

  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    What a difference making a plan, logging it on MFP, then sticking to the plan makes. This has been a pretty keto clean week for me despite obstacles like dinner out with friends, graduation parties and a class I took over the weekend. Here’s the rub though. I can’t maintain this lifestyle. It is too much like a restricted “DIET” -following too many rules. Eventually, I want to eat intuitively, what I know is right, without all the planning, logging and rigid attention to detail.

    That day will have to wait until I reach some long-term goals. Today I weighed in at 159.0 giving me a loss of 3.6 pounds for the week. That puts me within 5 pounds of my 6-month goal of 50 pounds lost. I’m also creeping up on a Body Mass Index less than 25.0 by recording a 25.7 today. My Tanita scale says my metabolic age (MA) is 47 (real age 68) and my body fat% (BF) is below 20%. Both my MA and BF meet goals set back in January of this year.

    So, back to a few more weeks of diligent planning, logging and adherence for me. I am so happy I found keto. Keto has given me control of my appetite. With that control I’ve been able to reasonably restrict my calories steadily for over 5 months now. I can see doing that for another few weeks to reach those long-term goals. I can also envision staying on keto in a more relaxed manner to maintain healthy stats for my lifetime. I <3 keto and I <3 eating fat.

    In regards to the bolded above. That would be me in a nutshell. I am so glad I found keto. (fat actually). I choose to not be strict keto. I do choose to remain low carb/high fat because it provides control of my appetite.

    I didn't begin my past 5 year weight management journey with keto. I found it in the middle of the now, 5 years. Since keto, I have continued in a lchf style with no emphasis on being in ketosis but rather limiting my carb intake and maximizing my fat intake, only to the degree that I enjoy food/eating, get the variety I desire, find my "diet" adaptable to all situations, do not feel restricted, am satiated and not craving. I still log most of the time, because I seem to like to and maybe consider it a bit of a safety net. I sometimes don't log and have not had negative consequences due to not logging.

    It can be done. I think some folks may refer to this as lazy keto. Dunno. Lazy is not a term I generally apply to myself. Kinda like the term "cheat". I don't refer to my "flex" days as "cheats". They're part of my plan. I don't seek them out and I don't create them. I know when they'll realistically occur. A 7 day vacation at the beach is not a reason to overeat my chosen level of carbs for 7 days. I might enjoy a half ear of corn and a small red potato from a Low Country Boil and call it tasty.

    I'm reading a very excellent book right now. It is not specific to diet or food though it does reference both occasionally.
    How could it not when so much about eating is habit. The book is The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg. Currently what I am reading is about cravings being a part of a habit building cycle which ends in reward. Example: a woman learns (behavioral) to enjoy the fresh smell of Febreeze and craves it's use with her cleaning (satisfaction reward) not being complete without it. Excellent read for those interested.
  • pendennis
    pendennis Posts: 117 Member
    January 1: 266

    June 1: 222.1
    Sunday 6/3: 228.6
    Sunday 6/10: 222.0
    Sunday 6/17:
    Sunday 6/24:
    Friday 6/30:

    Goal weight: 212

    Was out of town for work and posting a day late. What was different about this trip this week is that it was for work. I was able to put down an average of 18000 steps in per day on the job! I stuck to a strict keto plan with a focus on pure protein. Happily this let me drop the gain I had the previous week and, in a way, has been re-motivating.
  • cbishop7777
    cbishop7777 Posts: 86 Member
    Devinpa wrote: »
    First day for Keto for both myself and husband. It's difficult finding stuff to make for him for lunch, that is sure. He has lettuce wraps today... I am all new to Keto and am doing tons of reading. I still don't understand how to figure out the correct amount of carbs in food. Counting calories just didn't seem to work for me

    Starting weight...and this is the heaviest I have been in 5 years! I feel awful and look terrible!
    I use to walk daily, but due to stenosis and other problems with my back (2 surgeries with no relief), I can not stand or walk for very long. I do use the elliptical twice a week (1 miles is about all I can handle) and strength train, and when I don't do that I TRY to use the recumbent bike.

    I am 54 years old, 5'5 / 5'4 1/2 and today's weight is 156!

    SW: 156
    GW: 140
    Current goal is to lose 5 lbs and then 5 lbs. One step at a time!

    Any help, encouragement, experience, would be GREATLY appreciated.

