Week 1 Daily Exercise, Weekly Challenge, Chat, and Discussion



  • Fyreside
    Fyreside Posts: 444 Member
    edited October 2017
    Sounds like a great session in the park Mango. I have to admit I stopped watching news a few years ago. I know living in my own little bubble isn't ideal. But when I hear something is happening and take a look, I think sometimes it's for the best. My heart goes out to everyone involved in yesterdays tragedy.

    21000+ steps in a day is awesome meat. Nice one.

    Oregonrunner, the cafe by the water does sound great. Unfortunately I just retired my fitbit in favor of a Garmin unit, so I've left the fitbit community behind. But I did find this place. :)

    Hey mmamabear, not sure if you have tried coke zero, and I know flavors do vary from one country to another, but for my money it tastes ever so close to original recipe. I decided a while ago I'd much rather have a zero than nothing. And now I keep some in the fridge.

    cnavarro, I've been wondering about the double logging thing myself. After lots of reading I am confident that MFP working with one of the brand name trackers will not double up on steps + logged workouts. So I'm logging my workout with my garmin HR thingy and trusting the software to sort it out.

    Well, I'm going to make this my daily checkin post as well. Everything is on track, but if I'm honest I've hit the first little wall.. Only a week in from when I ramped up my efforts too. Thinking my tracker was being overly optimisitc I changed my activity class setting and boom.. my calorie burn estimates went from thousands to hundreds. I'm sure it's closer to the truth now. But I was still like Awwwww Dangit.. About the same time I started battling some superpowered food cravings and to top it off, my daily weigh showed an upward spike of about 2kg :neutral: Which I know has to be liquid retention.. But still. It all conspired to take the wind out of my sails a bit lol.

    Reading about everyone's progress has been really helpful and so I've dug into my reserves of motivation a little to stay the course. Hoping to settle into a sensible rhythm that doesn't require too much grind for the next few weeks.
    My daily exercise targets have been met and I'm well on track for todays calorie target. But I need to get to sleep earlier because that late night snack fairy is evil.

    Edit: I've done an extra 15min cardio session Mon and Tues, I'm hoping that can count towards Sun just gone.
  • ccrdragon
    ccrdragon Posts: 3,370 Member
    Did not get exercise in yesterday - work deadlines and all that nonsense - will get a walk in today. Did complete my diary for the first time in forever and was well under calories for the day. I plan on taking a walk today at lunch to get away from my desk for awhile.

    Question for the group - does it count as exercise if I spent the day Sunday removing furniture and putting new furniture in it's place (as well as deep cleaning the areas where the old furniture was)? We replaced our living room set and spent the day taking care of that - I got over 5000 steps for the day and never left the house!
  • OregonRunner5
    OregonRunner5 Posts: 404 Member
    I woke up two hours early yesterday and fit in the exercise :D I had my husband turn on the radio really loud when he got up so I would start rocking out and forget to go back to sleep. Well, the hack worked. I got in some light Yoga, Aerobics and a run. I could have done better on the food.

    My calves are super sore today. I'm walking around all stiff and weird today and can't hardly sit (the toilet is so painful!! omg - lol).

    So what's going on with everyone today? what's the headspace and gossip?

  • MmamabearR
    MmamabearR Posts: 234 Member
    I had a long day yesterday and only was able to do 43 mins of workout. But I got in 5.6 miles. I wanted to get at least another 15, but I'll take it. Tonight is another night.

    @Fyreside Thanks for the suggestion, but nothing tastes like the original in my opinio. I have tried Coke Zero and it reminds me a lot of the Coke they tried introducing in the 80s. Not for me, thank you, but I'm good. I actually like the sparkling Dasani's - Lemon or Lime are delicious.

