Welcome to the challenge! Let's do this!



  • autumnmctaggart
    autumnmctaggart Posts: 41 Member
    I started this 5:2 plan past Monday, with 2 fast days under the belt so far. It hasn't been that hard. My fast days so far is Monday and Thursday. If anything social prevents from doing these days I will adjust it.
    I am a mommy of 2 kiddies. I have always struggled with my weight. I found MFP in May this year and already lost 13kg so far. This is the most weight I've lost in one stretch for the last few years. I feel I will actually be able to reach my goals and beyond with MFP. I feel something finally 'CLICKED" with me.
    I will weigh in on Mondays.
    I wanted to start a 90 day challenge and luckily someone told me about this group. so right up my ally. THANK YOU.

    Welcome to the group and awesome job on the 13Kg! I am a mother of 2 kiddies as well. Keep up the good work!
  • MrsGraves1987
    MrsGraves1987 Posts: 162 Member
    Hey all - thanks for setting up the Group Autumn!

    Age - 25
    Height - 5ft 3"
    Starting weight - 12 stone

    I started 5:2 on June 1st, and have lost a total of 18lbs (I've had a week off in this time also). I love this WOE and I know It's something I can live with. I still have days where the fasts are hard, but it's nothing I can't handle anymore.

    Looking forward to the next 3 months, I am 10lbs away from my 1st goal of 10 stone. I'll be on holiday from 29th Sept to 12th October, and will take 2 weeks off, but will be straight back on it from when I return

    Good luck to all of you :smile:
  • bsmith404
    bsmith404 Posts: 333 Member
    Hello everyone!
    I turned 30 in July with hopes of being where I wanted to be by then and I was last year but gained back the 20 I lost. I started 5:2 in March and lost 13lbs quick but I also felt very sick: nauseous, tired, cranky, etc. So I stopped. I gained back some of it but not all of it and wanted to try it again. I find it easier this time around even though i've only been doing this for 2 weeks. I found that I have to eat lunch, dinner and watermelon for a snack. Before I would try to wait until dinner. I find this much better for me.

    My first goal is to lose 13.6 by October 24th as that's when I move from Spain back to the US and I want to be 145lbs. But my long term goal is 130. Is that doable in 3 months? probably not but that's ok as i'm in this for the long haul.

    I have 3 kids and i'm a SAHM so can't wait until school starts this week so I can get a decent workout in. My summer workout was only swimming and walking so I hope to hit the gym back up.
  • CollieFit
    CollieFit Posts: 1,683 Member
    Hope it's not too late to join you. :flowerforyou:

    My name is Conny, I'm 43 and I started the 5:2 lifestyle on 1st August.
    My starting weight : 168
    My current weight: 155
    Total weight lost: 13 pounds
    I weigh in every week on Saturday.

    We just moved house a few months ago and life has been a bit chaotic but things are just calming down enough for me to have taken out a new gym membership near our new place. I had a bit of a midlife-crisis and decided to do an Ironman triathlon before I was 40 and my body seemed to take forever to recover from that little stunt, so in the 2 years that followed I piled on 40lb. I'd love to get back to 9st which is kind of normal for me (I'm 5'6").

    I enjoy all sorts... spend a lot of time walking our lovely rescue collie girl who is my little training partner and food quality controller 34rge2w.jpg

    I'm just getting back into cycling, a bit of running, not braved the pool yet, just picking up some weights again, doing a lot of yoga (Ashtanga & Bikram styles).

    Having been involved in endurance sports in the past I was indoctrinated into the whole "carb-loading" culture, which I'm glad I moved away from, and I feel a lot better eating fewer fast carbs like pasta etc and getting most of my carbs from veg & fruit.

    I came across the concept of intermittend fasting via www.marksdailyapple.com and then I stumbled across 5:2. My fast days are Fridays and Tuesdays.

    What I love about 5:2 is the way the fast days reset my "I'm full" function, allowing me to eat much more intuitively on the days that follow, both in terms of food quality as well as quantity. I find I also sleep better and so far I've never struggled for energy.

    So that's me... Hello all. :drinker:
  • oldtyke
    oldtyke Posts: 149 Member
    Hi everyone! I am 63, retired and am due to have a hip replacement sometime before Christmas. I started 5:2 about 3 weeks ago,but have lost a stone over the past two and a half months. I must say , that fasting 2 days is very sustainable, and has doubled my losses to 2lb a week .
    I try to get a good walk in every day, depending how my hip behaves, and dusted off a Rosemary Conley dvd last week. I managed the 20 mins, but never realised how much twisting there was in it, I had to adapt it, but still ended up sweating!
    I'm begining to see a shape emerging, tho my stomach looks like a Klingon's forehead when I suck it in! I'd like to lose another two and a half stone. I weigh in on mondays.
  • kel7298
    kel7298 Posts: 1,542 Member
    Hi I am Kelly

    I started 4:3 October 2011. Doing that and working out helped me lose 20lbs. I transitioned to 5:2 and then down to 6:1. Somewhere along the way I have gained back 5lbs. Back on the wagon to lose it.
  • bada_bing
    bada_bing Posts: 128 Member
    Hey friend Kel:

    Don't know how I missed ya...yes, I do....you changed everything, your picture and your ticker. That's how.

    Good to see ya, ya maniac, you are such a good tracker of your exercise and food, I can't imagine you gaining 5 lbs, however, it is so easy isn't it?

    Down 1/2 ton....lol...more likely about 5 lbs but still on a mission....I WILL PERSERVE this time...beach time in November and Oz in Jan, Feb and March to visit son, dil and my granddaughter. Exciting stuff....oh, by the way, I retired...yipee, do what I want, when I want, how I want....that makes me the CFO of my husband's business...yes!

  • kel7298
    kel7298 Posts: 1,542 Member
    Hey friend Kel:

    Don't know how I missed ya...yes, I do....you changed everything, your picture and your ticker. That's how.

    Good to see ya, ya maniac, you are such a good tracker of your exercise and food, I can't imagine you gaining 5 lbs, however, it is so easy isn't it?

    Down 1/2 ton....lol...more likely about 5 lbs but still on a mission....I WILL PERSERVE this time...beach time in November and Oz in Jan, Feb and March to visit son, dil and my granddaughter. Exciting stuff....oh, by the way, I retired...yipee, do what I want, when I want, how I want....that makes me the CFO of my husband's business...yes!


    CFO - Whoop! I sure like that!!

    Sounds like you have got a couple hectic months. I am absolutely positive you will prevail!

    As for the 5lbs, hell I don't even know myself. I suppose I ate something when I shouldn't have. Always the case..haha