

  • nstephenson01
    nstephenson01 Posts: 854 Member
    edited July 2019
    Daily Check In: Tuesday
    Food: Pre-logged, ate as planned, under on calories
    Water: Lots
    Exercise & steps: 8 mile hike; 23,126 steps

    Eating, water and exercise have been on plan the last couple of days and I'm feeling really good but the scale is being stubborn. What else is new LOL?!?! Dogs did great on yesterday's hike. Willow's not showing any symptoms of heart failure which is why I was so surprised by the specialist's update.

    @carlsoda that is without a doubt the hardest part of pet ownership

    @sleepymom5 riding a jet ski to the restaurant sounds like such fun! I could never ride with my husband tho... he's too much of a daredevil! Willow is a rescue, nothing is known of her past so we don't know how old she is but she's been with us for 10 years so she's about 11 or 12.

    Off to squeeze in one last yoga class this morning before flying to PA on Friday to see my husband. The meds seem to be working... he sounded much better last night thank goodness. Not gonna lie... the heat wave you all are having in the east makes me a little nervous LOL. Can make for a bumpy landing too.

    Lots to do before I leave. Will catch up on posts later on. Wishing everyone a great day!

  • pacsnc6
    pacsnc6 Posts: 978 Member
    pacsnc6 wrote: »
    Today I am going to try teaching my friend to knit. She is blind and recently had a second stroke so not sure how well this will work. I bought some "loop yarn" which means you work it with your fingers pushing the loops through each other. No needles needed!! I only got one skein which means it won't produce much but we can always get more yarn if she likes it.

    It has been so hot here I have been outside long enough to walk around the house and check the vegetable garden. Heat index was 107. Makes me feel hot just thinking about it. I finished another book yesterday - I don't watch daytime TV - and I played computer games in between some housecleaning.

    The scale has been good to me up and down a few ounces day to day, hope Friday is a down day . . . . and I have been doing good staying close to my target calories every day.

    At the last minute my friend remembered an appointment she couldn't miss this morning. So I'm thinking I will try to visit her at home in a day or so and get her started with the knitting.
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    @carlsoda I would just love to have you join me in maintenance. How much more do you have to go?
    @nstephenson01 glad your husband is feeling better. safe travels! I too am sorry to hear about Willow.
    @sleepymom5 glad to hear the bar business is doing so well. And that you are becoming so brave on that jet ski lol. I would have felt the same way.
    @cyndiesstuff I am sooooo glad you are in counseling and that it is making progress. You will have good days and not so good. You hang in there! This is your year lil sister.
    @pacsnc6 that is so nice of you to teach your friend knitting. How rewarding for both of you.
    @hope002 I always enjoy hearing about all your winter activities and your recent camp. Glad to hear your refocused and ready to rock it!

    I am having a very good work day. It's been rewarding and productive.

    I am wearing one of my new bras from Wacoal. I ordered it from Nordstrom Rack on sale for a big savings. It is gorgeous periwinkle and white lace. The cup size might be a tad too big but it is beautiful and fits well enough to look very sexy. I found a pair of white lace boy shorts that I have had for years and never wore. I wore them both today. Molly said it is the most beautiful bra she has ever seen and that I should be a model. Lol. She is a bit bias.
    I don't ever recall looking so good in my undies. These boy shorts usually rise up and become uncomfortable. But apparently when your thin everything fits differently than you thought they would. I was pretty amazed and thought "oh, that is how they are supposed to fit". Sweet sweet maintenance.
    For the month of July I have taken a picture every day of what I am wearing and created a July album on my phone. I am curious if things look as well as I think or what seems to work and what doesn't. It has been enlightening. I am really fond of the white, ivory and black clothing items. I used to wear a huge rainbow mix but am drawn to more classic colors and shapes these days. But I really love the items that have some femininity such as soft lace touches, silk and satin. Soft knits are a big favorite too. As much as I adore linen and the idea of it...I am finding that I look rather sloppy in the pictures vs. hip, natural and cool. It's a journey this new exploration of me and what I like.
  • Moarrein
    Moarrein Posts: 3,128 Member
    Check In for Tuesday
    Food: logged and under (no sugar but had some melon before bed)
    Water: enough
    Exercise: 50 min walk + 15 min elliptical
    Steps: 11646

    Check In for Wednesday
    Food: logged and under (no sugar and no late night snacks)
    Water: lots
    Exercise: 40 min walk + 5km run + 5 min strength
    Steps: 15915

    My son threw a big tantrum this evening. It took me about an hour to deal with him. And I was quite upset afterwards. I thought of having glass of wine or even a cigarette (I quit smoking 11 years ago). The funny thing is I didn't have any comfort sugar eating thoughts. After all I decided to skip the unhealthy habits and go out for a run in the neighborhood. As a result my frustration is gone and I managed my best result running 5K without company.
  • lennoncpa
    lennoncpa Posts: 777 Member
    I figured I’d do an early weigh in because I’m going on a canoe trip early tomorrow through Monday.

