
  • destiny_sierra
    destiny_sierra Posts: 66 Member
    PW 215.8
    CW 214.6

    Sorry for my delay in posting this, I have been sick for the past few days and haven't been on. I am happy with the loss but I know that I can do better, I will try for next week.
  • southpalms
    southpalms Posts: 41 Member
    Steps 6/12
  • mustb60
    mustb60 Posts: 1,090 Member
    6/12 Steps 15002 Run 6 km walk 4 km calories under
  • lhughes2019
    lhughes2019 Posts: 27 Member
    Hi team, I really need some help. This week has been particularly hard at work, my mood and self esteem has taken a huge dive. All I want is rubbish food, to make me feel better, but feel worse after eating things I shouldn’t! I’m not even hungry but I’ll have something to eat. Logically I know exactly what I’m doing but I still can’t seem to stop
  • southpalms
    southpalms Posts: 41 Member
    @lhughes2019 hang in there. I find for me it really helps to stay laser focused on my goal and not let work or life detail me. We will always have challenges and temptations to get us off task. But I find it helps to just keep thinking about how great I’ll feel just a few pounds lighter. I have also had success just knowing pretty much what I am going to eat for each meal in advance. Have healthy snacks at the ready, like apples bananas etc. last night my dessert was an apple. You have to think about the happiness reaching your goal will bring you. Not the very brief happiness you get eating that donut. 🤪
  • ChoseMyChains
    ChoseMyChains Posts: 116 Member
    Weekly weigh in on 6/13/2019
    Previous Weight: 242.6
    Current Weight: 243.8
    Unfortunately I am not surprised by this due to the injury Saturday (kinda surprised it wasn't higher honestly).

    Steps: 4698
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,758 Member
    Overdue weights:

    Today’s weights:
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,758 Member
    Hi team, I really need some help. This week has been particularly hard at work, my mood and self esteem has taken a huge dive. All I want is rubbish food, to make me feel better, but feel worse after eating things I shouldn’t! I’m not even hungry but I’ll have something to eat. Logically I know exactly what I’m doing but I still can’t seem to stop

    I agree with @southpalms. Pre planning your meals may be key for you. When I first started, every night before bed, I would plan my meals and snacks for the next day. I would eat only what I had planned. Walking also helped me. It was something I did for me. It gave me time to unwind and relax. Walking also improved my mood. This one may seem silly but I made a list of things I could do instead of eating. Keep at it and you will succeed.
  • boehle
    boehle Posts: 5,062 Member
    Ive hit over 5 miles the last 2 days. I am going to try to keep that up every day.
    I texted @Beka3695 that I need her to start getting it together.. so next week, in the mornings, she is going to do some walking at work while I get up and jog before work. (I work from home)
  • LaurieWrobo
    LaurieWrobo Posts: 1,416 Member
  • guitargirl55
    guitargirl55 Posts: 258 Member
    Steps 6/12 6175

    @boehle You have inspired me – I am going to take a walk over lunch today!

    @lhughes2019 I get in moods like that too. It is so hard to stay motivated and be consistent. I don’t know what kind of diet you are following, so this may not work for you. For me, if I really really want something, I’ll plan calories for that and eat light the rest of the day so that I can splurge. Staying busy can really help me too. If my hands are doing something, I am less focused on snacking and when my next meal is. Stay positive and think about your goals. You CAN do it!
  • ngk2000
    ngk2000 Posts: 192 Member
    Steps 6/12: 20,694
  • ngk2000
    ngk2000 Posts: 192 Member
    Weigh Day Thursday--
    PW: 261.0
    CW: 258.8
  • Pamela_Sue
    Pamela_Sue Posts: 563 Member
    @lhughes2019 - Just offering my support and encouragement. We have all gone through times of discouragement and do understand. Along with the great advice already posted, I can only offer a few thoughts. You are SO worthy. Treat yourself kindly and don't beat yourself up over a few missteps. Instead of focusing on your bad week, forgive yourself and start back up. We can't change the past, so instead focus on your wonderful self and move forward. And, on a practical note, I used to keep a 'snack drawer' at work before I retired. Something healthy to reach for at a moment's notice. We are with you!!
  • 171lake
    171lake Posts: 894 Member
    Steps 6/13
  • boehle
    boehle Posts: 5,062 Member
    Steps 6/12 6175

    @boehle You have inspired me – I am going to take a walk over lunch today!

    YAY!! Get moving!!
    I just got back from a small walk to get a coffee and back
  • mustb60
    mustb60 Posts: 1,090 Member
    Daily report:

    6/13 Steps 10310 Walk 6 km
  • mustb60
    mustb60 Posts: 1,090 Member
    Hi team, I really need some help. This week has been particularly hard at work, my mood and self esteem has taken a huge dive. All I want is rubbish food, to make me feel better, but feel worse after eating things I shouldn’t! I’m not even hungry but I’ll have something to eat. Logically I know exactly what I’m doing but I still can’t seem to stop

    May be food prep will help you. I liked this video which reduces calories but taste is not compromised.
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,758 Member
    Hi all! Tomorrow marks 2 weeks of vacation and 2 weeks to go. We have been very busy helping my father-in-law. We are trying to get some home care set up before we leave. I haven’t seen an iceberg yet but taking care of family is important. My birthday is on Saturday, so my Dad is taking me to breakfast and my Mom is taking me out for supper. The joys of divorced parents. They really stress me out but that is another story altogether.

    It is great to see all the walking. It has been cold and raining a lot here, so I haven’t been keeping up on my walking. It is my stress relief so I miss it. For those of you with a Fitbit, have you ever had trouble with the heart rate monitor? Mine has stopped working. Still counts steps and everything else. I think I have extended warranty left, so I should be able to get a new one when I get back.
  • ssummerlin80
    ssummerlin80 Posts: 122 Member
    @lhughes2019 I completely feel you. I've have had such a crappy week. Not necessarily eating bad, but emotionally. I am so overwhelmed at work. I'm training someone, so my own work is seriously falling behind. I usually try to walk on my lunch break at least 4 days a week, but I'm mentally exhausted so I have resorted to cutting my office lights off and zoning out with Hulu for the last couple of weeks. Hence why my steps have sucked lately. Also, I have been working on getting more sleep, but the last few days that has just not happened. I'm just not very fun to be around right now. :(
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