What did you get up to today? -life post-



  • tehanuthefirst
    tehanuthefirst Posts: 66 Member
    Today I learned that I cannot walk and chew gum at the same time!

    Lately, if I'm having a semi-fasting day, I chew gum because my breath doesn't smell that great by mid-afternoon. Lately I've also been having weird bouts of breathlessness, like I have to keep yawning or gasping because it feels like I'm not getting enough oxygen. They can last for hours.

    I finally figured out that when I walk and chew gum, I'm not breathing normally through my mouth because I'm chewing. Somehow after doing that for a while, my carbon dioxide/oxygen balance goes out of whack and stays that way for hours, making me feel like I'm out of breath when I'm not.
  • kttyson
    kttyson Posts: 77 Member
    There’s a Doctor Who museum in Cardiff (haven’t gone but want to). I’m about 2-3 hours away from Cardiff, but my partner works in Bristol so I’m close often. Though we decided to see the band in Cardiff because it was cheaper for hotel and tickets.

    If you’re ever in the UK I think Cardiff is a really cool area. The Doctor Who museum is also on the harbour (right near the BBC)
  • tehanuthefirst
    tehanuthefirst Posts: 66 Member
    My brother and his family and a friend all visited for a few days, kind of celebrating my dad's life, that kind of thing. Our car broke down - not that we all could have fitted in it - so we did a lot of walking as my brother loves our city and always wants to explore all the interesting places. It's a good city for walking. I think I logged over 9km one day!