New to keto

ldruss1546 Posts: 12 Member
Hello everyone, today is day one of my keto journey. I am 49yrs old and current weight is 312lbs. Want to get down to 180s. So I have a long way to go! Looking for guidance and direction because im already feeling overwhelmed in what to do\eat. Im a good cook but can't seem to see out of the box in what to make and meal plan. And to complicate things more i battle with server depression so my "get up and go" attitude is hard to come by. All friends, help, direction are welcome . TIA


  • ldruss1546
    ldruss1546 Posts: 12 Member
    Opps forgot my name is Larry btw
  • shirli2018
    shirli2018 Posts: 74 Member
    Hi Larry - welcome. I think keeping simple in the beginning is key. Figure out your macros and then eat the amount of protein you need to sustain you lean body mass, add some greens and avocados as your carbs and the fat will be mostly from your protein ( eat chicken legs and thighs with skin or good quality uncured bacon that has 6gr of protein per strips or fatty fish like salmon).
    When still need more fat use grass fed butter and to chicken broth, tea or coffee.
    Also eggs are a good snack especially hard boiled
    That’s something that should be simple enough to get started. To mix it up, I play around with different seasoning and herbs and the oils I use.
  • 0426Jamie
    0426Jamie Posts: 57 Member
    You can definitely do it! My husband started at your same weight in January and is now under 250! It does take some adjustment to rethink about meal planning. We normally start with a protein and vegetable and go from there. We previously did low calorie and so that taught us portion size control. Now it’s just about staying low carb :)

    Good luck!
  • jrmie333
    jrmie333 Posts: 149 Member
    jheye wrote: »
    You're a good cook, so you'll LOVE preparing keto meals. Chop up some onions and peppers and saute them in olive oil- you don't need to worry about limiting the amount of olive oil. Add some cabbage, cover and and let it cook- cabbage doesn't have a lot of carbs, so be generous. Then saute some pork chops- instead of a maple syrup glaze just drizzle a bit of butter over the chops. Now sit down and enjoy your delicious and filling meal.
    After years of cooking low fat dishes with pasta, rice and sweetened sauces I kind of had to relearn how to cook, but keto cooking is easy and delicious. I've really focused on learning to cook a wider variety of vegetable dishes, and I've put together a rotation of keto dinners that includes different proteins and vegetables. The full rotation is 16 days (I'm gradually adding to it), then I start over. It took a bit of organizing to pull it together, but it makes it much easier for me to stay on track because I don't have to figure out what to make or what to put on the grocery list, I just see what's next on my rotation.

    would you mind sharing your new keto dinners ideas plz? Just like i m training myself or no rice, no pasta, no carbs and just veggies.
  • jrmie333
    jrmie333 Posts: 149 Member
    I do not have a lot of advice as I am just starting too. But do not quit please. If you enter your height, weight, MFP will help you figure out your macros ( fat, protein, carbs) and you can slowly adjust them. Right now i m on 50 grams of carbs and just starting keto as well. By the end of the month i am hoping to lower to 30-40g carbs and so on. It is overwhelming but something to remember no starch, anything wiith wheat is a big no. Eggs are good, avocado and olive oils too. Eat protein but do not overeat them neither. Berries fruits are good. Most of veggies as well. If you can buy a book and try to folow the recipes. Remember it only take 21days to build up a habit. You can do it. We an do it.
  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,747 Member
    edited June 2018
    jrmie333 wrote: »
    Hello everyone, Never sustained any diet. Have PCOS, Hashimoto, insulin resistant. Just had a baby as well 6m ago. I decided to start with Keto and willing to give it my best. Any tips on snacks please?
    Welcome @jrmie333 - I snack on anything, like leftover meals. It's just important to have something easily available. Besides leftovers, some of my favorites are turkey jerky, boiled eggs, avocado or nuts. Wish I could nibble on cheese (but I have a dairy allergy). I love coffee with cream* (*using almond milk).

    Here is a low-carb recipe link:

  • jheye
    jheye Posts: 36 Member
    jrmie333 asked

    would you mind sharing your new keto dinners ideas plz? Just like i m training myself or no rice, no pasta, no carbs and just veggies.[/quote]

    Sure- it's still a work in progress, but here are a few of my dinner menus. I find it easier to plan a whole meal than it is to just focus on individual recipes. Also, some of my menus are low carb, but still need some tweaking to get to keto levels.

    Spicy shrimp with green beans and tomatoes. Serve with a side of creamy cucumber soup.
    Broiled steak, steamed asparagus and green salad. Use homemade salad dressing to avoid unecessary carbs.
    King Ranch Casserole with cauliflower- instead of using tortillas in my original recipe, I used roasted cauliflower. The carbs are still a bit high because I still use 1 can cream of chicken soup, but this is honestly better than the original recipe. Serve with cucumber, tomato and green onion tossed with vinaigrette.
    Italian Sausage, Sauteed bell peppers and onions. Serve with green salad or cole slaw- avoid sugary dressings.

