Over here !!!



  • Jamie6636
    Jamie6636 Posts: 107 Member
    To see Sagi's story:
    Beachbody on demand. Go to Sagi's BOD exclusives. Then watch the series "the making of a beast" Good stuff!

  • jlburns2005
    jlburns2005 Posts: 331 Member
    Monday- chest and tris and a 4 mile walk with my son ✔
    Tues-leg ✔
    Wed-back and bis ✔
    Thurs-cardio and abs✔
    Fri- shoulders ✔
    Sat- rest
    Sun- chest and tris
    Im going to do chest and tris tommorrow since i work a couple 12 hr shifts this weekend and i do love my sleep in between.
  • KrystinaMTL
    KrystinaMTL Posts: 1,338 Member
    You know what guys ?!?!!

    You know what you did ??

    YOU inspired me so much yesterday by doing the scheduled cardio even though we are all so sore that when I got home after a day at work and a retirement dinner (pizza, lasagna, cesar salad and chocolate cake :naughty: ) I went for it ! Full tummy ! Buurrrrrnnnnnneeedddddd calories and beasted my way pumping hard throught the entire workout !!! WITH YOU ALL IN MIND !!!!! You are in my home gym, in the stands, rooting me on !! It's real !!!!!
    I even walked on the treadmill after just to burn an extra 250 cals off the imposed dinner.

    So yeah.
    Thank you
    To say the least.

    I did't do the abs cause I thought I would do a better job at it if I did them on my rest day.
    That felt right to me.
    Toninght is shoulders
    Bring it !!!

  • KrystinaMTL
    KrystinaMTL Posts: 1,338 Member

    Is this gonna be us come Monday ?

  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    HFM Training Week 9

    Sunday - 4 km steady run
    Monday - rest
    Tuesday - 6 km steady run
    Wednesday - 12 km long run
    Thursday - 4 km hill training, 5x hill of doom
    Friday - 4 km tempo run

    Saturday - rest

    Had a great session with my physio this morning and have added some additional exercise & stretches. As I was discussing on the Melt Aways page, I am off with my family to sleep on the floor of the Royal Ontario Museum tonight. Lots of dinosaurs, medieval costumes, crafts & some karaoke! I had a really tough week due to illness and your amazing energy & works outs have been so vital in keeping me going! Thanks & have a great weekend!
  • KrystinaMTL
    KrystinaMTL Posts: 1,338 Member
    Cafelelia wrote: »
    HFM Training Week 9

    Sunday - 4 km steady run
    Monday - rest
    Tuesday - 6 km steady run
    Wednesday - 12 km long run
    Thursday - 4 km hill training, 5x hill of doom
    Friday - 4 km tempo run

    Saturday - rest

    Had a great session with my physio this morning and have added some additional exercise & stretches. As I was discussing on the Melt Aways page, I am off with my family to sleep on the floor of the Royal Ontario Museum tonight. Lots of dinosaurs, medieval costumes, crafts & some karaoke! I had a really tough week due to illness and your amazing energy & works outs have been so vital in keeping me going! Thanks & have a great weekend!

    That's sounds do fun !!!!!
    Have a great time ! You sure deserve the down time !
  • KrystinaMTL
    KrystinaMTL Posts: 1,338 Member
    • Monday - Build Chest and Tris + 30 mins Netflix Treadmill
    • Tuesday - Build Legs OMG !!!! :warning:
    • Wednesday after work - Build Back and Bis
    • Thursday after work - Rest due to a work thing after work :rage:Nope, Beast Cardio
    • Friday after work - Beast Cardio + Abs. Nope, Beast shoulders
    • Saturday after work - Build shoulders, Nope Chest and Tris
    • Sunday after work - Beast Abs + Rest
  • jlburns2005
    jlburns2005 Posts: 331 Member
    Monday- chest and tris and a 4 mile walk with my son ✔
    Tues-leg ✔
    Wed-back and bis ✔
    Thurs-cardio and abs✔
    Fri- shoulders + 4 mile walk with kids ✔
    Sat- rest
    Sun- chest and tris✔

    Week 1 done yay;) my husband is a few days behind me. Thats ok i think we need a ball and a few more weights to do it together.
  • Jamie6636
    Jamie6636 Posts: 107 Member
    What an awesome week for all of us! Week 1 success!

    Sunday- chest/tris 20 minutes elliptical
    Monday- legs /xStretch
    Tuesday- back/bis/ 20 minutes elliptical
    Wednesday- cardio/abs/ beast abs
    Thursday-shoulders/ 20minute elliptical
    Friday-rest/ 60 minutes elliptical
    Saturday- chest/tri's/ 20 minutes elliptical

    Friday I got in extra cardio because I knew I was going out. Ended up at a buffet so thank god I did that. Hope everyone is having a good weekend!

