Daily check in



  • intotennis
    intotennis Posts: 183 Member
    Check in – Day 9 & Day 10

    Completed P90X3 – Warrior and had our 1st team tennis match so, no check in. The team won, so yeah!
    Nutrition – was a good day

    Completed P90X3 – Yoga and played 2 hrs tennis singles but, we stopped and talked a lot so probably played 1 hr and something, lol

    Have another team match tonight so I apoligze for the short post! Will try to catch up later!
    Welcome to the group Naomids and welcome back giglqueen!

    You all are kicking butt, Just remember to do your best and forget the rest!!!!! Keep pushing forward!!!
  • jorange88
    jorange88 Posts: 36 Member
    @intotennis good luck in the match
    Today was a rest day. I was still able to stay under calorie goal
  • MommaBeare
    MommaBeare Posts: 49 Member
    Week 2 Day 3
    Check In:
    I walked the mutts for 1/2 miles, they're annoying! We have a TON of rabbits on the base and it's murder keeping a beagle focused when he gets the damn rabbit scent! The the blue healer wants to go heard all the birds, like ADHD DOGS!
    Hit the gym, beat my .50 mile straight and hit 1.0 today, was shocked, it was a slow 4.0, but I don't care.. stamina is building and I finished with 10% incline at 3.2 for 20 minutes before hitting the free weights. I am still trying to deal with the lightheadedness when standing and just at odd times. It'll pass, just have to give it time.

    I made the most incredible Keto pizza! Calorie girls, it's not for you! Crust was made with chicken, parmesan, and egg OMG!
    then topped with Brie, sautéed mushrooms, and sirloin.... HOOOCHIE MAMA!

    I'm pretty darn sure that scale is going to give me the big finger in the morning, but I'll answer back at the gym.

    Welcome back @giglqueen ! I hope you feel better
    @shawna_25 I feel you on the Lazy day ;)
    @Naomisdis Howdy!


    TOMORROW! I promise to be a good girl and get back to my proper fat/protein ratios. BUT THAT PIZZA WAS SOOOOOOOOOOOOO damn good and I don't do pizza very often.
  • kbranch75
    kbranch75 Posts: 80 Member
    Good evening. Had half of an avocado on toast (healthy double fiber low carb bread) at 7:30, then at 10:30 had my homemade pumpkin protein shake I made with organic pumpkin purée, unsweetened vanilla almond milk and soy protein powder I pick up at sprouts. Was invited to lunch. Ordered fajitas "dry" (no oil or butter) on the meat and just ate the grilled chicken, salsa and guacamole. No chips or cheese. Worked out 35 strength, 40 elliptical. Ate homemade ground chicken meatballs I baked last night, brown rice, boiled beets and a nectarine.

    Hats off to Lisa S and all of the tennis fanatics, and to the power walkers today. Special shout to Shawna, great job! Kathy, drink more water!!!

    When you folks go out to eat, and order meat, grilled, baked (salmon, steak, chicken, shrimp etc), ask for it "DRY". Some places usually add clarified butter on the top before they bring it out for added flavor and juiciness. Especially on steak. Go plain/dry or ask for it on the side so you can monitor.

    D4, W16
  • kathyNKCSD
    kathyNKCSD Posts: 88 Member
    Dang just lost everything I wrote in my post and have to start all over.
    kbranch - you are the beast on nutritious and healthy foods and they even sound tasty. Keep sending those food suggestions. I might try one or two!!!
    mommabeare - you are such an inspiration. Keep it up. Love your dog stories, gotta love those 4 legged friends.
    Everyone is doing great on staying under calorie count!! I actually find using the calorie counter on here is easy and really makes me think before eating those unnecessary snacks that have no nutritional value.
    Had a league tennis match tonight and had tons of fun while working off calories. Gee I love tennis. I stayed under calories and loads of water today. Gonna keep pushing forward!
    daily 4, weekly 15
  • Naomisds
    Naomisds Posts: 59 Member
    @shawna_25 What a great day! Love all the activity!

    I went a little overboard on some smoked sausage today, but came in only 87 calories over my goal due to playing some doubles tennis. I want to be under my goal, though, so no more smoked sausage!
  • jperdomo79
    jperdomo79 Posts: 59 Member
    Daily Check In Day 9:

    Here in South Florida and getting ready to evacuate due to Hurricane Irma. My family and I are truly concerned with this massive storm.
  • intotennis
    intotennis Posts: 183 Member
    Went to bed late but woke up way to early so I guess it’s a good time to catch up!

    Avoid & jperdomo - I used to live in Florida so I don’t miss the hurricanes, still have family in Orlando area, this one could be bad, stay safe and keep in touch!

