Daily check in



  • MommaBeare
    MommaBeare Posts: 49 Member
    Check In Day 17, Wednesday September 13, 2017

    @kathyNKCSD that was really thoughtful and it touched my heart.

    My biggest problem was that I never quit or know when to not over due it. I was raised in sports and it was if you're not passed out, you can still play... so to force myself to not do anything or to do something without giving it every ounce of my energy, has been very humbling and yet, rewarding. I literally tore my acl at 43 playing soccer and I tried to pop my knee back into place and keep playing... SO.. Patience and listening to my body has become my no1 goal. Thanks for those kind words.

    Last day on rest, tomorrow, back at the gym.
    The high protein doesn't make me very hungry, but did want those chocolate fat bombs because I was too lazy to making anything else.

    Measurement day is tomorrow and we'll see what we'll see...

    Let's do this! Next week is my push week. I have these 4 pounds to get me into a different "weight zone" lol I hadn't been there since 1995. My first son, I gained 72 pounds and 40 of it in the last 3 months.... I'm now at the mark in age where I have to say I've been overweight more than I have healthy... I'm changing that.
  • lschreiber78
    lschreiber78 Posts: 17 Member
    You go Michelle! I'm so inspired by your whole recovery and learning about yourself. You are truly doing amazing keep up the good work!
  • intotennis
    intotennis Posts: 183 Member
    Check in – Day 17 Wednesday

    Completed P90X3 – Warrior, did better then last time but the plant/sphinx kill me! Played tennis doubles for 90 mins, excellent points & lots of fun!

    Note: The scale is not moving as much as I'd like so I took my measurements, the were all the same but my waist is 1/2" down. I was disappointed at 1st, then told myself "it took years to put the weight on so, it will take a little time to get it off". I'm Pushing Forward!!!!

    Kbranch – the cooler air is on the way! Keep killing those workouts, you rock!

    Kathy – you are not lazy! You get plenty of exerciser , great job on preparing your meals!

    Mommabeare – Kathy & lschrieber said it best! slow, strong and steady momma! You’re doing great, listen to your body and it will reward you! Nice work on staying up with your vitamins, I get my Vit D the natural way, on the tennis court. :) Good luck on your weigh in day!

    Day 4 – week 14

  • lschreiber78
    lschreiber78 Posts: 17 Member
    Hi everyone!! I played singles this morning! Sweat a lot! Felt good! Good for exercise and my game! I took a break from my Pilates today. Man I've been very sore, but I already feel stronger. I did gymnastics in younger days and felt so strong! Hoping this will help me feel like that again. But after two C sections I'm not sure how to rebuild those muscles..,

    Made good choices today. Getting used to making salads. If I add nuts to it I seem to enjoy it more. I've been cutting out lots of sugar too. I've lost 7 pounds so far! Very exciting to me. Slowly, but surely. I miss my wine though, I keep saving it for another night
  • kathyNKCSD
    kathyNKCSD Posts: 88 Member
    Worked out at home and played tennis today. Felt good burning calories. Did ok on calories but not that great on healthy choices. I have to find a healthy snack that will satisfy me when I think I'm hungry.
    lschreiber - 7 pounds! that's awesome, I need to eat more salads too.
    intotennis - completing the P90X each day is making you stronger. Muscle weighs more than fat so be patient with the scale
    daily 4, weekly 13
  • kbranch75
    kbranch75 Posts: 80 Member
    Hey gang, I ate fewer calories than normal today but for quite a few days in a row, my sugar craving is really bad. Could be stress. Work is a little stressful right now. I did practice singles which was pitiful. So I adjusted the calories down do like 400 or so. I can tell my body is tired. Working out everyday and cardio too, several rest days are needed. My muscles are tired. Otherwise I feel fine and sleeping okay too. We all need to ensure we get the best nights sleep as possible. Cortisol will sneak up and stay put in your middle. Stress and not sleeping will elevate levels.

