Watch my progress!



  • kathleenjoyful
    kathleenjoyful Posts: 210 Member

    I posted my progress here:

    :happy: I believe the reason I am responding so positively is that I have SO much room for improvement.

    I will post pictures when I lose weight (I weigh ~300 lbs. now). Believe me, I will be shouting from the rooftops! LOL I'm on a bit of a different journey than many others. I'm 56 years old and I'm not here to lose 25 lbs and get a bikini body. I'm here to save my life. But here are some NSVs for you. :smile:

    After a little over a month of lifting, I notice that I'm incredibly stronger, more balanced and can walk with more ease and much further. I'm not always concerned about injuring myself in my daily activities. I can climb the stairs, which I used to avoid like the plague. I have energy from eating more and I can spend all day on my feet if I want to, whereas I used to have an "energy window" in the morning when I would do the work I needed to do to get by. I have been doing fun projects (sewing, etc) and just being more active than I have in 10 years! My husband put lotion on my back and could feel the muscles when I tensed. LOL He's so impressed with me, that he's started lifting, too. So have my sister and her husband. I can see the muscles in my calves (which are pretty cute, let me say). And I'm more hopeful about my health and my future than I've been in many years.

    I have a long road ahead, but I'm getting better and enjoying it more every day.

    It helps to write this all out, and realize it, so thanks for asking. :flowerforyou:

    I'm so happy for you reading this, and so proud of you!!
  • conniedj
    conniedj Posts: 470 Member

    After a little over a month of lifting, I notice that I'm incredibly stronger, more balanced and can walk with more ease and much further. I'm not always concerned about injuring myself in my daily activities. I can climb the stairs, which I used to avoid like the plague. I have energy from eating more and I can spend all day on my feet if I want to, whereas I used to have an "energy window" in the morning when I would do the work I needed to do to get by. I have been doing fun projects (sewing, etc) and just being more active than I have in 10 years! My husband put lotion on my back and could feel the muscles when I tensed. LOL He's so impressed with me, that he's started lifting, too. So have my sister and her husband. I can see the muscles in my calves (which are pretty cute, let me say). And I'm more hopeful about my health and my future than I've been in many years.

    LOVE this! This kind of contagion is worth sharing!!!
  • athenalove46
    athenalove46 Posts: 182 Member
    You are doing a FANTASTIC job! Wow! Great work. I can totally see more definition in your after picture! Eating food fits you well. lol Me? Well, I'm still in the thick of things. Figuring out my numbers still....feeling up one day, feeling down the next. :)
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Excellent progress, and so true having a reminder for what has happened that is positive. Reread before getting on the scale, right?
  • conniedj
    conniedj Posts: 470 Member
    Excellent progress, and so true having a reminder for what has happened that is positive. Reread before getting on the scale, right?

    Totally.....READ BEFORE stepping on scale!!! lol. Scale is up 4 lbs in a couple of days.....big time DOMS from my workout on Saturday ( bi's and tri's--who woulda thought?).

    @ Athena--it's just a scale number! I checked out your blog....and you are definately showing signs of a tighter you! ESPECIALLY in your shoulders/traps/lats! AND you aren't gaining's all good!!!

    Who else is up for sharing progress????
  • conniedj
    conniedj Posts: 470 Member
    Weekly check in! What!?! I gained a pound for my birthday....I am 46 today. And I am feeling heavy....probably has NOTHING to do with the homemade cupcakes I am eating, right?

    I upped my calories to a whopping 2800....thatsalottafood! And upon working out, scale JUMPED 4 pounds in 3 days. Now I am back to 176. I am feeling ready to not eat so much anymore..... you think I need to hang for another week or 2 before doing a cut? I would like to cut through until the holidays and then go back to maintenance....thoughts?
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Weekly check in! What!?! I gained a pound for my birthday....I am 46 today. And I am feeling heavy....probably has NOTHING to do with the homemade cupcakes I am eating, right?

