Introduce Yourself

LisaMfit4life Posts: 567 Member
Hi! Feel free to introduce yourself and tell everyone a little bit about yourself!! I will start. I'm married have two grown children and live in the State of Ohio. I've been in the fitness industry for over 20 years and I have found that this is my passion. I know how hard it is to struggle with one's weight. I was overweight as a child and have battled my weight most of my life, and I think that is why I love being able to help individuals who have the same struggles. I look forward to getting to know everyone over the next 90 days!! Let's Do This!!


  • sissy848
    sissy848 Posts: 53
    Hi. I am married have 2 grown children and 2 grandchildren.
    I was overweight as a child and have also fought my weight most of my adult life.
    I quit smoking 3 years ago and have a heck of a time losing the weight I put on from that.
    I have always loved to exercise so that is not a problem for me the problem comes in with the eating.
  • MyLittleOwl
    MyLittleOwl Posts: 217 Member
    Hello everyone! I'm a divorced mother to a wonderful 5 year old boy who has very recently been diagnosed as being mildly autistic. We live in New Jersey. I feel like for the past 7 years or so I have been fighting a back and forth battle with my weight. I gained 50 pounds during my pregnancy with my son, and managed to lose all of that plus some of the extra I had put on before him - most of it by walking every day and weight watchers. However I found the WW to be unmanageable long term. I am enjoying walking (especially when I can steal away and do it alone!) and have started to find a balance of eating things that are better for me and flipping the bigger meals and snacks to earlier in the day and lighter for dinner. I'm hoping it works long term, because for once I feel like it's manageable! :-) I'm very much looking forward to this challenge because I feel like it will hold me accountable, gives me a long term goal that I've been wanting to meet every holiday season, and has a support group of people who have the same objectives as I do (as opposed to my boyfriend who has no weight to lose, never had a weight problem and thinks he can be my "coach" lol). I look forward to going on this journey with you all!
  • GmomLinC
    GmomLinC Posts: 45
    Hi all! I live in rural Hunterdon County, New Jersey, I'm 57, married for 35 years. I have 3 grown children (1 son, 2 daughters) and 11 grandchildren (3 girls, 8 boys) with another (and the last one) due at the end of January. I'm also a retired teacher. I retired early to help my kids with childcare. I miss teaching, but I'm kept very busy watching the younger grandchildren and I'm also a Girl Scout leader for all 3 of my granddaughters' troops. This September my troops will be in 4th grade, 8th grade and 10th grade.

    Weight wise....never a problem until menopause at 46 1/2. I remember I had my yearly physical when I was 46, and my doctor told me I was years away from menopause. 6 months later I was done. lol The doctor got that wrong! However, I'm not complaining. Except for the weight gain (as in like 50 pounds over a few years) I never had any menopausal troubles that other women have (no hot flashes, night sweats, etc). So....the weight that I put on....I've managed to lose it several times over the past 10 years. But....I always got lazy and started eating like I was a kid again...and the weight always found its way back on. Boo! So, I started back on mfp in early May of this year, and I'm down 37 pounds so far. Yay! But I need a challenge like this one to keep me motivated so I can still lose some more weight.
    Good luck to all!
  • JamieH1984
    JamieH1984 Posts: 86 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm Jamie, I live in the SW corner of Wisconsin. I've been overweight pretty much my whole life. I've finally got my crap together and I'm going to lose this weight. I don't have any kids yet - doing the single thing for now. I have a 16 month old niece that I want to be a good role model for. I have a gym membership and have found that I like to lift heavy things, though I've only done it a couple of times so far. I also have 2 dogs that keep me pretty busy.

    I just joined MFP this morning and found this challenge. If anyone wants to be pals feel free to add me, just let me know your from this challenge.
  • Nikki31104
    Nikki31104 Posts: 816 Member
    My name is Nikki. I live in the Twin Cities area of Minnesota. I am 35 (today actually) with 3 kids aged 16, 13 and 11. I am not exactly a single mother. I have a boyfriend that I have been with for 9 years but my children don't see their father.

