

  • rabidhamster87
    rabidhamster87 Posts: 74 Member
    Mellykay88 wrote: »
    Thought I’d get a new QOTW going!

    Are you an “emotional eater”? If so, what are you doing to replace eating as a coping skill?

    Yes!! I eat when I'm hungry, bored, tired, sad, nervous, stressed, celebrating... Food is an all-purpose drug for me! So far the main thing I've done to combat this is to recognize I don't need to eat every time something bad happens or eat every time something good happens. If I just stay cognizant of it, it's a lot easier to resist. And when I can't resist, I let myself snack... I just choose healthier/less calorie-dense options! I think the hardest one for me to combat is stress. It becomes almost a compulsion.

    I completely feel you guys on the baths too! I'm not too worried about getting out, but I hate the way it makes me feel like a beached whale, and because I have a pinched nerve in my back, I'm afraid to bend over and really scrub the tub the way I would want to in order to soak in it. As it is, I keep it clean enough that it's not visibly dirty, but if my privates were going to be stewing in it, I would want to really deep clean it! Which just isn't worth the pain it would probably put me in. I've had to have my fiance's help putting on my pants and shoes some mornings because my back would hurt so bad I couldn't bend over at all and I want to avoid that as much as possible, so I'm very careful not to do too many things that will put us in that situation.
  • amy_kee
    amy_kee Posts: 694 Member
    @rabidhamster87 I totally understand how you feel with your back. That's such a sharp, painful feeling. At what disks is your pinched nerve located? (L3-L4, or such??) I'm so glad your finance is kind and helps you with your pants and shoes, when you are unable to do that.

    I get what you're saying about getting down there and cleaning the tub real well, if you've going to be in it. I'm with you about feeling that way. He cleans our whole bathroom here, regularly. He does a nice job, but, there are times that I look down at the tub, with my glasses on, and am glad that only the bottom of my feet will be touching it. But, if I ever mention anything about the bathroom needing cleaning--real gently, he is glad that I said something and usually gets to it in the next day or two.
  • CheezWhiz88
    CheezWhiz88 Posts: 116 Member
    To answer the QOTW (from many weeks ago, but I’m still catching up on all I missed while away!):

    I am not an emotional eater; like many others, I just love to eat, so overeating was never contingent on my emotions. I work from home, so I have a lot of time where I wander around my house. And people would always tell me to just not have bad stuff in the house, but it never worked. Even buying healthy food, I would find something unhealthy to make.

    I am very happily married with an incredibly supportive husband, but even he doesn’t know the extent of my bad eating because I did everything in the world to hide it. I would buy us groceries and hide candy and cookies in my oversized purse when I came home. I would eat in the bathroom, or in the bedroom while he was just steps away in our family room. I would even take ice cream out of its container and transfer it to a tupperware I could hide at the bottom of the freezer and then hide the container deep into the trash. It sounds ridiculous and is mortifying to admit, but it’s true. It’s how my weight got so out of control. I always felt that because I don’t drink or smoke, I was entitled to a vice too, but I’m not. And the fact I was hiding it merely showcases my own shame. I am slowly changing my relationship with food but it’s a long process.

  • amy_kee
    amy_kee Posts: 694 Member
    What does QOTW mean?

    I thought I could figure it out from y'all's comments, but, I can't.
  • bigghunny
    bigghunny Posts: 550 Member
    @amy_kee question of the week. :)
  • amy_kee
    amy_kee Posts: 694 Member
    edited April 2018
    Ha ha! Thanks @bigghunny :):D .