Low Carb/Keto And Intermittent Fasting-Down 70 lbs in 18 weeks



  • PaulChasinDreams
    PaulChasinDreams Posts: 439 Member
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    Congratulations! You've definitely found the way forward for yourself. Love it!

    Thank you! :smile:
  • tammyfranks2
    tammyfranks2 Posts: 290 Member
    edited August 2018
    you look amazing .. way to go !! I am trying to do 12 to 14 hours no eating , but wow you are awesome cause it is hard not to eat when you are use to eating all the time , (that is why i am fat) lol and i only eat low carb , but i like the WOE of stop eating at 8 pm and nothing til 10 am or later . You are doing Great Work outs too !!
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Oh my gosh, you must be so proud of yourself ! I am proud for you! Amazing results for a healthier you...and with all that fabulous food you prepare. Kudos!!
  • PaulChasinDreams
    PaulChasinDreams Posts: 439 Member
    you look amazing .. way to go !! I am trying to do 12 to 14 hours no eating , but wow you are awesome cause it is hard not to eat when you are use to eating all the time , (that is why i am fat) lol and i only eat low carb , but i like the WOE of stop eating at 8 pm and nothing til 10 am or later . You are doing Great Work outs too !!

    Thank you very much for the kind words :smile: You may find that the longer you do this for the easier it gets and the more you may like it. But saying that we are all different so you'll have to try to wait it out and see how it goes. With myself it got easier and easier and now I look forward to my one meal because of flavors of foods alone, not ever because of hunger. Carbs were addictive to me so reducing a lot of them really helped and getting in good sources of proteins and fats are very satiating for me. Some studies say protein is the most satiating yet a lot of folks I talk with doing this kind of lifestyle say they find fats more satiating. So just more proof we are all very different but hopefully you can find a way to help things out with your fat loss. I too was eating all the time before; when bored, hungry (thought I was hungry but just addicted), depressed, excited, etc..I found all kinds of reasons to eat before. And especially socially. I love having good meals with friends and family. So now my friends and family know if we are gonna eat socially it's once a day lol :smile:
  • PaulChasinDreams
    PaulChasinDreams Posts: 439 Member
    Oh my gosh, you must be so proud of yourself ! I am proud for you! Amazing results for a healthier you...and with all that fabulous food you prepare. Kudos!!

    Thank you very much. That means a lot to me :smile:
  • fdhunt1
    fdhunt1 Posts: 222 Member
    What is "OMAD"?
  • fdhunt1
    fdhunt1 Posts: 222 Member

    You need to start a thread where you share some of your recipes. What you have posted all looks amazing! There is no doubt you are the Low Carb Iron Chef!!
  • tammyfranks2
    tammyfranks2 Posts: 290 Member
    fdhunt1 wrote: »
    What is "OMAD"?

  • PaulChasinDreams
    PaulChasinDreams Posts: 439 Member
    fdhunt1 wrote: »
    What is "OMAD"?

    Yes it's one meal a day. I eat every 23rd hour or so. Which is 4-5pm for me.
    fdhunt1 wrote: »

    You need to start a thread where you share some of your recipes. What you have posted all looks amazing! There is no doubt you are the Low Carb Iron Chef!!

    Oh thank you very much :smile: I love cooking and experimenting with flavors. Especially finding inspiration from recipes from other countries and learning about different ingredients, spices, herbs they use in their dishes. When compared to so many other areas around the world I think we have gotten used to some pretty basic, blander dishes in North America. Although I do love the basics at times too like seafood's and barbecue :smile:
  • mbonacci12
    mbonacci12 Posts: 72 Member
    How do you handle social events, especially at night. Do you switch your meal time?
  • PaulChasinDreams
    PaulChasinDreams Posts: 439 Member
    mbonacci12 wrote: »
    How do you handle social events, especially at night. Do you switch your meal time?
    Haven't had any social events in the past 6 months. I'm self employed and work from home and my wife is too. So no work events to go to. If we do social things with family it's usually involving supper which is usually close to my eating window. If it's an hour or so out of my normal eating window I don't sweat it. We mostly barbecue or cook seafood for friends and family at our place for family/friend gatherings though as we are on acreage so we enjoy hosting at our place. We also have a veg garden/fruit and berry trees so it's nice to share home grown foods with them too. We do a lot of canning. We aren't much of drinkers at all so we don't look to go out socially drinking/eating in that way. I occasionally just have a glass of wine or a beer with a meal once or twice a week.
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    Wow, you have really rocked this WOE. Congrats on all your wonderful results and continued success going forwards.
  • PaulChasinDreams
    PaulChasinDreams Posts: 439 Member
    Wow, you have really rocked this WOE. Congrats on all your wonderful results and continued success going forwards.

    Thank you! ❤
  • hellobaconplease
    hellobaconplease Posts: 108 Member
    I think "wow" is the best word I can find to sum up my thoughts. You look bloody amazing! I hate using the word inspiring, as I feel it is used so often and is so corny. But seeing what you've achieved is great motivation. Congratulations all the way from over here in New Zealand :-).
  • javacreek
    javacreek Posts: 310 Member
  • PaulChasinDreams
    PaulChasinDreams Posts: 439 Member
    I think "wow" is the best word I can find to sum up my thoughts. You look bloody amazing! I hate using the word inspiring, as I feel it is used so often and is so corny. But seeing what you've achieved is great motivation. Congratulations all the way from over here in New Zealand :-).

    Awesome thank you so much for the kind words and hello over to New Zealand!! <3
  • PaulChasinDreams
    PaulChasinDreams Posts: 439 Member
    javacreek wrote: »

    Thank you! <3
  • 2Bhealthier2
    2Bhealthier2 Posts: 128 Member
    Congratulations on your hard work and determination!

    Do you IF every single day, maybe I misunderstood but it sounds like you only eat once a day? Have you thought about being a coach, some of us good use your determination and advice. ;-)
  • PaulChasinDreams
    PaulChasinDreams Posts: 439 Member
    Congratulations on your hard work and determination!

    Do you IF every single day, maybe I misunderstood but it sounds like you only eat once a day? Have you thought about being a coach, some of us good use your determination and advice. ;-)

    Hi there! Yes I IF every day. I only eat once a day. Some people call that OMAD (one meal a day) So I go 23 hrs between my one meal and I usually only take about 30 minutes to eat my one meal so really it's like 23.5 hrs of fasting every day. I also usually have a protein shake with my meal to ensure I get in at least between .5 to .8 grams of protein per pound of body weight per day. Making sure I get that much protein in with each meal has kept my lean mass on as I lose the body fat.

    Yes I am actually our local weight loss groups' mentor :smile: I love sharing info of what has worked for me and others in our group and welcome any questions or insight on how others are doing. I'm still learning lot's as I go. There's a lot of great people out there doing all kinds of newer research on weight loss/hormones etc. so I spend a lot of time reading and listening to what other successful people have to say. I find it all very interesting :smile:
  • rkmeyer41
    rkmeyer41 Posts: 58 Member
    What exactly is considered an IF? I read 16 hours, your thoughts Paul?