Recommitting in January!



  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,956 Member
    Donna, the article I read said "Washing your greens is a good idea, but won’t necessarily get rid of dangerous E. coli, which can cling to nooks and crannies in the leaves" ... I always wash my lettuce too. I just figure better safe than sorry until they identify the source and say it's safe again. Glad to hear you were able to play tennis with no pain. Hopefully the new mattress has cured you!

    How goes the juice fast Carla? Glad to hear you are having milder temps.

    Karrie, way to go having things set up for smoothies and oatmeal and the treadmill even during all the stress of moving and renovations!
  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    Thanks. I hit the pantry hard when I got home yesterday, though. I had a brutal headache, and I was starved. I think I need to just start making my own supper as soon as I walk in the door instead of waiting until the whole family eats. At least for the first week or so...

    My headache came on early and was so bad it hurt to walk; each step made my head pound. I went to bed early last night, so hopefully that won't happen again today...

    Wondering about your juice fast too, Carla. How's it going??
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    I made it through the first day of the juice fast! The morning was a breeze, and the afternoon wasn't bad either, but I made the mistake of leaving too much juice to drink at dinner and it did not sit well in my stomach, and my stomach stayed upset for hours. I had a headache come on in the late afternoon and it just kept getting worse. My head was throbbing and the headache was all over my head so my pillow felt like it was full of rocks. This morning it is back to much more bearable levels.

    I can't recall ever having made it through a complete day of fasting, so I'm happy I pushed through and did it! I'm still going strong today, though I can't think about the juices without wanting to gag. It isn't that they are THAT bad, it's just the volume I'm drinking and that there's no solid meals.

    How's your head doing, Karrie? Exciting about the move next week! Hope your open house is a success and that you have decent weather for the move.

    Donna, I did not notice the zucchini in there at all. It was a very small percentage of the juice. Joe is doing the fast with me so the batch we juiced with the zucchini was over 64 oz! It filled my large Vitamix pitcher to the very top (the pitcher was just for pouring it, we juiced and then dumped it in there to mix all of the flavors). Is your hip still doing good now that you have the mattress pad? What a fantastic turn of events, if the mattress was the cause.
  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,021 Member
    Carla, you are doing so well on this juice fast! Have you watched Sick, Fat and Nearly Dead? The people who went on the juice fast had amazing results.

    The hip pain is not near as bad especially after two days straight of tennis and long walks. There is still a hint of pain. Tennis tonight so we will see.

    Karrie keeping fingers crossed for your open house! It will be nice to have all this settled.

    Mihani - how is work going this month? I hope you get caught up.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,956 Member
    Karrie, I hope you made it through the day headache-free.

    Carla, wow that is some strength to power through that kind of headache! Only one more day until you can get back to real food. How is Joe feeling with the juicing?

    Hope your hip continues to feel good Donna. I saw that documentary. I tried juicing but only made it like 2 days before I was in the car going to get some real food lol. I keep thinking I should try it again just for a day or two at a time once every week or two though.

    I'm not quite back to where I want to be with eating, but mostly sticking to my simple plan which doesn't require much prep or cook time on my part. Work is still keeping me hopping. I brought home several files to work on tonight. Oh, and Donna, I haven't been caught up for at least 10 years, but things have been getting worse lately. Seems like I'm always scrambling to meet deadlines and get things done, and I'd rather at least keep things steady and moving along.

  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,021 Member
    Help. I got a message today that my carb intake is too high and protein too low from a MFP friend. I do try for 50 grams of protein a day (the recommended amount and sometimes I am over and some times I am lower. I am taking B12 and a multi vitamin for women over 50. I eat a lot of beans, quinoa, a few eggs a week and about 2 ounces of fish 3-4 times a week plus I went back to a little skim milk in my coffee. I feel great walking dogs, playing tennis and occasionally swimming or cycling.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,956 Member
    I was on my way to bed last night and just posted that link, but to expand a little on my thoughts about macros. If what you are doing is working for you and you are losing weight and feeling good (which you are and doing great!) then I wouldn't worry over macros. I will have to see if I can find the part from In Defense of Food that talks about it, Pollan's take was very interesting. I know it works for a lot of people, but when I started tracking calories and worrying about macros, I stopped losing weight and quit eating as well, and eventually started gaining back.
  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,021 Member
    Thank you Mihani. That is a great site. I had just read that several basketball players have gone vegetarian/vegan and feel they have more energy. In the past I rarely cleaned house, laundry, walked dogs and then played tennis in one day as I did yesterday. I never looked at each macro so much as I look at calories...the main things I weigh and measure are foods high in calories. I think once I develop good habits and it becomes a definite way of life I won't have to be so meticulous.

