Watch my progress!



  • conniedj
    conniedj Posts: 470 Member
    I *was* doing pull ups everyday, but am now allowing at least a day in between to allow full recovery. So you were reading my mind with the whole recovery thing. I was doing everyday because I was excited....but logic would be to recover so that maybe I can do more the next time!

    I taught 6 classes last week. 3 bootcamp ( minimal participation), 2 HIIT (full participation), Total Body (full participation) plus I lifted after 2 of the classes. So busy week. My body feels good, and feels like I am recovering. But with multiple days of lifting lighter weights when I teach, I was concerned about over doing it. After last week...not so concerned, as my body gets used to it. But....the I have to lift heavy when I do just lift to keep the progress going.

    I had DOMS Saturday after 2 classes and then lifting...we went tube floating down the river. We ended up walking in the river as it was so slow moving. You can bet I ate a huge burger, sweet potato fries and beer after that!! Sunday felt great, total day off. Feeling good today too.

    Progress pix from this past weekend:



    August 2013...almost a year ago:

  • conniedj
    conniedj Posts: 470 Member

    AWESOME!!! Way to go!!!! Consistency over time is the "trick" to pullups, and you got it :)

    Unfortunately, I separated my shoulder AC joint crashing a motorcycle a week ago... no more pullups for a few weeks, then I will be starting back from scratch to build back up.

    Thanks so much for checking back in to let us know!

    OHHHHH nOOOOOOO! Huge bummer acromioclavicular one knows it's there until they seperate it! Booo! Are you having the repair surgery--or was yours just a partial tear?
  • aylajane
    aylajane Posts: 979 Member
    Yes it is a PITA injury! Basically I couldnt do anything because every.single.lift. requires your shoulder in some capacity!

    It was a grade 2/3, usually 4-6 requires surgery. I have been doing range of motion exercises daily, and slowly adding in a little weight every other day (i.e. no weight first few days, 1 pound a few days, 2 pounds a few days, today I threw a few 5 pound reps in the middle). And I am doing baby pushups :) Mostly just my upper body weight with lower body supported on bench. But I can do 3-4 regular pushups very slowly. For pullups, I can only now do the negative portion (lowering slowly down). Hoping to do the up side up in a few days.

    Otherwise a TON of squats in any format that doesnt require me to hold weights in my hands, as well as lower body machines (boo), and LOTS AND LOTS of walking and running. FOr most of my non-ROM exercise I have been wearing a 12 pound weighted vest just to make it a little harder so I dont get all fluffy and weak :)

    Next week I get to start back up on deadlifts, bench etc with half my old weights or lower if needed... sigh... at least it shouldnt take as long to get back to where I left off as it took to get there in the first place !

    Keep going! You are sooo active! I love it. I try to make sure I dont sit more than an hour in a row (desk job), I take a ton of little walks throughout the day, and I love being in the gym both at the real gym and my house (have a power rack and whole gym setup). Hurting my shoulder killed all my hobbies at once :) So very glad to be getting them back!
  • Jennifer_Lynn_1982
    Jennifer_Lynn_1982 Posts: 567 Member
    I loved reading through this post! Keep it up :)
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