This August I Will...



  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,073 Member
    IIt seems as though SLEEP would help me with all of theses.

    M Aug 5 T Aug 6 W Aug 7 Th Aug 8

    Take pills 💊 10:30 10:30 “”
    Dim lights & Prepare 11pm 11pm 10:30
    In bed 🛌11pm 12 11:40
    Lights off 💡11pm 12 11:40
    📺12:15 pm none 11:40

    📲1 pm 12:25 (1:00) 12:35 (1:15)
    💤 1 pm 1 pm 1:15
    AM Mask yes no yes
    (place in more convenient place)✅
    ☀️8:15. 6:45 (cat woke me up & hubby wanted to get up) 8:15 (cat)
    7 hrs: YES❣️ no (sleepy) YES❣️
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    You all have chosen great goals for August! Each one of you is inspiring in one way or another.

    @themedalist Your music theory goal inspired me to look up photography classes on Udemy and I haven't yet decided if I will choose one of them or use the free info I can get at websites. I do know that will be one area of focus for me this month. Creativity in one form or another is a requirement for living a fuller life!

    @77tes I am always impressed with your forward motion. Once you reach a goal, you don't sit back and think "that's good enough", but you push onward to make yourself even better. And your dedication to daily exercise in addition to Yoga no longer surprises me, but it does make me want to do better, be better myself.

    @MadisonMolly2017 Your systematic method of accomplishing goals is remarkable and has been proven to work. Big focus and small but steady forward progress is the proof.

    I could list each and every one of you in this group and tell you how you've inspired me. You don't give up. The fact that you're here month after month posting your goals and progress and encouraging others is much appreciated. Together we stand stronger than when trying to go it alone. Thank you!

    Now I need to decide on my August goal...What!? Tomorrow's the 10th already!!! :o
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 7,962 Member
    @nebslp, I’m sorry that you are feeling overwhelmed. I totally understand your struggle! I love my family, but sometimes I feel in the middle of a tug-of-war and could use a few hours of peace and quiet. You do indeed NEED some alone time. Do this, and make it a priority.
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,073 Member
    I know that many of my friends with grandchildren feel exactly the same way.

    I love your morning studio goal. Feeling the peace & centeredness.

    I’m sorry you’ve been crying. Hopefully a new arrangement can be made next summer that is more balanced for you.

    Huge hugs!
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,073 Member
    It seems as though SLEEP would help me with all of theses.

    M Aug 5 T Aug 6 W Aug 7 Th Aug 8

    Take pills 💊 10:30 10:30 10:30 10:30
    Dim lights & Prepare 11pm 11pm 10:30 9:30
    In bed 🛌11pm 12 11:40 12
    Lights off 💡11pm 12 11:40 1:00
    📺12:15 pm none 11:40 12:30

    📲1 pm 12:25 (1:00) 12:35 (1:15) 1:30
    💤 1 pm 1 pm 1:15 1:30

    AM Mask yes no yes yes
    (place in more convenient place)✅
    ☀️8:15. 6:45 (cat woke me up & hubby wanted to get up) 8:15 (cat) 5:30 cat then back to sleep 6:30 woke up 7:30 then 8:15.
    The meditation audios put me instantly to sleep. **Must not wait an hour next time** took a 30 min nap. Almost to 7 hrs.
    7 hrs: YES❣️ no (sleepy) YES❣️no
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    Thanks for the kind thoughts and words. Today with the kids went much better than Wednesday, maybe because I took an Advil PM last night and actually slept well for 7 hours.

    Morning Studio time to center myself and prepare for the day:
    Aug 9: 5 minutes
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,073 Member
    ]It seems as though SLEEP would help me with all of theses.

    M Aug 5 T Aug 6 W Aug 7 Th Aug 8

    Take pills 💊 10:30 10:30 10:30 10:30 10:30
    Dim lights & Prepare 11pm 11pm 10:30 9:30
    In bed 🛌11pm 12 11:40 12 2:20😳
    Lights off 💡11pm 12 11:40 1:00 2:55
    📺12:15 pm none 11:40 12:30 none

    📲1 pm 12:25 (1:00) 12:35 (1:15) 1:30 2:55 (got hooked on some phone games-very unlike me) I’m wide awake.

