TEAM: Run Track Minds (May)



  • _Cece_x
    _Cece_x Posts: 53 Member
    Am I posting my weight today? I’m so confused already 🤦‍♀️
  • MaelynMayhem
    MaelynMayhem Posts: 611 Member
    I don't think the challenge actually starts until Sunday
  • _Cece_x
    _Cece_x Posts: 53 Member
    Ahh ok! I’ve already lost so I’m going to need to Amend my start weight!
  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member
    Fivepts wrote: »
    Or should I post on Sunday?
    Week: Sunday, May Week 1
    PW =(previous weight) 147.4
    CW=(current weight)

    The May competition starts on April 28th. You will post your weekly weight on your weigh-in day, in your case Friday. Your first weigh-in will be on May 3rd. Keep adding to that loss!! Very excited for you. 🙌
  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member
    Welcome to new May teammates ….
    @rachelgoff3716 , @victorious55 - hope to hear from you soon.

    and @rawrxamberx - Hi Amber. Oh Amber. I can so relate. My dad passing, gaining back and then some. I need to also stick to what works and try to not over complicate things. The more intense I get when trying to lose weight, the easier it is for me to fall off track when life goes askew. So I need to K.I.S.S. - Keep It Simple Silly!! So, let’s do this!! Do it together.
  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member
    _Cece_x wrote: »
    Ahh ok! I’ve already lost so I’m going to need to Amend my start weight!

    @MaelynMayhem Thanks for answering. You are correct. May's challenge starts on Sunday, April 28th.
    @_Cece_x (Ceces_life)~ We won't modify the start weight already entered. Just keep losing, losing, losing and then post on your first weigh-in day on Friday, May 3. Keep it up! Excited for you!! 🙌
  • Fivepts
    Fivepts Posts: 517 Member
    Glad to be in this group. I am learning that a lot of my compulsive eating, food addiction, low immunity can be traced back to years of emotional turmoil in relationships. I am glad to be moving to the point of being myself again! Looking forward to losing it with y'all.
  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member
    Fivepts wrote: »
    Glad to be in this group. I am learning that a lot of my compulsive eating, food addiction, low immunity can be traced back to years of emotional turmoil in relationships. I am glad to be moving to the point of being myself again! Looking forward to losing it with y'all.

    Glad you are here, too. Thanks for sharing. I think tracking food and journaling about our day does shed light on issues we might have to help us have a healthier relationship with food and SHED POUNDS! I've been doing this a long time and am still learning about myself. I DO KNOW that I tend to complicate things when I am doing good by tracking too much; therefore, when life turns me upside down it's too much. So, I need to learn to K.I.S.S. - Keep It Simple Silly!!
  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member
    edited April 2019
    Our "team motto!" Something that we can print or post or think about when we are struggling. WE ARE A TEAM! We are moving forward, we each have a plan, and we are being mindful through the process.
  • MaelynMayhem
    MaelynMayhem Posts: 611 Member
    Daily Post - Saturday (4/27 - pre-challenge)

    Calories: Limit: 1500/Actual: 1432
    Water: 32 cups
    Exercise: Zombies, Run! version C25K, Week 4, Day 3; I walked to and from the gym
    Day: It was an okay day. I learned some frustrating things going on in my grandmother's life. My grandmother is on oxygen, which is flammable and her roommate is smoking in the room. There is the possibility that me or an aide could forget to turn off the big tank once returning her to her room, which means it would just pump oxygen into the room. So, then the next time her roommate would light up she would really be lighting up. Other than that, I completed week 4 and am halfway through the C25K program. My Internet has been more stable today. No afternoon walk as it's an hour and a half bus ride out to see my grandmother.
  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member
    @MaelynMayhem ~ Maelyn, your grandma is lucky to have you. Another great day for you.

    I dread weigh in tomorrow. O did great all day, then tonight said forget it... I'm going to have a gain anyway. And ate. I should've gotten on here earlier and/or printed the new motto!!!
    Tomorrow is a new day!
  • Fivepts
    Fivepts Posts: 517 Member
    Daily Post - Saturday (4/27 - pre-challenge)

    Calories: Limit: 1500/Actual: 1432
    Water: 32 cups
    Exercise: Zombies, Run! version C25K, Week 4, Day 3; I walked to and from the gym
    Day: It was an okay day. I learned some frustrating things going on in my grandmother's life. My grandmother is on oxygen, which is flammable and her roommate is smoking in the room. There is the possibility that me or an aide could forget to turn off the big tank once returning her to her room, which means it would just pump oxygen into the room. So, then the next time her roommate would light up she would really be lighting up. Other than that, I completed week 4 and am halfway through the C25K program. My Internet has been more stable today. No afternoon walk as it's an hour and a half bus ride out to see my grandmother.

