chinatowninchina Posts: 1,279 Member
edited July 2018 in Social Groups
Welcome one and all to June!

Here we go: a new challenge but the old spreadsheet!

So don't look for a new one of those, but continue to post your weight on the 'Keto Monthly Challenge Spreadsheet' which Nikki will update as needed. You can obviously also post your weight in this post and many do.

For anyone new out there; feel very welcome to join, we usually post our weigh Sundays and use the 'Keto Monthly Challenge Spreadsheet' also in 'Announcements' to track weight.

We use this thread to encourage each other and to add our weight as well if we want to and generally chat!

It's fun and it's been working and we've lost a shed load of weight between us. It seems to keep us going and even if we go up occasionally (and who doesn't!) we get back to it and continue the journey.

So here we go, good luck in June

To finish off May. Thursday 31st

Sunday 06/03
Sunday 06/10
Sunday 06/17
Sunday 06/24

Saturday 06/30 or/and Sunday 07/01


  • katzme0w
    katzme0w Posts: 4 Member
    I would love to join in! I had my first child back in August and was at my highest weight ever of 261. I’ve almost lost 45 lbs now but it’s going very slowly and I would like to jumpstart it. My weakness is carbs so it’s going to be a big challenge for me. I am doing a bit of a modified Keto diet which I read about since I am breastfeeding.
  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,747 Member
    I'm in!

    Also a newbie. Not in Keto yet, but am Low Carb Hi Fat and going for more. I've been fighting and trying to stop a 30# weight gain over the last few years. Now hopefully the fight is over. Cravings are down and weight is coming off. Breathing a sigh of hopeful relief.

    Sunday 06/03
    Sunday 06/10
    Sunday 06/17
    Sunday 06/24
    Saturday 06/30 or/and Sunday 07/01
  • shirli2018
    shirli2018 Posts: 74 Member
    Count me in too! I started Keto last Wednesday and I'm looking forward to June challenge.
    I'm trying to work the plan one day at the time.

    June GW - 234 lbs
    Long term GW - < 180 lbs
  • LifeChoiceGrammy
    LifeChoiceGrammy Posts: 121 Member
    Please count me in!! I started Keto last year and went thru one of the best summers I have ever had. Then Fall and Holidays....and as of now, I still need to get back 100%. Need this group.....
    June GW-165
    Long Term GW- 155
  • bj08sj10
    bj08sj10 Posts: 1 Member
    I would love to join in. This is all new for me. I tried working out at the gym with a personal trainer 2 times a week and only lost 10 pounds for the year. Very frustrating. I need all the help i can get to figure out how to get this weight off.
  • skctilidie
    skctilidie Posts: 1,404 Member
    edited May 2018
    Welcome to all the new faces!

    SW - 209.8 (SW for keto 4/15/18 - 206.8)

    June start -
    Sunday, June 3 -
    Sunday, June 10 -
    Sunday, June 17 -
    Sunday, June 24 -
    June end -

    June goal...185. I’m hopeful to be able to beat that, but the calendar is packed full and I’m not sure how much exercise I’ll get in, plus we have several big birthday celebrations all in the latter half of June.

  • db19732018
    db19732018 Posts: 49 Member
    Well, 16 days ago, I started this awesome lifestyle change. I've never stuck to anything like this. I'm actually happy trying to find new ways everyday to get my fats, proteins, and barely any carbs. Challenging and rewarding! Prepping my meal plans for the next day on MFP helps me tremendously. I also use my food scale like a boss. My family thinks I'm crazy, but they also notice my progress in loss of inches. Going into June hopeful for more loss, but remaining patient and realistic.

    SW-283.2(SW for keto 5/13/18 - 294.2)

    June Start-
    Sun 6/3-
    Sun 6/10-
    Sun 6/17-
    Sun 6/24-
    June end-
  • laneybird
    laneybird Posts: 532 Member
    I am all in for the June challenge after enjoying the May challenge so much!

    SW- 312.8

    Started Keto: May 4th (SW: 286.4)

    June Start-
    Sun 6/3-
    Sun 6/10-
    Sun 6/17-
    Sun 6/24-
    June end-

    End of June goal-
  • PeaceQT18
    PeaceQT18 Posts: 56 Member
    Where is the spreadsheet so I could keep updating? Can the link be also added to this challenge?
  • pendennis
    pendennis Posts: 117 Member
    January 1: 266

    June 1:
    Sunday 6/3:
    Sunday 6/10:
    Sunday 6/17:
    Sunday 6/24:
    Friday 6/30:

    Goal weight: 212

    I will be delayed as I am going out of town for a funeral. My goal will be to maintain my eating and exercise during this trip. I will weigh in tomorrow and on monday.

    Good luck to everyone this month!
  • chinatowninchina
    chinatowninchina Posts: 1,279 Member
    @PeaceQT18 Hi it's in the Announcements above this section which is where this June Challenge will be as soon as KnitOrMiss has time to move it up there! We actually keep it separate as it's easier to find that way. Just go to page one of the Spreadsheet and you will find the link and add your name and your weight. Hope that helps and welcome
  • chinatowninchina
    chinatowninchina Posts: 1,279 Member
    and welcome to everyone else!
  • PeaceQT18
    PeaceQT18 Posts: 56 Member
    Thanks @chinatowninchina. I am very excited to continue my weight loss lifestyle... I refuse to continue to struggle with my weight. I think I'm finally getting a hold of this crazy yo-yoing roller coaster...
  • xDaniDragonflyx
    xDaniDragonflyx Posts: 201 Member
    I'm definitely in! A goal I'd like to achieve this month: going back to the gym. There's a ladies' only gym I'd like to look into, otherwise, the wellness center has a pool I'd like to start going to again. I miss swimming. But I need to try on my old swim suits! :open_mouth: I have no idea if they'll fit me... LOL!

    Sunday 6/3:
    Sunday 6/10:
    Sunday 6/17:
    Sunday 6/24:

    Welcome to all the new people! Please join in the discussion any time, or ask questions any time. Lots of friendly, non-judgemental people here to be your cheering section!