Wednesday Weigh in's



  • Sweetzyd
    Sweetzyd Posts: 919 Member
    Starting weight on MFP 175
    Current weight 164 (-1 lb from last week)
    Goal weight 140

    Hello ladies hope you all are well. Had a couple of days in the past week that I didnt do so well staying in my calorie range. Was away the whole weekend and didn't get any exercise in either, or nearly enough water. My focus this week is get better workouts in and more water, along with watching my carb and sugar intake.
  • TheRedQueen1981
    TheRedQueen1981 Posts: 258 Member
    I also had a bad weekend bd gained 2lbs! I cannot believe his quickly that can happen. But, I was sort of expecting that since I refused to calorie count at my cousins wedding and thoroughly enjoyed the meal, lol. I’ve lost the 2lbs again in a couple of days, though so hopefully this time next week I’ll have lost some more!
  • TheRedQueen1981
    TheRedQueen1981 Posts: 258 Member
    Excuse the
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,433 Member
    edited August 2018
    SW: 227 (March 2014) LW: 158 (Oct 2017)
    01 Aug: 167.6
    08 Aug: 167.6 (maintained)
    15 Aug: 167.4 (had dropped lower but this was the weight on the scale today)
    22 Aug: 167.2
    29 Aug:

    I am focusing on building muscle and improving stamina using HIIT at the moment. Any loss is good.
    Pre-log; stay under goal; balance macros/micros; Hydrate adequately
    :star:Cardio: 9000+ Steps daily
    ~ 15+ mins lower body physio daily
    ~ 60+ minutes arms/core/abs per week
    ~ 5 mins stretch before/after workouts
    ~ 60+ mins yoga/tai chi per week
    :star: Daily Mindfulness Practice/meditation
    :star: 15 mins Daily Declutter session
  • meepmya
    meepmya Posts: 37 Member
    Hi everyone,

    Had a bad week last week. Hadn’t been feeling too well so I did comfort eat a bit more than I should and didn’t exercise as much as I should. Thankfully I have only gained a few pounds, which I guess is mostly water weight. Taking it easy this week till I’m back to full health, just making healthier choices in the meantime. And hoping I will drop those extra few pounds this coming week.
    Starting weight 226.2
    Was 165
    Now 168
  • TheRedQueen1981
    TheRedQueen1981 Posts: 258 Member
    One bad week isn’t too big a deal. You’ll get past it. :)
  • Sweetzyd
    Sweetzyd Posts: 919 Member
    @meepmya hope you get to feeling better soon. Comfort food is the best. You have had amazing results, I'm sure you will lose it in no time. Like you said it's probably just water weight.
  • Sweetzyd
    Sweetzyd Posts: 919 Member
    Hey ladies hope all is well! Had a successful week, got exercise in every day but 1 I think, sometimes twice a day. Still cutting carbs/breads and starchy foods.

    Starting weight on MFP 175
    Current weight 161 (-3 lbs from last week)
    Goal weight 140

  • DRJJ2004
    DRJJ2004 Posts: 186 Member
    Forgot to check in again. Lol. I was at 250 and am down to 247.2. Exercising at least ( days a week, getting my water and making good choices. I really want this weight off.
  • Sweetzyd
    Sweetzyd Posts: 919 Member
    @DRJJ2004 that's great! Keep up the good work! I know what you mean by wanting the weight off, you'll get there!
  • Sweetzyd
    Sweetzyd Posts: 919 Member
    Hello ladies, I hope you are all well and have an amazing weekend! I'm having a tough time cutting the sugar and carbs, its so hard. We have had so many birthday celebrations and BBQ's lately, and with those come yummy desserts. It seems like I'm doing well, but then when I eat something with a lot of sugar, I crave more. It's hard, but it'll pass!
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,433 Member
    edited September 2018
    A bit late in posting this. Lol!
    SW: 227 (March 2014) LW: 158 (Oct 2017)
    01 Aug: 167.6
    08 Aug: 167.6 (maintained)
    15 Aug: 167.4 (had dropped lower but this was the weight on the scale today)
    22 Aug: 167.2
    29 Aug: 166.8 (it was 166.4 earlier in the week, but this was what I weighed on Wednesday)
    • I am continuing to focus on muscle toning and improving stamina.
    • Managed 30+ HIIT cardio/strength daily throughout August.
    • Have increased Step goal by 500.
    • Aiming for a slow steady downward trend, so August has been reasonably successful.
    • With only 12lbs to go it is more difficult to lose weight but the scale is only one indicator in my lexicon of measurability.
    Daily Goals
    Pre-log; stay under goal; balance macros/micros; Hydrate adequately
    :star:Cardio: 9500+ Steps daily
    ~ 15+ mins lower body physio daily
    ~ 15+ minutes arms/core/abs
    ~ 5 mins stretch before/after workouts
    ~ 15+ mins yoga/tai chi/stretching per
    :star: Daily Mindfulness Practice/meditation
    :star: 15 mins Daily Declutter session
  • DRJJ2004
    DRJJ2004 Posts: 186 Member
    Down to 246.4 this week. It’s not quite a pound but I’ll take it. Tough week. Lots of temptations, but I came out on top! :smile:
  • TheRedQueen1981
    TheRedQueen1981 Posts: 258 Member
    I had two weeks there where the scale barely moved...think I maybe lost 1lb in total but thankfully, this week I’ve lost 3lbs. I hate when I hit a lull like that, it’s so discouraging! But, I’m finally losing again. :)
  • meepmya
    meepmya Posts: 37 Member
    Hi everyone,
    Feeling much better this week , almost pain free, so planning on hitting the gym again for a bit of strength training most likely after I have finished work on Sunday. Though I haven’t managed to get to the gym frequently over the past few weeks I did manage to still do a bit of walking most days and am happy I can do a bit more this week. Did my first proper work out cycling today for just over an hour and have made some good choices over the past few days.

    Starting weight Mid January 226.2 lbs
    Last weeks weight 168 lbs
    Today, back down to 165 lbs

    Targets for the coming week:
    My focus this coming week is skin care and toning.
    I would be very pleased to see 163 lbs by next week.
    Fit in some strength training/ toning exercises at the gym and a session of Callanetics
    Get back into the routine of making my food from scratch from Monday (after I have finished eating the rest of them), as I got a bit lazy with the pre prepared M&S convenience meals when I wasn’t too well.


    To reach 161 by mid September and celebrate being ~ three quarters of the way to my target by booking a nice trip to Dubai.

    To be under 159lbs by end of September

    Thanks everyone for well wishes. It’s been great to keep up with all of your progress, and has kept me motivated even when I wasn’t feeling too great. Well done to everyone. Hope you are all having a good Wednesday 🙂

  • Sweetzyd
    Sweetzyd Posts: 919 Member
    Starting weight on MFP 175
    Current weight 160 (-1 lb from last week)
    Goal weight 140

    Hello ladies, hope you are all well! Went over on my calories yesterday and high in carbs and sugar also. Had a late dinner. Looking to lose 2 lbs for next weeks weigh in. Goal for the end of September is 154
  • Sweetzyd
    Sweetzyd Posts: 919 Member
    @meepmya awesome that you lost the weight back! You are so inspiring
  • TheRedQueen1981
    TheRedQueen1981 Posts: 258 Member
    You’re both doing great! :)
  • Sweetzyd
    Sweetzyd Posts: 919 Member
    @TheRedQueen1981 you are doing amazing as well! Keep it up! :)
  • DRJJ2004
    DRJJ2004 Posts: 186 Member
    Down to 245.4. Lost a pound. Seems slow going but better than going up. I’m just going to keep at it. Have a great week!