    💤 1 pm 1 pm 1:15 1:30

    AM Mask yes no yes yes
    (place in more convenient place)✅
    ☀️8:15. 6:45 (cat woke me up & hubby wanted to get up) 8:15 (cat) 5:30 cat then back to sleep 6:30 woke up 7:30 then 8:15.
    The meditation audios put me instantly to sleep. **Must not wait an hour next time** took a 30 min nap. Almost to 7 hrs.
    7 hrs: YES❣️ no (sleepy) YES❣️no
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,073 Member
    ]It seems as though SLEEP would help me with all of theses.

    M Aug 5 T Aug 6 W Aug 7 Th Aug 8 Aug 9

    Take pills 💊 10:30 10:30 10:30 10:30 10:30
    Dim lights & Prepare 11pm 11pm 10:30 9:30
    In bed 🛌11pm 12 11:40 12 2:20😳
    Lights off 💡11pm 12 11:40 1:00 2:55
    📺12:15 pm none 11:40 12:30 none

    📲1 pm 12:25 (1:00) 12:35 (1:15) 1:30 2:55 (got hooked on some phone games-very unlike me) I’m wide awake. Exercised & ate dinner too late, I think...

    💤 1 pm 1 pm 1:15 1:30 3:30 😳 some itchiness & odd symptoms kept me awake

    AM Mask yes no yes yes YES
    (place in more convenient place)✅
    ☀️8:15. 6:45 (cat woke me up & hubby wanted to get up) 8:15 (cat) 5:30 cat then back to sleep 6:30 woke up 7:30 then 8:15.
    The meditation audios put me instantly to sleep. **Must not wait an hour next time** took a 30 min nap. Almost to 7 hrs.

    Aug 9: woke up 5:30, used mask repeatedly until 8:30, then for another half hour to nap 9-9:30. Blood pressure was elevated (usually it’s low) & I had ocular migraine. Very fatigued. I will get my sleep under control. I can see it’s preventing me from having more energy to do things I need to do & want to do.

    7 hrs: YES❣️ no (sleepy) YES❣️no
    Aug 9 nope (about to take snap to get sleep to 7 hours.)

  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    @MadisonMolly2017 I’m sorry you had a bad night. Sure makes a difference the next day, doesn’t it?! And I hope your headache is gone and blood pressure down. I was going to ask what snap was when I realized you must mean naps🤔🤣. A short 30 minute nap or even a 15 minute total body relaxation session in the early afternoon can do wonders sometimes unless it messes with your night schedule. Maybe tonight will be a better one🤞
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    Today has been good. I woke up early but didn’t have to set my alarm for 6:40😁 for once. I’m tired but spent time upstairs planning the next 7 days’ decluttering/cleaning plan and exercise routine. I came back up this afternoon and spent a couple of hours cleaning off my writing/serger table and the file cabinet in my studio.
    So I have a 2 day streak on my goal🤩
  • texasgardnr
    texasgardnr Posts: 2,660 Member
    My goal for this month:
    This August's I will: I will track my progress (again) of getting to sleep earlier, success will now be lights out by 11:00 PM.

    I will use 😇 for lights out by 10 P.M, 🕚 for lights out by 11 P.M, after 11P.M. ❌.

    (I am allowing one night a week(end) only if something special is going on so it won't trigger failure feelings.)

    August 1: 🕚
    August 2: 🕚
    August 3: planned later night
    August 4: 🕚
    August 5: 🕚
    August 6: 🕚
    August 7: 😇
    August 8: 😇
    August 9: 🕚

  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    @texasgardnr You’re on a roll! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻!
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,073 Member
    It seems as though SLEEP would help me with all of theses.