    I guess I have always felt fat. In high school I was probably a size 8 but all my friends were way smaller than me. So I felt fat. At 18 I started having kids and sadly my body never went back. When I joined MFP I was 209 but my highest weight was 217. I don't want to be the fat one anymore. MFP worked great for me the first 9 months or so. Now I have lost all motivation. I have been fighting with the same 5 pounds for months. I am hoping this group will help me get my motivation back. I look forward to working with all of you to become a better me.
  • morschjodo
    morschjodo Posts: 22 Member
    Hi I'm Jody, Also from the Twin Cities MN Metro area. I'm 30, married and have a 16month old little boy who was born 12 weeks premature at 1lb 5oz. I was trying to lose more weight before I got pregnant and was back to my pre pregnancy weight within days of him being born, but the stress from the 3 month NICU stay and taking care of him after led to stress eating! I'm in a place now where I'm not as paranoid about constantly feeding him, pumping, and trying to keep him away from germs so I can work on my health again. I did have to go back on blood pressure medication recently and I believe it is due to the weight I've gained. I am trying to get into a routine at home (I really miss my gym!) and eating better. I would like to lose weight and even more this time to get down to a healthy BMI and feel fit again and have energy to keep up with my toddler! I like healthy food when I make a lifestyle change but am trying to get my husband to think about it this time too. He has a very physical job and doesn't have to watch what he eats as much as I do with sitting at a desk all day! I want to make this a lifestyle change for the whole family so we are good examples for our little guy.
  • LisaMfit4life
    LisaMfit4life Posts: 567 Member
    Awesome! You're right it is a lifestyle change. Your little one is adorable! I look forward to seeing how your progress develops.
  • LisaMfit4life
    LisaMfit4life Posts: 567 Member
    You're in the right place Nikki! Motivation here we GOOOOOOO!
  • LisaMfit4life
    LisaMfit4life Posts: 567 Member
    Hi Jamie! Happy to meet you and I'm glad you decided to join the challenge!!! Looking forward to working with you the next 90 days!!
  • LisaMfit4life
    LisaMfit4life Posts: 567 Member
    Congratulations on the weight loss!! I'm happy that you are participating in the challenge. We are here to motivate and support you and you have realistic goals. Let's Do This!!!
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,419 Member
    I'm also from the Twin Cities - western subs so that makes three of us so far :) I'm 48 1/2 and about 15 lbs over weight. About two months ago I had a disk rupture in my back and have been out of commission. Just finally get back at in, but exercise will not be near what I used to do. For now I have my rehab exercises and I got permission to start going to the gym to get on the exercise bike. With this injury I was lucky and only gained about 5 lbs but my clothes are just too uncomfortable now and I need to stop feeling sorry for myself :happy: so here I am!!!
  • LisaMfit4life
    LisaMfit4life Posts: 567 Member
    Welcome! Definitely move at your own pace and I'm happy that you joined the challenge. I'm excited to see how things go and we're all here for each other. Have a good evening.
  • heatherc369
    heatherc369 Posts: 1,555 Member
    My name is Heather, I am a 31 year old mother of 1. I have been skinny most of my life, some would say too skinny at times, but I never tried...I just was. My mother always told me eating like i did was going to catch up with me some day (Thanks mom!) I started gaining some weight around 2006-2007 but that was due to living in a party city (Lake Havasu) and doing nothing but drinking beer all day everyday for the most part but even then. i still was 150lbs and very comfortable wearing my bikini :) I moved to Florida and met my fiance in 2008 and i was still gaining weight but not too much...then in 2009 I got pregnant !!! I weighed about 215lbs the day I had my son. The weight never really came off and Ive tried working out and dieting but never stuck to it....i bounced back and forth between 175-190 lbs off and on for awhile. I work at a place that has an industrial floor scale and after month of being frustrated about my clothes no longer fitting and being embarrassed to be out in public, I decided to sneak on the scale while no one was looking and what i saw HORRIFIED me!! I weighed 209lbs!! Almost as much as i did when I was 9 months pregnant! I cried a little but that's the kick in the butt i needed to get me going to finally lose this fat forever and GET MY BODY BACK!! I have figured out the places I went wrong before, like trying to change everything all at once. SO i decided to start slowly with small goals every week or two. The day I stepped on the scale was 7-22-2013 it is now 8-13-13 and I have lost 7 lbs just by following my first few goals:
    1. NO MORE SODA!!
    2. No more eating huge dinners when I get home from class at 9;30 pm
    3. Portion Control
    4. More Veggies!!!