    Alrighty, I only have time for a quick post. perhaps more later
  • MmamabearR
    MmamabearR Posts: 234 Member
    BTW @OregonRunner5 that whole scene you painted sounds awesome!
  • meat513
    meat513 Posts: 258 Member
    I have completed my food and exercise, I've walked 4.1 miles with a total of 11,318 steps. Thanks for the comments y'all. We are doing such a good job!!
  • burly_man308
    burly_man308 Posts: 93 Member
    Awesome job fitness warriors. So happy to see people posting and interacting and keeping their discipline about themselves. I got back on track today big time, up early, got a 1.75 mile run in and then walked for a total of 55 minutes of cardio, 3.25 miles total. Completed my food log, under calorie count. Not the food that I want to eat, but finally got to the grocery store this afternoon and got my clean food again. Got some exciting news today that I'll share later, but it kept me bust all day and I couldn't log on and check up.

    Keep up the great work, keep logging your food, keep getting your exercise in, keep believing, keep grinding, keep your discipline and keep moving forward!!
  • burly_man308
    burly_man308 Posts: 93 Member
    Fyreside, my fitbit said that I did enough exercise to earn an extra 2100 calories today. I don't buy that, cause being honest, my daily allowance from MyFitnessPal is 2300 calories. I just don't believe that I "earned" a whole day's worth of calories to consume on top of what I am supposed to consume per day. In the past, when I had the most success, I tried to stay about 100 calories under what MyFitnessPal told me I was allowed, and took the calories burned as "icing on the cake", just extra fat burned away. So I wouldn't worry too much about the extra calories that they say you're allowed, just focus on your calories for the day and any calories earned from exercise, just see it as a quicker way to get to your goals.

    Keep up the effort Fyreside. This is when some of that darkness sets in. You're a week in, and here is where your body is going to say, "It's easier to rest today than go for that walk or run. It would taste so good to have that late night snack." Hold the line my friend. Grab onto that "why" you mentioned and vanquish that darkness. Face it head on and reinforce to yourself that you are stronger than it, and you have great thing to accomplish. I believe in you. We believe in you. Looking forward to your next update my friend.
  • Fyreside
    Fyreside Posts: 444 Member
    Thanks Burly. I have been getting a bit carried away with the numbers. And I'm going to do as you have suggested.. Just focus on eating a bit under the suggested amount and let anything on top be a bonus burn. Yesterday I really indulged the eating room suggested by my extra burn and I know in my heart I ate way more than I needed to.
    So yes, its the old keep it simple thing..

    FWIW I think I speak for the group when I say thanks for putting together this challenge. I've already done one of my 2 15min cardio sessions this morning and I darn sure wouldn't have done it without the challenge goal. :)

    @ccrdragon Personally I say if it gets you up and moving and feels like exercise, count it. For me, a day of no exercise is literally sitting down working on the computer or similar.
  • explodingmango
    explodingmango Posts: 171 Member
    Well, my off day continues into a second off day...luckily not entirely of the derailing variety. On the down side, I ate more than I wanted to - not because I lost control, but because I was so disoriented I lost track of what day it was - but my whole losing track of time issue of the day continued at the gym. Decided to do a couple of the classes that I can take for free with membership...the next thing I knew I'd spent almost 3 hours there with nearly no breaks. I was so out of it that the amount of time I was spending there just completely failed to register to me.

    Made up for the extra food, at least.

    Spent the first 20 minutes on the treadmill - planned to make it longer so I was going at a slower pace than usual (but then I changed my mind and decided to get a little bit of work on the weights in before the first class started). In all, I went a little under 2 miles running.

    And, tomorrow I have no choice but to force-reset myself - I have a math test.
  • ccrdragon
    ccrdragon Posts: 3,370 Member
    Completed my food and was under for the day, didn't get my walk in at lunch - hate it when work gets in the way of fitness! Today is a new day, so reset and start again.
  • Fyreside
    Fyreside Posts: 444 Member
    My Daily checkin for Wednesday.
    Everything is going to plan.. Getting my exercise done and ticking all the calorie boxes. Starting to look more closely at the quality of food I'm getting my calories from.

