Hangry Birds

nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
Hello to Team Hangry Birds. This is your official team thread. If you would like to change the name that is fine - but, I did get a good chuckle out of it. I will have more information regarding the workouts and how I handle the weigh-ins on a weekly basis.



  • chefgirlrd
    chefgirlrd Posts: 23 Member
    Love that name! Lol
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Hey all - just wanted to post a few ways to sneak in your abs for the week.

    Standing hip circles - circle one way 10 times & circle the other way 10 times = Boom 10 abs

    For those that don't want to count?
    One minute of abs is 20 abs.
    A five minute ab video is worth 100 abs
    A 1-minute plank is worth 20 abs.
    You cannot count the ones that you do during an exercise class if you are also counting the calorie burn from it. It's an extra perk.
  • Peregrin72
    Peregrin72 Posts: 27 Member
    Yes! "Hangry Birds" is awesome. :D
  • boncharlie
    boncharlie Posts: 487 Member
    Woot woot - go Hangry birds!!!
  • fourathomej
    fourathomej Posts: 4,281 Member
    I'm always a Hangry Bird!!! Will be great to learn more about everyone!!
  • boncharlie
    boncharlie Posts: 487 Member
    Hey peeps, hope you are all having a lovely weekend. It's been a beautiful sunny day here on the coast - manage to get 2 swims in for the first time in 8 months! One in the pool and one in the surf - my kiddo does nippers so it was a great excuse to do a short ocean swim with him. Have been logging and staying under cals and feeling really energised about being back in control! Ab's have always been a huge challenge for me as I have pretty weak knees and find anything with bending pretty tough so I am loving the hip circles!!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    boncharlie wrote: »
    Ab's have always been a huge challenge for me as I have pretty weak knees and find anything with bending pretty tough so I am loving the hip circles!!

    Yup - I get a creative with them, like I'm a belly dancer. It's quite insane looking. Even after all the months off, I feel like you have kept the weight now. Good job on that!!

  • chunkysloth
    chunkysloth Posts: 28 Member
    Looks like I'm a late addition to Hangry Birds. Good to be here!!

    I've done many of Kim's competitions (as Mr.Tubbs) and I'm excited to get back on the MFP bandwagon.

    Go Birds!!
  • fourathomej
    fourathomej Posts: 4,281 Member
    @chunkysloth Welcome aboard!! And welcome back!!

    @boncharlie Swim in the ocean...sounds AWESOME!! We have had snow for almost a month now already...I'm missing the sun that's for sure. I'm loving the hip circles as well!!!
  • chunkysloth
    chunkysloth Posts: 28 Member
    Yesterday, I saw a lady walking her dog. She was extremely overweight. She needed two canes to walk/stabilize herself. She moved about zero mph. She had her dog tied to her waist. And she had a full poop bag hanging off her belt. (I didn't see her pick up after her dog, but I honestly have no idea how she did it.) Yet, she was getting out and moving.

    Needless to say, she has motivated me to get off my butt and do some cardio today.
  • Peregrin72
    Peregrin72 Posts: 27 Member
    Good morning, everyone 😊
  • fourathomej
    fourathomej Posts: 4,281 Member
    Good morning!!! @Peregrin72 @chunkysloth @boncharlie @chefgirlrd @nisijam5

    Hate Tuesday's after a long weekend...so busy at work...ahhh well!!! Still battling this stupid bug as well. So is my whole house...can you say BOO!!!!
  • zzzzia
    zzzzia Posts: 295 Member
    good morning! I can't edit the spreadsheet from my android phone... any tricks?
  • fourathomej
    fourathomej Posts: 4,281 Member
    @zzzzia Do you use the sheets app? As long as you have opened it on my pc on the MFP site at least once...it will open in the sheets app...easy to edit from there...hope that makes sense!
  • Peregrin72
    Peregrin72 Posts: 27 Member
    @zzzzia @fourathomej I've edited the spreadsheet with no problem on pc several times, but keep getting an error message when I try to edit it on my Android phone.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Last week's sheets are now locked if you are tying to edit them. They close out at midnight and I lock them because it is very hard to go through the data and people are changing it. However, you should be able to edit this week's sheets.
  • Peregrin72
    Peregrin72 Posts: 27 Member
    Peregrin72 wrote: »
    @zzzzia @fourathomej I've edited the spreadsheet with no problem on pc several times, but keep getting an error message when I try to edit it on my Android phone.

    I finally figured it out. The problem was that I didn't have Google Sheets on my phone! *rolleyes* Sigh. But now that I have it, I can edit the current week's sheets with no problem. Still get an error message when i try to "open in app" from the MFP app, though.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    And the winners are…

    Boncharlie B)B)B) wins this first week with an impressive 8 lb. loss. And a 4.4% drop. So, close to the one-derlands. This week you will bask in the comfort of a 0.5 lb. advantage. I want to see some impressive bingo arm action as well. I personally am very nervous about you and Chunkysloth being on the same team.

    Winning team...
    The Hangry birds lost 3 people due to non-weigh in. :'( They will receive a 1-week pass for elimination since they won. I had someone contact me today about joining and I will put her on your team as well.

    Belly Acres - will receive a 1 lb. advantage for next week for their collaborative efforts.

    Boo, our eliminated player….
    MamaTurner from the Belly Acres did not weigh in and will be this week’s eliminated player.

    Weight Droppers….soon to be panty droppers (or boxers)
    None yet!! I am sure they are on the way.

    Opps, I went the wrong way…. :(
    Going forward, anyone who gains weight > 1.2 lbs will be penalized ½ of that weight going into the next week. WHY, WHY, WHY? Well, you can’t gain one week and then come back to win by losing the gained weight. This helps to balance the contest.

    None yet!! Keep up the good work. Do not gain the >1.2 lbs because I don’t actually like to penalize people.

    There is no fine art to this other than I look at who was successful at tracking and logging combined with weight loss. The top 3 I picked this week are:
    Cheffirlrd - 0.25 lb. advantage
    Sisumom - 0.25 lb. advantage
    Fourathomej - 0.50 lb. advantage

    11/21/2018 prizes...Secret Rewards
    You will pick 2 numbers from 1 to 14 at the next weigh-in. I have corresponding prizes that go along with each number. The numbers of the winner will be applied!!!
  • fourathomej
    fourathomej Posts: 4,281 Member
    @Peregrin72 I can't edit straight from MFP either...have to open in google sheets...glad you figured it out!!!
  • chunkysloth
    chunkysloth Posts: 28 Member
    How's everyone doing?

    I've been biking a bit and doing well with my calorie count (less Friday night where I had pizza and beer). I feel like I'm moving in the right direction for the first time in a very long time.

    I see Kim has added a reward for a 5% challenge. It seems so far away but I love having a reward I can keep in my pocket for a rainy day. Let the reward race begin.

    I'm off to my soon to 5 year old's birthday party. I'm sure I will get a work out chasing 15 kids around.

    Enjoy your Sunday!