
  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member
    Terytha wrote: »
    Perla4686 wrote: »
    zlauerMom wrote: »

    ... For example, one of my biggest dietary pet peeves is boxed, instant mashed potatoes. First of all, it looks like a box of dandruff, for heaven's sake! Then when water hits it, it completely changes it's entire molecular structure. What is that stuff? A Chia pet????

    No ma'am. I'll take a whole potato for $200, Alex! LOL

    Getting off my soap box now....night y'all!

    This cracked me up. Dandruff!!! There is no way I would ever be able to eat instant mashed now. LOL

    I once bought instant mash to take on a self-catered holiday. Opened one packet, no takers. Put the rest up on Freecycle to give away, still no takers. I'm still wondering who buys the stuff. We called it edible gloop, but dandruff is way better!

    I like instant mashed potatoes. They taste ok and take 100% less time and effort to make than fresh. It looks weird in the box, but so do many things. I can turn a whole bowl full of powder and liquid into a cake that looks nothing like the ingredients. I can make a whole apple look like chips. Dehydrated food is not that odd.

    I obviously prefer fresh but 90% of the time do not have the spoons. I basically like this group but am super unimpressed with the judgement and shaming going on right now.

    I thought this place was better than that. Maybe it's not right for me to be here after all.

    Sorry my diet offends God. :|

    I also use boxed mashed potatoes because the other way is too much a pain in the butt to do. I will do real potatoes 🥔 on special occasions but that is as far as it goes. However, i did not take offense to any of these post because I know it was all in jest and honestly they got a giggle out of me. Please don’t take any of it to heart. Sometimes when we type things out, our readers can easily misunderstand the feeling behind what we are saying. It’s difficult to judge the the feeling or emotion behind texts/posts. No one is here to upset or offend anyone. I hope you choose to stay with us.
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,451 Member
    I bought my "wedding guest dress" on Saturday (coming up in just over 2 weeks) .... for an Italian-Catholic wedding, so it had to be something on the "fancy cocktail length style" side, but classic lines so that it will do me for years to come.

    As a total fluke, it was the very first one I tried on in the consignment store ... took one glance in the mirror and called out "OK, I'm done! We can head to the cash now .... " (also bought two other dresses while I was there ... one "little black dress" and one more casually-styled print that could be dressed up OR down depending on shoes, sleeve-addition option (things that basically serve the niche of a cardigan but aren't necessarily button-up knits OR long sleeved) and other finishing touches.

    All three are just-below-the-knee length.

    As a SECOND fluke - when I got home I realized just how perfectly this dark-plum dress matched the wedding invitation. I will blend in beautifully with the "décor of the event" and the bride's favourite colour-scheme.

    My previous one-and-only "not-floor-length special-occasion dress" (which also happens to be a rich plum) is baggy now .... it fit ok the last time I needed it .... about a year and a half ago .... Hubby and I don't go out to fancy places that much ....
  • SueSueDio
    SueSueDio Posts: 4,796 Member
    BMcC9 wrote: »
    I bought my "wedding guest dress" on Saturday (coming up in just over 2 weeks) .... for an Italian-Catholic wedding, so it had to be something on the "fancy cocktail length style" side, but classic lines so that it will do me for years to come.

    As a total fluke, it was the very first one I tried on in the consignment store ... took one glance in the mirror and called out "OK, I'm done! We can head to the cash now .... " (also bought two other dresses while I was there ... one "little black dress" and one more casually-styled print that could be dressed up OR down depending on shoes, sleeve-addition option (things that basically serve the niche of a cardigan but aren't necessarily button-up knits OR long sleeved) and other finishing touches.

    All three are just-below-the-knee length.

    As a SECOND fluke - when I got home I realized just how perfectly this dark-plum dress matched the wedding invitation. I will blend in beautifully with the "décor of the event" and the bride's favourite colour-scheme.

    My previous one-and-only "not-floor-length special-occasion dress" (which also happens to be a rich plum) is baggy now .... it fit ok the last time I needed it .... about a year and a half ago .... Hubby and I don't go out to fancy places that much ....

    Congrats on finding some great buys!

