Introduce Yourself



  • LisaMfit4life
    LisaMfit4life Posts: 567 Member
    Nice to meet you and welcome!
  • My name is Kaitlan and I am from Georgia. I am 24 (25 in two weeks) years old, I have a two year old, I work full time from home, I go to school part time and I try to sleep, work out and clean the house in between.

    I'm over weight because I love to eat fastfood, between that and the fact that I stress over EVERYTHING, and lose sleep over lots of things... I just am out of control right now.

    I joined my fitness pal because I need to lose weight, a lot of weight.. but I make all the right excuses, and justify all the bad eating.. but atleast when I do it, I put it in here and it shows me just how much I'm over eating and what I'm doing to my body.

    I lack a lot of motivation, I have no energy and I'm very guilty of not taking care of myself. I don't know how to NOT give up on myself. I just want to stop trying and take a diet pill, or plexus or something to just make it all ok..

    I hope to not give up on myself this time and to see it through, I'd be happy to weigh 175, but 150 is my goal weight right now.
  • lynn_miller15
    lynn_miller15 Posts: 57 Member
    HI there,

    My name is Lynn, I've been on MFP for approximately 2 months or so....Summer is SOOOO hard to stick with a diet plan, but I'm determined that this is my year!
    I currently live in Ontario Canada, 30 years old and live with my common law partner/boyfriend for almost 6 years! No children, can't wait to start having them though, but need to get this excess weight off so that I am a healthy person for pregnancy and when they are born.
    I am 225 lbs - yo-yo between that and 221lbs - FRUSTRATING!!!!! looking to lose around 60lbs to start. My first goal is to get under 220lbs though!! hehe...small goals.
    By Christmas I would like to be at least 200 I think that is doable.
    My exercise routine is doing Jillian Michaels Body Revolution...I'm currently on week 3 of the program!! She's killing me!! :) Only have 9 more weeks to go with her program...
    If you have similar goals or would like a friend to motivate you add me! :)
  • LisaMfit4life
    LisaMfit4life Posts: 567 Member
    Hi Lynn! Welcome aboard. I'm happy that you decided to join the challenge. The goals you have set are reasonable and doable. Jillian Michaels is tough so congrats for sticking with the program. I'm excited and look forward to hearing about your progress!!
  • msmariimac
    msmariimac Posts: 27 Member
    Hey everyone!
    I'm Maria! I'm 27, in NJ. After being reasonably fit for most of my life, the poor eating habits have finally caught up with me thanks to grad school. In the past 2 yrs I've gained about 20lbs. I can feel the difference on my body and it's beginning to effect my health. I'm working hard to get back in shape by graduation in May. My first goal is to simply workout consistently (with Jillian Michaels) and eat healthy foods for a month - so far so good! In September I'd like to begin P90X and I'm contemplating C25K.

    Looking forward to working with you all and providing support as we all work towards our goals!
  • RheneeB
    RheneeB Posts: 461 Member
    Hello everyone, my name is Rhenee' and I live in Griffin, Georgia and I am soon to be 49. My husband and I have 5 grown children, 2 married, 2 in full swing careers and the youngest a junior in college. We have our first grandchild on the way and are so excited about it!!