    I upped my calories to a whopping 2800....thatsalottafood! And upon working out, scale JUMPED 4 pounds in 3 days. Now I am back to 176. I am feeling ready to not eat so much anymore..... you think I need to hang for another week or 2 before doing a cut? I would like to cut through until the holidays and then go back to maintenance....thoughts?

    So no fast water weight gained not related to a workout, that's good. Sounds like retained water for the workout came and went.

    So if this was closer to true TDEE and prior was not, you would have gained and held on to some of that, but you didn't.

    So I'd suggest prior level was TDEE or close enough, and take deficit from that amount.

    Have fun! (being hungry!) No, just something to get used to in other direction.

    Remember, body is still going to want to make improvements, but you aren't giving it what it wants or used to have. It may not be happy with you.

    You'll confirm if lifting progress slows down slightly, which is already, still progress.
  • conniedj
    conniedj Posts: 470 Member
    Hey--I gained a pound! I was175,,,,now 176..but in between, when I upped my calories to 2800 it jumped up to 179. So is that sounding a bit more like 2800 is my true TDEE? I am thinking yes....I must have underestimated how much I am on my feet during the day at home.....

    Soooo.....based on this, I can cut and watch how my workouts feel!
  • Labouffecestbon
    Labouffecestbon Posts: 182 Member
    Connie, I totally enjoy following your progress. I think you look great and I'm excited to learn from your experience. It's been discouraging at times to see no scale changes, but your story is a great reminder of physical changes with llittle to no change in weight. Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • conniedj
    conniedj Posts: 470 Member
    Connie, I totally enjoy following your progress. I think you look great and I'm excited to learn from your experience. It's been discouraging at times to see no scale changes, but your story is a great reminder of physical changes with llittle to no change in weight. Good luck! :flowerforyou:

    Thanks so much! I think one of the biggest reasons i put it all on here is to avoid living out the "what if's" in my head. I get discouraged too--but then I put it out here to all of you in tends to make it all seem to make more sense because it's all broken down to the facts with the emotion of the "scale fear" removed. I hope that makes sense!

    We tend to get caught in a circle of thinking based not on what we actually know and responding to the facts of the matter, but rather to a reaction of feeling like if we do__________________________ we are going to get fat. We react. Breaking that cycle is key to being successful I think!
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Hey--I gained a pound! I was175,,,,now 176..but in between, when I upped my calories to 2800 it jumped up to 179. So is that sounding a bit more like 2800 is my true TDEE? I am thinking yes....I must have underestimated how much I am on my feet during the day at home.....

    Soooo.....based on this, I can cut and watch how my workouts feel!

    Oh sorry, didn't notice that extra pound.

    I'm no good with numbers. :drinker:

    What would be some official saying -
    "Let the cutting begin"
    "Let'ssssss get ready to cuuuuuuttttttt"
    "On your marks, get set, cut!"
  • conniedj
    conniedj Posts: 470 Member
    YOU are no good with numbers??? Pfffft!! lol. Is this the same Heybales that put together that glorious spreadsheet which tells you every thing you need to know about figuring out your TDEE and BMR????

    So I cut deep down to 2500 yesterday....oooohhhhhh! For some reason 2500 feels about right for the first step down....and I had an amazing lift day.....followed by a fantastic ride out in the sunshine....over 1000 cal burned for the 2 I may pump it up to 2600 today!
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Awesome thread! Amazing progress Connie.
  • conniedj
    conniedj Posts: 470 Member
    Weekly check in!!!

    SW: 173
    CW: 176

    Measurements have held at the same for about a month now. I am definitely feeling fat today....I took pix--but honestly I don't look much different--I think I have a bit more water pulled into my muscles--I don't look as "cut" today. But...I did take pix in a different location, so lighting can make the difference as well. and I lifted pretty heavy, and ate a lot that is a contributing factor as well.

    I had a great lift day. Personal goals on everything!!!
    Bench press: 145 x 4
    Dead Lift: 165 x5 (2 sets!)
    Over Head Press: 85 x 5 ( 2 sets...2nd set only 4x)
    Bent Over Row: 115 x 5 (2 sets)

    I designate Wednesday as my "heavy" day....but sometimes don't push myself because I don't always have a spotter. Today I found one of the trainers who really helped me push myself....totally cool.