    That's horrible. I hope you can get her into a better situation. No one deserves to have to breathe bad air when they are sick!
  • Fivepts
    Fivepts Posts: 517 Member
    Ok. It's Sunday where I am so I'm posting. Most of you are probably still asleep. I have bronchitis and feel terrible. I got on the scales and gained weight! I am attributing it to fluid in my lungs etc, since I have eaten next to nothing in the last few days. Anyway, hopefully, next Sunday there will be a huge drop.
    Official first weigh-in weight: 148.2 lbs
  • _Cece_x
    _Cece_x Posts: 53 Member
    Fivepts wrote: »
    Ok. It's Sunday where I am so I'm posting. Most of you are probably still asleep. I have bronchitis and feel terrible. I got on the scales and gained weight! I am attributing it to fluid in my lungs etc, since I have eaten next to nothing in the last few days. Anyway, hopefully, next Sunday there will be a huge drop.
    Official first weigh-in weight: 148.2 lbs

    Hope you feel better soon!!
  • Fivepts
    Fivepts Posts: 517 Member
    @_Cece_x, Thanks!
  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member
    Fivepts wrote: »
    Ok. It's Sunday where I am so I'm posting. Most of you are probably still asleep. I have bronchitis and feel terrible. I got on the scales and gained weight! I am attributing it to fluid in my lungs etc, since I have eaten next to nothing in the last few days. Anyway, hopefully, next Sunday there will be a huge drop.
    Official first weigh-in weight: 148.2 lbs

    Five ~ Hope you feel better soon, too. Sounds very painful.
    Our May Challenge is officially started today. And when everyone registered, they put down their weig~in day and starting weight.
    So here is the good news for wrote down that you weighed on Fridays. You can hold off to give me your first weigh~in until May 3rd. the first Friday of this challenge.
    OR if you want to change to Sundays, I can submit the change for you. Whatever you want and is easiest for you. @Fivepts just let me know.
    Thanks, Joanna.

    P.S. Did you get any sleep?
  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member
    Fivepts wrote: »
    @_Cece_x, Thanks!

    @Fivepts @_Cece_x If you don't mind answering, where are you two? It shows posts at 3:00am. :-0
    Zzz zzz
  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member
    edited April 2019
    Okay Teammates..... I want to brag about March's biggest loser because she is a @RunTrackMinds teammate.......

    CONGRATULATIONS TO MARCH'S GRAND CHAMPION AND BIGGEST LOSER @MaelynMayhem. with total weight loss of 7.30% AND THE VICTORIOUS BIGGEST LOSER TEAM, THE BIG BUTT THEORY with a 1.81% loss for the month. Total weight loss for FEBRUARY challenge over all teams was 411.8 lbs!!

    Results for April will be posted Monday. Let's do everything possible to have the grand champion and be the most losing team for May!!

    (ME! I need to kick me into high gear. I will work hard to not let you all down.)
  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member
    Well, May is here! My weigh-in day is Sunday so, onto the scale, I go. I know I gained! Sorry team!!
    Your weekly weigh-in posts should look like this:
    Username: johicks
    Week: Sunday, May Week 1 (4/28)
    PW: 259.8
    CW: 260.8

    Okay…. That wasn’t nearly as bad as I thought. Phew! When I hopped on the scale the other day it was 2+ lbs heavier. Phew. Believe it or not, I’m happy with this. As I surely did struggle more days than I choose wisely. :neutral: So let’s do this!! We got this in MAY! :smiley:
    • MAY you choose wisely :)
    • MAY you think before you eat/drink :)
    • MAY you be mindful of what you eat/drink :)
    • MAY you keep track of it all :)
    • MAY you increase your movement, strength, and exercise more :)
    • MAY you post on here daily for accountability! :)
    If you choose to be part of the daily challenge then your posts should look like this:
    Daily Post- Day/Date
    Track: Yes/No
    Calories: Yes/No (+/- calories, if choose to share)
    Exercise: Yes/No (What? How long?)
    8+ Water: Yes/No
    Daily Goals: Yes/No - describe if you choose to share

  • _Cece_x
    _Cece_x Posts: 53 Member
    @johicks I’m from England! 😊
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