Move More in May



  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,931 Member
    That is so cool you and Brooks have so much fun together Donna! I didn't read the whole link but read some of it. Bookmarked to read more later. Some of it was pretty funny.

    Another long day. I am so glad I don't have to do laundry or cook or anything tonight. Have plenty of food already prepped and will have a light dinner and early bedtime.

    B - oatmeal with blueberries, walnuts, chia seeds
    L - big ol' salad with red leaf lettuce, leftover cheezy chickpeas and some of the cooked broccoli
    D - more cheezy chickpeas with the rest of the chard, some asparagus, and cous cous
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    Funny link, Donna! It sounds like you had a lovely day with Brooks.

    Looks like you are back to rocking the plan, Mihani. Even though I batched, I've still gone off track pretty much every day. I should follow your example!

    Ruby is recovering from her surgery, but she is pretty miserable with a cone on her head and not able to do anything buy lay around. When they put the cone on at the animal hospital, she immediately took it off. They tried a few times but that was never going to work, so they ended up adding a soft collar device and advised us not to take it off at all, even when we're around to watch her, so that she forgets it can even come off. Poor puppers, but they are probably right. She has an appointment to get the staples out in 8 days, and then a few days after that it should be okay to remove the cone.

    I did a long stint of weeding this morning and then sat down and stiffened right up. There's tons more to do so hopefully I will be feeling better tomorrow morning and I can get a bunch more done. I'm also going to try dyeing some fiber soon. I was going to do it this afternoon, but it is quite involved with math formulas and lots of supplies to gather so I don't think I'm going to have the time today.

  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,000 Member
    Mihani - I hope you enjoy your evening.

    Carla - I did not realize Ruby's surgery was happening. I have used those soft collars before and love them. Poor Ruby. I hope she heals quickly as well as you do from weeding. Be careful. My nephew who is very athletic bent down to pull a weed and pulled several back muscles and was down for a while.

    I was down two lbs today of the 3 that I went up after the triathlon. I read that after an event sometimes the body retains fluid.

    Made a lentil salad with almond milk, lemon, white bean and cashew dressing. Brooks & I love that dressing. Actually I made hummus first and then added almond milk, more lemon and cashews to the hummus dregs.

    Evening bike ride. Yay.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,931 Member
    What's the recipe for the white bean cashew dressing Donna?

    Carla, poor Ruby! Hope she heals quickly. Some dogs are fine and others turn into Houdini when it comes to those collars. I found the ones with velcro worked the best.

    Got up about 4:30 so I can get an early start at the office. I have one project that is nearly done and must be finished today, plus two meetings this morning that I haven't even prepared docs for yet. Should be at the office by 6:30.

    I got into some munchies last night... I was tired and should have gone to bed. Had a slice of toast with PB and some popcorn and a handful of raisins.

    Planning a big ol' tofu scramble for dinner tonight. My favorite recipe: just leave out the oil.

  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,000 Member
    I started to make hummus and after I opened the beans I realized I was out of tahini :neutral: but made it without. Then to the "dregs" at end of blender I added more squeezed lemon, almond milk and handful of cashews.

    Swimming early then walk dogs. It is such a pain because this pool is only open 8:30 -10:00 now and It is such a good time to walk dogs as it is only 71*.

    Down another lb.

    B - banana & coffee (before swim)
    L - lentil salad left over
    D - roasted broccoli salad and sweet potato.
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    edited May 2018
    I hope your early start is productive, Mihani! I'll add the recipe I use for my baked tofu below. I switch between this one and a garlicky baked one that is very similar, without the ginger and with a lot more garlic.

    Grats on the weight loss Donna!!! 70 degrees is the sweet spot for me. That's when I'd want to walk the dogs, too!

    The card-making session with my MIL went well. We had a nice time together and she was happy to come up with her own designs. I pulled all of the related supplies out of my craft room and moved them to the dining table where we worked. We could have used a 2nd table. We were constantly looking for whatever we'd set down and lost in the pile, especially as time went on. My time wasn't that productive since I was hosting and helping her find things, but I did get one card done, and a lot of tags that I can use for gifts and also for labeling

    I have a busy few days coming up. I want to get a bunch more weeding done this morning and in the evening when it's cool, and get some yarn spun up into sample sized skeins so I can start trying my hand at dyeing. Tomorrow I have to batch as much as possible and then head out to a spinning guild meeting and fiber shopping event. We're having my parents over for Mother's Day and I have to finish my mom's wrap/shawl, clean, and make a lunch for them.

    I will get a pic of the shawl before I gift it and post it here soon.