    Welcome @devinpa ! This is a great place to find encouragement. I started this journey after watching a lot of Dr. Eric Berg's videos on YouTube, so I concur with stormywx that is a good place for a wealth of information.
  • cbishop7777
    cbishop7777 Posts: 86 Member
    I'm going to be a bit unorthodox. Last Friday I stepped on the scale in the morning and was so excited to have FINALLY broken through into the 50s. Saturday morning we left for an overnight with some friends out of town and, as is almost always the case, ate not-so-keto-friendly food and drinks. Weighed myself yesterday after we got home and was going to post here, but could not bring myself to put 162 in the line for Sunday's date. Is it cheating to record the weight I was on Friday, knowing that the weight gain is water and will be gone soon? (sigh) Just so frustrating.

    Keto Jan SW: 175
    Current Weight: 160
    June Goal: 157
    Goal Weight: 140

    Sunday 06/03: 160
    Sunday 06/10: 159.5 (06/8)
    Sunday 06/17:
    Sunday 06/24
  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    Sunday 6/3: 245
    Sunday 6/10:
    Sunday 6/17:
    Sunday 6/24:

    NSV for me today: My A1C levels are down to 5.9 from 7.9 three months ago! Yay! My doctor is super pleased with my progress, as am I! ^_^

  • KristinLeeD
    KristinLeeD Posts: 218 Member
    d_dc_lady wrote: »
    5/31: 159.0
    Sunday 06/03: 158.0 (-1.0)
    Sunday 06/10: 157.8
    Sunday 06/17:
    Sunday 06/24:

    Been stuck for a month at 157-158 range. Not sure what to do and feeling very frustrated :neutral: I've measured and rechecked my calories/macros, and everything is in order. I've had maybe 2 higher carb (but still in ketosis) days since I stared in March, but no "cheat" days and I use IF whenever I can. Maybe my body is just happy where it's at? I don't know. Any suggestions?

    @d_dc_lady I had the same thing happen to me and high fat keto was not working any longer, so I switched to a lower fat version of keto with different macros based on the premise that when trying to actively lose fat, more fat on the plate is not helpful.

    Some people don't like it because it is great eating all that fat, but it wasn't working for me any longer. I lost my most recent 17 lbs (taking me from where you are now) with lower fat macros. Let me know if you want me to send you the info to look into.
  • KristinLeeD
    KristinLeeD Posts: 218 Member
    edited June 2018
    Keto Starting Weight: 153
    Current Weight: 136.5
    June Goal: 128 (8.5 lbs)
    Ultimate Goal: 115

    June 1: 136.5
    Sunday 6/3: 136.5
    Sunday 6/10: 133.6 (-2.9)
    Sunday 6/17:
    Sunday 6/24:
    Friday 6/30:

    I know my June goal of 8.5lbs is very ambitious for me because I am not hard core on my eating every day of the week. But, I am hoping that since I am now getting to the gym again that I can still lose with the 'liberal' diet I have a couple days a week.
  • NikkiJRM
    NikkiJRM Posts: 328 Member
    @xDaniDragonflyx That's FANTASTIC!!!!
  • summertyme73
    summertyme73 Posts: 17 Member
    edited June 2018
    I think I may join in. I am new to this group and also had PCOS, but last insulin level was completely normal.
    Keto started on 2/17/18. I had lost 52 pounds. I was down to 187.8, but gained a few back after the fast.
    Highest Weight-287.5
    Total Goal-140 or so. We'll see when I get there!
    June Goal-185

    Looking forward to getting to know everyone! Good Luck to you all.
  • stormywxs288
    stormywxs288 Posts: 795 Member
    I'm going to be a bit unorthodox. Last Friday I stepped on the scale in the morning and was so excited to have FINALLY broken through into the 50s. Saturday morning we left for an overnight with some friends out of town and, as is almost always the case, ate not-so-keto-friendly food and drinks. Weighed myself yesterday after we got home and was going to post here, but could not bring myself to put 162 in the line for Sunday's date. Is it cheating to record the weight I was on Friday, knowing that the weight gain is water and will be gone soon? (sigh) Just so frustrating.

