This August I Will...



  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,045 Member
    @77tes Exactly! I hope you feel all rested soon!!
  • Wildchildx1289
    Wildchildx1289 Posts: 19 Member
    I am having issues now. I feel like I use my phone more after the 2 hours without. I am annoyed with myself. Suggestions? Help?
  • Wildchildx1289
    Wildchildx1289 Posts: 19 Member
    @77tes I am a stay at home mother, but it usually out of boredom.
  • Wildchildx1289
    Wildchildx1289 Posts: 19 Member
    I guess it is not really boredom, but I am the person that always needs to be doing something. I am the nail biter, which is a bad habit itself. I just need to keep occupied, but I dont want to clean. What is the point of cleaning if it will be destroyed two seconds afterwards by my one year old. Hahaha. I guess I need to fill in the gaps instead of pulling put my phone and doing absolutely nothing there to occupy time.
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    @Wildchildx1289 I totally get that! One year olds (and older) can be physically and emotionally exhausting, and having an uncluttered house is just a dream. Do you like needlework of any kind or coloring or photography? Just something can you can pick up and put down in your few spare minutes to help you relax. I recently rediscovered the fun of embroidery and find that having a project going helps keep me busy and feeling productive. However, it’s tough when those little ones are so adorable and needy!
  • Wildchildx1289
    Wildchildx1289 Posts: 19 Member
    Hahaha @nebslp I do embroider and knit, but I haven't picked it up in sometime. Embroidering is oddly relaxing. Today I started writing to occupy my time, which has helped.
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    @Wildchildx1289 I embroidered 12 quilt blocks using back-stitch (only a couple left to do now 🎉) and found it to be the most relaxing form of needlework that I do. Then I put that on pause to make a Harry Potter cross stitch picture for my granddaughter and found that to be very stressful because I actually had to think when doing that, and count...and take out mistakes!!! This week I will be digging out the quilt blocks and hope I don’t get side tracked again. Do you do creative writing or more journaling?
  • Wildchildx1289
    Wildchildx1289 Posts: 19 Member
    @nebslp that is Awesome! I have only embroidered little pictures to entertain myself. Haha. Yesterday, I wrote a book review to submit on my goodreads account. I do write in a journal would I get upset. I would like to do more creative writing. I occasionally write poems when I feel the need. Ultimate goal is to write a novel.
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    @Wildchildx1289 it’s great that you’re pursuing your passion of writing in whatever form you can. I hope you find at least a few minutes every day for that until it becomes a habit🙂
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,045 Member
    Sounds like writing!!
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,045 Member
    edited August 2019
    Ok! First 8 days done!

    Good habits around SLEEP so far:
    Was Already established. 10:30 medicine,
    Was Already established, putting water by bedside,
    New!*** getting out ear buds for use, if needed
    New!***putting sleep mask where I can get it easily,
    New!***Dimming lights at 9:30, and no later than 10:30.
    New!***Using audio meditations** immediately** if I wake up at night & in AM,
    new!***continuing to go back to sleep, if possible, until I’ve accrued 7 hours.

    To work on this week:
    ☘️Turn off TV/computer no later than 11pm. Record time achieved.

    Record time you turn off phone
    Record time you fell asleep (approx) Record time you woke up.

    Beginning night of Aug 13:

  • texasgardnr
    texasgardnr Posts: 2,660 Member
    thanks @nebslp and @77tes for the encouragement for my goal.

    @77tes from your Move it Monday post you are doing great with your yoga goal! You go girl 👍.

    @nebslp you have shared a wealth of information with us on various topics. I so enjoy reading your posts. I really like your August goal of going to your studio every morning and taking time to begin and plan your day mindfully, especially now that you are coming off a very busy and full summer.

    @MadisonMolly2017, I am so sorry about your ocular migraine. I can't even imagine how painful that was💐. That is awesome that your 90 minutes of exercise is making you sleepy! Great tracking!

    @themedalist, so wise of you to choose to spend your time more productively and happily instead of forcing yourself to complete the music theory class that was no longer useful. Your August goal of maintaining an even tempo sounds great!

    @Wildchildx1289, Since you asked for suggestions I just googled and found that there are apps or specific methods on different brands of phones in the settings for how to track not only how long you are on your phone, but how you actually use your phone screen time. (I did this on my phone for a time earlier this year out of curiosity when it became available from an update.)

    I have heard that if you change your phone screen or lock screen to black and white, instead of seeing the lovely colors that draw us in visually, that that has been shown to help.

    Turning off or silencing the notifications from apps and social media, and checking them only when you decide to, instead of being constantly notified. Doing this puts you in control of your phone usage. (I do this)

    Google for ideas for ways to help you reach your goal. There is actually a lot of information out there with ideas to help one use their phone less often.

    You can do this!! Yes, you can!

    That is so cool that you have a goal of writing a novel! And that you are finding ways to do some writing in the meantime!

    My goal for this month:
    This August's I will: I will track my progress (again) of getting to sleep earlier, success will now be lights out by 11:00 PM.

    I will use 😇 for lights out by 10 P.M, 🕚 for lights out by 11 P.M, after 11P.M. ❌.

    (I am allowing one night a week(end) only if something special is going on so it won't trigger failure feelings.)