    Kbranch – You’re doing great, tough match! I think it’s safe to say food is all of our nemesis, excellent job for killing it the following day, great suggestion on eating out!

    Lschreiber – Good for you to find a way to workout and super job on nutrition choices!

    Naomisds – Welcome to the group! You’re moving and grooving and you’ll get the nutrition part too! Keep kicking butt!

    Kathynk – Great job on logging before eating and keep up the water intake, it does the body good!

    Shawna - Just my opinion but, eating healthy isn’t a big deal if you go over on your calories once in a while.

    Giglqueen – I’m so happy the computer gods have let you in!!!! Welcome back! Going out of town and/or holidays are the hardest times to keep on track, sounds like you did awesome! Good luck with the Chiro!

    Shawn – Exceptional day, great example to follow!!!

    Mommabeare – You are a rock star!! Slow, strong and steady wins the race!!! Give yourself time to heal, you are doing amazing!! The pizza sounds awesome but, not on my menu, I’ll have some once I reach my goal, lol PS: Don’t worry about that scale, it’s very fickle!

    Keep up the great job ladies!!!! :)
  • lschreiber78
    lschreiber78 Posts: 17 Member
    Wow! Way to stay motivated!!
  • lschreiber78
    lschreiber78 Posts: 17 Member
    Naomisds wrote: »
    OK, so I'm doing my daily check in for the first time. Other than yesterday when I let myself enjoy the holiday, I've been doing pretty well with food (still came in under calories goal due to playing singles tennis in the morning). I've also been doing well on exercise, but need to take it a bit easy for a few days due to a sore heel. I might have to take up bike riding for a non-impact exercise. Great job so far, everyone, and keep up the good work!

    Good job Naomi! One day at a time! I had a sore heel for three weeks and the elliptical didn't seem to hurt my heel. Good luck.
  • lschreiber78
    lschreiber78 Posts: 17 Member
    Hey everyone, glad to see everyone's working hard. I don't have Tennis scheduled today so I'm doing my elliptical and did a Pilates video. I highly recommend BoHo beautiful videos that you can find on YouTube. The girl does Pilates, yoga, just fitness too. They have really good food ideas. I'm really enjoying those videos and feel like they're really help me with my strength. So far so good eating today and trying to plan a healthy dinner that pleases my children too.
  • intotennis
    intotennis Posts: 183 Member
    Check in - Day 11

    Checking in early, making an airport run this evening.

    Played 2 hrs tennis doubles, really competitive so got a great sweat going! Tweaked my back a little so didn't do P90X3, it was CVX which is major core workout. Went to the chiro yesterday and will do some stretching instead.
    Nutrition: So far so good :)


    I thought about posting this and decided I would share my thoughts. Don't let Friends or Family get you off track!!

    **I went out to dinner with my hubby and I had in my head what I would order (good choices) Once there, my hubby said oh, look they have the wine you like. I wasn't planning on having wine but, I took the opening and ordered a glass (I forgot to tell him what was in my head,lol) I only had one and stayed under my calories but, I didn't stick to "MY" plan.

    **I wear a HRM on my upper arm to see how many calories I burn. I was talking with a friend and mentioned it said I burned 1,600 playing tennis and she laughed & said ya right! I know she didn't mean anything by it but, it really bummed me out and I thought why should I use one? After thinking about it; I will continue to use a HRM, I know it's only an estimate, I don't eat my workout calories back so it really doesn't matter what the number is, I just like to see I'm burning something. It helps me and keeps me motivated!

    So whatever the situation, friends or family, they mean well but, don't let them get you off track, stay strong, stay on "your" course and keep pushing forward.

    You all are doing amazing, keep kicking butt!!!! :)

    Day 3 - Weekly 11
  • MommaBeare
    MommaBeare Posts: 49 Member
    Check In Week 2 Day 4

    Walked the dogs, ADHD was not as bad today, they did well. *side note* saw the BIGGEST fire ants... WOW!
    Hit the gym and used a new app called LFconnect and created a program for the treadmill. I did the walk run walk and walk with 15% incline. It allowed me to set up the intervals and it was very effective. This way I didn't have to manual try to push button and it gave me proper breaks and pushed me. Check it out if you do treadmill (you literally scan the bar and it puts your program on your treadmill, ALSO downloads it to your fitbit and myfitnesspal).

    Got in the weights, still being shy about arm weights, but am slowly adding them in, started with seated rows and every lower body machine.

    Lunch was out at Native Grill: I got the Lunch chicken/salad. I got my chicken grilled and naked (just oil, salt, pepper, grilled) and the house salad with no dressing, just evoo)
    **called corporate officer to ask about calories on their chicken wings*** 1200-1600 calories for 6 wings with topping... ARE YOU KIDDING ME???? WOW!