    Sesame Ginger Baked Tofu - Whole Food Plant Based
    (Clean Food Dirty Girl, Molly Patrick)

    1 package organic extra firm tofu 14oz

    3 garlic cloves minced
    2 teaspoons peeled and grated ginger 8g
    2 tablespoons soy sauce 30ml
    2 tablespoons rice vinegar 30ml
    2 tablespoons water 30ml
    2 teaspoons sesame seeds 10g
    10 turns of cracked black pepper

    Rinse and press tofu.
    Place all the marinade ingredients into a medium sized bowl and use a fork to combine.
    Cut tofu into thin slabs. You can make them any size in length you want, just make sure they are at least 1/2 inch thick or so. This is also a good time to preheat your oven to 350° (175°C) if you aren't marinating overnight.
    Put the tofu in the bowl with the marinade and stir gently.
    Marinate anywhere from 10 minutes to overnight.
    Line a baking sheet with parchment paper so that the tofu doesn't stick to the baking sheet.Place each piece of tofu on the parchment paper in a single layer and bake for 20 minutes.
    Flip the tofu over and bake for another 20 minutes. (I end up doing more like 25 minutes per side)
    Allow to cool and dig in, or store in the fridge for up to a week.
    Use it for sandwiches, top salads with it, add it to stir fry’s, add it to wraps, or just eat plain as a snack.

  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,000 Member
    That tofu recipe sounds delicious. I was warned off 9 years ago for anything phytoestrogens but I wonder if it would be okay.

    Post a pic of your cards! I would love to see them. Swam this morning and walked dogs in the heat. Not good. They will be quiet for rest of day.
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    Donna, has a few videos on tofu and who should/shouldn't eat it, if you are interested. I forget who shouldn't, I just know that I can! :)

    I'm not that excited about the one card I did make, but here's a photo of the woven shawl I made for my mom.

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,931 Member
    Hi, quick check in. Work work work, home and haven't done a darn thing yet as far as making dinner or anything else. Carla, LOVE the shawl!

    I am going to eat some leftovers and head to bed not in the mood too cook at this point. Going to be working ALL weekend. We're swamped and boss is heading out of town so we only have until Tuesday to get things that are due finished. I am a bit stressed to say the least.
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    Ugh, Mihani! Time for YOU to head out of town!!!! Hope you are able to get lots done.
  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,000 Member
    edited May 2018
    Carla - that shawl is amazing. I love the colors. Is this from the yarn you spun? Did you knit or weave it? Beautiful, she will love it. How is Miss Ruby recuperating?

    Mihani - I am sorry about all the stress. You work too hard.
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    Thanks :) It is woven. The teal is hand spun the rest is commercial yarn.
    The guild meeting and fiber sale event was fun. It was neat to be around other spinners in person instead of only online. Everyone was nice and welcoming. Everyone I talked to had more than one spinning wheel which makes me feel a little better about yesterday's purchase...a used, in mint condition, 2nd spinning wheel!

    I bought a lot of fleece for dyeing. That's definitely the cost effective way to get fiber/yarn - to buy by the fleece, then wash, process and dye it. More work but most of it is fun except for the washing. We'll see how I feel about it after I go through this pile! Next year I might have to take the truck and really stock up!

    Ruby is healing nicely. There's no infection, just a little fluid in the area. My MIL who is/was a vet said the fluid is okay and will go away soon. Ruby is starting to put some weight on the leg and walking on it more each day. Soon our biggest problem will be holding her back from running and jumping.

    To follow, a picture of my new wheel, and poor Ruby's shaven butt & leg.

  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,000 Member
    They were generous in their shaving! Poor Ruby. Was the operation just on her knee?

    Spinning wheels are very interesting.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,931 Member
    edited May 2018
    Ahhh so fun a new spinning wheel! Poor poor Ruby! I hope she heals quickly and you are able to keep her quiet once she's feeling better. The hair still hasn't grown back on my boy's tail. He still looks like a bizarre hybrid of lab and badly groomed poodle LOL. He has "some" hair, but it's growing so slowly.

    I am wildly off ETL the past few days. I eat good ETL meals but I have been munching on blue corn chips and crackers and even indulged in a few beers last night. I'm tired and it's making me want to eat more. Uggggh. I am afraid to get on the scale. I have prepped stuff for the next few days and will get myself back on track starting NOW.

    Put in about 6 hours at the office and still have several hours of work to do yet tonight. Didn't have lunch so going to make a good ETL late lunch / early dinner and then get back at it. Plan is great northern beans with mushrooms and onion and a big pile of steam/saute collard greens, some brown rice. Breakfast was oatmeal with blueberries. (And some blue corn chips and crackers in lieu of lunch and I even had a spinach salad with creamy cashew caesar dressing that I had taken in for my lunch and didn't eat! ... :| )
  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,000 Member
    Happy Monday, it is almost over!

    Mihani I hope you found your grove and were able to get on track. I think it is normal and healthy to splurge once in a while.

    B - oatmeal and almond butter with flax
    L- salad with green beans
    snack smoothie with banana and almond milk and peanut flour
    D - TJ super pilaf with quinoa, kale and sweet potato. I added black beans, spinach and 1 small avocado to share. Plus roasted brocolli.

    bad thing before biking - coconut almond cliff bar. I was feeling tired and not inspired.
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    Ugh, Mihani, I know exactly what you are going through right now not being on track with food! I am out of onederland again :( I was planning to batch this weekend, but with all of the things going on, including Mother's Day, I didn't fit it in. Once I get back from town this afternoon, I'm going to make whatever the simplest looking meal is so I at least have dinner ready for tonight. The snacking is out of control.

