Body for life 2018

Day 3 of Body for Life program.
Slept badly, overslept and didn't have time to go to gym before work so not a great day. However, Bill says it's important to not give up when you have a bad day. Tomorrow morning - lower body workout.


  • oscarisalittledog1
    Day 1
    Started with upper body workout. Used pdf of Body for Life book to view exercises on my phone. It was busy in gym but I got through the whole workout. Need an app to load my workout, view it and tick off.
  • oscarisalittledog1
    Day 2
    Woke up at 6am.
    Started jogging outside. Jogged up hill for high intensity bit. Felt really good the rest of the day. Need an app that will tell me to move to level 6 intensity etc. Bought a pretend Fitbit. It keeps telling me to move if I sit too long. Cool. Not sure it can detect my heartbeat.
  • oscarisalittledog1
    Day 4
    So I got my workout set up on my 'strong' app. It is great. Today was lower body workout. I did leg extension, leg press, leg curl, dumbbell raises, calf raises and crunches. Took 38 minutes. Not sure if I should have been sweating but for now main thing is consistently showing up.
    Not keen on the body for life eating plan. So am thinking omelette for breakfast then soup for lunch and dinner with fruit and yogurt dessert. Just wanting to keep it simple without feeling hungry.
  • oscarisalittledog1
    Day 5
    Got up at 6am. Jogged around the nature reserve nearby. Beautiful to see muntjac deer scattering. Tough to keep going for 20 mins so had walking breaks interspersed with gentle hills. Felt awesome rest of the day.
  • oscarisalittledog1
    Day 6
    Lower body workout.
    Forgot to upload workout to Strong app so did it early am. Got to gym and it was surprisingly busy at 6.30am. Got through whole workout except for long bicep set and short tricep set. Didn't want to be too late for work.
    Had lots of food at work as new people joined so been a bit of a grazer today. Whoops. Yesterday went well food wise. Scrambled eggs breakfast, half a smoked chowder soup, Yorkshire Provender roast chicken soup for dinner and an apple.
  • oscarisalittledog1
    Day 7
    Lower Body Workout
    (Yesterday was actually an upper body workout)
    Felt super motivated. Went smoother than last time. Moving around gym. Leg extensions, leg press, leg curl - tough, then dumbbell lunges, calf raises, got introduced to using leg press for calves. That felt way more effective. Crunches on a ball then home. Knackered all day through not enough sleep I think. Consequently binged on fruit and seed oatcakes. Tiredness is a big saboteur. Thankfully no other crap to eat in the house. Binged on a mango! Ha!
  • oscarisalittledog1
    Day 8 (September 6th)
    20 minutes exercise
    Did a jog around common at 6.00am. Felt easier than before. Not looking foiward to running in the dark tho.
  • oscarisalittledog1
    Day 9 (September 7th)
    Sick did nothing.
  • oscarisalittledog1
    Day 10
    Sick. Forgot to update that end of Day 7 I lost 0.7 kg. Woohoo :p
  • oscarisalittledog1
    Day 11 (Sunday September 9th)
    Still poorly. But took myself to Body Combat class. It was great.
  • oscarisalittledog1
    Day 12 Mon Sept 10th
    Upper Body Workout
    Really busy in gym at 7.30. Did workout in reverse order so that I could do biceps and triceps properly. Tending to drop off last set as takes ages. Unfortunately not eating in a disciplined way due to gut still being poorly after last Thursday's food poisoning.
  • oscarisalittledog1
    Day 13 Tue September 11th
    Did 20 minute YouTube workout. Really felt it. I have not sorted diet out. Kind of anxious and out of control with diet.
  • oscarisalittledog1
    Day 14 Wednesday 12th September
    Sick rested
  • oscarisalittledog1
    Day 15 Thursday 13th September
    Sick rested
  • oscarisalittledog1
    Day 16 Friday 14th September
    Sick rested
  • oscarisalittledog1
    Day 17 Sat 18th September
    Had a good walk today and have found a diet I think will work for me. 16:8. Still not fully over this virus but have stopped eating at 18.45 this evening. Tomorrow I can eat at 10.45 am. Weigh day tomorrow and upper body workout.
  • oscarisalittledog1
    Day 18 Sunday 16th September
    Weight gained 0.9kg basically being poorly and an ordinary vulnerable human being has set me back a little. So what can I learn from this. Eating crap when poorly felt good at the time.
    Went for proper hill walk. No workout .
  • oscarisalittledog1
    Day 19 Monday 17th September
    Focusing on 16.8. No workout.
    Going good so far. Easier than I thought to wait til 12.15 today before eating. However all meals outside home.
  • oscarisalittledog1
    Day 20 Tuesday 18th September
    16.8 - no workout
  • oscarisalittledog1
    Day 21 Wednesday 19th September
    HIIT 20 minutes running.
    16:8 - ate quite late tonight so need to fast til 13.00 tomorrow.