    Keto Jan SW: 175
    Current Weight: 160
    June Goal: 157
    Goal Weight: 140

    Sunday 06/03: 160
    Sunday 06/10: 159.5 (06/8)
    Sunday 06/17:
    Sunday 06/24

    My motto is, “If you’re not cheatin, You’re not tryin”. I’m really not one to give advice on scale discipline because I don’t follow any of the conventional rules. I weigh myself at least once a day. It is the first thing I do when I wake and quite often the last thing I do before bed. I know that is an Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) that some would view as unheathly. However, I consider my OCD love affair with my Tanita scale my own business and own it.

    That said, one thing I love about this group is checking in on Sundays. I believe that once a week approach tempers my OCD approach to weighing in. I personally use my Sunday weight as my check in. I use my daily weight checks to tweak/adjust my eating/activity behaviors during the week. Again, I acknowledge my OCD scale behavior is unorthodox, but it fits me.

    What I’m getting at is, I would recommend doing what works for your experiment of one. Personally, I think using your best weight of the week on Sunday sounds a lot more sane than my OCD approach. I’m not saying, “anything goes”, but if it works for you then do it. Five months ago if you told me eating 75-80% fat was a good idea, I would have called you crazy. Now I <3 eating fat! Keto on my freind!
  • skctilidie
    skctilidie Posts: 1,404 Member
    d_dc_lady wrote: »
    5/31: 159.0
    Sunday 06/03: 158.0 (-1.0)
    Sunday 06/10: 157.8
    Sunday 06/17:
    Sunday 06/24:

    Been stuck for a month at 157-158 range. Not sure what to do and feeling very frustrated :neutral: I've measured and rechecked my calories/macros, and everything is in order. I've had maybe 2 higher carb (but still in ketosis) days since I stared in March, but no "cheat" days and I use IF whenever I can. Maybe my body is just happy where it's at? I don't know. Any suggestions?

    @d_c_lady I know exactly how you feel! My scale didn't move for a month (except up a few pounds when I had a conference to attend). Friday I totally broke though to the 50s before I went out of town for the weekend and now I'm sure I gained a couple. Just stick with it! Increase your calorie deficit for a few days and see where that puts you. That's what it took for me. After this weekend I will have to be patient with myself for a few days until I get back control, but just seeing that 159 on the scale however briefly is a huge boost to my motivation. I know it's easy to be discouraged. I've been there more often than not in this journey. But perseverance is key.

    Keep at it! I felt “stalled” at 188-189 for the last several weeks, but am suddenly down 3 pounds since Friday without changing anything that I’ve been doing. If I don’t look at the big picture, I get too focused on those stretches of of time where the line in the graph levels out for longer than it seems like it should instead of the big drops after those stretches. I may have felt stuck for a few weeks there, but the bigger picture is that overall I’m down 21.3 pounds since starting keto about 8 weeks ago.
    d_dc_lady wrote: »
    5/31: 159.0
    Sunday 06/03: 158.0 (-1.0)
    Sunday 06/10: 157.8
    Sunday 06/17:
    Sunday 06/24:

    Been stuck for a month at 157-158 range. Not sure what to do and feeling very frustrated :neutral: I've measured and rechecked my calories/macros, and everything is in order. I've had maybe 2 higher carb (but still in ketosis) days since I stared in March, but no "cheat" days and I use IF whenever I can. Maybe my body is just happy where it's at? I don't know. Any suggestions?

    @d_dc_lady I had the same thing happen to me and high fat keto was not working any longer, so I switched to a lower fat version of keto with different macros based on the premise that when trying to actively lose fat, more fat on the plate is not helpful.

    Some people don't like it because it is great eating all that fat, but it wasn't working for me any longer. I lost my most recent 17 lbs (taking me from where you are now) with lower fat macros. Let me know if you want me to send you the info to look into.

    I haven’t adjusted my targeted macros on the site, but have adjusted my mindset a bit lately. I’m still aiming for no more than 20-30 net carbs a day, but have started going over my protein goal most days and not really even paying attention to where I am on fat. I’m mainly eating meats and veggies, cooking most of the veggies in butter or tossing them with an olive oil based dressing, and on our chaotic busy mornings I go the lazy route with a quest bar for breakfast. Most days, I’ve ended up 30-40 grams short of my targeted fat goal, but I’m satisfied with what I’m eating and it seems to be working just fine.
  • stormywxs288
    stormywxs288 Posts: 795 Member
    I have lived a charmed life! First, I’ve already admitted I have “male privilege”. That is where all men have to do is say the word diet and we lose 10 pounds. Second, I have “retired privilege”. I’m both retired military and retired teacher. With that comes access to all the gyms in my school district and the world class gym at Fairchild Air Force Base.