    @jburns2005 my husband and I also have to go get more weights. I think I would love a bench also but we will see. Anyone have a smart scale that is inexpensive? I would love one that syncs to MFP.

    Week 2

    Sunday-build legs
    Monday- build back/bis
    Tuesday-beast cardio/ abs
    Wednesday- build shoulders
    Friday-Build chest/ tris
    Saturday- Build legs
  • jlburns2005
    jlburns2005 Posts: 331 Member
    We have one bench. Its attached to the boflex my neighbor was going to toss. I love that. We swap off who gets to use it at the moment. I need something for inclines when we are together though.
  • KrystinaMTL
    KrystinaMTL Posts: 1,338 Member
    I use a ball for inclines and it works great. Good for stabilisation too ! And cheap !!
    I am actually thinking about getting the addition to my power block. I have to check it out... on my next days off.

    Yay !!!

    Great week everyone !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Rawwwwgghhhhhhh !!! (Flexing bicep)
  • KrystinaMTL
    KrystinaMTL Posts: 1,338 Member
    • Monday - Build Chest and Tris + 30 mins Netflix Treadmill
    • Tuesday - Build Legs OMG !!!! :warning:
    • Wednesday after work - Build Back and Bis
    • Thursday after work - Rest due to a work thing after work :rage: Nope, Beast Cardio
    • Friday after work - Beast Cardio + Abs. Nope, Beast shoulders
    • Saturday after work - Build shoulders, Nope Chest and Tris
    • Sunday after work - Beast Abs + Rest, Nope probably tomorrow's Legs :# cause I might have to push the rest day to tomorrow for a date :o
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    HFM Training - Week 10

    Sunday - rest
    Monday - 14 km long run
    Tuesday - 5 km steady run
    Wednesday - 5 km, 6x hill of doom
    Thursday - 6 km steady run
    Friday - rest
    Saturday rest, optional restorative yoga class

    Ok Fierce people, I have 8 weeks left in this plan and I need to switch it up! I love running, but have been stressed being on what has become a rigid schedule and am starting to feel burn out. The long runs are getting long & the short runs are getting long! My goal is to finish and have fun, and I want to ensure my back pain continues to ease away. What my mind and body are telling me is to be kinder to myself and have more fun with this. So I am dropping my heaving lifting for arms & core, and also dropping one short run per week. I am adding 20 minutes each evening of physio exercise (which is really yoga & Pilates based strengthening and stretching), and one optional yoga session per week. My husband and I used to start Saturday date nights with a 6 pm restorative class, but that has fallen away in the past year. So we have decided to start up this tradition again! I am feeling confident that I can complete the race, but I want to feel good during the journey towards it!

    Jamie - I purchased the Eufy bodysense smart scale after doing some research. It retails for around $33 in the U.S. It is supposed to be one of the more accurate home smart scales out there. I have been using it only 3 weeks, but it has been a real game changer for me. One of my main concerns with simultaneous weight loss & race training is going too far on the calorie deficit so as to lose muscle mass rather than fat. The Eufy has given me the comfort that what I am doing is working and that my weight lost is fat. I do not think that it syncs with MFP, and have not been using it for that.

    Have a great week everyone!

  • KrystinaMTL
    KrystinaMTL Posts: 1,338 Member
  • KrystinaMTL
    KrystinaMTL Posts: 1,338 Member
    Cafelelia wrote: »
    HFM Training - Week 10

    Sunday - rest
    Monday - 14 km long run
    Tuesday - 5 km steady run
    Wednesday - 5 km, 6x hill of doom
    Thursday - 6 km steady run
    Friday - rest
    Saturday rest, optional restorative yoga class

    Ok Fierce people, I have 8 weeks left in this plan and I need to switch it up! I love running, but have been stressed being on what has become a rigid schedule and am starting to feel burn out. The long runs are getting long & the short runs are getting long! My goal is to finish and have fun, and I want to ensure my back pain continues to ease away. What my mind and body are telling me is to be kinder to myself and have more fun with this. So I am dropping my heaving lifting for arms & core, and also dropping one short run per week. I am adding 20 minutes each evening of physio exercise (which is really yoga & Pilates based strengthening and stretching), and one optional yoga session per week. My husband and I used to start Saturday date nights with a 6 pm restorative class, but that has fallen away in the past year. So we have decided to start up this tradition again! I am feeling confident that I can complete the race, but I want to feel good during the journey towards it!