    I do think we need photos of you in said dress, though... ;)

    (Only if you're comfortable with sharing, but I love seeing other people's outfits!)
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,268 Member

    Wednesday weigh-ins:

    And still hoping for @tdrjustus3 from yesterday. Tally ho!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,268 Member
    @ZlauerMom - don't forget to log points on the Game On spreadsheet (week 3 has been added) or let me know if you can't do it this week!
  • evangsimmons170
    evangsimmons170 Posts: 1,188 Member
    Terytha wrote: »
    Perla4686 wrote: »
    zlauerMom wrote: »

    ... For example, one of my biggest dietary pet peeves is boxed, instant mashed potatoes. First of all, it looks like a box of dandruff, for heaven's sake! Then when water hits it, it completely changes it's entire molecular structure. What is that stuff? A Chia pet????

    No ma'am. I'll take a whole potato for $200, Alex! LOL

    Getting off my soap box now....night y'all!

    This cracked me up. Dandruff!!! There is no way I would ever be able to eat instant mashed now. LOL

    I once bought instant mash to take on a self-catered holiday. Opened one packet, no takers. Put the rest up on Freecycle to give away, still no takers. I'm still wondering who buys the stuff. We called it edible gloop, but dandruff is way better!

    I like instant mashed potatoes. They taste ok and take 100% less time and effort to make than fresh. It looks weird in the box, but so do many things. I can turn a whole bowl full of powder and liquid into a cake that looks nothing like the ingredients. I can make a whole apple look like chips. Dehydrated food is not that odd.

    I obviously prefer fresh but 90% of the time do not have the spoons. I basically like this group but am super unimpressed with the judgement and shaming going on right now.

    I thought this place was better than that. Maybe it's not right for me to be here after all.

    Sorry my diet offends God. :|

    @Terytha I'm sorry that you were offended by my comments. My "judgment" was not about you or anyone else. I was sharing my judgment of food. I doubt seriously that all of us on this thread agree with everything that we share, and that's perfectly OK. We don't have to. My intention was not to offend anyone about my opinions of food or my belief in God. I wasn't proselytizing for either one in my comments. I hope you choose to stay with our group, but I hope that all of us, regardless of our perspectives and opinions, are free to share them with mutual respect for others views.
  • evangsimmons170
    evangsimmons170 Posts: 1,188 Member
    SueSueDio wrote: »
    We eat a lot of processed, canned and pre-packed foods in my family - it's cheap and easy. If money and time (and yes, spoons!) were no object, I'd love to grow some veggies, maybe keep chickens for fresh eggs, and buy as much of our food as possible fresh from local markets etc. Sadly I'm unemployed and poor, and even when I was working I barely earned enough to cover the bills, so that sort of thing just isn't happening in my family! :)

    Canned and packaged food is perfectly safe, or it couldn't be sold. It might not always be the most nutritious option, but I see nothing wrong with it if it fits someone's lifestyle and/or preferences.

    I don't think that the previous posters genuinely meant to shame or judge anyone else, I believe they were just expressing their own opinions and preferences. As Mari said, it can be very difficult to assess "tone of voice" and intent in written posts! I know there IS plenty of shaming that goes on in the main boards, though, and you often see people talking about their "clean eating" diets (a meaningless term) as if they're somehow superior to the rest of us by eating that way.

    As long as you're getting decent nutrition and an appropriate amount of calories, that's the most important thing. If it's possible to increase the "quality" of that nutrition that's great, but again that can be a relative term with a lot of different opinions attached to it! :)

    @SueSueDio Thanks for sharing your current situation. I've been there before in my life too. Like you, I learned to do what I had to do to survive. I remember having to eat oatmeal for breakfast, lunch, and dinner because that was all I could afford. Ramen noodles would have been even cheaper to eat and I would have readily bought them at the time; the only reason why I didn't is because the high sodium would have messed up my blood pressure, and I didn't have health insurance at the time. So oatmeal it was! What's interesting is that here I am 18 years later, not in the same situation, but there is always some oatmeal in my house to this day! No matter what other food I may or may not have in the fridge or pantry, there is (and probably always will be) oatmeal on the shelf.

    I hope things get better for you and your family real soon. If I could get through my stressful situation, so can you and anyone else. Stay strong. :smile:
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,451 Member
    SueSueDio wrote: »
    BMcC9 wrote: »
    I bought my "wedding guest dress" on Saturday (coming up in just over 2 weeks) .... for an Italian-Catholic wedding, so it had to be something on the "fancy cocktail length style" side, but classic lines so that it will do me for years to come.

