent of what I'm able to give at this time. I can't keep track of the weights or daily tallys or even make the winner's circle postings, I'm just spread too thin right now and I really need to help myself before I can keep helping others.

    This has been a really difficult decision. Please let me know if you have any questions.
  • gjaholy33
    gjaholy33 Posts: 2,626 Member
    AB0215 wrote: »

    I've come to the realization that I have reached a point where I can't do it all and I need to do something for myself and with that being said I need to spend less time on this challenge. So what I've decided to try doing is only doing the higher level functions and not getting so involved in the day to day functions, so I will do the week endings, and the month beginnings/endings but I just can't do the captain's duties anymore like enter weights or keep up with daily postings/team challenges.

    This has been a really difficult decision for me to make as I really believe in this challenge and I want it to continue so I feel like I can still take care of the things that I know how to do while not investing so much time and going through all the teams with a fine tooth comb and messing up because after a while I try to go too fast and I end up making too many mistakes because my time is much more limited these days and I really need to take some time and get myself back on track because these last 10 months have been particularly difficult for me and I need to spend more time on taking care of myself and that has to be a priority for me right now.

    So with that being said, if it's easier for the Captains, I'll create the spreadsheets for the daily posts that I've made in the past, but that is the extent of what I'm able to give at this time. I can't keep track of the weights or daily tallys or even make the winner's circle postings, I'm just spread too thin right now and I really need to help myself before I can keep helping others.

    This has been a really difficult decision. Please let me know if you have any questions.

    Totally understandable and know better than anyone that on a journey of getting healthy self-care is very important. So I'll try to step up to the plate by setting reminders so I'll be on top of things.
    ***If you don't mind emailing me the template that you use for the spreadsheets and the Winner's circle for each week. I can pick up the slack for Team Slimsons.
  • DaffyGirl88
    DaffyGirl88 Posts: 4,706 Member
    @AB0215 @cmhubbard92 @Krysless2 I'm happy to help out with TBBT in any way that I can.
  • Krysless2
    Krysless2 Posts: 1,985 Member
    edited March 2022
    Thanks @DaffyGirl88 if you could be TBBTs cocaptain you could help me enter weights while @HASWLRS is away.

    We’ll just need Ashley to add you as co-captain and give you access to edit the Google sheet. Right now I’m entering weights for TBBT and BellyFlats and starting to track MUAC for both. If you’re taking care of TBBTs weights, maybe I’ll be less likely to make a mistake (there’s still a chance

    Let me know if that’s ok, then I’ll start nagging Ashley on the other side. 😇
  • DaffyGirl88
    DaffyGirl88 Posts: 4,706 Member
    Krysless2 wrote: »
    Thanks @DaffyGirl88 if you could be TBBTs cocaptain you could help me enter weights while @HASWLRS is away.

    We’ll just need Ashley to add you as co-captain and give you access to edit the Google sheet. Right now I’m entering weights for TBBT and BellyFlats and starting to track MUAC for both. If you’re taking care of TBBTs weights, maybe I’ll be less likely to make a mistake (there’s still a chance

    Let me know if that’s ok, then I’ll start nagging Ashley on the other side. 😇

    @Krysless2 That works! And if you put the SS somewhere public I can help enter MUAC also. I'm on the computer 10 hours a day M-Th, might as well make myself useful. :)