

  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,216 Member
    Quick note before heading for some zzzzzzzzs
    I'm visiting my sister briefly - she just sang in a lovely choir concert tonight in Lyme, New Hampshire. Very small choir of 6 women, with a wonderful harpist. Afterwards, because it was so hot today, they served ice cream. I managed to limit myself to a very small helping!

    @evangsimmons170 - I love the image of you with your phone velcroed to your sleeve, out walking your 15,000 steps, and GETTING THAT CALL! Hope it happens - and it is great to see you jump right back on the saddle and not let the big bad back-to-work schedule sidetrack you for long. Inspiring!

    @juliemargaretkim - thanks for the update! sounds like you're having a lovely vacation - and as long as there is swimming and walking to balance out the eating schedule and those lovely glasses of wine, you're golden! Those pledges for the green challenge are tricky to make, but you were close! And yes, there is always August :smiley:

    @AmyRobF and @micki48 - there is a fantastic feeling of determination and energy happening! And isn't it wonderful when something that used to get you BAD has lost a lot of its power? Keep up the good work!
  • cory17
    cory17 Posts: 1,401 Member
    last thurs 219.6, fri 220.4, sat 223.04, this am still 223. there's no way I'm coming close to my green challenge.
  • fourathomej
    fourathomej Posts: 4,283 Member
    7/25 - 12307
    7/26 - 14511
    7/27 - 11933
    7/28 - 15620
    7/ 29 - 13977
    7/30 - 12318
  • Andreabroadley
    Andreabroadley Posts: 5,455 Member
    Struggling a bit with portion control. Eating healthy food, but..

    Thinking some delicious natural peanut butter I discovered last week is a new trigger food. Why can’t we just eat a bit of these delicious things? :D
  • jlbtnc
    jlbtnc Posts: 725 Member
    Steps Tuesday: 5000
  • Andreabroadley
    Andreabroadley Posts: 5,455 Member
    leni1us wrote: »
    I tracked my food today and stayed within my calories. Whoo-hoo! Started the first day of circuit training at a new gym close to my work. his should help with burning calories. We'll see. I go back on Wednesday.

    Well done!
  • Andreabroadley
    Andreabroadley Posts: 5,455 Member
    Good luck.. hope you get that job @evangsimmons170 !
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,216 Member
    cory17 wrote: »
    last thurs 219.6, fri 220.4, sat 223.04, this am still 223. there's no way I'm coming close to my green challenge.

    Don't worry - your weigh in is tomorrow, and if you're still around the same, you'll get back to it! It is always discouraging when this happens, and you know what you need to do - and what not to do! Let us know how we can help, ok?
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,216 Member
    offitgoes wrote: »
    I know exctly where that 1.8 lbs came from. Just glad it is below 175. Not quitting just need to keep recommitting!
    Knowledge is power!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,216 Member
    Struggling a bit with portion control. Eating healthy food, but..

    Thinking some delicious natural peanut butter I discovered last week is a new trigger food. Why can’t we just eat a bit of these delicious things? :D
    Triggers are crazy. And even when they're healthy, they take some effort to control, blast their hides. With peanut butter or sunflower butter (my fave) I measure out the 1 Tablespoon, then put it away. Firmly. Then I put it on apple or whatever I'm eating it on, and then have a hot beverage to melt all the remains away and make me move on! Nothing to see here! Nuts are my downfall sometimes too. Whole nuts are SO easy to just keep popping in. I always have exactly 8 almonds in my breakfast yogurt and fruit. Put them away after counting! But if there are cashews or something in the cupboard, watch out. :#
  • Andreabroadley
    Andreabroadley Posts: 5,455 Member
    Good strategy @jugar!! I’m usually ok with nuts themselves.. but for some reason this particular peanut butter on Ryvita has become a “thing”. I’ll have to take it off my menu for a few days.. :s
  • evangsimmons170
    evangsimmons170 Posts: 1,188 Member
    Good luck.. hope you get that job @evangsimmons170 !

    Thank you. I'm still in "Velcro phone" mode.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,216 Member
    Terytha wrote: »
    Today blew up. I made a mistake, someone I like took the heat (and was nice about it so I feel worse), the person who blew up will be my boss next month apparently, our important software had a meltdown and the person who embezzled funds finally was arrested.

    Like. I haven't even had lunch yet and I feel like a year has gone by. It's been a while since felt so strongly that I wanted to toss my chicken and beans and go for cheeseburgers. There are vodka drinks in the fridge and I've also been tempted to take a few. -_-

    Last year I would have. Today I'll have to find some other outlet for stress.

    If you're never making mistakes, you're never trying anything new. Yes, sometimes our mistakes are because we really neglected something (thinking! planning! scruples!) but often, we blow it when we really, honestly, think that what we are doing could work. That is a GREAT mistake. A team shares its mistakes, the blame, and all the icky stuff. So don't feel too terrible. If it really was you blowing it, thank the person who helped you out, and see what you learn from it. Be sure to remember you owe that person something, and help them out when they are in their weak zone. And BRAVO for not resorting to cheeseburgers and vodka!!!!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,216 Member
    Well, after a "good" yesterday where I resisted all kinds of opportunities to blow my diet, today I blew it. I stopped for a soft serve ice cream on the way home from my sister's, and it was WAY bigger than what I thought it would be. Yummy, and cold, though! And then I got home after a long drive and relaxed with a cold beer. Well, two. But at least supper was veggies from the garden of every colour. Not too terrible, but a lot more calories than usual, and very little moving about. Tomorrow will have to be restrained and sane! With more exercise!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,216 Member

    Late from Monday:
    Remaining weigh-in for today:
    Thursday weigh-ins:

  • fourathomej
    fourathomej Posts: 4,283 Member
    Weigh day Wed
    PW: 148.2
    CW: 148
  • fourathomej
    fourathomej Posts: 4,283 Member
    7/31 - 10006
  • jlbtnc
    jlbtnc Posts: 725 Member
    Steps for Wed: 2317
This discussion has been closed.