Week 1 Daily Exercise, Weekly Challenge, Chat, and Discussion



  • OregonRunner5
    OregonRunner5 Posts: 404 Member
    Yesterday was an off day for me but rallied today and got it in. Yoga > Hip Strength Exercises *takes about 2 minutes* > 30 situps > 20 or so minutes of kick boxing on Daily Burn *took a break to be sick for awhile because that’s just something that regularly occurs for me - ack! * > felt a little better went and ran 3 miles or so. I have a very cheap treadmill and it doesn’t really do distance or speed correctly so I usually set my Garmin but I must have not got it started.

    I’m disabled and uh’ yeah — everyone here sounds way busier than me, my kids are grown so mostly I take care of our cat. I have improved, a few years ago my goal was just to take a shower during the week. I’ll probably rest and nap today and take a walk tonight. I have supper in the crock-pot, chicken and veggies. I wish I could do a lot more and be active like I used to be, but I just hold on and take baby steps.

    @explodingmango What day is your race? I’ll be thinking of you :D Good luck on it.

    @MmamabearR — I like Youtube for videos too, I’ll check out Jessica Smith. I like ‘Yoga With Adriene”
  • meat513
    meat513 Posts: 258 Member
    I've finished my food log and exercise for today 20,386 steps 7.8 miles.. I am in love with this holding me accountable!! It makes me push my butt everyday!! Thanks y'all
  • burly_man308
    burly_man308 Posts: 93 Member
    Awesome job fitness warriors. Looks like everyone is doing well so far. Got my food in but it was under 1200 calories... which is terrible. Not enough food. I'm a teacher and a coach so going through school and then football practice on little food has me exhausted. I did not get my exercise in today.... lots of catch up work to do tomorrow. Keep up the good fight fitness warriors. Until tomorrow... stay strong.
  • corinasue1143
    corinasue1143 Posts: 7,467 Member
    Got to the gym tonight, yoga teacher not there, we had Pilates. I stayed 30 minutes, walked out and rode bike 15 minutes. That's the 3rd class this week the teacher wasn't there. What's going on?
    Finished my diary. Ate goal calories, but no exercise calories. Just not hungry.

    Burly man, I think you're right, at least for me. I go all out in water aerobics, kind of just go through the motions in gym classes, so I probably don't burn near as many calories. You're also right, that's not many calories to get a man through school, kids, and sports. Get a good nights sleep, tomorrow's a new day.

    Oregon runner. You're running! I can't even get motivated to walk. Our gym has a great walking track. Soft, looks over the basketball gym, and there's always a crowd playing, so you can watch them to keep from getting bored.

    Meat. Wow! That's it, just Wow!

    Mamabear. I will check out that YouTube. Maybe I can start small with a few minutes at home, work my way up.

    Ccrdragon. 80% of weight loss is eating, so you did great today. Tomorrow will be even better!

    Exploding mango. You'll do great on your race! Even better because of good planning.

    Fireside. (Auto correct just won't let me do it right) great going!

  • Fyreside
    Fyreside Posts: 444 Member
    Fireside. (Auto correct just won't let me do it right) great going!

    Haha, I wanted Fireside, but someone already pinched it.. :# I use it elsewhere though so I won't notice. :)
    Swimming as far as I know is supposed to be the best aerobic resistance training one can do. Coming into summer here, I plan to hit the pool as often as I can. I need to use some ankle weights to do aqua aerobics because at the moment I float too well to keep my feet on the bottom of the pool lmao.
  • corinasue1143
    corinasue1143 Posts: 7,467 Member
    One of the ladies there was looking for a "large" belt for me. She was so surprised when I grabbed the "small" and said this will work (the amount of buoyancy, not the length of the belt). It doesn't take much to hold me up in deep water.
  • Fyreside
    Fyreside Posts: 444 Member
    Checking in for Thursday. Got my cardio done, and on advice from the cyclists on the forum I tried a new route that is more sensible. Still a good extra workout that cycling. Calories are on target and I'm posting a picture of what I believe to be the single most healthy meal I actually really like to eat. It's a beef bolognese style wholegrain wrap in which I try to hide as much grated carrot as I can lol. I really hate vegetables and am open to suggestions as to other things I can grate and hide in this wrap :) Its 410Calories.
  • ccrdragon
    ccrdragon Posts: 3,370 Member
    Gonna keep this short, finished my diary for yesterday, started putting up Halloween decorations last night, so many trips into the attic to get boxes.

    Will be on the road today, taking my father up to Kansas for his 60 year high school reunion, so not a lot of exercise planned for today - will aim to get some walking in when we get there. Will not have access to a scale till Monday night so will weigh Tuesday morning.

    Everybody is doing great, keep up the good work!
  • cnavarro002
    cnavarro002 Posts: 235 Member
    Hey Fyreside I'm here! I'm seriously read the chain several times a day, and I'm following along. I guess, physically I am nowhere near where most of you are and so it's kind of embarassing to post "Hey I walked over 5000 steps today!" But in the end it's my personal competition, so here I am. Hey I walked 5842 steps yesterday thanks to Mr. Treadmill, which is a huge increase since this challenge - I averaged 3800 last month.

