Beginning or restarting January 1st 2018



  • silvergirl33
    silvergirl33 Posts: 342 Member
    Magic, I hear/feel your pain. I used to do the same thing when I was working. One thing that has worked for me is Clementines. Somehow, if I eat one of those, it sates my hunger, and it's small enough not to do too much damage till I can get to the real food.

    I'm starting to feel motivated. A old friend of mine, whom I haven't seen in 40 or so years, is coming to Athens in early November on her way to relocation to Florida. That's enough to provide me with a bit of motivation. (I'll take whatever I can get :) ).


    Br: V8, All-Bran Bran Buds, blueberries, banana, skim milk
    Lu: spinach salad with hummus, and Laughing Cow cheese wedge, ak mak crackers
    Sn: pear/skim mozzarella stick
    Di: mixed green salad with Bolthouse dressing, baked chicken with vegetable TBD, Dave's killer thin bread slice, pistachios
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,807 Member
    edited September 2018
    Your menu sounds very good...very SB, Silver.

    I am going to stop at the store on the way home and get the ingredients to make cabbage soup with vegetables. I’m going to have my juices that I make fresh and see if the cabbage soup will help in the in between times!
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,807 Member
    I found it on the Internet seven day diet weight-loss soup wonder soup author divas can cook
  • silvergirl33
    silvergirl33 Posts: 342 Member
    Yesterday did not work out quite as planned. Everything was fine, till at the last minute, my daughter and I decided to order in Chinese food. I got the wonton soup and steamed chicken with broccoli, which was fine, but I also had some of the fried noodles and a fortune cookie. Oh well, progress not perfection.

    Today will be better. My usual breakfast, lunch, and snack, but dinner will be the remaining steamed chicken and broccoli.
  • silvergirl33
    silvergirl33 Posts: 342 Member
    Hi, guys. I hope all is well with you. Things have been quiet on this board. I'm actually doing well, even though I haven't posted. I've gone back to my SB Phase 2 pattern, and I feel better.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    WOW the last weeks have gotten away from me with the new job. I *think* I have a handle on it and am back at it!. Magic: stick with it. do what you know you can do. You got this.
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,807 Member
    edited October 2018
    Hey there ladies! Just had a big birthday...bought a new juicer Kuvings slow wide mouth C7000...arrives today.

    Been watching lots of YouTubes … John Kohler especially. Learning lots from him. LOTS!

    Still gluten free. Found a great GF bread...Canyon Bakehouse. Great products. Does not taste like dust. REALLY GOOD! They carry a two pack at Costco. Only one variety... 7 Grain only. But man, super good.

    What I have discovered in juicing: Prior to getting dx with cancer 6/19/98, I weighed 122 and was juicing daily … mostly carrots and apples...think it was a Braun, actually. Centrifugal

    Now, you do not get as much yield, nor as much nutrition. The heat on the centrifugal messes up the juice.

    With that said, I was really healthy when I was dx. (The juice was still good...just not the best). I mean really. Was not THAT young. 49. Juicers have come a long way since 1998.

    But I was able to withstand the onslaught of chem, radiation, two surgeries. Had Ewings Sarcoma in my left clavicle. Very rare.

    (Just read a top chef dx with same cancer:

    There was absolutely no cancer in our family. I was it.

    I am telling you all this because take care of yourself. I have been reading that carrots and apples are great for fighting cancer. This is way after the fact of my battle. Wow. I think that is what saved my life. Anyway, you just never know. Stay in the best of health. Do whatever it takes...cuz stuff happens and if you have a great immune system and a strong body...well, your odds of surviving are so much better.

    Now, I need to make appointment with my oconolgist today...missed my yearly...she is the one that told me last year (I had not been seen in almost 18 years, long story)...she said, to celebrate go buy yourself another juicer. I had told her about my health before being dx. I thought I wanted to buy a new Keurig to celebrate the good news. She said GET THE JUICER.

    Wishing you all a glorious fall. The weather here in the Valley of the Sun is outstanding. 8 months now of bliss.

    Later, dollies.
  • silvergirl33
    silvergirl33 Posts: 342 Member
    Wow, Magic. Happy birthday! Do see your oncologist--that would be taking care of yourself. We are having lovely weather here in Athens, GA too--cool in the mornings and evenings, warm during the day. It is wonderful for walking the dog.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I love our nutribullet. I go through phases where I absolutely CRAVE a smoothie. Sometimes even for dinner!
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,807 Member
    edited October 2018
    Oncologist appointment next week...she will be so excited to hear I am juicing again.