    Some things I still need to work on:
    5. Stop my morning addiction (24oz 7-11 Mocha Iced Coffee)
    6. Drink more water
    7. Start working out and stick with it!!
  • EFish111
    EFish111 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi, I'm Ellen, a Peace Corps Volunteer in Mozambique. I am finishing my 2 year teaching contract here and am hoping to lose the weight I've gained before I return back to the United States in December. It's been difficult to get myself to exercise in the hot, humid weather here, but I need to get motivated to eat better and exercise more! Hoping this group will help!
  • cjaques13
    Hello all, Christina here. I am also currently serving as a Peace Corps volunteer in Mozambique. I lost quite a bit of weight a few years ago, gained some of it back before coming to Mozambique, and have now gained all of that weight back. I'm finishing my contract here about when this challenge ends so I'm hoping this will help me to go home at least the same weight as when I left. Good luck to everyone!
  • LisaMfit4life
    LisaMfit4life Posts: 567 Member
    Welcome everyone! Glad to meet you and I'm excited to see how everyone progresses over the next 90 days. Good luck and this group is going to produce results I can see it now!
  • kpierce169
    kpierce169 Posts: 54 Member
    I am Karen, married, Mom of two, and Grandmother of two. I'm 45 and have been working out again for almost a year and have lost 48lbs. I still have about 10lbs to go. 10 lbs that are mocking me and clinging to me with all they've got. Last year I found myself at a huge weight, equal to the weight I was when I had my last child over 20 years ago. I had a photo taken at a party that blew my mind. I had no idea how unhealthy I looked. I'm working on never looking and feeling like that again! I have become a Beachbody coach in the process. I'm just getting started & still need motivation myself. I love a challenge. I love being accountable. I look forward to being smokin' hot for the holidays.
  • tanyab1990
    tanyab1990 Posts: 212 Member
    Hello all! My name is Tanya and I am from Central Floriday. I am single and 41 years old. I work in a credit union...which means lots of sitting. I have a good amount of weight to lose and have lost about 20 lbs since beginning of the year. I am going on a cruise in late October so I would like to lose at least another 20 lbs by then. I am looking forward to our challenge and wish the best to all of us!

  • LisaMfit4life
    LisaMfit4life Posts: 567 Member
    Welcome, Welcome, Welcome!!! Happy to meet everyone! Keep the introductions coming!!
  • annemama
    annemama Posts: 245 Member
    Hey y'all! I'm Beth. I'm 42, married to a wonderful man, and we have 3 boys. I love to workout: swim, lift weights, dance, etc. I recently started taking belly dancing, and now I need to find a costume that fits and doesn't look too trashy! :noway:

    I'm studying to become a personal trainer. I teach water aerobics, and occasionally Pilates.

    I'd like to lose another 20 pounds... right now I'm approaching my college weight, but my goal is my HS weight! 20 lbs may be a lot to lose by Christmas... but it's my goal!

    I am hypothyroid and take a boat-load of meds everyday. Weight-loss is super slow... but if I can keep my hand out of the candy jar it does start to happen! I've been using IF (intermittent fasting) for more than a month now and I really like it. After my morning coffee I wait to have my first meal at about 1pm...then I eat my calories/macros over the next 8 hours. I'm interested to see if this will continue to produce results.

    I'm glad to meet all of you! Friend me if you like. I can't say I comment every day on my friends' diaries, but as often as possible. I wish you all the best!