    At FAFB, I just completed a bod pod (BP) to get an accurate measurement of my body fat (BF). The bod pod is a device that uses air pressure to calculate BF. It is supposed to be one of the most accurate methods to measure BF. I took my Tanita scale with me to the bod pod, so I could compare my Tanita BF to the BP. My Tanita measures me 1 pound heavier and 1.3% more than the BP.

    Of course, all measurement has inherent inaccuracies, but I respect the BP measurements more than my scale. I have access to the BP, so I will use it again, when I reach my 6-month goal weight (154.4), hopefully this month. Until then - old Tanita remains my daily friend. I <3 my Tanita scale most days!
  • jrmie333
    jrmie333 Posts: 149 Member
    katzme0w wrote: »
    I would love to join in! I had my first child back in August and was at my highest weight ever of 261. I’ve almost lost 45 lbs now but it’s going very slowly and I would like to jumpstart it. My weakness is carbs so it’s going to be a big challenge for me. I am doing a bit of a modified Keto diet which I read about since I am breastfeeding.

    Same. I had my baby in August and just started keto. I am on week 2.
  • jrmie333
    jrmie333 Posts: 149 Member
    Count me in!

    I have PCOS and thyroid problems, and I feel this has been such a positive change in my diet and overall health.

    Keto May SW: 249.5
    Current Weight: 242.4
    June Goal: 230

    Sunday 06/03:
    Sunday 06/10:
    Sunday 06/17:
    Sunday 06/24:

    Same problems.
  • jrmie333
    jrmie333 Posts: 149 Member
    Hello everyone,

    Never sustained any diet. Have PCOS, Hashimoto, insulin resistant. Just had a baby as well 6m ago. I decided to start with Keto and willing to give it my best. Any tips on snacks please?

    SW: 247.8
    CW: 241.5
    JUNE GW: 230-235
    DEC GW: 199
    OVERALL GW: 150
  • cbishop7777
    cbishop7777 Posts: 86 Member
    My motto is, “If you’re not cheatin, You’re not tryin”. I’m really not one to give advice on scale discipline because I don’t follow any of the conventional rules. I weigh myself at least once a day. It is the first thing I do when I wake and quite often the last thing I do before bed. I know that is an Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) that some would view as unheathly. However, I consider my OCD love affair with my Tanita scale my own business and own it.

    That said, one thing I love about this group is checking in on Sundays. I believe that once a week approach tempers my OCD approach to weighing in. I personally use my Sunday weight as my check in. I use my daily weight checks to tweak/adjust my eating/activity behaviors during the week. Again, I acknowledge my OCD scale behavior is unorthodox, but it fits me.

    What I’m getting at is, I would recommend doing what works for your experiment of one. Personally, I think using your best weight of the week on Sunday sounds a lot more sane than my OCD approach. I’m not saying, “anything goes”, but if it works for you then do it. Five months ago if you told me eating 75-80% fat was a good idea, I would have called you crazy. Now I <3 eating fat! Keto on my freind!

    Thank you for that encouraging word! I weighed myself Tuesday morning and I was back down to my Friday weight again. I hope to be even lower by this Friday. Then the weekend hits and it seems like my body just knows I'm going to weigh in Sunday and retains water! Well, I am heading in the right direction even if it is a cha cha.
    Thank you for your service to our country, sir. Keto on!
  • eggfooyamyam
    eggfooyamyam Posts: 196 Member
    Welcome!!! @jrmie333 You wont regret trying Keto. This is an inspiring group of folks who know the ropes well. It sounds like you have a lot of good reasons to give it a try. Welcome aboard!!!
  • Freischuetz
    Freischuetz Posts: 147 Member
    Sunday 06/03: 175.9
    Sunday 06/10: 177.9
    Sunday 06/17: 176.6 at 12.2% BF
    Sunday 06/24:
  • skctilidie
    skctilidie Posts: 1,404 Member
    SW - 209.8 (SW for keto 4/15/18 - 206.8)

    Friday, June 1 - 188.8
    Sunday, June 3 - 188.4
    Sunday, June 10 - 187.1
    Sunday, June 17 - 184.6
    Sunday, June 24 -
    Saturday, June 30 -

    I’ll take it!