    Username: lennoncpa
    Weigh in Week: week 3
    Weigh in day: Friday
    Previous weight: 140.0
    Today's weight: 141.2
    Weekly Steps: 68,201
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    I couldn’t resist sharing lol. I had mom snap a photo of me w my pretty bra.
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,450 Member
    @carlsoda Glad you had healthy snacks with you and you were able to beat that craving. I am sure you're right about the hunger. It is funny how our body still goes into survival mode although most of us do not have to worry about starving any more.
    @pacsnc6 That is quite a venture teaching a blind person how to knit! Sounds like you have put a lot of thought into it with buying the loop yarn. I hope it works out for you. It is so hot out, I got my exercise in by 9:30 am! Hope these storms we are having now cools things off!
    @hope002 Sounds like you have a good plan to get back on track. You can do this! Thanks for sharing the pics from camping. Looks like a great trip!
    @nstephenson01 You had an awesome day! I am glad Willow can still get out there and be so active. I was going to tell you that it is really hot in Pa but looks like you already have heard Lol! Glad to hear your husband is feeling better too.l
    @Mrsbell8well That is a beautiful bra! I love the idea of taking pics to see what works and doesn't work for your wardrobe. These clothes you will be keeping longer, not like when you were losing and went down sizes so quickly. I am excited for you!
    @Moarrein Sounds like you had to great days! I also love how you resisted the urge to eat, drink and smoke and went for a run! That is an awesome NSV!
    @lennoncpa Thank you for the early weigh in. Enjoy your trip! Canoeing sounds fun!
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    User ID: Cyndiesstuff
    Week Number: Week 3
    Previous weight: 154.5
    Current weight: 154.5

    ughhh another maintain
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    @hope002 love the photos. Where was the camping site?
    @sleepymom5 I love that your life is so full of wonderful activities. Swimming, walking, biking... that’s amazing. I took a peak at your diary. Just curious...do you eat fresh fruits? That really helped me with my sweet tooth. Great job staying on plan.
    @Moarrein I’m sorry you struggled with your son. Your a great example of what happens in our daily life and what are we going to do about it. I laughed about wanting to smoke...yeah kids can do that to you.
    I’m almost done with my 2nd Kristin Hannah book In 1 week. Now reading “on Mystic Lake”. Good for summer reading.
    I’m exploring blogging. Would love to do a maintenance blog.
    Day 4 of my cleanse. Yesterday juiced plus strawberries and cantaloupe. Tonight I will add a salad and tomorrow some cooked vegetables to start tapering off.
    On my way to Roanoke for another all day meeting. Packing my juices.
    Work is going well but I would love to come up with a retirement plan sooner than 5 years. Maybe blogging can help. Would blog about seasonal recipes, maintenance challenges and successes and seasonal clothing.
    Almost the weekend!!!
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    Daily check in for Wednesday
    Food on plan
    Water 80 oz
    Exercise 2- 30 minute walks
    Steps 13053

    man, i am on a plateau. thats ok. i have learned how to maintain at this weight. thats a good thing i suppose. yesterday was a good day. i got the rest of the estate work done that i had been doing and set the appt for the trustee to come in and sign all the paperwork. i cleaned my office and pack a couple boxes. got my hair cut and colored. it is suppose to be an oven out there today. drink your water.

    @sleepymom5 yes!~ you did it, great job. i knew you could. and what if you did get hungry later? hunger will not kill you. lol. but you know that. i have sat with hunger before. it is not as bad as you think. ohhh and keeping busy is a big help. thats why this new job is so important to me. that sitting around with nothing to do can sabotage a diet.

    @carlsoda i love that you did pig out on some m&m's! but be careful what you do. although the swap was a good swap, you still taught yourself to eat when your stressed. maybe try something nonfood related for the swap. we really need to find something other that food to "keep it under control". and that is exactly right, i do have to let that stuff out. it is difficult but it is worth it.

