50 Day Binge-Free Challenge



  • SarahRose35
    SarahRose35 Posts: 127 Member
    Day 6

    I really don't think there is a food that I'm afraid of. I haven't eaten french fries, donuts, pastries, or basically anything fried because I no longer crave greasy food.
    What I'm afraid of in not being in control. I love being able to plan my meals out for the next day, and I love cooking them. It drives me crazy to go out somewhere. I don't know what I'm going to have to eat or what's in it.
  • sweetlyybroken
    sweetlyybroken Posts: 209 Member
    Day 6: Do you have any fear foods? If so, post a picture of them here. Yep, have the picture on your blog, and try to stop being scared of these foods.

    I don't think so really. Peanut butter I guess, donuts maybe? I mean those I just know I have less self control around.

    Similar deal with not being in control though, I find I binge more often if I can't control the rest of the day. It's a psychological thing I think.
  • danifo0811
    danifo0811 Posts: 542 Member
    Day 6

    What I'm afraid of in not being in control. I love being able to plan my meals out for the next day, and I love cooking them. It drives me crazy to go out somewhere. I don't know what I'm going to have to eat or what's in it.
    I agree with this.
  • danifo0811
    danifo0811 Posts: 542 Member
    Day 7 Times of day it is hard to avoid a binge

    When I'm in the kitchen :( If my husband is home, I sneak food so he doesn't see and I usually try to do it when he isn't home. I try not to let me kids see too but that is more I don't want them doing it but with my husband I feel embarrassed about my lack of control.

    Anyway, being in the kitchen whether it is for food preparation or clean up is a huge problem for me. Our kids main play area is beside the kitchen so I feel like I spend lots of time in it. One thing I'm trying is to keep food (other than some produce) off the counter so I don't see it and that does work for opportunistic snacking.
  • SarahRose35
    SarahRose35 Posts: 127 Member
    Day 7: Are there specific times of day that you have trouble avoiding a binge? How are you working around that now? (Congrats on making it one week!!)

    At night of course. ALWAYS when I'm alone. :/
    I'm now eating a LOT more during the day so I have no desire for food at bedtime :)
  • sweetlyybroken
    sweetlyybroken Posts: 209 Member
    Day 7: Are there specific times of day that you have trouble avoiding a binge? How are you working around that now? (Congrats on making it one week!!)

    After dinner! Almost always then. If no one's downstairs/in the kitchen it's so so tempting sometimes. Even when I'm not hungry at all!

    Nowadays I'm giving myself a dessert almost every day! I just fit it into my calories and make sure it's semi healthy. That way, I can go in the kitchen after dinner with a plan, make the dessert, and leave the kitchen to eat it! That way I'm not aimlessly in the kitchen where stuff can kill me :)
  • SarahRose35
    SarahRose35 Posts: 127 Member
    Day 8: A picture of something that makes you smile.


    My bestfriends/Volleyball gals are some of the best people I know. Weight doesn't define you, as long as you surround yourself with great people- you can be happy :)

    (sorry if that picture is huge!)
    & this was taken last year BEFORE I started losing weight, so I was probably 130-125 here. & I'm #9
  • khannickwechanged
    khannickwechanged Posts: 77 Member
    I am failing miserably at this. :(
  • sweetlyybroken
    sweetlyybroken Posts: 209 Member
    Something that makes me smile.. (Not posting any pictures but):

    Curling up with a book and some hot coffee or hot chocolate..
  • danifo0811
    danifo0811 Posts: 542 Member
    I am failing miserably at this. :(
    :( Just keep trying different things to figure out what works for you.

    There are many things that make me happy but right now the main one is watching my 2 year old learn to jump. I can't watch her do it without smiling. She can barely get off the ground and land but she thinks she can reach so high. It is also my reminder to keep putting in effort and your will improve.
  • SarahRose35
    SarahRose35 Posts: 127 Member
    Day 9: What inspires you?
    My Aunt. She runs her own towing business, has a VERY successful winery, and owns two restaurants in Long Island, NY. All of this and she still makes time to exercise & she looks AMAZING at 47. Not only that, but she believes in me. She has such a kind heart and she's incredibly generous. So basically, she's my role model :)
  • danifo0811
    danifo0811 Posts: 542 Member
    What inspires me...