    M Aug 5 T Aug 6 W Aug 7 Th Aug 8 Aug 9

    Take pills 💊 10:30 10:30 10:30 10:30 10:30 10:30
    Dim lights & Prepare 11pm 11pm 10:30 9:30
    10:30 10:00
    In bed 🛌11pm 12 11:40 12 2:20😳 1:00
    Lights off 💡11pm 12 11:40 1:00 2:55 1:00
    📺12:15 pm none 11:40 12:30 none 10:00

    📲1 pm 12:25 (1:00) 12:35 (1:15) 1:30 2:55 (got hooked on some phone games-very unlike me) I’m wide awake. Exercised & ate dinner too late, I think... Aug 10 1:15

    💤 1 pm 1 pm 1:15 1:30 3:30 😳 some itchiness & odd symptoms kept me awake

    AM Mask yes no yes yes YES
    (place in more convenient place)✅
    ☀️8:15. 6:45 (cat woke me up & hubby wanted to get up) 8:15 (cat) 5:30 cat then back to sleep 6:30 woke up 7:30 then 8:15.
    The meditation audios put me instantly to sleep. **Must not wait an hour next time** took a 30 min nap. Almost to 7 hrs.

    Aug 9: woke up 5:30, used mask repeatedly until 8:30, then for another half hour to nap 9-9:30. Blood pressure was elevated (usually it’s low) & I had ocular migraine. Very fatigued. I will get my sleep under control. I can see it’s preventing me from having more energy to do things I need to do & want to do.

    7 hrs: YES❣️ no (sleepy) YES❣️no
    Aug 9 nope (about to take snap to get sleep to 7 hours.)
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,215 Member
    @nebslp, we all have anchor habits. The things we do every day that make us feel like us. Getting some alone time is absolutely vital and if you’re not getting that and you need that, it’s not sustainable. I’m so sorry this summer has been difficult for you. But I’m very happy to hear that more studio time is your August goal! And now that your grandchildren will be back in school, I hope you get even more time in your studio!
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,215 Member
    edited August 2019
    Well, after a good start, my music theory online class went south pretty quickly.

    I am a beginner to music theory. I need things explained at a fairly basic level. And the more I worked through the course, the more convinced I was that it was geared to guitarists with some familiarity with theory. As I’ve gotten older, I’m less willing to stick with something just to complete it if I don’t think I’m going to get much from it. Time spent doing one thing is time that can’t be spent doing something more productive or enjoyable. So I stopped.

    The thing is, I know the path that I want to walk as a guitarist. I want to play the music I love as well as I can play it. And I also want to write short, simple songs for my family and friends and play and record them in my friend’s studio. In thinking about those goals, I realized what I need to work on in August: tempo and not changing the tempo throughout the song.

    I suspect a lot of self-taught players have the same challenge when they’re playing by themself: we speed up or slow down at different parts of the song without being aware of it. But it’s a deal breaker for recording the songs I envision because I’d like to add other instruments and other effects and it’s the song speed that’s the glue that holds everything together.

    So, my August focus is to keep a constant tempo when I play. I dislike metronomes though, but I found an even better tool. I discovered an app that will change the tempo and pitch of any song. Changing the tempo and pitch wildly distorts the song, but it enables me to play it. I usually need to change the pitch as well as the tempo so that I can play the song in a key with chords I’m most familiar with. And this has been my first real world application of music theory: figuring out the key the original song is in so that I know how to change the key to one that works for me.

    This is a great learning tool. And now I get to sing and play with Elvis!
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 7,962 Member
    @themedalist , I’m sorry that you found the class unworkable for you, but it makes sense to stop trying to do something that is too difficult. It’s sort of like folks starting here on MFP who plan to get up every morning at 4 am and workout for an hour. That’s just not sustainable, and they quit trying instead of moderating the unsustainable plan. You are wise enough to see that the course was not going to work for you, and figured out a work around.

    I know that music theory can get pretty deep, pretty fast. Working on maintaining an even tempo is a great plan. Let me share a few of the things I learned from my kids piano teacher and dancing.

    First: Slow is beautiful. In other words slow that tempo way down to the point where you can play it through evenly. This is important because you play with your body, and the hands and fingers need the slow practice even though the brain says that you should go faster. At dancing we have an app that changes the speed of any song because dancing at the original tempo can be too hard especially when you’re first learning it.

    Second, and perhaps the most important: YOU. The music begins with you, not the composer or even the song. The music is coming from you. So make the music and enjoy it.
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,073 Member
    Well, after a good start, my music theory online class went south pretty quickly.

    I am a beginner to music theory. I need things explained at a fairly basic level. And the more I worked through the course, the more convinced I was that it was geared to guitarists with some familiarity with theory. As I’ve gotten older, I’m less willing to stick with something just to complete it if I don’t think I’m going to get much from it. Time spent doing one thing is time that can’t be spent doing something more productive or enjoyable. So I stopped.