  • jrmie333
    jrmie333 Posts: 149 Member
    PaulaKro wrote: »
    jrmie333 wrote: »
    Hello everyone, Never sustained any diet. Have PCOS, Hashimoto, insulin resistant. Just had a baby as well 6m ago. I decided to start with Keto and willing to give it my best. Any tips on snacks please?
    Welcome @jrmie333 - I snack on anything, like leftover meals. It's just important to have something easily available. Besides leftovers, some of my favorites are turkey jerky, boiled eggs, avocado or nuts. Wish I could nibble on cheese (but I have a dairy allergy). I love coffee with cream* (*using almond milk).

    Here is a low-carb recipe link:

    Thank you @PaulaKro
  • 2t9nty
    2t9nty Posts: 1,621 Member
    kpk54 wrote: »

    Keto or otherwise, weight loss or maintenance, I don't have many rules.

    Rule 1) Eat at a calorie deficit (or maintenance if in maintenance).
    Rule 2) Keep your sodium up.
    Rule 3) Keep your carbs low.

    That's it for weight loss. Bulletproof coffee is not a requirement. Himalayan salt is not a requirement. Grass fed butter is not a requirement. MCT Oil is not a requirement. Exercise is not a requirement. Vitamins are not a requirement. Testing for ketones is not a requirement. Fat Bombs are not a requirement. Fasting or intermittent fasting is not required. All are preference and I too have my preferences.

    I was going to reply to this and decided to just edit @kpk54's comment to summarize my counsel.

    It is easier than people make it out to be. I have been keto since October 2016. I have never tested ketones, so maybe I should say I have been on a keto diet.

    I am a T2D who started all this to control glucose numbers and lose some weight. I have lost 124 lbs total, and I am off diabetes meds. Fasting glucose this morning was 102.

    I find the keto diet easy to follow and satisfying. I intend to stick with it and just increase calories when I reach goal weight.

  • Re_Banana
    Re_Banana Posts: 73 Member
    I know learning to cook a whole new way can be overwhelming. I've been on this way if eating for about 6 weeks and have actually found it so much easier than how I was eating before. By eliminating the "starch" element from my meals its like one less thing to have to think or worry about. I've found cooking and eating at home much more enjoyable.

    Typically I just try to keep my dinners to a protein and vegetable element.

    Protein: whatever looks good at the store really, chicken, steak, ground beef, pork, sausage (check nutritional info, some have sugar or breadcrumbs.) Shrimp, salmon. For preparing meat I'll either just pan fry or season and throw in the oven.

    Vegetables: I tend to be stocked up on kale, spinach, brocolli and asparagus. Again, a veggie element dosnt have to be complicated to make. When I'm lazy u just chopped up broccoli and asparagus and steam for 2 mins in the microwave, add butter salt and pepper. I also really like to Sautee brocolli and kale with coconut oil and then season with smoked chipotle chili pepper.

    Especially in the beginning, I've found it best to keep it simple. You don't want to complicate it and scare yourself off.

    If you are craving sugar I suggest a square of lindt 90% dark chocolate.

    There is a new board on reddit for easy keto recipes. It's brand spanking new so there isn't a lot of content yet but I think it will gain traction soon and be a great resource.
  • cdlaskey
    cdlaskey Posts: 1 Member
    Greetings all! My name is Carla and I am just starting. Finished reading the Simply Keto book on the plane heading for a week vacation in New York :-)! Just returned yesterday and weighed in this morning at 245.8. My long term goal right now is to get under 200. My short term goal is to stick with this new way of eating as it is one I have finally found that actually seems realistic and doable for me. Feeling a tadbit overwhelmed but of course I know this is common anytime we embark upon something new. Just plugged in my numbers in MFP which turned out to be a little more complicated than I thought it would since all the numbers didn't add up just right and I had to keep changing stuff to get the right grams in the right spots but I finally came pretty close. Anyway I've signed up to be a part of this group for support and accountability! Looking forward to getting to know you all on this journey :smile:
  • jrmie333
    jrmie333 Posts: 149 Member
    PaulaKro wrote: »
    jrmie333 wrote: »
    Hello everyone, Never sustained any diet. Have PCOS, Hashimoto, insulin resistant. Just had a baby as well 6m ago. I decided to start with Keto and willing to give it my best. Any tips on snacks please?
    Welcome @jrmie333 - I snack on anything, like leftover meals. It's just important to have something easily available. Besides leftovers, some of my favorites are turkey jerky, boiled eggs, avocado or nuts. Wish I could nibble on cheese (but I have a dairy allergy). I love coffee with cream* (*using almond milk).