    On a side note, visited Dr. yesterday and am all set for my double knee replacement next month, yikes! He gave me the go-ahead for new exercises and I'm excited to keep improving.
  • OregonRunner5
    OregonRunner5 Posts: 404 Member
    Put in some early morning time in the woods today! It’s really therapuetic. I’m facing up to some food issues I didn’t know I had and it has kinda pulled up stuff from the murkey depths that I guess I normally just left alone. I’ve been running for ten years and I guess I have felt a deep shame I a.) never lost weight and b.) never really got very good at it. c.) I spend the time on myself. Oh’ and worse a lot of times I just go out and look at nature and pay no attention to pace or time. Like today I saw a chipmunk (I love those little guys) and I saw and listened to three wood thrushes.

    I don’t really have any answers but I did note that I didn’t find any perfect trees in the forest but I still love the forest.

  • cnavarro002
    cnavarro002 Posts: 235 Member
    @Oregon, looks like a perfect place to find Bigfoot! On a more serious note, glad you are finally dealing with some of your issues. It helps to find them, acknowledge, and be able to move past. The process isn't easy, but nothing ever worth it is.
  • Fyreside
    Fyreside Posts: 444 Member
    Nothing like mornings in a forest. And that one looks beautiful. Personally I value stopping to smell the roses. Having escaped the rat race myself, I'd not hurry back to a life where I can't make time to do it. My favorite quote, writer unknown. "The best time to plant a tree is 20 year ago. Or today."

    @cnavarro002 Hey, don't be embarrassed about 5842 steps. That's about the same as what I did yesterday. :smile: I think we're all on similar jouneys here. But different paths. Soon you will be out-walking all of us on your brand new knees.

  • meat513
    meat513 Posts: 258 Member
    I finished my exercise and diary for today. I went to the gym, got on that elliptical for 30 minutes and omg y'all someone should have called 911. It was a killer but I enjoyed it!! Steps 21,761. I lifted some weights for my arms!! They need a lot of toning. Good job everyone!!
  • ccrdragon
    ccrdragon Posts: 3,370 Member
    edited October 2017
    Can't close my diary because it says I didn't eat enough today... whatever, I ate to the point of being comfortable so I win vs food! It also helps the I eat low carb, which for me reduces my hunger significantly.

    Anyway, keep moving forward and keep the faith fellow challengers!
  • burly_man308
    burly_man308 Posts: 93 Member
    edited October 2017
    Late evening here. So pumped to see that it seems everyone is doing really well so far. We are competing against each other to make this fun and hold each other accountable but in the end we must remember is you vs you. As long as you improve yourself daily you have nothing to feel ashamed or embarrassed about. And I feel we have all taken steps forward in our fitness journeys and self improvement. Keep the hard work and discipline flowing.

    As for me, the day started great. Got a 2 mile run in this morning and another mile and a half afterwards as a cool down before school. Ate well throughout the day and drank plenty of water. Had practice and a JV football game tonight so my steps were super high today. Over 21,000. But on the not so great side, took a face mask to the shin during the game and now it looks like I have an 8 ball sticking out of my calf... super sensitive even when walking so instead of running tomorrow morning I'm going to concentrate on lifting. Hope the swelling goes down soon.

    Tomorrow I have a varsity game so you might not hear from me after 2 pm EST. Keep progressing, keep growing and improving, keep making gains, and keep moving toward your goals. Until tomorrow fitness warriors.
  • corinasue1143
    corinasue1143 Posts: 7,467 Member
    Did my exercise, finished my diary, calories good.

    Oregon, beautiful forest. Ever consider professional photography?

    Cnavarro, if I ever walk 5000 steps, I'm gonna post it just for you! And my knees are fine.
    I did look up the walking YouTube mama mentioned, bookmarked it. Maybe tomorrow?

    Dragon, how many stairs, how many trips to the attic? Good burn! Have a good trip.
  • Fyreside
    Fyreside Posts: 444 Member
    @burly_man308 Yeowch.. What is it about shins.
  • Fyreside
    Fyreside Posts: 444 Member
    This is my daily entry for Friday. I've been working up to this all week. Today I pushed myself to stretch my 2x15minute workouts into a single 1/2 hr one. Got it done. From the smell of the motor I may have burned more than calories and if I do it again I will not have a cheap treadmill to play with anymore. The poor thing is rated to 100kg.. I'm asking a lot at 135kg lol.
  • ccrdragon
    ccrdragon Posts: 3,370 Member
    Good morning on a lovely Friday! Made it to Kansas and getting ready for the day's activities. Supposed to attend a parade today, but if it keeps raining, that might be a no-go.

    Corinasue - 10 steps up the ladder, 8 boxes down from the attic (1 box per trip). We have a lot of Halloween decorations - almost as many as Christmas.

    Sounds like everyone is making progress, so kerp it up!
  • corinasue1143
    corinasue1143 Posts: 7,467 Member
    Dragon, hope the rain cleared for your parade. We have a big one here Saturday. I won't go cause the crowd is HUGE! Last time I went the parade lasted about 4 hours. I would have gone home, but my car was blocked in until it was over. No more for me, but I will go in the afternoon to see if they still have kolaches.

    I woke up very tired and achy this morning. Too much exercise for this old body, so I will have to cut back some. Calories are over today, but that's ok. Usually when I exercise hard I am hungry that day and the next, so I exercise a little the next day for the extra calories. Will have to rethink that, too.

    Daughter and granddaughter on their way here from Houston. Will probably have some dessert still with them while they eat supper. Am okay with this putting me even further over on calories. Need a break now and then to keep it doable.