    Something for the group.. Of our 11 members we seem to have left a couple behind. Part of me says just leave them be it's their journey. The other part thinks if I was stuck at the starting line, I'd be happy if someone came back and said hey, come on mate, jump in. Thoughts?
  • burly_man308
    burly_man308 Posts: 93 Member
    Let's pull people along as much as we can, but like you said, it's their journey, and we can only encourage from a digital platform. It's up to each person to take the necessary effort to achieve their goals. Let's be as supportive as we can and pull people with us.
  • explodingmango
    explodingmango Posts: 171 Member
    Agreed on that - at the end of the day, we can be as encouraging as we want, but some people aren't going to respond as well as they'd anticipated they would. It's a sad fact of life - especially on platforms like this, where a lot of people are looking for encouragement because their conscious minds are ready for change, but their executive functions are not. Plus with so much falling apart in the world right as things started, I can't blame anyone who might be thrown off - I did not exactly intend to have a two-day battle with severe stress sickness caused by narrowly avoiding being next to if not involved in the Vegas incident after all.

    Speaking of the stress sickness, I'm happy to report that a little of it was clinging on as I was waking up, but it finally seems to have passed. Just in time for me to finish my training strong for my race on Saturday! Probably stronger than expected, now that I know after last night just how long I can go if I'm not paying attention to time.

    I'm not even sore this morning, is the truly amazing thing.
  • corinasue1143
    corinasue1143 Posts: 7,467 Member
    Agree ccrdragon, moving furniture is weight lifting, stretching, cardio all rolled into one.
  • corinasue1143
    corinasue1143 Posts: 7,467 Member
    Swam 2 hours yesterday, ate goal calories + 1/3 exercise calories, as planned. Struggled with snacks, not completely healthy. Walked from the car to the gym. That seems to be the only walking I am motivated to do. Hip hop today. Swimming makes me hungry for 2-3 days. Other exercise doesn't. Why?
  • burly_man308
    burly_man308 Posts: 93 Member
    I believe that swimming uses your entire body in an exercise and therefore you burn more calories. Just my opinion, not exactly sure why. But great job , maintain that focus and discipline and keep moving forward.
  • MmamabearR
    MmamabearR Posts: 234 Member
    I'm having a very off week. I'm not getting near the amount of workout time I usually get, but at least I'm keeping under my calorie goal. Today I'll only be able to get in a quick 15 workout at lunch. This afternoon is going to be busy, busy, and I won't have any time. I'm also dedicating my time at work to getting in as many steps as I can.

    I tried to weigh out for my healthy wage challenge and I made it to 206.6, but the video I was making to verify my weight was too dark and out of focus. By the time I rearranged for a better angle, my weight had gone up to 207.4! AUGH!!!! I have tomorrow morning and Friday morning left otherwise I lose this challenge.
  • MmamabearR
    MmamabearR Posts: 234 Member
    I feel great! Just did a 15 min workout. Which reminded me I wanted to share the workouts I have been doing for the past two months. Jessica Smith is a personal trainer from Miami. I found her on YouTube and I bought one of her DVDs for $15 on Amazon. It's called Walk On: 6 Mile Mix. Each workout is supposed to be like walking for 1 mile and last between 12-15 minutes. Her channel on YouTube has tons of other great workouts. She really focuses on overall health. The workout I did today is from her fitness website, https://jessicasmith.fitness. It's a free 15 minute workout that I try to do every day during my lunch. She has dozens of other DVDs that look great. I also have a YouTube playlist of some of her workouts Jessica Smith - Walk Strong. They are also a great way to get steps in for the day.
  • explodingmango
    explodingmango Posts: 171 Member
    Well, I sucked at the math test - went completely blank on a lot of it - but I'm finally mostly reset. Came back from the test to discover that I'd left my lunch at home...whoops. Got lunch at a local restaurant - usually when I do that, I ask them to box up half of it first, but I forgot to do that; still only ate half of it anyway.

    I can't decide if today should be a rest day and tomorrow I go climbing and do upper body day, or vice versa. Trying to plot out these last three days before the race is...difficult.

    I don't know why I'm so worried about it. The distance is now easy for me, but I really don't expect to be competitive and that's fine with me. But...I do want to do the best I can do...and apparently I want that pretty badly.