Just Do It June



  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    Fiber dyeing and spinning are going well. I just don't have as much time as I want. Still testing software changes! If there are no major issues then I'll be done by the end of the week.

    We're eating pretty junky right now. Vegan hot dogs and chili for dinner tonight! I'm going to make make a veggie sushi bowl tomorrow though. It was one of my favorite recipes on the meal plan and it should get me back in salad mode. I'm having 3 cups of coffee a day, plus sometimes a decaf at night. Given how I've been eating though, it isn't the worst of it, unfortunately. I wish I could do better at moderation. Or staying totally on plan!

    I hope you like the way the floor looks, Donna. I'm sure it will look good and it will be nice to have that done with too!

    It can be so hard to stay close to on plan when eating out Mihani. I don't do a great job of it. Have you gone out with the gals for your monthly get together lately? Is work any less crazy?

    Here's some of the fiber I dyed up over the weekend and then started to spin.

  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,009 Member
    edited June 2018
    First 4 rooms cleaned out of old laminate. Slight mold smell but no visable mold. They sprayed it twice with mold killing solutio. and aletting drying overnight. Then they are rechecking moisture of cement. We are going to need to go to a motel when they do our bedroom and closet. It looks like a crime scene right now. I ate horrible today. Stress eating brownies. The old floor was way too orange for the yellow walls. I think it is going to look better.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,943 Member
    Beautiful yarn Carla! Hope the work project is done soon.

    Good luck with the floors Donna... and getting past the stress.

    I am having a heck of a week here. Work is crazier than usual. I am stress eating too. Blue corn chips and pretzels galore. But still eating lots of salads, so there's that.

    Karrie, anything with the house yet?
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    How long until the floor is finished Donna? It is going to look great!

    Sorry your work is so crazy again, Mihani! I hope there's light at the end of the tunnel (and before retirement, because that would be a rather long tunnel! ;) )

    I made the sushi bowl and Joe and I both really enjoyed it. The dressing for it is high in salt, but right now anything that gets us eating a bunch of plant based food is a win. We have a lot of lettuce in the garden all ready at the same time so when I go to make a salad I just shop the aisles in the garden a few minutes before I put it all together. It is satisfying! We managed to eat our way through all of the ripe strawberries we had, which is saying something! There are more on the way and some of our cherries should be ready this week. Joe checks on the cherries daily so I don't think we'll be missing out!

    Breakfast - oatmeal w/ blueberries, bananas & walnuts, coffee
    Lunch - sushi bowl
    Dinner - sushi bowl
  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,009 Member
    edited June 2018
    I love fresh picked lettuce. Rather jealous.

    I am stress eating too. Yesterday between tennis and swimming 4 😳 breakfast tacos.

    The moisture reading on the exposed concrete read high. At the time of the flood the laminate should have been ripped up then fans and dehumidifiers turned on to dry. The moisture stayed between old laminate and plastic sheet that was poorly Laid down hence high moisture in concrete. For past 3 days living with 18 industrial floor fans and two huge dehumidifiers. Plus the humidity in Texas is 80%. It looks like a crime scene here. Oh and no WiFi. And needed 4 new tires on my car.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,943 Member
    Yay for fresh lettuce Carla. It's time for me to buy some cherries I think... they are so good! So happy for you that your garden and trees are doing so well.

    Wow, you are dealing with a lot Donna! I hope everything settles down and the remodeling is finished soon.

    Did some shopping and prepping last night. I still need a couple things I forgot so I'll stop at the store on my way to the office this morning. Loads of work to do.
  • CoffeeandHumblePie
    CoffeeandHumblePie Posts: 125 Member
    Hi all - Just wanted to check in with you and see what you've been up to. I've had a busy few weeks with planning and having our daughter's graduation celebration (it was never a big deal in the region where I grew up, but it's a "thing" where we live now). We had a lovely day with about 80 guests.

    It has been my plan to return to work after her graduation and a great job unexpectedly fell into my lap. I start next week! I have not had full-time employment for 20 years so this will be a huge adjustment. I've ordered a couple WFPB cookbooks to keep me inspired to include healthy meals in my routine. I am not going to attempt WFPB dinners, but it will be easy to eat this way for breakfast and lunch. The awkward thing about WFPH is the beans and the gas they create. I'll be working in close quarters with a couple who owns a small business and I'd rather not inflict the effects on them. This is a bummer as beans are my favorite part of WFPB. I'll be looking for filling alternatives to beans. Oh! And I invested in an Instant Pot. I'm loving it!

    We are headed into July! This month flew by. Hope you are all doing well -

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,943 Member
    Hi Jacque, good to see you again. Congratulations on the new job and to your daughter on her graduation! I don't find that beans do that to me, but I've been vegan a long time and my body is used to digesting them I guess. I will say that artificial sweeteners cause problems for me. I avoid them like the plague. I would just start eating a little more beans every day, start out with just a small amount on your salad, then increase it every week or so to give your digestive system time to adjust to them. I'd also suggest just making sure you have a big salad with your non-ETL dinners. Good luck!

    Been a busy weekend of mostly work. A little fun this afternoon, a small gathering with good friends. I'm feeling a bit more overwhelmed than usual. I am going to try to get a little more work done this evening.

    Just realized it's July... I will see if I can think of something but someone else feel free to start up the July thread if you want.
  • CoffeeandHumblePie
    CoffeeandHumblePie Posts: 125 Member
    Mihani, thank you for the suggestions - especially easing back into bean consumption. Growing up, beans were a staple in my family and I don't recall gas being a concern. Having a big salad with non-ETL meals will be an excellent way to keep on track. Thanks much!
  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,009 Member
    Jump into July Thread?
    Jump into July ETL?
    No Junk in July?
    Jamming into July
    Jogging into July?
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    Junkless in July? :)

    I'm glad you got together with some friends, Mihani. It can be hard to fit in, but it does help relieve the stress, at least for me. I need to schedule some friend time too.

    Hi Jacque, nice seeing you. Congrats on the new job!! I'm sure there will be an adjustment period but hopefully it won't take long and you'll enjoy working there. Keep us posted on how it goes.

    Yuck, the crime scene scenario sounds pretty daunting, Donna. Those huge fans are pretty loud too, aren't they. My parents went through that and so did my aunt and uncle. I hope the floor turns out so good that you forget all about it!

    We did our batch this weekend so I'm happy to have plans for a good week. Tonight is a pita stuffed with hummus, greens, and topped with a fresh strawberry vinaigrette.

    Software testing is ongoing. I found some issues which means I have to retest everything over again once they are fixed. Getting in some good hours at least!

    Planning some spinning projects for le Tour de Fleece coming up soon, and thinking about weaving a project with the various bits of yarn I've spun up that don't add up to enough yardage by themselves.

    Belated Happy Canada Day!
  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,009 Member
    I LIKE JUNKLESS IN JULY. I need to stop with the cravings.