    Here is a low-carb recipe link:
    PaulaKro wrote: »
    jrmie333 wrote: »
    Hello everyone, Never sustained any diet. Have PCOS, Hashimoto, insulin resistant. Just had a baby as well 6m ago. I decided to start with Keto and willing to give it my best. Any tips on snacks please?
    Welcome @jrmie333 - I snack on anything, like leftover meals. It's just important to have something easily available. Besides leftovers, some of my favorites are turkey jerky, boiled eggs, avocado or nuts. Wish I could nibble on cheese (but I have a dairy allergy). I love coffee with cream* (*using almond milk).

    Here is a low-carb recipe link:

    Thank you so much.
  • jrmie333
    jrmie333 Posts: 149 Member
    cdlaskey wrote: »
    Greetings all! My name is Carla and I am just starting. Finished reading the Simply Keto book on the plane heading for a week vacation in New York :-)! Just returned yesterday and weighed in this morning at 245.8. My long term goal right now is to get under 200. My short term goal is to stick with this new way of eating as it is one I have finally found that actually seems realistic and doable for me. Feeling a tadbit overwhelmed but of course I know this is common anytime we embark upon something new. Just plugged in my numbers in MFP which turned out to be a little more complicated than I thought it would since all the numbers didn't add up just right and I had to keep changing stuff to get the right grams in the right spots but I finally came pretty close. Anyway I've signed up to be a part of this group for support and accountability! Looking forward to getting to know you all on this journey :smile:

    Hello Carla,

    I have that book as well. Great book. I also follow the Keto connect on youtube and they have great recipes. I found it that having more friends is really helping me. I am still overwhelmed too sometimes but trying to take it one day at a time. I am just 3w into Keto.
  • NaturallShayz
    NaturallShayz Posts: 1 Member
    Hello Keto family!
    I'm not new to MFP but I am new to Keto and reaching out to the MFP community! Soo here goes! I'm Shannon and I live in Interior Alaska! Current weight somewhere around 275lbs...gained a few lbs back after a week of fasting... Down to under 200lbs.. is My goals.. Also... To be a better me in 2018..better spiritually.. Mentally and physically...

    I planned on starting Keto yesterday but.. It did not work out.. Soooo.. Today is day 1. I will be doing KETO in conjunction with IF! I have done IF off n on for months with grest results... What I need now is consistency.... Friends.. Support... And new ways to think outside the box! Let's see...I love God.. My country.. I love people.. Talking.. Singing... Walking... Doing things... Just living in such a beautiful place! (I love baking too but.....) oh well..

    I have such a weight-loss history as I'm sure most do.. But this time.. Its for keeps! Any help.. Any support.. Ideas.. Or just hellos are welcome!

    Blessings to you all!
    Shannon B)B)
  • Re_Banana
    Re_Banana Posts: 73 Member
    Hello Keto family!
    I'm not new to MFP but I am new to Keto and reaching out to the MFP community! Soo here goes! I'm Shannon and I live in Interior Alaska! Current weight somewhere around 275lbs...gained a few lbs back after a week of fasting... Down to under 200lbs.. is My goals.. Also... To be a better me in 2018..better spiritually.. Mentally and physically...

    I planned on starting Keto yesterday but.. It did not work out.. Soooo.. Today is day 1. I will be doing KETO in conjunction with IF! I have done IF off n on for months with grest results... What I need now is consistency.... Friends.. Support... And new ways to think outside the box! Let's see...I love God.. My country.. I love people.. Talking.. Singing... Walking... Doing things... Just living in such a beautiful place! (I love baking too but.....) oh well..

    I have such a weight-loss history as I'm sure most do.. But this time.. Its for keeps! Any help.. Any support.. Ideas.. Or just hellos are welcome!

    Blessings to you all!
    Shannon B)B)

    Hello Shannon, welcome to the keto way! Feel free to add me, I'd love to be of support on your journey. I've been doing keto for about 6 weeks or so. If you have questions feel free to reach out.😄
  • jrmie333
    jrmie333 Posts: 149 Member
    jheye wrote: »
    jrmie333 asked

    would you mind sharing your new keto dinners ideas plz? Just like i m training myself or no rice, no pasta, no carbs and just veggies.

    Sure- it's still a work in progress, but here are a few of my dinner menus. I find it easier to plan a whole meal than it is to just focus on individual recipes. Also, some of my menus are low carb, but still need some tweaking to get to keto levels.

    Spicy shrimp with green beans and tomatoes. Serve with a side of creamy cucumber soup.
    Broiled steak, steamed asparagus and green salad. Use homemade salad dressing to avoid unecessary carbs.
    King Ranch Casserole with cauliflower- instead of using tortillas in my original recipe, I used roasted cauliflower. The carbs are still a bit high because I still use 1 can cream of chicken soup, but this is honestly better than the original recipe. Serve with cucumber, tomato and green onion tossed with vinaigrette.
    Italian Sausage, Sauteed bell peppers and onions. Serve with green salad or cole slaw- avoid sugary dressings.


    Thank you very much.