Strength Training while LC



  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    Thank you for all the information. It is very helpful in figuring out which direction to go.

    For the moment I think the glucose tabs have given me a good bandaid, so to speak, and I'm operating a lot better, so I think I might ride the wave until Christmas (diet break). My gut reaction to all the information is to look into NROL in the meantime and plan to add a bit of fats back in after break. Will have to assess plans for training and cardio with overall caloric needs to determine where to land. I've got the spreadsheet heybales came up with for that. I'd still do the glucose or carb cycling with this route, right?

    You can certainly time your carbs around your workout. If you prefer the idea of cycling, you could run UD2 or a basic carb cycle where you consume higher calorie/high carb on training days, and keto /low calorie on non lifting days.
  • MelodiousMermaid
    MelodiousMermaid Posts: 380 Member
    edited December 2019
    So I ran my current specs through the leangains calculator and this is what came up (chose the "cut" option):

    Body Composition
    Lean Body Mass 114 lbs
    Bodyfat 44.00 %

    Calculated Calorie Requirements
    BMR 1,637 kcal
    TDEE 1,964 kcal

    Rest Day Calories 1,375 kcal
    Training Day Calories 2,161 kcal

    Calculated Macros
    Rest Days..........129 g.......54 g.......72 g......1,375 kcal
    Training Days....129 g.......308 g......46 g......2,161 kcal

    That seems like A LOT of carbs on training days. The BMR also seems to be fairly high compared to other estimates I've seen, to the tune of about 300 kcal.

    Any thoughts? Would I really still be within LC/keto for training with a setup like this?

    (edited to attempt to make the chart line up)
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    You could start out with the training day carbs about half of that...and see how you feel...then increase if you are still running out of gas.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    So I ran my current specs through the leangains calculator and this is what came up (chose the "cut" option):

    Body Composition
    Lean Body Mass 114 lbs
    Bodyfat 44.00 %

    Calculated Calorie Requirements
    BMR 1,637 kcal
    TDEE 1,964 kcal

    Rest Day Calories 1,375 kcal
    Training Day Calories 2,161 kcal

    Calculated Macros
    Rest Days..........129 g.......54 g.......72 g......1,375 kcal
    Training Days....129 g.......308 g......46 g......2,161 kcal

    That seems like A LOT of carbs on training days. The BMR also seems to be fairly high compared to other estimates I've seen, to the tune of about 300 kcal.

    Any thoughts? Would I really still be within LC/keto for training with a setup like this?

    (edited to attempt to make the chart line up)

    It comes down to how complicated you want to make this process. Some like carb and calorie cycling. Others rather stick with a standard number to hit. It comes down to what fits your personality.
  • MelodiousMermaid
    MelodiousMermaid Posts: 380 Member
    I think as a long-term match (I foresee continuing strength development past the end of my primary weight loss journey), carb and calorie cycling might be the best. This gives me the chance to reincorporate some level of the foods (especially tubers) that I was intending to by my original plan. I was originally thinking 100-150g total carbs before, but it seems there's always more to learn.

    My reaction was more shock at the high carb number calculated through the tool, especially as I had the impression this was supposed to be a way to stay sort of in the low-carb/keto camp while fully fueling muscles. Perhaps my body really could use that much to fuel strength training and I never knew?

    Starting at 150g carbs for training days sounds reasonably doable since from what I understand, the diet break should ideally have at least 150g carbs/day now. That would allow me to figure out some new menu stuff heading into the next period of calorie restriction.

    Re: Different ways of eating: I have no problem with complicated once I chew through and understand it. Easy can be very good too. One thing I've really liked about how I'm eating right now (higher protein, lower carb/fat) is the relative ease of eating. I still want things like baked potatoes, full-fat cheeses, fries, and fruit (and more fries), but at the same time have experienced the most freedom I've ever had from overeating/binge eating. I won't pretend that it's been easy street all along, but it's been truly doable, which I haven't experienced in a long time. I'm hoping to find a comfortable middle road where I can enjoy freedom, but maybe be able to have things that I enjoy from all food groups. I say maybe because there are serious issues with some foods that I will still need to work out, probably with a specialized therapist. Compromise may or may not need to be long-term, but hoping for as much freedom and functionality as possible.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    I think as a long-term match (I foresee continuing strength development past the end of my primary weight loss journey), carb and calorie cycling might be the best. This gives me the chance to reincorporate some level of the foods (especially tubers) that I was intending to by my original plan. I was originally thinking 100-150g total carbs before, but it seems there's always more to learn.

    My reaction was more shock at the high carb number calculated through the tool, especially as I had the impression this was supposed to be a way to stay sort of in the low-carb/keto camp while fully fueling muscles. Perhaps my body really could use that much to fuel strength training and I never knew?

    Starting at 150g carbs for training days sounds reasonably doable since from what I understand, the diet break should ideally have at least 150g carbs/day now. That would allow me to figure out some new menu stuff heading into the next period of calorie restriction.

    Re: Different ways of eating: I have no problem with complicated once I chew through and understand it. Easy can be very good too. One thing I've really liked about how I'm eating right now (higher protein, lower carb/fat) is the relative ease of eating. I still want things like baked potatoes, full-fat cheeses, fries, and fruit (and more fries), but at the same time have experienced the most freedom I've ever had from overeating/binge eating. I won't pretend that it's been easy street all along, but it's been truly doable, which I haven't experienced in a long time. I'm hoping to find a comfortable middle road where I can enjoy freedom, but maybe be able to have things that I enjoy from all food groups. I say maybe because there are serious issues with some foods that I will still need to work out, probably with a specialized therapist. Compromise may or may not need to be long-term, but hoping for as much freedom and functionality as possible.

    Doable is what matters. Nothing else. If you like cycling, than that is the approach you should take.