Mini Goal Challenge - Week of Sept 25th to Oct 1st



  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    edited September 2017
    I finally got in some house work last night!! ;);)

    Goals week of 9/25/17:
    1) WW blue dot days - 3/6
    2) vegetables – 2/4
    3) No fast food - 3/6
    4) No junk food – 3/6
    5) 10 min housework 2 days - 1/2 (de-clutter)
    * F, Sa, S, M (no check in -)


  • cjsacto
    cjsacto Posts: 1,421 Member
    @IsMollyReallyHungry Thanks for the encouragement!

    @clicketykeys I like a reasonable bedtime as a goal, I'd copy you but I just don't think I could do it.

    Goals for week of 9/25:
    - 4 days with exercise
    - Increase iron intake
    - No added sugars or sugar substitutes (except 1 tbsp molasses)
    - 2L water per day

    Exercise: 4/7 walked to & from work today. It's only a mile one way but I usually come up with an excuse to drive.
    Iron: 4/7, over 100%
    No Addded Sugar: 3/7, none today
    Water: 3/7, got to 2L today
  • goldthistime
    goldthistime Posts: 3,214 Member
    @forestrose910 Congrats on getting that workout in.
    @clicketykeys Could you change up your routine so that you do one day a week at home with free weights? I've done workouts in my regular clothes and in pajamas. Not getting changed and not driving to they gym save me time.
    @corinasue1143 Those are great goals. Congrats on your win and super win!
    @IsMollyReallyHungry Kudos for getting housework done. Bet it feels good. I've got to get some done around here too.
    @cjsacto Great job walking to and from work, and especially in meeting your iron goals. We went out and bought blackstrap molasses and have been putting it in our smoothies and salad dressings!

    Here's my goals update:
    1) Eat all meals at the kitchen table 5/7
    2) Eat my meals at a reasonable pace 3/7
    3) Review calendar and prep, 5 times per week 3/5
    4) Consider/journal ways daily to lounge less and get more accomplished 3/7

    In terms of eating my meals at a reasonable pace, it was easy when I sat all comfy on the couch in front of the tv. I've taken to cheating a little by eating at the kitchen table but turning on the tv still.

    I have a feeling that this idea of trying to be more prepared for things will never get moved off my goal list. It's challenging for me. Luckily I'm seeing so much success in other areas that my self esteem is intact :blush: .
  • Wiseinwellness
    Wiseinwellness Posts: 1,072 Member
    @cjsacto - in my family there is an inability to absorb iron because of gluten intolerance. Once we figured this out - a bunch of us didn't have to take supplements anymore! However, it is best to get tested for this when you are eating gluten still....

  • Wiseinwellness
    Wiseinwellness Posts: 1,072 Member
    I have been tracking fairly well on my goals this week. Did a pilates class last night and happy about this.

    1) meditate (2/3)
    2) no kitchenette snacking - none so far! (4/5)
    3) reduce caffeine from 3 to 2 cups daily - DONE!!! I am now down to 2 cups - slight headache but ok now
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    edited September 2017
    Happy Friday!!

    Goals week of 9/25/17:
    1) WW blue dot days - 4/6
    2) vegetables – 4/4
    3) No fast food - 4/6
    4) No junk food – 4/6
    5) 10 min housework 2 days - 1/2 (de-clutter)
    * Sa, S, M (no check in -)


  • cjsacto
    cjsacto Posts: 1,421 Member
    @torontojulie Interesting. I've never had a problem with gluten far as I know but it's worth asking my doctor about.

    Goals for week of 9/25:
    - 4 days with exercise
    - Increase iron intake
    - No added sugars or sugar substitutes (except 1 tbsp molasses)
    - 2L water per day

    Exercise: 5/7 walked to & from work today
    Iron: 5/7, over 100%
    No Addded Sugar: 4/7, none today
    Water: 4/7
  • corinasue1143
    corinasue1143 Posts: 7,464 Member

    1. Take snacks to the gym to eat on the way home.
    2. Pre-plan meals for heavy exercise days with extra food and calories
    That's it! These 2 have been very hard for me. Gotta work hard to conquer them.

    Monday - fail
    Tuesday - ate 2 of the 3 snacks on the way home, but didn't go really crazy.
    Had 3 possible meal plans for both lunch and dinner-- in case first one didn't sound good
    At the time. Ate least healthy of the 3 lunches, good dinner. I call this day a super win!
    Wednesday - no exercise
    Thursday - ate the biggest snack on the way home. Good meals. Another win!
    Friday - no formal exercise
    Saturday - no formal exercise planned. On my way to Farmers market to buy only
    Healthy foods, get some informal exercise.

  • Wiseinwellness
    Wiseinwellness Posts: 1,072 Member
    It's Saturday morning! What a great little group we have here. I am reading and benefiting from your insights, so please keep posting!

    Molly - You are doing awesome! I love this idea of focusing the weekly goals on the stuff that needs to be worked on the most - so like you, I was thinking I would only focus on those extra bites I take, that take me over. The meals I know how to handle. So good for you shining a light on no fast or junk food. Good strategy!

    Paulette - hang in there! The fact that you are close to your step count means you are striving towards it, paying attention. I hope you get that workout in. Progress not perfection :-)

    @Goldthistime - I love your reasonable eating pace cooking teacher always tells us it takes 20 minutes to register that you are full so slow down! I watched with fascination as two of my tennis friends ate their dinner once - they put their fork and knife down between most of their bites. I ate my meal at twice their pace. But they are significantly slimmer than I am LOL. Another interesting thing is one eats pizza and ribs with knife and fork. That really slows things down. Good luck with this goal - it's worth pursuing!