    Jamie - I purchased the Eufy bodysense smart scale after doing some research. It retails for around $33 in the U.S. It is supposed to be one of the more accurate home smart scales out there. I have been using it only 3 weeks, but it has been a real game changer for me. One of my main concerns with simultaneous weight loss & race training is going too far on the calorie deficit so as to lose muscle mass rather than fat. The Eufy has given me the comfort that what I am doing is working and that my weight lost is fat. I do not think that it syncs with MFP, and have not been using it for that.

    Have a great week everyone!

    I can totally relate and empathize with this post Lisa. When training for an event, I also had those same feelings of “isn’t this supposed to be fun too”...
    We are always right when we listen to our gut, our heart, our soul, call it what you will. Inside, we know.
    Adapting is key. And fun is a Must in my book if we want this to be a lifestyle.
    Right ?

    *Big Canadian hug*
  • KrystinaMTL
    KrystinaMTL Posts: 1,338 Member
    WEEK 2 ! :mrgreen:
    • Monday after work and after the date lol: Last week's Rest Day + Last week's Beast Abs
    • Tuesday morning : Build Back and Bis
    • Wednesday morning : Beast Cardio
    • Thursday morning : Build Shoulders
    • Friday after work : Build Chest and Tris
    • Saturday after work : Rest Day + Beast Abs
    • Sunday morning : Build Legs

    Let's go Fierce people !!!
  • jlburns2005
    jlburns2005 Posts: 331 Member
    Monday- leg + beast abs + 1 mile jog ✔
    Tuesday- Back and bis
    Wednesday- Beast Cardio
    Thursday- Shoulders
    Friday- rest
    Saturday-chest and tris
    Sunday - legs

    I dont know how you do it cafelelia. I jogged 1 mile with my sister and i wanted to die. Its been years for me. I did day one of c25k a few weeks ago. That wasnt bad but today kicked my tush.
  • KrystinaMTL
    KrystinaMTL Posts: 1,338 Member
    Monday- leg + beast abs + 1 mile jog ✔
    Tuesday- Back and bis
    Wednesday- Beast Cardio
    Thursday- Shoulders
    Friday- rest
    Saturday-chest and tris
    Sunday - legs

    I dont know how you do it cafelelia. I jogged 1 mile with my sister and i wanted to die. Its been years for me. I did day one of c25k a few weeks ago. That wasnt bad but today kicked my tush.

    No kidding it kicked your tush ! After LEG DAY !!!!
  • Jamie6636
    Jamie6636 Posts: 107 Member
    I have good news and bad news-

    Bad news is I missed my workout yesterday because I went to see my daughter. My husband and I are going to at some point this week do a double workout. That means it is leg day today.

    Good news is its my bday and I found this at the store yesterday! Yahoo gd01lhgaavk5.jpg
  • Jamie6636
    Jamie6636 Posts: 107 Member
    Cafelelia wrote: »
    HFM Training - Week 10

    Sunday - rest
    Monday - 14 km long run
    Tuesday - 5 km steady run
    Wednesday - 5 km, 6x hill of doom
    Thursday - 6 km steady run
    Friday - rest
    Saturday rest, optional restorative yoga class

    Ok Fierce people, I have 8 weeks left in this plan and I need to switch it up! I love running, but have been stressed being on what has become a rigid schedule and am starting to feel burn out. The long runs are getting long & the short runs are getting long! My goal is to finish and have fun, and I want to ensure my back pain continues to ease away. What my mind and body are telling me is to be kinder to myself and have more fun with this. So I am dropping my heaving lifting for arms & core, and also dropping one short run per week. I am adding 20 minutes each evening of physio exercise (which is really yoga & Pilates based strengthening and stretching), and one optional yoga session per week. My husband and I used to start Saturday date nights with a 6 pm restorative class, but that has fallen away in the past year. So we have decided to start up this tradition again! I am feeling confident that I can complete the race, but I want to feel good during the journey towards it!

    Jamie - I purchased the Eufy bodysense smart scale after doing some research. It retails for around $33 in the U.S. It is supposed to be one of the more accurate home smart scales out there. I have been using it only 3 weeks, but it has been a real game changer for me. One of my main concerns with simultaneous weight loss & race training is going too far on the calorie deficit so as to lose muscle mass rather than fat. The Eufy has given me the comfort that what I am doing is working and that my weight lost is fat. I do not think that it syncs with MFP, and have not been using it for that.

    Have a great week everyone!

    I will definitely look into that scale.

    Take care of your back. Sounds like a great plan!