    The thing is, I know the path that I want to walk as a guitarist. I want to play the music I love as well as I can play it. And I also want to write short, simple songs for my family and friends and play and record them in my friend’s studio. In thinking about those goals, I realized what I need to work on in August: tempo and not changing the tempo throughout the song.

    I suspect a lot of self-taught players have the same challenge when they’re playing by themself: we speed up or slow down at different parts of the song without being aware of it. But it’s a deal breaker for recording the songs I envision because I’d like to add other instruments and other effects and it’s the song speed that’s the glue that holds everything together.

    So, my August focus is to keep a constant tempo when I play. I dislike metronomes though, but I found an even better tool. I discovered an app that will change the tempo and pitch of any song. Changing the tempo and pitch wildly distorts the song, but it enables me to play it. I usually need to change the pitch as well as the tempo so that I can play the song in a key with chords I’m most familiar with. And this has been my first real world application of music theory: figuring out the key the original song is in so that I know how to change the key to one that works for me.

    This is a great learning tool. And now I get to sing and play with Elvis!

    Wow! Way to find a solution @themedalist!!
    I like how we know what we need & pirsue that! #GiftofLiving!
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,073 Member
    ]It seems as though SLEEP would help me with all of theses.

    M Aug 5 T Aug 6 W Aug 7 Th Aug 8 F Aug 9 sat 10

    Take pills 💊 10:30 10:30 10:30 10:30 10:30 10:30 10:30
    Dim lights & Prepare 11pm 11pm 10:30 9:30
    10:30 10:00
    In bed 🛌11pm 12 11:40 12 2:20😳 1:00
    Lights off 💡11pm 12 11:40 1:00 2:55 1:00
    📺12:15 pm none 11:40 12:30 none 10:00

    📲1 pm 12:25 (1:00) 12:35 (1:15) 1:30 2:55 (got hooked on some phone games-very unlike me) I’m wide awake. Exercised & ate dinner too late, I think... Aug 10 1:15

    💤 1 pm 1 pm 1:15 1:30 3:30 😳 some itchiness & odd symptoms kept me awake
    Aug 10 1:20-30

    AM Mask yes no yes yes YES(2-3) Yes (4-5)
    (place in more convenient place)✅✅✅
    ☀️8:15. 6:45 (cat woke me up & hubby wanted to get up) 8:15 (cat) 5:30 cat then back to sleep 6:30 woke up 7:30 then 8:15.
    The meditation audios put me instantly to sleep. **Must not wait an hour next time** took a 30 min nap. Almost to 7 hrs.

    Aug 9: woke up 5:30, used mask repeatedly until 8:30, then for another half hour to nap 9-9:30. Blood pressure was elevated (usually it’s low) & I had ocular migraine. Very fatigued. I will get my sleep under control. I can see it’s preventing me from having more energy to do things I need to do & want to do.
    Aug10 was the experience I needed to realize how bad a late night can be for me. #I’m More Committed Now
    I wanted to go to bed earlier, but social engagement kept me up. I stated 12AM end stop for me but it continued. I valiantly remained but when it was going to go past 1, I left. Proud of myself.
    Woke 6:30, used mask & a couple more times but kept using Simple Habit & mask. Woke 9:35 AM !! Fully rested & feeling great! My 90 min exercise sessions each day are really increasing my strength & speed especially *** after a lot of sleep.

    7 hrs: YES❣️ no (sleepy) YES❣️no
    Aug 9 nope (about to take snap to get sleep to 7 hours.) Aug 10 7-8 hours!

    Excited. The 90 m exercise is making me sleepier!
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 7,962 Member
    edited August 2019
    @MadisonMolly2017 , glad the exercise is helping with sleep. I was up until 1am on Friday night because I was out dancing. Yesterday, I was concerned because I just was feeling SO OLD. Then, of course, I realized that it was because I really cannot function on 4 hours of sleep. I’m still playing catch-up.

    @texasgardnr , you are rocking your goal this month!

    @themedalist , here is a book my sister suggested. I think you might want to see if you could borrow it from the library to see if it will work for you since it is expensive.