    @into You're still the rockstar and inspiration. I cannot wait to see you and your results...soon
    @lschreiber78 you look good already,but everyone can use some muscle and toning :) I might have to check out those videos when I can get on the floor and get physical. I love pilates, boy does it work your body.
    @jperdomo79 BE SAFE, this challenge can wait! You and your family are by far more important, just try to make smart choices for you and your family. Keep us updated. I used to live on the pan handle.

    Not very hungry today, must've been that awesome pizza from yesterday. Scale was very kind

    I will fess up, I'm going to be breaking my plan on Sunday.. opening day REDSKINS! Beer will be my guilty pleasure and it will ruin my ketosis, but it will be my one day.. I will hit the gym twice as hard to make sure I at least burn those calories since my body will shift to calorie mode and not protein. I'm going to venture a guess and say I'll have 3, because after 3 I'm pretty sure I'll be drunk and falling asleep :) GO REDSKINS!!!!!!!! (this is what happens when you haven't had alcohol in 2 months)

    PTS 12
  • crazychicken2017
    crazychicken2017 Posts: 33 Member
    edited September 2017
    Checking in!!! Last few days have been so so for me. Ate too much and felt guilty
  • kathyNKCSD
    kathyNKCSD Posts: 88 Member
    Played some fun tennis doubles this morning with formidable opponents. Burned calories and drank lots of fluids. First week of league bowling and my scores showed it. Well I was consistent at least, 157, 154, 155. Did well on breakfast and lunch. Supper was grilled chicken and mozzarella ravioli. Good but I think I had too much. I feel stuffed. Or just maybe my stomach is shrinking. Oh let it be!!!
    crazychicken - you got this girl. Start fresh tomorrow and plan your foods ahead of time.
    mommabeare - I love a good cold beer also so I know you just have to once in awhile. Enjoy the game and great job on your workout today.
    lschreiber - thanks for the tip on the youtube videos. I'll be sure to check them out.

    daily 4, weekly 19
  • kbranch75
    kbranch75 Posts: 80 Member
    I'm tired. I had to kill myself at the gym because I ate some, not all of a cherry fritter. I also have a luncheon at Chili's again. Chose the margarita chicken on the lite menu, no rice sub broccoli, grilled chicken dry and half portion of black beans. No chips. Ton of water and a huge cup to go. Dinner ate 3 helpings of steamed spinach, 3 meatballs I made, 1 tbs hummus and walnuts.
    I cannot sit all day next to cheese blueberry danish (called a Krinkle) and donuts.

    I see some folks have been beating themselves up with food guilt. It's a marathon not a race. It's a long term, slow, lifestyle change and it's okay. Just try not to run too many bad days together and tomorrow just try to be good. Don't get down on yourself or you could getinto a vicious cycle and not love yourself.

    Kathy, coming over for dinner.
    Crazy chicken, I feel tomorrow will be super successful.
    Intotennis, do your own thing.
    Lisa making time and alternative workouts to change it up. That's cool.
    MommaB, I don't think I can finish 3 beers after two months on the wagon. Let us know.
    Naomi, I like sausage too. B)

    Finish strong on Friday.

    D4, W20
  • shawna_25
    shawna_25 Posts: 84 Member
    @intotennis I LOVE the "staying on track" advice. I think it's very important to be prepared for people to laugh at or not 100% agree with our fitness journeys. I had a similar experience while at work today. We held a potluck event and I decided to continue prepping and pre-logging my meals because it's been working for me. I was laughed at by co-workers (including my boss!) for doing this. Ugh! I was called "crazy" for counting calories. Crazy, how?! Anyway, I'm over it. They can all eat my dust 3 months from now. And of course it's possible to burn 1600 calories after 2 hours of TENNIS! Anyway, good on you :)

    Day 11: Nutrition was superb, and stayed under calorie goal. Also hit my water goal. No gym today, just a 35 min walk after work to reach 10K steps for the day. My Fitbit just virtually high-fived me for being active every day this week. Yay! That was easy lol
  • kbranch75
    kbranch75 Posts: 80 Member
    Nice post Shawna! <3
  • Naomisds
    Naomisds Posts: 59 Member
    Way to go everyone who is continuing to work toward a better you! I did better today after taking it easy on the sausage and came in under my calorie goal. Getting a doubles win helped, too! Now I have singles practice to look forward to tomorrow!
  • kathyNKCSD
    kathyNKCSD Posts: 88 Member
    Ate lunch out today but instead of the bacon cheeseburger that was highly recommended I went with the chicken cranberry salad. I confess though that I did have a slice of the homemade pumpernickel bread. Low workout day today but my body needs a day of rest too. Hope everyone's day is going well and even if it's not as good as you think it should be or could be there is at least something that went right today. Celebrate that!!!!