MARCH Monthly Challenge



  • d_dc_lady
    d_dc_lady Posts: 121 Member
    Feb 2/24: 165.0

    Sunday 03/03: 164.6
    Sunday 03/10: No scale access
    Sunday 03/17: 164.6
    Sunday 03/24:
    Sunday 03/31:
  • __Roxy__
    __Roxy__ Posts: 825 Member
    Hi friends!! Happy to be back on the keto wagon!! I've spent the last few days cooking up a storm and doing tons of meal prepping. I'm determined to minimize obstacles so that I have smooth sailing back to fat adaptation.

    I've joined a fitness challenge and am logging diligently. It won't take long to lose what I've gained over the past few months.

    Happy to see you all!


    03/10 - 240 lbs
    03/17 - 234 lbs
  • Liamsm0m
    Liamsm0m Posts: 102 Member
    Hi friends!! Happy to be back on the keto wagon!! I've spent the last few days cooking up a storm and doing tons of meal prepping. I'm determined to minimize obstacles so that I have smooth sailing back to fat adaptation.

    I've joined a fitness challenge and am logging diligently. It won't take long to lose what I've gained over the past few months.

    Happy to see you all!


    03/10 - 240 lbs
    03/17 - 234 lbs

    Wow. That’s incredible. 7 pounds in 7 days!
    I’m just 6lbs in about a month ... keto as well.
  • 4031isaiah
    4031isaiah Posts: 1,253 Member
    SW - 192.8 lbs
    GW-130 lbs

    Sunday ‪03/03 - 171.8‬
    Sunday 03/10 - 175.6
    Sunday 03/17 - 173.6
    Sunday 03/24 -

    Apparently I ate something I shouldn’t have about a week ago and it is still putting me through the ringer! I’m hoping to get back to losing soon.
  • __Roxy__
    __Roxy__ Posts: 825 Member
    Way to go Sean!! You're killin it!! :sunglasses:
  • __Roxy__
    __Roxy__ Posts: 825 Member
    Liamsm0m wrote: »
    Wow. That’s incredible. 7 pounds in 7 days!
    I’m just 6lbs in about a month ... keto as well.

    Carbs give me serious inflammation and water retention. That's why I went keto in the first place, as an anti-inflammatory diet. I was a walking water balloon, and so achey & sore!! When I first went keto, I dropped 40 lbs in 2 months JUST from water. My cells and joints were sooooo happy. I do pack weight on unreasonably fast if I eat carbs, because I inflame and hold water, but then it also drops pretty fast when I stop.

    I tried just being gluten free and not low carb, and that certainly did help. I wasn't sore but I did still retain water. Keto is the only thing I've found that heals my inflammation completely.
  • Malimalai
    Malimalai Posts: 273 Member
    Hi, everyone,🙋🏽‍♀️
    I just drop in to report . How are you all doing ?
    Jan/18/SW - 142.7 😟🤦🏽‍♀️

    Feb/24 -133.3 ( lost 9.4 ) goodbye 140's 👍🏽
    Mar/3 - 132.6 ( > 0.7)
    Mar/10 - 130.9 ( > 1.7)
    Mar/17 - 129.5 ( > 1.4) goodbye 130's 👍🏽
    Lately,I plan my meals and fill my diary before I prepare and eat now.So, I can eat the right amounts and the right proportions of foods.I started 16/8 IF properly too.I'll try to lose weight a bit faster .
    Good luck everyone ! 🍀🍀🍀
  • lwhayes820
    lwhayes820 Posts: 145 Member
    Sunday 3/03: 189.3lbs
    Sunday 3/10: 193.4 lbs 🙁
    Sunday 3/17: 192.5 lbs was on vacation for a few days. Posting late, but weighed before I left! Did ok on vacation, had a few non-Keto meals, but back at home and getting back on track.
    Sunday 3/24:
    Sunday 3/31:
  • leahk80
    leahk80 Posts: 114 Member
    SW: 230
    CW: 214.2
    1st GW: 200

    3/03: 212.2
    3/10: 214.2
    3/17: 211.2

    I actually missed the weigh in on the 17th. I weighed yesterday(the 21st) and was down by 3 pounds But by the calculations at my work's 'fitness challenge' I actually gained 2 pounds. Not quite sure which to believe. It's really distracting. I know the weigh in at work will be more due to the clothes i wear. But I will figure this out. Have a great day everyone!
  • Liamsm0m
    Liamsm0m Posts: 102 Member
    SW: 199
    CW: 189 < - - -
    GW: 165

    I didn’t know there was a weigh in on the 17th 😬 I think I joined shortly before. I’ll weigh again on Sunday.
  • leahk80
    leahk80 Posts: 114 Member
    SW: 230
    CW: 211.8
    1st GW: 200

    3/03: 212.2
    3/10: 214.2
    3/17: 211.2
    3/24: 211.8
  • Sugarnspice1922
    Sugarnspice1922 Posts: 144 Member
    SW: 206.6

    March Goal: 196.4
    UGW: 140

    03/03: 203.2 (-3.4)
    03/10: 200.2 (-3.0)
    03/17: 195.2 (-5.0)
    03/24: 197.4 (+2.2)
  • Fit2_T
    Fit2_T Posts: 317 Member
    SW: 213 (January 15)
    CW: 200
    GW(March): 190
    GW(Total): 150

    Sunday 03/03: 200.0
    Sunday 03/10: 197.1
    Sunday 03/17: 195.6
    Sunday 03/24: 193.3
    Sunday 03/31:
  • KetoZandra
    KetoZandra Posts: 132 Member
    I started Dec 19, 2018 and have committed to a year of keto and tracking. I'm 55 and do not exercise.

    SW: 202.6
    CW: 179.8
    Loss: 22.8
    GW: 145

    Start BMI 32.7 Obese
    Current BMI 29.1 Overweight

    I don't have a March goal.
    Hit or below my calories, follow my macro. measure and weigh.

    Sunday 03/03: 184.0
    Sunday 03/10: 183.6
    Sunday 03/17: 181.0
    Sunday 03/24: 179.8
    Sunday 03/31:
  • eggfooyamyam
    eggfooyamyam Posts: 196 Member
    I am back in serious Keto mode and have been IF for a few days. Today I am doing OMAD (One Meal A Day). It's been easy so far, so when I feel like I can, I do. Other days I try to IF or OMAD it seems impossible. I don't push myself when it seems too hard - I listen to my body and do regular Keto. I haven't been weighing in this month but here's some perspective.

    March 2018 - 184lbs
    March 2019 - 157lbs
  • THachAb
    THachAb Posts: 63 Member
    Feeling a bit discouraged by the weight gain but I know it happens sometimes and can be due to many factors. I know I had a few days of carb creep and for some reason I was really struggling with feeling hungry this week. I’ve been trying to “move” more throughout my work days and a couple of my coworkers have been dragging my but out for a short walk over our lunch hour which helps.

    SD: Jan 2,2019 / SW: 156lbs /GW: 130lbs

    03/03: 145lbs
    03/10: 144lbs
    03/17: 140lbs
    03/24: 143 lbs
  • Liamsm0m
    Liamsm0m Posts: 102 Member
    SW: 199