    As a total fluke, it was the very first one I tried on in the consignment store ... took one glance in the mirror and called out "OK, I'm done! We can head to the cash now .... " (also bought two other dresses while I was there ... one "little black dress" and one more casually-styled print that could be dressed up OR down depending on shoes, sleeve-addition option (things that basically serve the niche of a cardigan but aren't necessarily button-up knits OR long sleeved) and other finishing touches.

    All three are just-below-the-knee length.

    As a SECOND fluke - when I got home I realized just how perfectly this dark-plum dress matched the wedding invitation. I will blend in beautifully with the "décor of the event" and the bride's favourite colour-scheme.

    My previous one-and-only "not-floor-length special-occasion dress" (which also happens to be a rich plum) is baggy now .... it fit ok the last time I needed it .... about a year and a half ago .... Hubby and I don't go out to fancy places that much ....

    Congrats on finding some great buys!

    I do think we need photos of you in said dress, though... ;)

    (Only if you're comfortable with sharing, but I love seeing other people's outfits!)

    I will see about getting one taken tomorrow night.... from the neck down
  • evangsimmons170
    evangsimmons170 Posts: 1,188 Member
    I've been wearing knit pants for so long, you know you can just pull them down when need to. This weekend I was able to wear pants with a zipper I just pull them down, Then I realized I never unzipped my pants. Looks like I can go shopping for a smaller size.

    Woo hoo! That's a fantastic victory!!!!
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,451 Member
    I've been wearing knit pants for so long, you know you can just pull them down when need to. This weekend I was able to wear pants with a zipper I just pull them down, Then I realized I never unzipped my pants. Looks like I can go shopping for a smaller size.

    When I change seasonal wardrobes (eg part of the process between packing away fall-winter weight clothes and shifting spring-summer weight clothes I haven't worn in months into dresser drawers and closet ...) "does this go on and off without recourse to fasteners?" is one of my tests. If it "passes the too-loose test" (like the pants you mention above) they go into the Donation Pile, ready for the next Charity Clothing Drive pickup. If the pile grows too big (or annoying) before I get a call, then all or most get dropped off at the neighbourhood Diabetes-supporting thrift store.

    The bigger the donation pile, the bigger the NSV feeling! @evangsimmons170 mentioned multiple green garbage bags of clothes going to the church (rummage sale or Nearly New Shop? I know of churches that do one or both of these)

    Of course, after you do your first big purge of multiple "WHY am I hanging on to such large items?!?" sizes - keep NO MORE than ONE of the biggest, as a tactile "proof of how far I've come" - the pile will never get quite so big again .... unless/until you have a reason for a major wardrobe re-style due to lifestyle change. Like after retirement, ditching all the office-wear and expanding the variations on casual / leisure wear. Although ... depending on your post ... there often isn't AS big a shift between "office casual" and "leisure dressy" anymore. Unless you are required to wear the equivalent of a suit.

    Have to catch a bus .... three actually .... to get to work today. Car is in the shop. So bye for this morning.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,268 Member
    Happy Wednesday!

    It is really warm and humid here today, so I'm thinking of poor @mari_moulin in France where it is seriously, seriously hot. Then I don't mind our heat so much. It is the first day like this - we just had a run of fantastic weather and a day of rain, so I guess we were due something steamy. My garden is happy.

    Great NSV @matthewsfive ! Zippers, belts, and smaller sizes will now be YOURS! Well done! As @BMcC9 says, hang on to ONE big thing and heave the rest so that you can't go back. Raise your eyebrows as high as possible and do a happy dance when you see what size you now are. I really loved the wardrobe purge.

    @SueSueDio - that sounds like a really tough situation. I hope you find at least an "in the meantime" job soon.

    I have to go wage battle against Bell Canada (trying to charge my deceased mother-in-law for services that were cancelled, grrrrrrr), find a new gas range I can afford, pick some berries, move some plants, and get a workout in somewhere there.
  • karenesg
    karenesg Posts: 318 Member
    I've been wearing knit pants for so long, you know you can just pull them down when need to. This weekend I was able to wear pants with a zipper I just pull them down, Then I realized I never unzipped my pants. Looks like I can go shopping for a smaller size.

    Yippeeee!!! You're doing great B)
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