    Did this happen to any of you? When I go through the grocery store....meats have become repulsive to me. I mean not only no desire but ...yuck. I love looking at bright colored vegetables and fruits. I still have to work at avoiding the bakery dept. We bought two tins of ginger cookies over xmas...I thought Brooks mailed one to his mother....I found it yesterday as I was putting xmas decorations away...I so wanted to open it and dive right in...It would have been bad. Going to mail it today!
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    Donna, I have watched Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead, and now that I'm on day 3 of this juice fast I'm really in awe that they were able to do it for so long. I already miss chewing food! It sounds like this way of eating is working out great for you. You're losing weight and have lots of energy!

    It is funny that so many people worry about our health because of protein deficiency yet they don't worry about our health if we eat a ton of saturated fat and little to no vegetables. You could put a big steak sandwich with mayo and one sad lettuce leaf in your meal plan every day and no one would comment.

    Mihani, I hope you can play catch up this week and feel better about where you're at. Are you going to try to work from home this weekend?

    Day 3 of the juice fast. My headache got worse again last night and it is still hanging around this morning, though it isn't as intense. The worst part of the fast for me is actually drinking the juices. They are a potent brew! It's is interesting how my body is responding. I have not been hungry at all between juices. I'm having 64 oz of juice a day plus water. I am breaking my fast tomorrow morning with a pear, followed by some steel cut oats. I'm really looking forward to that!
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    oh and yes, the meat area doesn't smell good...especially at my grocery store where they have fish that stink up half the store. The other half smells super sweet from the bakery. The longer I go without sugar the more that bakery smells sweet.
  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,021 Member
    "It is funny that so many people worry about our health because of protein deficiency yet they don't worry about our health if we eat a ton of saturated fat and little to no vegetables."

    This! Exactly! I just changed my food diary to monitor saturated fats and sodium instead of all fats and carbs. Maybe people won't be so focused on carbs when they look at my diet. My cholesterol, LDL, triglycerides were all up last year due to sweets, meats, alcohol (Prosecco) and cheese AND LOTS OF GELATO in Italy. I don't know how Italians stay so thin. My numbers were down to high normal after 6-8 weeks on ETL. Nobody was warning me about the dangers of being overweight or having high cholesterol. Now people ask me how I am losing weight and immediately go to low protein banter.

    I turn 60 this year and my father died at age 63 of a heart attack. It is important to me to not only lose weight but be as healthy and strong as I can be.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,956 Member
    edited January 2018
    Glad the headaches aren't so bad Carla. Bet you are looking forward to your oatmeal tomorrow morning!

    I agree with both of you on the concerns about being vegan. I told a friend once that I was tired of being pestered about how unhealthy I have to be not eating meat or dairy. Nobody said a word to me when I still ate meat, and it wasn't so bad even when I was still vegetarian eating lots and lots of cheese and junky stuff, drinking too much, smoking, weighed 220 pounds... all good. When I gave up dairy, went truly plant based, started exercising, lost weight... it was ZOMG!!! That's not healthy!!!

    I will say people didn't seem to think that quitting smoking was so bad lol.

    (edited for typos and to expand a bit)
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,956 Member
    From Michael Pollan's website, not exactly what I was thinking of from the book but the general gist of it...

    In the so-called Western diet, food has been replaced by nutrients, and common sense by confusion. The result is what Michael Pollan calls the American paradox: The more we worry about nutrition, the less healthy we seem to become.

    But if real food — the sort of food our great grandmothers would recognize as food — stands in need of defense, from whom does it need defending? From the food industry on one side and nutritional science on the other. Both stand to gain much from widespread confusion about what to eat, a question that for most of human history people have been able to answer without expert help. Yet the professionalization of eating has failed to make Americans healthier. Thirty years of official nutritional advice has only made us sicker and fatter while ruining countless numbers of meals.