    August 1: 🕚
    August 2: 🕚
    August 3: planned later night
    August 4: 🕚
    August 5: 🕚
    August 6: 🕚
    August 7: 😇
    August 8: 😇
    August 9: 🕚
    August 10: 🕚
    August 11: 😇
    August 12: 🕚

  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,045 Member
    Wow @texasgardnr!! You are doing Great 👍 on your sleep goal! 🏆 🌹🎉

    Thank you for your support of all of us & for your kind words.
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,045 Member
    Ok! First 8 days done!

    Good habits around SLEEP so far:
    Was Already established. 10:30 medicine,
    Was Already established, putting water by bedside,
    New!*** getting out ear buds for use, if needed
    New!***putting sleep mask where I can get it easily,
    New!***Dimming lights at 9:30, and no later than 10:30.
    New!***Using audio meditations** immediately** if I wake up at night & in AM,
    new!***continuing to go back to sleep, if possible, until I’ve accrued 7 hours.

    To work on this week:
    ☘️Turn off TV/computer no later than 11pm. Record time achieved.

    Record time you turn off phone
    Record time you fell asleep (approx) Record time you woke up.

    Beginning night of Aug 13:

    🛌 12:10
    ☀️6:39 (mask) 7:20⬇️
    ⏰5hr55mins ⬇️

    Unseasonably hot here so I was very energetic after my 7:30 walk & throughout the cooler evening.

    Baby steps.
    My lack of good sleep hygiene is related to 2 things:
    * My phone #1
    * I’ve always “fought” goi g to sleep even when yawning even as a kid #2

    Other possibilities:
    * Evening meds
    * Dinner too late
    * Decaf coffee/bit of choc is too much caffeine for me at 4pm?
    * Exercising too late in day

    I’m more committed than ever to solve this, as I’m seeing how it’s impacting me now. (I didn’t really want to admit I had an issue.)

    For me to remember WHY I need to put that phone down.l:
    Today, I am sleepy, slight headache, my muscles are aching (workout-related, but more sleep would have helped with repair), eyes are dry (I figured out awhile back that lack of deep sleep causes this in me), emotional/less resilient, more fretting in general, didn’t go to a social group this morning because I didn’t feel I could be “cheerful” enough & also more energy than I feel I had. (Gearing up to see a dear friend late this afternoon - maybe a nap)

    I’m actually optimistic that I can solve this now. I’m going to go slowly.

    Thank you @themedalist, and all of you. Each & every one of you has had a significantly large, positive impact on my life, my health, my habits! 💕
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,348 Member
    Hi everyone! Sorry I have been MIA, but have had so many emotional issues to deal with that I had withdrawn inside myself quite a bit. But that is the worst thing I can do. Even with August half over, I need to get some normalcy back in my life. Unfortunately, I have let all my goals lapse over the past few months, so I don't even know which bad habit to try to fix first! I've slid backward so far that it's like I'm starting for the very first time again.

    So, after really thinking about it, I'm starting where I left off, which is basically at the beginning, and I'm setting a goal of logging in my Food journal on MFP every single day.

    Here goes:

    1. My goal for this month (This August I will...") log every single bite on MFP Food diary every day.
    2. The small actions I’ll be taking to accomplish this goal: I will prep the next day's food the evening before and pre-log my breakfast, lunch and snacks. After dinner, I will log my dinner and any evening snack and then I will click the Complete Diary button.
    3. The trigger or cue to remember to do my habit: When I am cleaning dinner table, I will fix my next day's meals. When I sit down with my husband at the end of the day, I will log my dinner and evening snack and close my diary.
    4. How often will you do your new habit (daily is best if possible): Daily.
    5. What reward will you immediately give yourself for doing your habit? I will high-5 myself and give myself mental Kudos as soon as I see the forecasted weight when completing my daily diary.
    6. What help do you need from us? I don't think there is anything more that you can do that you don't already do! You all are so supportive! I need to just do it.
    7. What does success look like to you at the end of August? At the end of August, I will have 18 days of food and nutritional data to look at to help me determine September's goal! :smile:
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,348 Member
    This weekend will be tough for me. My husband and I are taking a trip down to see my stepdad and my mom so that we can say our "goodbyes" to my stepdad who has is on hospice and fading rather quickly. I am going to make journaling my goal, but I'm not going to beat myself up if I eat over my calories or junky food since I know we will be eating all our meals out. I will try to make the healthier choices, but I'm an emotional eater and this has been an incredibly difficult few months.

    Prayers or positive thoughts for Paul not to suffer and for my mom (Suzanne) to find peace and strength when she needs it would be so very welcome during this time!

    Love you all and have missed you like crazy! You are all rocking your goals this month! So much inspiration on here!

  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    @PackerFanInGB I’m sorry about your stepdad. It will certainly be a tough weekend and more days ahead as well. I will be thinking of you and praying for you all.
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,213 Member
    This weekend will be tough for me. My husband and I are taking a trip down to see my stepdad and my mom so that we can say our "goodbyes" to my stepdad who has is on hospice and fading rather quickly. I am going to make journaling my goal, but I'm not going to beat myself up if I eat over my calories or junky food since I know we will be eating all our meals out. I will try to make the healthier choices, but I'm an emotional eater and this has been an incredibly difficult few months.

    Prayers or positive thoughts for Paul not to suffer and for my mom (Suzanne) to find peace and strength when she needs it would be so very welcome during this time!

    Love you all and have missed you like crazy! You are all rocking your goals this month! So much inspiration on here!


    Many, many hugs and prayers to you and your family this weekend. We know how hard this will be for you and your Mom. We are sending you love, support, and prayers.