    Just a check up.

    Today's Plan







    Celery with laughing cow and raisins


    Made my first juices from my new Kuvings C7000 (vertical slow juicer) game changer. Simply amazing. I am in this for life.

    Have a great day!
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I'm a bachelor this week, so meals will be unusually goofy. I'm playing around with lowering carbs a bit *while* eating more plant foods.
    Breakfast: arugula, chicken breast, tomatoes
    lunch: shiritaki noodles with pesto
    dinner: broccoli and something
    snacks: almonds and avocado
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I'm a bachelor this week, so meals will be unusually goofy. I'm playing around with lowering carbs a bit *while* eating more plant foods.
    Breakfast: arugula, chicken breast, tomatoes
    lunch: shiritaki noodles with pesto
    dinner: broccoli and something
    snacks: almonds and avocado

    Almost right. Dinner was a broccoli, kale, almond milk, avocado, and berry smoothie.
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,807 Member
    Hello Friday...yes!


    carrot/apple/ginger/lemon juice

    chicken noodle soup Homemade...rice noodles, GF

    Will be back later...not sure what else.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Exercise: walk to work, Pilates
    Br: hard boiled egg, asparagus
    sn: babybel light
    lu: shiritaki noodles with pesto
    sn: almonds and apple slices
    di: salmon and asparagus
    de: sugar free pudding
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Doing well, keeping on track.
    Exercise today: long walk with the dogs, and an hour of power yoga
    Br: spinach, feta omelete
    sn: nuts
    lu: I think a green smoothie with spinach, berries, flax seeds and almond milk
    sn: radishes
    di: something stir fried with Broccolini.
    de: SF pudding
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,807 Member
    Welcome November!


    Mean Green with Spinach, not Kale

    Stepped up to a Kuvings C7000 masticating game changer. LOVE IT!

    Also, two eggs, Vital Farms! Pasteur raised.

    Canyone Bakehouse Gluten Free bread with Crazy Richard's Peanut Butter and Nature's Hollow apricot jam

    Celery and hummus

    Tea and Popcorn for Bedtime snack

    HAGD Sabine and Silver!
  • silvergirl33
    silvergirl33 Posts: 342 Member
    Hi, Magic, I'm still here. Basically eating the same stuff I've been eating; it's the between-meals stuff I have to cut out. Halloween is always tough, especially if no kids come by. So I gorged, then brought the remaining goodies to my apt. management office just to get them out of the house. With Thanksgiving coming up, I'm just hoping to maintain where I am now. I'll do a real reboot after the holidays. Just don't want to do too much damage.
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,807 Member
    edited November 2018
    Hey there, Silver...that sounds like a great plan.

    I have been juicing a lot this past year...and then since this last April, really upped my game with my new juicer time to step up once more...

    Started a JUICE FAST aka FEAST yesterday...juice only with some chicken stock at night or when things get tough. Should be vegetable stock ...but have not made it yet with the pulp.

    So, for now, Organic Chicken Stock from Costco...they have a six pack. Very satisfying.

    I had never juiced only and really wanted to see if I could do it. I have tried and failed. But am in a few Joe Cross groups on facebook and they are very they talked me through my first day.


    Mean Green

    Mean Green




    Tumeric/Sweet Potato/Orange

    Chicken Stock

    Herbal Teas

  • silvergirl33
    silvergirl33 Posts: 342 Member
    Wow, Magic, I am impressed by your determination and motivation. I haven't got that in me at the moment. How are your knees doing?
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,807 Member
    Wow, Magic, I am impressed by your determination and motivation. I haven't got that in me at the moment. How are your knees doing?

    Juice fast did not last...but I have stopped GF bread, GF rice pasta and popcorn. I just was having too difficult a time on my very long days at work.

    However, I am going to try and juice all day on my days off (Tues - Thur) and have a couple of light salads or a broth and a salad. I just can't seem to find a good vegetable I opt for chicken. NOT thrilled with that choice; although it is tasty from range, organic.

    However, there is a Vietnamese restaurant in my area that makes a vegan Pho. So I will get that WITHOUT THE NOODLES.

    Now, to the most important part of the knees. This way of eating is working for pain and significantly diminished ... along with using CBD pain cream. 1000mg dose in the cream...but it works. I had been in such a state I could not even function.

    Now to just lose the final fifteen.

    Hope you two are doing well...thinking of you Silver during this time...I know it will be difficult...hope you have a good support system. Hugs, kiddo. <3