    Pollan proposes a new (and very old) answer to the question of what we should eat that comes down to seven simple but liberating words: Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,956 Member
    Almost forgot... I wanted to share this new post from OSG. I am going to make the Heartbeet Cabbage Soup this weekend.
  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,021 Member
    "Pollan proposes a new (and very old) answer to the question of what we should eat that comes down to seven simple but liberating words: Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants

    Simple but powerful quote.

    The american diet is unhealthy. I can't watch T.V. anymore due to the horrible commercials for sickening food. It creates an unhealthy desire.

    One of the things in Italy I did not take advantage of enough was the farmer's market with fresh local produce. I am so looking forward to that when I go back.

    Sigh, Brooks was just asked to go to Wright Patterson AFH for 3 months. In Ohio. Not too sure about that. One of his best friends is moving there next month...that might be fun.
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    I'm thankful that I read Dr. Fuhrman's books and realized how unhealthy the standard American diet is. I'm glad to have all of you on the same page with me!

    The fast is over. I'm glad I pushed through to complete it. The hardest part was definitely the evenings. That makes sense, because it is always at night when I want to overeat and snack. I'll be reintroducing food slowly. Right now I'm trying to be patient while waiting for a hunger signal from my body so I can eat my pear!

    I've been busy with work and juicing so my house is a mess! Our Christmas tree is still up...ugh! I might have to wait until the weekend to pack all the decorations up. I'll be glad to be rid of the clutter.

    Thanks for the recipe link, Mihani. I think I'll try one of those out this week. I'm off of the meal plan because of the fasting.

    Donna, if Brooks goes to OH for the 3 months, would you join him? You must get very good at acclimating to new areas quickly with all of that moving! What has been your favorite location?
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,956 Member
    Donna, Ohio isn't so bad... the winters are cold and depressing and the summers are too hot and humid, but spring and fall are nice lol. I am only about an hour from Dayton so if you end up there we can get together!

    Glad to have you along for this ride too Carla! I feel like I've learned so much from interacting with all of you, now if I could just get better about using that knowledge more consistently in practice. :# Glad you made it through the juicing. How was your pear?

    I couldn't make it to the store tonight, got out of the office too late, and we're in for some nasty weather if predictions are correct, so I hope I can get time to run to the store tomorrow at work and get what I need for my soup. I doubt I'll be going anywhere Saturday if we get all this snow and I was hoping to cook while I was stuck home. Going to bring work home with me tomorrow to be on the safe side. Glad it's at least going to hit on the weekend so I don't have to drive if I don't want to. The older I get the more I dread driving in bad weather.

    Almost forgot, I get to go see Rip at Whole Foods in February! Looking forward to that.

  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,021 Member
    edited January 2018
    Hi Mihani - that would be great to get together if we end up there for 3 months. They did not have a lot of info other than they were extremely short staffed.

    Carla my favorite place to live was northern Italy. We were able to travel all around Europe very cheaply. I loved Slovenia...did not know anything about it but people were nice, food good and beautiful mountains and a little coast. I wish we had traveled through Croatia..there is an amazing park, Plitvice that I wish we had seen. Plitvice Lakes National Park was added to the UNESCO World Heritage. There are beautiful lakes and waterfalls.
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    Mihani, the pear was amazing! It was so juicy and sweet. I am looking forward to hearing about your Rip experience. I hope the weather doesn't get nasty on you!

    Donna, it sounds like you've had such wonderful experiences! I love natural settings best of all, so national parks, lakes and waterfalls appeal to me much more than man-made spots like Disney, Vegas, or huge cities. Quirky smaller towns appeal a lot, too.

    Yesterday, I ate really light. I was supposed to listen to my body for hunger signals, but I'm not 100% sure I had them. If I did, they were very subtle. I didn't feel hungry when I had my pear, but I was thinking about it so much that I finally decided at 9:30 that it was time. I made miso soup with veggies for lunch, and again kept thinking about it but wasn't noticeably hungry for it. I waited until 1:30 pm and then had a small bowl anyway. Then dinner was at 5 pm and I had more miso soup. I was disappointed to have a headache start in again in the evening at around 7:30 or so. I had a slice of sprouted bread with about a tsp of peanut butter even though I wasn't hungry. It stopped the headache from getting worse.

    Today I'm going to have a green smoothie for breakfast, a salad for lunch, and a bowl with tofu and sauteed veggies over quinoa.