    Lisa S, Ms Navy, Ms Intotennis, Naomi and CC and others are doing so well. How does everyone feel? All of you have put in so much hard work! It inspires me. So thank u. I also love hearing about the weight loss Shawna, Lisa and Sheri have achieved so far. Way to go. I apologize if I missed a kudos. It's late!

    D4, W16
    Week 3
  • intotennis
    intotennis Posts: 183 Member
    Check in – Day 18 Thursday

    Had a tennis clinic for 90 mins, lots of fun! Was scheduled to do P90X3 – CVX but, it’s super core workout and my lower back is still tweaked a little so I did P90X Chest, shoulders and triceps, it was so good to lift some weights with Tony again but, very hard washing my hair after, lol
    Nutrition – Great day, ate pretty clean.

    The scale was nice this morning, I saw a number I haven’t see in years!!!! So I’m pretty happy with that, still a long way to go but, I’ll get there!!!

    Day 4 – weekly 18

    Lschreiber – Love playing tennis, super cardio & fun! I had two C sections too so just do your best and forget the rest, plus you look great! Cutting out sugar is hugh, and awesome job on the 7 lbs! Plan a treat day, maybe one that you had lots of exercise and enjoy a glass of wine, you deserve it!

    Kathy – You’re moving and grooving so it’s all good, you and I will both get there with better choices, how about celery sticks with hummus? Or Shrimp cocktail with out the sauce, lol P90X is pretty awesome and I know I’ll get there and thank you .

    Kbranch – Fewer calories is great and stay strong on those cravings they’ll be a thing of the past very soon, make sure you’re getting plenty of healthy carbs to keep you going during your extreme workout days. Maybe switch up your macros to 40/40/20? Plus, I can’t see you being “pitiful” at anything, I’m sure you did great just as you’re doing here; you inspire us right back. :)

    Keep pushing forward ladies!!!!
  • shawna_25
    shawna_25 Posts: 84 Member
    Woo! Congrats on tipping the scale @intotennis !! Great to hear that your super hard work is paying off!!

    Last couple days have been great nutrition-wise, but just okay with keeping active. Water intake has been horrible, oops. Been super duper busy with work so I've decided to commit to 10K steps/day until things calm down a bit. Still feeling great though!
  • kathyNKCSD
    kathyNKCSD Posts: 88 Member
    Checking in today with achy legs but enjoyed some fun activities of tennis, bowling, and golf today. Also ate well today. Keeping busy sure helps with that. And I have definitely drank more than enough water today. Been low on my protein so thanks for the shrimp tip. Love celery sticks but actually have never had hummus. I suppose that's better than ranch dressing for you. Congrats on your weigh in today intotennis. Know that will continue with your dedication to working out each day. Way to stay conscious of your nutrition everyone. Tomorrow is going to be a resting day for my body so I am going to really focus on nutrition and water.
    daily 4, weekly 17
  • kbranch75
    kbranch75 Posts: 80 Member
    Hi gang. I did a light workout by walking my dog around the neighborhood. I also made an extra effort walking around at work. I work at a very large office complex which takes up over 125 acres. I knew I didn't have a ton of calories to spare today but I was so busy with work I didn't have time to eat much and had enough food to space into the late afternoon so I would not pig out at dinner. I was under goal just enough which I contributed to keeping my mind off food. I should not eat most of my calories in the evening. Hard to break out of the cycle. I also need to be more mindful of portions. I remembered what Naomi's trick was when it came to cravings, drink water, then i take a bite and drink more. Feeling satiated takes about 20 min. Worked last two days.

    Great job ladies on several weight loss posts.
    Kathy, your an active lady! I also love how you're open to new foods. Obviously the old foods got us all here.
    My tennis ladies- always proud of u.
    Shawna, my weight lifters, CrazyChicken and others. You're doing just fine. More good days than not, that's all u need to have long term success.