    @cjsacto - Awesome job with walking to work to build your exercise into your day. I am a perfect distance from my work to do this as well, and find that when I do, I can easily hit my 10,000 step goal each day. Recently I have been coming home for lunch. When I do this, I eat smartly, get more exercise and save my lunch money. It's a bit rushed but what a payoff!

    @coriansue1143 - Sounds like your smart planning is paying off! Keep it up - you're doing great.

    @Clicketykeys - finishing at 9:30pm - I relate to this comment about feeling like you're choosing between fitness goals and life. Hopefully these new habits we are working on will get more built into our lives so that they are part of our "dominant logic" (i.e. we don't have to think about them because they are automated) Trying to transition to new habits is definitely time consuming as all get out. That's what I like about mini-goals. If you break it down, and work on a few until they are part of your unconscious actions, then you can move on to the next one and build from there. Good luck!!
  • Wiseinwellness
    Wiseinwellness Posts: 1,072 Member
    My mini goals for this week

    1) Meditate - 3/3 - my goal is to get back to my daily meditations each and every morning for 15 minutes on Headspace. I find I am very calm and centered if this is how I start my day.

    2) No snacking - On Friday I caved. Had more snacks than I should have. Something about Fridays that I tend to sabotage myself. Will have to take better care on this day.

    3) Reduce caffeine - I am down to 2 cups a day. I plan to reduce to 1 cup a day. This is also because I want to feel more calm. I'm not sure if I'm ready to give it up 100% yet, but I will consider it.

    I am going to go back to tracking as I have not been able to lose the weight I had hoped for recently. I will also be off work for a couple of weeks, and I always look after myself a lot better when I don't have to devote 40 hours of my week to something else!

    See you next week!
  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    @torontojulie I tend to be really bad with habits. I have a med that I've been taking regularly for several years and I still have to be reminded to take it a lot of the time. Ditto brushing teeth and really anything else that isn't a biological imperative like sleep and food or obviously visible like wearing clothes! But I think it'll be easier to work out at home now. Mostly I was relying on the gym for cardio because it's been soooo hot out and our house is small. And I did weights cuz I was there anyway so why not?

    Also my second job will be 12 hrs a week instead of 20 in October and then it'll close until April so that will help as well.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Hello Warriors!! I am loving the posts! I am all caught up now. No time yesterday at work and end of the month too at work, Just what I need to read and meditate on after breakfast. Good stuff!

    Yesterday with it being month end I had to be strong with the junk but I was good indeed and very selective! I had one steak taco and about 4 cups of organic popcorn that I eat already so I do not consider it junk. I had the urge to get those chips and I fought it hard. I kept fighting it until the end of day. I was not even hungry but I was wanting that bag of chips that I already know the points for. So I calculated my points and found out if I ate the chips I would be over so that was that, I was not going over my points. I drunk some water, left work and had my dinner. All week was pretty easy with junk. Yesterday was a challenge, but because of my mini goal, I fought the fine fight and won. Tonight I have a dance to go to and my goal is to mingle and socialize more than eat. It is a grand affair. It has a chocolate fountain.... the works! I will be mindful but I will enjoy food and friends :smiley:

    Have a great weekend!!! :smile: B) I hope to check in tomorrow but if not I will see you on Monday!

    Goals week of 9/25/17:
    1) WW blue dot days - 5/6
    2) vegetables – 5/4
    3) No fast food - 5/6
    4) No junk food – 5/6
    5) 10 min housework 2 days - 1/2 (de-clutter)
    * S, M (no check in -)


  • cjsacto
    cjsacto Posts: 1,421 Member
    Goals for week of 9/25:
    - 4 days with exercise
    - Increase iron intake
    - No added sugars or sugar substitutes (except 1 tbsp molasses)
    - 2L water per day

    Exercise: 6/7 had to walk outside for about an hour for work (it was *hot*) and also did a short jog.
    Iron: 6/7, over 100%
    No Addded Sugar: 5/7, none today
    Water: 5/7
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member

    Goals week of 9/25/17:
    1) WW blue dot days - 5/6
    2) vegetables – 6/4 :smiley:
    3) No fast food - 6/6 :smile:
    4) No junk food – 6/6 :smile:
    5) 10 min housework 2 days - 1/2 (de-clutter)
    * M (no check in -)


  • cjsacto
    cjsacto Posts: 1,421 Member
    Goals for week of 9/25:
    - 4 days with exercise
    - Increase iron intake
    - No added sugars or sugar substitutes (except 1 tbsp molasses)
    - 2L water per day

    Exercise: 7/7 led a two-hour nature walk at work, slow pace but it counts. Some days my exercise has been jogging for 15 minute, not as long as we should exercise but it feels like a workout to me.
    Iron: 7/7, over 100%
    No Addded Sugar: 6/7, none today though I made a small dessert with dates. I don't count whole foods that have sugar as "added sugar" but of course I can't have more than one serving (2 dates).
    Water: 6/7

    Thanks to everyone for an encouraging, positive group. I'm looking forward to the next one.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member

    Goals week of 9/25/17:
    1) WW blue dot days - 5/6 :)
    2) vegetables – 7/4 :smiley::):)
    3) No fast food - 7/6 :smile: :):)
    4) No junk food – 7/6 :smile: :):)
    5) 10 min housework 2 days - 1/2 (de-clutter)
    I checked in everyday! :D


  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    edited October 2017
    Happy Monday Everyone! The new thread is up!!!

    Good week!! See you on the new thread and thanks for awesome support!! You all rocked last week! :smiley:

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