    On Monday I's my "mix it up Monday"...I did 4sets of: DB rows, pushups, DB curls, Overhead Tri Ext, over head DB press. Then HIIT for legs.Not heavy weights....and I wasn't that hungry afterward. Yesterday? Starving all day. I ate really good food too. Today? starving....going to eat now!!

    I will leave off with this observation. I didn't drop a number on the scale, or in measurements. I did have a killer day at the gym. Totally stoked about that! The difference? You guessed it--eating the good food!!
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Ya, don't use invalid weigh-in days for anything expect curiosity over amount of fluctuations possible.
    Which is interesting actually if you keep track of how much over normal weight, and how hard and what was the last lifting workout.

    Like false weight gain should be less if only upper body was done, less muscle, compared to leg day.

    Glad the cut level of eating is still enough, and seems to be providing a great workout.
    Good job.
  • conniedj
    conniedj Posts: 470 Member
    Heybales--I have a question for you! I have my workouts all planned out thanks to your spreadsheet. I don't account for days like today--when I go out and take a ride, which is an awesome ride--not strenuous at all, but still a pretty big burn. Should I bump up to TDEE on days like this, or stay at my cut?
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Heybales--I have a question for you! I have my workouts all planned out thanks to your spreadsheet. I don't account for days like today--when I go out and take a ride, which is an awesome ride--not strenuous at all, but still a pretty big burn. Should I bump up to TDEE on days like this, or stay at my cut?

    Well, the TDEE is really the weekly total averaged out to daily.

    Some days you are literally eating at bigger cut then what you think, other days are smaller cut, neither is too extreme if you got the TDEE level right.
    But throw in extra exercise one day, you might have made the deficit really big. Now one day isn't bad, it's the effects of potentially using up a lot of glucose and not replacing it enough before tomorrows workout that needs it.

    You can also view it as you threw in a big burn, you just increased the weekly TDEE total, and average out over 7 days it could be 100 extra per day perhaps. But not keeping track of that change is messy.

    Or easier, eat it back minus the same deficit as your TDEE (15% or whatever) in 1 or 2 days, when you really need it.
  • conniedj
    conniedj Posts: 470 Member
    I ended up adding about 250 extra calories...working out later today, and playing with the kids all day today....didn't want to feel tired! We shall see how I do at the gym!!! Thanks for answering Heybales!
  • conniedj
    conniedj Posts: 470 Member
    Awesome thread! Amazing progress Connie.

    BTW....Thanks Lucia!!!
  • conniedj
    conniedj Posts: 470 Member
    Weekly check in! I am 8 weeks in.

    SW: 173
    Up 4 lbs total. Up 1 lb in the last week. I was also up on cardio ( biking) during last week due to awesome weather. I am kind of bummed that I gained again....

    On Saturday I took the kids skating at a rink. I put on my in-line skates for the first time in about 2 years. Felt great to skate... Then.....I caught my heel side brake, and it made me fall in a weird way. I thought I may have torn my LCL......definitely stretched it. I have a small strain/tear of the Peroneus Longus. So no cardio/impact/HIIT for lower body for me this week ( at the very least). Boo. Injuries really suck!

    Adjusting my TDEE down to 2462, and eating starting today @ 2100-2200--which is what the spread sheet says. Boo again. Since I can't do HIIT/cardio I will just extend my lifting time another 15 minutes ( total of 225 mins/week). Curious to see what changes this will bring about. I said I was going to cut waaaay back on cardio and HIIT and up to the point of injury--I have only cut back acout 30 minutes a week....unless I ride outside. So in reality no cutback on cardio. lol.

    It was a good lift day again: Benched a new high for me @165lbs, as well as new Deadlift @185. Everything else stayed the same as last week. I was able to do a bunch of wide stance squats with just the bar (45lbs). I wanted to get something in without hurting myself. This did the job.

    I will post pix later. It is amazing to me that these last 2 lbs I have put on feels more like 20! I feel fine about gaining weight, but I don't like feeling heavy like I do now. I don't feel awesome.