    Donna, at least the cliff bar was before a bike ride! The other day when I was craving something sweet, I made a homemade version of the cashew cookie lara bar. I put roughly equal amounts of medjool dates and cashews in the food processor. I like it better than the bars because it isn't quite a sweet...of course it doesn't hold together as well either, but I rolled it up into balls and that worked well. Ruby's surgery was a pretty major operation that included rotating the bone in her leg quite a bit and adding a plate. I think they also had to shave extra fur off because it is super long!

    The fleece I bought is in the freezer to kill anything off that might be lurking in it! Apparently you have to either freeze it or have it at very high temps in the sun for many days. The freezing takes 24 hours and you don't have to worry about fluctuations in temperature like with the sun. It isn't hot enough around here for the sun method. I finally had the chance to oil my new wheel and play with it for a bit. I'm still getting used to it, so I'll wait and see. This new wheel has an accessory that would enable me to spin very big circumference art yarns and because the bobbins with the accessory are so huge, I can also get a ton of yarn on one bobbin without having to switch. If I can get used to the wheel I might spring for the accessory since my other wheel doesn't have that option.

    I haven't kept up with my walking, but at least I've been doing some yard work. Yard work for me right now is mostly weeding. We would have to order a huge truckload of mulch to redo all of the beds, and we've decided to put that off until next year. I'm avoiding using round-up wherever possible. On the weekend we burned a bunch of the limbs and brush that came down over winter. It is nice to have that stuff gone.

    Hope everyone has a great day! I am going to try to get back into a daily check-in here.
  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,000 Member
    Poor Ruby. At least when she is healed she will be the bionic dog and join you on walks. That really is major to have a plate put in.

    I can't wait to see what you make with your new wheel.

    I don't think you should beat yourselves up about a few days off. You will be back in onederland soon. My dip into onderland didn't last long. I have lost inches this last couple of months but not lbs. I think I am building some new muscles right now with all this cardio. I don't know. We have a 30 miles ride in 10 days scheduled. This Friday Brooks has off so we are going to pedal 25 -30 miles.

    There are so many things I could have chosen rather than that Cliff Bar like almond butter and apples or nuts or an orange. I may make the cashew date bars for my next ride. I need to be more proactive.

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,931 Member
    That just cracked me up for some reason that you have to freeze your fleece, Carla! It makes sense, but it just hit my funny bone. You'll get back on track, have no doubts here.

    Donna, I think I would keel over after 5 miles, you are amazing! I'm sure you worked off that Clif bar, but you're right, we can often make a better choice. Pre-fab food is always easier though.

    I am still struggling, and keep telling myself "tomorrow will be better" and not getting there. Today was better, but I still ate several wasa crackers, which are fine for ETL, but the only reason I ate them was I was feeling munchie not because I was actually hungry. I have to get back to NO snacks.

    I'm making a double batch of the E2 hummus tonight and will have some on a whole wheat pita with a big pile of chopped cucumber and lettuce and onion. Looking forward to it!

    B - sprouted grain toast with almond butter
    L - black bean soup and a couple wasa crackers
    S - a couple more wasa crackers
    D - as said above

    Boss is off on his trip as of this afternoon. It was a stressful morning but he's off and I sure hope I can get some things caught up while he's gone. I left an hour early so I could hit the grocery store and do laundry, and got caught in a torrential downpour so I ended up bailing on the grocery idea. Must go tomorrow! I'm good on food but I need some household and pet supplies soon. I keep thinking I should check out ordering grocery delivery online, but it seems awfully lazy lol.
  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,000 Member
    If I worked as hard as you Mihani, I would order online. Plus I would send your laundry off to give you more time to take care of yourself. What ever it takes to give you more time to exercise and eat healthy to combat work stress.

    I agree about processed prefab food. The bar was given to me at the triathlon and I had forgot about it until I packed my gym bag and found it....then I was instantly craving it. I was going to save it for a long bike ride emergency low blood sugar but oh well.

    Grocery shopping tomorrow and going to make hummus too. Cucumbers are really good right now, crisp not mushy. I made a vegetarian pizza tonight, no cheese...kinda like Amy's pizza with roasted vegetables. Used TJ's dough.

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,931 Member
    Ya know Donna, I was thinking today... shopping online for groceries might actually save me money and keep me on track diet-wise. No impulse buys. I love cucumbers too... so refreshing. I even throw half a one in smoothies sometimes. How was your pizza?

    Today was a "bit" better...
    B - oatmeal with blueberries and oat milk
    L - Amy's rice mac and "cheeze"
    D - whole wheat pita with E2 hummus and loads of veggies

    I'm definitely seeing a pattern of the more starches I eat, the more I crave them. I don't know what it is with me and those starchy carbs!!! I don't crave or overindulge in sweets as a rule. Not that I don't dive into some cookies now and again, but sweets aren't my thing.

    Today was rough. A million things going on but I am soooo looking forward to a whole weekend in the office with no boss bugging me. I think I am going to leave an hour or two early Friday to finally get my grocery shopping done and get some things done around the house, then I can spend the weekend working in peace, and not answer the phone!