    D4, W20
    Week 3
  • lschreiber78
    lschreiber78 Posts: 17 Member
    Good job everyone! Intotennis good work on the lifting!!! Kim, good idea to walk more at work to get extra steps! I came homecstarving after a late night at tennis! I had an apple with a bit of pb abd a small cup of cottage cheese. Much better than some old habits! Planning a girls night tomorrow with wine and apps and a movie so I plan to eat really clean the rest of the day!
  • jorange88
    jorange88 Posts: 36 Member
    Hi all, this week has been up and down on nutrition and exercise. I have battled with feelings of quitting and giving up. But that won't happen. Seeing how everyone is putting in hard work motivates me to keep going.
    This morning I completed a light cardio exercise. I are a big breakfast so I will eat light the rest of the day.
  • kathyNKCSD
    kathyNKCSD Posts: 88 Member
    jorange - glad to hear that you are not giving up because we all need you to stay with us. I have ups and downs too but I know with the support of this group I will get back on track. And actually your downs are probably not as bad as you think they are or as they used to be before we were making a conscious effort at being healthier.
    lschreiber - proud of your food choice after late night tennis. Way to go!! Enjoy your girls night out and have fun without going overboard.
    kbranch - 125 acres? Do you work in the Pentagon???? Keep drinking that water!

    Been running around today yet not really doing anything. Gonna try to get to the fitness center later. Had a salad for lunch that was delicious! I'll check in later.
  • intotennis
    intotennis Posts: 183 Member
    Check in – Day 19 Friday

    Tennis for 1 hr then P90X3 – agility felt stronger on some of the moves, yeah!
    Nutrition: Good! I’m starting to feel the change and not wanting junk so much.

    Shawna – Nutrition is the most important part of this journey, abs were made in the kitchen, so do your best and forget the rest, plus those 10k step will greatly help! You’re doing awesome!

    Kathy – What? You played tennis, bowling and golf today?? Holy Moly! Thanks for the encouragement, and if you like salty Greek style taste, try Mediterranean or Garlic, those or some of my favorites hummus. (maybe I can bring you some to sample,lol). You’re doing great!

    Kbranch – I’m like you, I want to eat most of my calories at mid afternoon or night, so glad the “trick” is helping, I’ll have to try it! It’s definitely a win/win! You’re a rock-star!!!

    Lschreiber – Congrats on changing old habits, it’s hard to do!!! Enjoy that girls night, you’ve eared it!

    Jorange – Hang in there, you’ve got this!!! We all have days that are going to be really hard! Just keep pushing forward! When I stumble or fall, I try to remind myself of all the good that’s come so far and I don’t want to lose it. You are doing amazing, as kbranch said “More good days than not, that’s all you need to have long term success”

    Keep pushing forward ladies!!!!

    Day 4 – weekly 22
  • kathyNKCSD
    kathyNKCSD Posts: 88 Member
    OK I got myself over to the fitness center today and used the elliptical for 35 min. and then did 4 of the leg machines. It was fun! I am under on my calorie count today and not even hungry. The water really does fill you up. I will try to get by the rest of this evening without falling under the temptation to snack. Looking forward to playing some singles tennis tomorrow. Tomorrow evening at the RH Johnson new pool they are having a free concert by a group that will be playing Beach Boy songs from 6 to 9 pm if anyone wants to enjoy a great time and it's free.

    daily 4, weekly 21
  • kbranch75
    kbranch75 Posts: 80 Member
    Good evening. I had two lighter working out days. Walking. Tomorrow I'm running in a 5k for charity. I was over my calorie goal. I'm pretty sure I haven't been over in a while. I was way over as I finally indulged in a Mexican food meal tonight. It wasn't huge and it could have been worse, but it was still 900 calories or so. I had plain salmon for lunch on a salad and that had more calories than usual too ( 7 oz is about 350) but a healthy fat. Since I gave my joints a rest with intense cardio, I'm ready to kick it into high gear. But next week I wont have time to exercise Monday and Tuesday as I'm in an all day conference across town then dinners scheduled afterwards both nights. So all I can do is be mindful of the food and water intake.

    I was 2.4lb down from last Friday so I let it go tonight. I feel bloated right now and super full. Kinda guilty.

    Good for you "Intotennis" for feeling stronger! That's awesome. You deserve it. You are doing fantastic with food and exercise! I'm so proud of you and the other ladies here who are putting up a tough fight.