    My grandmas who are both 92.

    The first one (as a senior) became fluent in 2 additional languages, travelled the world extensively and did aerobics/yoga weekly. She now has a boyfriend who plays in a band.

    My other grandma still downhill skis in the winter and swims in the lake in the summer. She has a garden and grows all her own produce in the summer. She loves cooking big meals and having a house full of people to take care of. She does lots of volunteer work and was the welcome wagon lady in her town for 60 years.

    Sometimes I wish I had their energy now. I would love to be in good enough shape when I'm that old to enjoy life like they do.
  • sweetlyybroken
    sweetlyybroken Posts: 209 Member
    Day 9: What inspires you?

    People with willpower and self control.
    People who are self-confident and easygoing and social
  • danifo0811
    danifo0811 Posts: 542 Member
    Day 10 What makes you happy? How does binging affect your mood.

    No pictures but generally I am happy. I hate feeling rushed and I hate feeling like I have no time to kick back and relax. Both those things are frequent considering we have 2 kids and we just moved countries. I was working full time before we moved and that was crazy and now I'm home with the girls and that is also crazy.

    My happiest times are when we are together as a family and on holiday so there is nothing around the house to worry about and our only concern is whether to get ice cream or go back in the water.

    Binging gives me strength in that it makes me feel like I can handle what is being thrown at me. It makes me procrastinate because I think :I'll do better tomorrow" and it makes me lie to myself because I say I will just have 1. It doesn't make me feel bad about myself although I wonder why I do it because most of the food I choose to binge on makes my stomach upset in small quantities, never mind binge quantities.
  • danifo0811
    danifo0811 Posts: 542 Member
    I should also add binging makes me embarrassed when my husband wonders where all of X went because he hasn't had any yet and we only bought it a few days ago.
  • SarahRose35
    SarahRose35 Posts: 127 Member
    Day 10: A picture of a time in your life you remembering being really happy. How much does binging affect your mood?

    I'm happiest when I'm busy and around people and being active. Binging makes me feel so gross and unattractive. I lose all motivation to go out. :/
  • sweetlyybroken
    sweetlyybroken Posts: 209 Member
    Being around people makes me happy! So does cooking. But mostly being around people. Even if it's just joking with people I don't know at the grocery store. Farmers markets make me the happiest ever <3

    Bingeing makes me feel ashamed, but happy in a weird way. Like satisfied? Like I don't have to think about whatever's stressing me out anymore.
  • SarahRose35
    SarahRose35 Posts: 127 Member
    Day 11: What is the hardest thing you’ve had to do? It can be fitness, social, mental, etc.

    The hardest thing I've had to do is letting people in. I had a lot of things happen to me when I was a kid and I've kept it all a secret. It took a lot of time, but once I let my bestfriend and boyfriend know everything about me, I'm much more happy. I used to be incredibly sad for no apparent reason, but having someone to love and trust makes everything easier :)
  • sweetlyybroken
    sweetlyybroken Posts: 209 Member
    Day 11: What is the hardest thing you've had to do?

    I don't know. Maybe living with my parents for 15 years? Maybe not living with them anymore now. Maybe moving so many times. Maybe breaking up with my boyfriend of a couple years when neither of us wanted to. Maybe legal messes and court battles.

    Physically.. two a day two hour practices for basketball conditioning week xD Nothing like running stairs with someone on your back. Followed by 60 sprints and then running ladders. That was ROUGH. :)
  • danifo0811
    danifo0811 Posts: 542 Member
    Hardest thing?
    Opening up to people is really hard for me. It is like I'm scared they will judge the things I like as being stupid. It is ridiculous because I don't judge people for liking things I don't. Most people don't seem to.

    I also had a really hard time dealing with the loss of my second pregnancy(fetal demise at 8 weeks, I didn't find out until my ultrasound at almost 13 weeks). I had been so sick and had normal pregnancy symptoms. Besides the level of loss feeling totally unexpected, I also felt betrayed by my body that it didn't let me know something was wrong. Although I had mild binge issues before, this is when it became frequent. That was almost 3 years ago and I still haven't got control over my eating.