Instant Pot Recipes



  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    The "mini" mentioned above caught my attention. No way I need another kitchen appliances but I might need the mini. :p
  • fitbit3000
    fitbit3000 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi there, this is my first post to the group.

    I make ricotta with left over whey from Greek yogurt making.

    I then dilute the left over whey from the ricotta making using 1 part whey to 9 parts water and add it to my compost pile and use it in my flower beds and vegetable patch - never had any issue with odours from this.

    Here is a link to a great site....

    It's really easy to make although you will need to have everything super sterile and have a few bits of kit like a thermometer and citric acid.

    I make mine in a fine mesh sieve but the soft cheese forms are quite cheap to buy and you can bulk it out with regular milk if you don't have enough whey to make a batch.
    I make yogurt regularly in my Pressure Pro King...similar to an instant pot here in the UK but it still takes me a while to get enough whey together for a batch of cheese.

    I save the whey in a large jar until I have a few pints and then make up the rest with whole milk.

    I make soy yogurt as well but you can't make ricotta or anything else with the left over whey from that process as far as I know. I check regularly online to see if anyone has come up with a use for soy whey but at the moment just dilute this and add to my compost pile.

    The method on the website looks complicated but believe me...if I can do it...anyone can do it

    Hope that helps
  • fitbit3000
    fitbit3000 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm keeping my slow cooker but considering an instant pot so I appreciate this thread. Will be following.

    Hi there,

    My Pressure Pro King which is like the instant pot doubles as a slow cooker and you can even make jam and bake cakes in it.

    I got rid of the rest of my appliances [Rice cooker, Tefal Jam maker, yogurt maker etc] and now just use the PPK for everything.

    It's a bit big but it is used every day so sits on the counter top and the kitchen actually looks clearer as a lot of the smaller gadgets like my yogurt maker etc have now gone.
    [I make the yogurt overnight so the PPK is ready for use during the day]

    I don't know anyone that has bought one that hasn't fallen in love with it.

    My fave slow cooked meal in it is pork in cider....I pop frozen trimmed pork chops into the PPK and add a few sliced apples, onions, carrots, celery, thyme and salt and pepper. Add a can of dry cider and an equal amount of water then pressure cook for 20 mins..[.If I'm cooking for the other half as well I add some potatoes and cook for 30 mins].

    When it's ready I reheat and add a little cornflour to thicken the sauce and check the seasoning again - I never do this before it's cooked.

    I used to make huge big batches of slow cooked chilli and spaghetti meat sauce and curries and pop these in the freezer but since I've had the PPK I tend to cook smaller batches as it's so quick to do....frees up [freeze up? :)] space in the icebox.
    It's as quick for me to pressure cook a chicken jalfrezi as it is to dig one out of my freezer, defrost and reheat it.

    Hope that helps