    @pacsnc6 i am so proud of you for trying to help your friend. you are an awesome friend. you keep that up!!

    @hope002 i am so glad you enjoyed your camping trip, good job getting busy on getting back on track. it is not starting over, it is picking up where you left off. i love you 24 hour plan. maybe start including what food you will eat in a day. instead of just log food.

    @nstephenson01 hey is my scale and your scale friends? mines been being stubborn too!! you have fun on your visit and don't forget to take your new lifestyle with you!!

    @Mrsbell8well it is really nice when your wife thinks your sexy!! And biased or not, she is madly in love with you.

    @Moarrein exercise is a great stress reliever. it may be hard to get started but the work it does in your body is worth any effort you have to make.

    i have to go, i will catch up with the rest of ya in a while.

  • nstephenson01
    nstephenson01 Posts: 854 Member
    Week 3
    PW: 167.4
    CW: 167.2
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,418 Member
    Happy Thursday!!

    Food - more than I'd like, but all Whole30
    Water - not quite enough
    Exercise - 10,000+ steps

    Another day of feeling a little under the weather and super hungry. I almost gave up on Whole 30, but hubs talked me off the ledge. Glad I didn't give in. I did wake up to a pounding headache (top of the head), but tylenol and caffeine have helped it!

    Yesterday was also a big meeting day so I didn't drink as much as I'd like. One meeting lasted 2 1/2 hours without a break, so I slowly sipped my water.

    Then last night we went out - our church's worship team was having a service of music and dang it was good. 8 members participated and boy we have have some very good musicians and singers. The church was definitely rockin! Then we ran to Walmart fast as our new launch was being set on the shelves and there they were! I bought some since it's so yummy and an option for the hubs! Love my job most of the time!!

    Today I do feel more stable - even waking up with a headache so I think the worst has past. And I have a great plan for the day! Walmart also has Whole30 frozen meals and I bought one for today, Orange Chicken. Can't wait for lunch!!

    @mrsbell8well – 9 more lbs to go! I seem to be stuck at my current weight. Either my body really likes this weight or I need to tighten things up! I agree about linen. It’s so comfy but it is sloppy. And yes, you should start a blog. I will follow you!! I wish I could do a blog, but I’m more of a numbers person than a word person so I wouldn’t have much to say LOL!

    @nstephenson01 – glad the medicine is helping your hubs. Have a fun trip to PA!!

    @Moarrein – perfect way to get the stress out of your system. You know, I used to smoke and quit like 20 years ago. I still dream of smoking, like I can have one, once a day and it doesn’t lead to two. It’s crazy how ingrained it gets into you!!

    @cyndiesstuff – nothing wrong with maintaining. I’ll have that over gaining any day!! Just keep doing what you are doing and next thing you know, you’ll drop a couple of pounds!! Funny thing as to the swap, I was thinking the same thing as I wrote it down yesterday. What would Corinne tell me to do? Definitely not eat plantain chips and pistachios! Thank you for the reminder..I needed to hear it from someone else!! You should be a weight loss coach!!

    Have a great day everyone!
  • hope002
    hope002 Posts: 1,066 Member
    Check in for Wednesday
    Logged : no 😒
    Water 10 cups
    Exercise : 2 walks, 20 minutes butt and legs exercises, plank challenge
    Steps 12,429

    Plan for today:
    10k steps
    Weights routine
    Plank challenge

    @Mrsbell8well we went camping to Burton Creek, BC, Canada. They have a huge group site, we go with our group of friends.

    @cyndiesstuff when I logg, usually stay within my calories and macros.(40% carbs, 30% fat, 30% protein) So, all I have to do is start logging my food
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,450 Member
    Daily check in for Wednesday
    Food logged, under but overate
    Water 80 oz
    Exercise Kayaked 45 min, Biked 30 minute and 30 minute walks
    Steps 8,673

