MARCH Monthly Challenge



  • 4031isaiah
    4031isaiah Posts: 1,253 Member
    SW - 192.8 lbs
    GW-130 lbs

    Sunday ‪03/03 - 171.8‬
    Sunday 03/10 -
    Sunday 03/17 -
    Sunday 03/24 -
  • THachAb
    THachAb Posts: 63 Member
    Start of month 3! Overall feeling good but have been slacking with my food diary and as a result I’ve become a bit lax. I need to track more as when I don’t I really struggle with portion control and also mindless eating... standing at the island popping copious amounts of roasted almonds into my mouth!

    SD: Jan 2,2019 / SW: 156lbs /GW: 130lbs

    03/03: 145lbs
  • BadAtitude
    BadAtitude Posts: 167 Member
    SW: 192.2
    CW: 176.4
    GW: 140
    **March Goal: 167 lbs...will celebrate with a new pair of running shoes. <3 **
    10 lbs in a month is starting to look impossible for

    Sunday 3/03 - 176.4 (-0.8 lbs)
    Sunday 3/10 -
    Sunday 3/17 -
    Sunday 3/24 -
    Sunday 3/31 -
  • PrincesseAly23
    PrincesseAly23 Posts: 440 Member
    Started Keto: May 9, 2018
    Starting weight: 210.4
    Lowest Weight in 2018: 183.8
    (Loss of 25” and 26.6 Lbs!)

    First weight back in 2019: 193.4 lbs
    Current Weight as of Feb 28th: 188.0

    New goals:
    See 182.9 before the end of March!
    See the 70’s before my husband’s bday in May
    See the 60’s by my bday in September
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 145

    03/03 - 187.4 Yay! It’s finally moving!

  • catdreyfus
    catdreyfus Posts: 2 Member
    I've been on a modified Keto (lots of non-starchy vegs and not really counting exact carbs) since January 2017. Since then my weight loss stopped and I even bumped back up 7 lbs or so. Beginning with March 2019 I have started to track macros and calories with MyFitnessPal app. I have been intermittent fasting but I'm contemplating slowly breaking in to 2-3 day fasts since I don't really have health issues and I am not as hungry when I don't eat.

    SW: 173
    CW: 157
    GW: 143
    March Goal: 155 lbs

    Sunday 3/03: 158
    Sunday 3/10:
    Sunday 3/17:
    Sunday 3/24:
    Sunday 3/31:
  • travelingpurls
    travelingpurls Posts: 4 Member
    New here - followed Atkins years ago with great success. I have an autoimmune disorder and many foods cause me big problems. The last few years I took the easy route to deal with my food issues and have gained 20 pounds. We eat out a LOT so this is my second challenge. But I have to try something. Hoping this will get me on the right track. Oh, and I have a couple birthday parties in March!

    SW 152
    CW 148
    March GW 142
    UGW 129

    Saturday 3/9 148
    Saturday 3/16
    Saturday 3/23
    Saturday 3/30

    First week - did very well staying on keto all week. Good progress to kick start!
  • leahk80
    leahk80 Posts: 114 Member
    SW: 230
    CW: 214.2
    1st GW: 200

    3/03: 212.2
    3/10: 214.2

    I'm a day early for weigh in, but I won't be anywhere near a scale tomorrow. So I'm doing it now, lol. Gained 2 pounds. I knew I would, I was on vacation last week, though I stayed within the eating plan, I still splurged on a few things. like starbucks coffee/frapps. ate out for breakfast, lunch and dinner. I actually did pretty well. Now I'm just having trouble getting back on track. But I will.

    Hope everyone has a great day!!
  • gwendyprism
    gwendyprism Posts: 222 Member
    Started Keto Oct 1- 180.3
    Last weight in Feb-168.7

    03/03- 168.1
    03/10- 168.8
  • KetoZandra
    KetoZandra Posts: 132 Member
    I started Dec 19, 2018 and have committed to a year of keto and tracking.

    SW: 202.6
    CW: 183.6
    GW: 145

    I don't have a March goal.
    Hit or below my calories, follow my macro. measure and weigh.

    Sunday 03/03: 184.0
    Sunday 03/10: 183.6
    Sunday 03/17: MY BIRTHDAY
    Sunday 03/24:
    Sunday 03/31:
  • Sugarnspice1922
    Sugarnspice1922 Posts: 144 Member
    SW: 206.6

    March Goal: 196.4
    UGW: 140

    03/03: 203.2 (-3.4)
    03/10: 200.2 (-3.0)
  • THachAb
    THachAb Posts: 63 Member
    Happy Sunday Everyone! It was a good week! I stayed “mostly Keto” except for a couple of little blips but I’m proud that I am able to pick myself up and keep going! I’m starting to settle in a bit more and get a bit more adventurous with my eating. My strawberry Keto muffins in the oven baking smell divine! 💕 That said I still need to be careful not to awaken the old cravings, especially sugar!

    SD: Jan 2,2019 / SW: 156lbs /GW: 130lbs

    03/03: 145lbs
    03/10: 144lbs
  • lwhayes820
    lwhayes820 Posts: 145 Member
    Sunday 3/03: 189.3lbs
    Sunday 3/10: 193.4 lbs 🙁
    Sunday 3/17:
    Sunday 3/24:
    Sunday 3/31:
  • lwhayes820
    lwhayes820 Posts: 145 Member
    I will go back to tracking my meals more closely.