    Kathy, Shawna, Lisa, Naomi, Jorange, Michelle, Gi and CC - thanks for the inspiration you've all given me. Be proud of yourselves! I'm proud of u!

  • intotennis
    intotennis Posts: 183 Member
    Check in - Day 20 Saturday

    Played tennis singles for over 2 hrs, I lost 4-6 & 4-6, played I tiebreaker and I won 10-8, super fun points!!! Completed P90X3 Isometrix so great day!
    Nutrtion: Good, have a hot date tonight but, will keep an eye on portions.

    Kathy – You are killing it so good to hear you’re getting plenty of water, that’s where I need to push it some. Enjoy your concert tonight!

    Kbranch – Running a 5k took care of that Mexican food plus you probably needed the extra carbs so don’t feel gulty, you’re killing it! Congrats on the 2.4 bls down too!

    Can not say enough how encouraging and motivating it is to have you all with this challenge group, keep up the great work ladies!!!!

    * As some of you might of noticed: kahty, kbranch(Bam), lschreiber, Mommabeare, Naomisds & crazychicken all play tennis out of the same tennis facility. Most of us are on the same team and we still love the one’s that are not, lol I played tennis against Kathy today, held my own so happy about that!

    Day 3 – Weekly 23
  • MommaBeare
    MommaBeare Posts: 49 Member
    Check In- Day 20 Saturday September 16th

    I ran as hard as I could yesterday, so hips and knees paid for the sprints I did: I ran for .75 miles straight, which is slowly increasing without pushing it. I then decided to try some sprints after a total of 20 minutes running and 10 minutes walking. I worked 30 second sprints at 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0, 10.0 mph. I was checking my heart rate and to see if I could still do it.

    I had mini corn tortillas which I normally would NOT have, but husband thought he was being nice by making me lunch and 'healthy'..

    I also wanted to make sure I am in control of my diet, drinks, and that I have self control. Husband poured me a large glass of wine, I put the nutrition in my diary and told myself, that I have to learn the balance and not to deprive, it only makes me want it more, plus... It's been a log time and have walked by the bottle long enough. I know it will take me out of ketosis and start me back on the carb burn, but I remember if I do more than 30 carbs, I need to make sure I work out the next day.

    You guys are doing great! Lisa 10 pounds wow! KB, great job running, I didn't appreciate your time pre mile until I almost made my 1 mile and was at a 14 minute pace... Great job! I told myself I was going to sign up for a 5k after I was cleared by surgeon and before I was 12 weeks... Now I'm inspired.
  • lschreiber78
    lschreiber78 Posts: 17 Member
    Hi! I haven't lost 10... I'm at 7.5 right now, which is awesome for me!!! I had a girls night last night so I had some yummy food, couple glasses of wine, but I did choose to get beef skewers to fill up less on carbs. I did have a small portion of movie popcorn too! But i ate a salad for lunch that day and egg for breakfast so I prepped. Today I played tennis, ate well and even made shrimp and chicken with a ton of veggies for dinner! I talked my family out of a drive thru. I'm really learning how to balance! And plan ahead. I'm feeling stronger, happier and in control! I love reading about your triumphs and struggles because life is real and it's not about starving or only eating healthy, but having a balance and protecting yourself from your own weakness.
    Have a nice Saturday!

  • kbranch75
    kbranch75 Posts: 80 Member
    Hi ladies. Thanks for the shout outs. I completed the 5k in 22 minutes, which is in the high 7min mile pace. I don't think I've run that fast since who knows when. But there was a bunch of people, so you get a faster pace. I had a mild headache all day. It was hot. I was under my goal, ate well and in control. I had pancakes but a tiny bit of butter and sugar free syrup, very little. Everything else in check. I may run tomorrow morning.
    I didn't have any cravings except I just wanted food. Drank a bunch of water.

    The tennis ladies are real champs. I love all of u guys and the others not partaking in our challenge just the same. The non tennis ladies are just as fabulous. I know in my heart everyone is doing the best they can. That's all we can ask.

    It's tough but we're tougher!

    Week 3