    Great day yesterday until late afternoon. I Kayaked and biked before 9:30, got wash and cleaning done around the house, took Daisy for a few long walks, listened to my podcasts, read a chapter in my self development book, started and finished and entire book and got my nails done. Late in the afternoon I wanted a snack, questionable if I really needed one but I did have it on my plan so I had a halo top ice cream cone. I got my nails done after that and didn't get home until almost 7:30 so I was hungry by then. I ate all of my dinner and didn't stop AND had two cookies. I should have stopped myself but had them anyway. They fit in calorie wise but weren't planned and I wasn't hungry. I know we aren't supposed to beat ourselves up but I need to really get some self discipline going here. I do well and talk myself out of a lot but sometimes I don't care(at the time) . It did stop there, I didn't have anything else that night and I am not going to let it ruin today. Today I am already off to a slow start so I need to get moving before it gets too hot. I am supposed to go out with my sister in law today but we don't have firm plans. Now that I am a planner, I get a little frustrated when people just want to touch base in the am to plan. If she wants to get out of here earlier, I am going to have to workout later. Either an inside workout or hopefully I can get out later for at least a kayak ride. Tomorrow the island will be getting busy again and my niece, her husband and their 3 kids are coming for one night. My other niece who is here a lot will be down tonight (Ali, she is like my 6th kid, I love her being here) so Friday and Saturday will be busy and hard to plan. I will plan my food and I am going to definitely be up early to at least do a bike ride. I need to exercise each day. I am going to run and try to get in that kayak, hopefully Daisy doesn't want too long of a walk this am. Hope everyone has a productive day!

    @Mrsbell8well I just got a ton of fruit from the farmers market and they weren't ripe so yesterday I didn't have any. I am so glad you said that! I was bummed that I had those cookies yesterday and I wasn't even thinking about them the days prior. I have been having a lot of fruit lately. I guess the fruit did help with my sweet tooth. I am going to be sure to have some today or buy ripe ones.
    @cyndiesstuff Don't let that plateau derail you. You have been doing so well. You will drop soon. I guess the new job is making you busy at the old one preparing to leave so that helps keep you occupied too. Any replacements to train yet?
    @nstephenson01 Scale is moving in the right direction. I am sure you will have a busy day today getting ready for your trip. How long will you be gone?
    @carlsoda What a fun night at church! You do such a fun variety of things! I am glad your husband kept you on your whole 30 path, I feel like you would have regretted it today. Sometimes your body needs a little more. Maybe you can snack on a protein or healthy fat? I just love that you were able to see your product launched and were able to buy it! How cool is that?!! I can see why you love your job, no matter how crazy it gets at times.
    @hope002 Looks like a good day under your belt. Logging can be a pain to start but it really doesn't take too long once you get in the swing of things. Did you ever think of pre logging? Then you can just tweak it throughout the day. It is a lot easier. Excellent plan for today too! I am glad to see you checking in. It really does help.
  • nstephenson01
    nstephenson01 Posts: 854 Member
    Well, I missed my goal of 165 this week. The more I want to reach it the harder it seems to get. But a loss is a loss so I'll take it. I'll have a gain next week as I always retain water when I fly.

    Daily Check in: Wednesday
    Logged: Mostly, MFP conked out on me last night so couldn't log my dinner but it was a salad so I'm pretty sure I ended the day under on calories
    Water: Great!
    Exercise & steps: 30 & 15 minute dog walks, 90 minute yoga class; 11,420 steps

    MFP was acting up again last night so I'm way behind on posts. Sorry... hope everyone is doing well. I feel so out of the loop LOL. Took the dogs for a short after dinner walk last night to get my steps over 10,000. Downloaded several Phit n Phat podcasts on my iPod to listen to on the plane. I stalled out on the Beck Diet Solution which I downloaded on my Kindle a while back because I didn't have any index cards and she says not to move forward to the next task but I have index cards now and I'll bring them with me! Was planning to go for a hike this morning but I'm not getting a very early start. Lots to do today to get the yard and house set for my absence and get ready for my trip so I better get moving. Have to get up at 3:00 am tomorrow morning Yuck.

    I'll check in when I can. Wishing everyone a great end to the week and a wonderful weekend!!
  • ljdanny
    ljdanny Posts: 2,085 Member
    Scale is moving slowly. I'll take it. I always lose 5 then gain them back so when I lose 6 is when I will get really excited. Not trying to be a downer but it just seems to be my reality. My vacation is coming which will be tough but my aunt eats pretty healthy. I took yesterday as a rest day now my legs hurt. It's chilly here today but this weekend it's going to be 100. I will be floating in the pool. I painted one wall in the nursery the kids have now changed their mind on the color. I wanted to scream. Seriously?? I told them to get the color they want and it's going on the wall and if they don't like it tough *kitten* I'm not painting again. My son offered his services to help knowing I won't allow it cuz he doesn't know what he's doing and will just be in the way. Kids!! I'll be glad when this project is done.
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