Weekly Post - 16.10. - 22.10.2017



  • jknight001
    jknight001 Posts: 745 Member
    Gained .4 lbs this week. Considering my mid-week NLCS Game and BBQ, I wasn't surprised. I am sure next week will be better news.

    So good to see everyone having a decent week. Would be ok if no one was having a decent week. We would commiserate together. However, it is so much fun to be able to give everyone digital high-fives. :smiley:

    @meghan509 - thank you for the hugs and the tips on the cheese. I might try cutting it by a 1/4 cup and see what happens. I know what you mean by pasta. Just a little bit really eats into the daily calorie allotment. No wonder the low carbers lose weight - cut the grains, cut the calories. :lol:

    @Foamroller - thank you too for the well wishes. I don't know who Tim Ferris is but I have a video of his on why we should list our fears rather than our goals that I have been meaning to watch. I think I should get to it!

    @ryenday - Glad things are going well for you. I can tell you are really motivated! You are inspirational.

    @mamainthekitchen - glad you go time to clean your basement. I bet that felt good. I encourage you to return to logging as soon as you can so that the calories don't sneak up and ambush you. :wink:
  • jknight001
    jknight001 Posts: 745 Member
    edited October 2017
    Duplicate! So sorry.
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,555 Member
    So, 364 days until I turn 40. That's a bit startling. I am NOT in any kind of shape, mentally or physically, to not be facing some serious problems in the near future. So, I am resetting my daily counter and my starting date on MFP. And I can't afford a therapist, so, self-help section, here I come!
  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    edited October 2017
    So, 364 days until I turn 40. That's a bit startling. I am NOT in any kind of shape, mentally or physically, to not be facing some serious problems in the near future. So, I am resetting my daily counter and my starting date on MFP. And I can't afford a therapist, so, self-help section, here I come!
    @KateNkognito Well, you have a great sense of humor, that should serve you well!!

    Hey, it sounds like you’ve done you mental inventory! Yay. Now be mindful not to set yourself up for failure - don’t try to tackle everything at once. Pick the biggest challenge, make a reasonable goal related to it this month. Ready, set, go! Really, that might be all that it takes to get things rolling in your desired direction!

    I’m betting you’ve got this!
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,555 Member
    Hey all! It is a beautiful day here! Got my son's science project done. I just did the typing for him, because, seriously, it would have taken him all day to type the one page. Plus I paid bills and set up my student e-mail. Yikes! I can't believe I am going back to school! I will enroll in the next couple of weeks, then start in January. What was that I said about making my life LESS stressful? LOL Maybe I will take up yoga...

    @ryenday Thanks!

    Ok, off to the great outdoors to enjoy the beautiful day! I hope you all had a great weekend and happy fasting this week!
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 2,000 Member
    Happy birthday to you Kate! You are too funny! You will ace 40! You got this!
    So excited for you and school. Awesome!
    Sorry about not checking in yesterday. Got caught up with moving clothes around for the season and shopping, etc.
    One more thing re the pasta recipe @jknight001 if you wanted to save a few calories try reducing the amount of pasta. I did notice there was a lot in the recipe. HTH!
    Got to run and finish up our vegan pea soup for light day dinners this week. Quick check in for now.
    See you guys soon!