    I grew up in Pennsylvania (love the Steelers) and moved to Georgia 26 years ago. I was very overweight after having my second child and carried that weight around for 3 years until something finallly snapped in my head and I headed for the gym 3 times a week and ended up losing 50 pounds. I never struggled to keep that weight off until I hit my early 40's and the weight slowly crept back on. I get angry at myself that I didn't do something after the first 10 pounds came on but no sense in crying over spilt milk at this point...I just need to step up to the plate and look at the reality of it which is simply....I have been lazy and have made nothing more than excuses for myself. I am tired of the excuses, I am tired of having low energy, I am tired of feeling terrible in social situations and I am tired of running from the camera because I can't stand seeing myself like this. I am mentally prepared for this journey and am excited to see what we can all accomplish!!
  • Hello everyone,
    My name is Joan and I live in Maryland. I am 65 and my husband died October 2, 2011. Week after he died I retired and week after that moved to a senior apartment complex. I have 2 grown single sons. I gained a lot of weight from stress from working, taking care of my husband. It took me a year to try to get myself motivated again to lose weight. I started Weight Watches lost 25 lbs then quit and tried doing it myself, which did not work and I gained some back from the holidays. March I joined again only this time doing it on line, but did not like that. I transferred my membership to go back to meetings in May. I have lost 9 lbs. I just quit Weight Watchers again, but starting tomorrow, Wednesday going to Curves. This way I will have excerise to go along with diet. I rejoined here, but decided I need to have friends that are motivated as well to lose. I hope this journey will be fun and get to know everyone.
    I will be checking in with weight, measurements etc on Wednesdays.
    Good Luck everyone and hoping everyone will get to their desired goal. I would like to see a continuation of this challenge to continue.
  • LisaMfit4life
    LisaMfit4life Posts: 567 Member
    Great! I love this. I'm happy to get to know all of you. This is going to be great!!!:smile::smile:
  • srosenberg101
    srosenberg101 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi all!
    I'm Sharon and I live in NY state in the little corner where NY, NJ and PA all meet . I have been heavy all my life except for the 3-4 times I did something drastic and got the weight off, only to have it return with a vengence. I am now 53 and the weight loss is only harder, probably because of hormone issues that come with age and also because I screwed up my metabolism from dieting since I was 9 . In 2007 I lost 65 pounds and went from a size 18 to a size 4 but then my Mom was diagnosed with ovarian cancer and went thru a horrible year of chemo and other medical issues before she died and I gained it all back.Unfortunately , it doesn't seem to want to leave this time, I am married with 2 kids in college, both in California. I work about 60 hours a week, not counting paperwork, and have a hard time finding the time to excercise. I recently had a physical and my cholesterol was high enough that the doctor threatened me with meds but gave me 90 days to get it down . I saw this challenge the day after she told me and figured it was perfect! Looking forward to the group!
  • Kristinlee25
    Kristinlee25 Posts: 5 Member
    I am a mom of two boys, ages 3 years and 5 months. I want to lose weight to feel better about myself, but I really want to be a good example for my kids and husband and avoid some of the diseases that have hit other members of my family like heart disease and diabetes. I've been a MFP member for a while, but am just getting back on the wagon and trying to get a lot of support to actually reach my goals this time.
  • LisaMfit4life
    LisaMfit4life Posts: 567 Member
    Welcome Everyone and it's nice to meet all of you! I look forward to hearing about your progress over the next 90 days and I'm excited that you're a part of the challenge!!
  • tanyaslosingit
    tanyaslosingit Posts: 178 Member
    Hi! My name is Tanya and I'm posting form Southern Oregon!

    For most of my life I've been 5'5" and 125 lbs; but when I moved to this area from the East Coast, I fell into a depressive lifestyle and gained about 75 lbs! Things came to a head in April 2012 when I had difficulty climbing a single flight of stairs, my mother was diagnosed with diabetes and, I became afraid that I wasn't going to live long enough/healthy enough to be around for my daughter. In a little under a year, I lost the weight; but then got a little lazy and gained 25 lbs back. I'm no longer obese or even overweight; but I want to get back down closer to a healthier weight and work on more **fitness** goals :-)
  • LisaMfit4life
    LisaMfit4life Posts: 567 Member
    Welcome aboard and I'm excited that you joined the challenge. I look forward to seeing your posts and your progress!!
  • Hey, My name is Ashley and I am from North Carolina.
    I am 27, 5'10" and 225lbs.

    I have been on MFP for awhile and logging in every day but not really watching what I eat. It is time to get back on the wagon.

    I need to lose weight, quite a bit of weight.. but I make all the right excuses, and justify all the bad eating. But I am trying to be honest with myself.
    I lack a lot of motivation, I have no energy and I'm very guilty of not taking care of myself. I don't know how to NOT give up on myself. I just want to stop trying and take a diet pill, but I know that is not the way to lose the pounds. It is time to stop making excuses and get this weight off for myself!!!

    Wanted to join for the encouragement and support.

    Feel free to add me on MFP!!!