Monthly Post December 2019



  • orlcam
    orlcam Posts: 533 Member
    Back atch'all...Merry Christmas. Been a festive season thus far...hope all of yours have been as well. See ya soon.
  • orlcam
    orlcam Posts: 533 Member
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,986 Member
    Hi Guys!!

    Hope you all had a great Christmas Eve and Day celebration! Foods sound awesome!!

    Sorry for being MIA the last few days! The weather here has finally been nicer the last couple of days. Been outside a lot, which is nice! Been relaxing, cooking, and spending time with family. Drove over to the west coast of FL on Sunday to see my Dad and that side of the family. Good times. My sister and Step Mom prepared a low carb spread!

    Yeah so the Camero didn't stick around for long! It just felt really uncomfortable and it was a tad dirty, so we drove to the airport to see what else they had. Scored a beautiful Jeep Wrangler Sahara Edition, four door, hard top with T tops, in candy apple red, and only 2000 miles! Free XM too. Done and done!

    Survived Christmas Eve and Day with lots of Keto Friendly foods! Made a lovely bacon wrapped pork loin on Tuesday and it came out fabulous! Wednesday was a beautiful beef tenderloin that we roasted in the oven. Quite a few different types of green veggies, some red wine and vodka with clubsoda and the holidays are a wrap! Forgot to mention cheese!! LOL

    Off to go make some eggs and chill out. SEE YOU GUYS SOON!! <3
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,543 Member
    We had a lovely Christmas. Record warm temperature= all the kids outside playing. Dinner was good and the family time was wonderful. We have more people coming at the end of the week. I like holidays like this. Not a lot of rush and fuss. It almost makes my Grinch/Scrooge heart like Christmas again.
    Have a great rest of the week!
  • mamainthekitchen
    mamainthekitchen Posts: 929 Member
    Wow, derailing here!!! :s

    Great job Meghan! You’ve got lots of support around you fabulous!!!

    Glad to hear you’ve had a wonderful break with your family Kate! You deserve it!

    Orlcam thanks for adding that link! And coincidentally our local news had a piece on IF too!!
    It’s a sign!!!! from the stars!!!!!! Telling me ( ok YELLING) to get back at it!!!

    Feeling like a balloon about to pop!!
    Willpower has jumped off a cliff somewhere and I’m free falling after it, I think! How ridiculous that I’m doing nothing about it!! It doesn’t happen on its own... no one is force feeding me! Before I fall asleep here I’m going to make reminders in my phone and see if that helps me..... sigh....
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,986 Member
    Hi guys!

    Got back late last night from Florida. Trip was good. Lost a good 50 degrees by coming back to CT, but still nice to be home!! :p

    Keto WOE is good. Pretty easy to follow, especially when you can bring your own snacks on the plane. B)

    See you soon! Off to the supermarket shortly.
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,543 Member
    Hey all! I think Eating Season is over. I am going to go in and get on the scale and see what the damage is. I am guessing that a lot of it is going to be water weight since I have had a lot of yummy foods with enough sodium to shame the Dead Sea. I hope you all have a great week this week. I intend to fast tomorrow and maybe Friday.
  • orlcam
    orlcam Posts: 533 Member
    Meghan is the champ of the winter season! o:) Nice job sticking to keto...I think you've locked into this being a way of life. I know we always say it, but you found the mindset to make it happen. Congrats!

    Mama and Kate, I'm with you. If I have to eat anymore mac and cheese and ham, bleh. Salt and cheese and carbs and carbs...and carbs. I did OK before Christmas, but 3 family events in 4 days did me in.

    This is what I feel like...

    :# In case I miss you all...have a great New Years.
  • mamainthekitchen
    mamainthekitchen Posts: 929 Member
    Twice! ...Twice! I’ve just typed out a post and deleted it!

    Orlcam that made me laugh out loud!! Omg the dog!!!!! I lovvve that!!

    Meghan I’m going to copy your routine, but first, I’m gonna need a supportive boyfriend, think my husband will mind??

    Kate, I feel ya on the sodium!
    Orlcam all that Mac & cheese makes me feel like I also had some! I’m dreaming it was delish!

    Daughters moving day tomorrow... I’ll be helping for the next 2 days, then I’m sleeping and taking a day off!! Then it’ll be go time, set the Zero app, measure foods and get back to 5:2....

    Peace out 2019!!
    Happy New Year people!!!!
    Yay... New Years banner! Thx orlcam
  • mamainthekitchen
    mamainthekitchen Posts: 929 Member
    Oh thank goodness I pressed reply and NOT done!!!!
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,986 Member
    Hi gang!

    Aww shucks! Thanks for all the nice comments. <3

    Made my final weigh in this morning, for 2019 and I am down 2 lbs! Brings me to approximately 32 lbs down on keto! Yup, between doing an IF schedule of eating during the 1pm to 9pm window and Keto WOE is working for me. BF is also down three pounds, and we have the same total loss amount. Creepy! LOL

    Got all unpacked and a *kitten* load of laundry done over the last few days. Now to put it all away. Sigh.

    Going to be heading to friends for NYE tonight. We pretty much hang with them every New Year's. Bringing an antipasto platter with cheese, salami, and olives. Got to make sure we have Keto Friendly foods to eat! Planning to have some vodka and club soda with a toast of champagne at midnight.

    Planning to pop in here tomorrow to start the new January 2020 *screams* thread. Feel free to start if you pop in before me!

    Here's to an awesome 2020! Let's rock it! B)
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,543 Member
    Morning, all!
    I agree. Meghan wins the award for 2019! Congratulations on the loss! You are an inspiration. :smile:

    Orlcam, I love the dog! And the banner is great, too! I am SO done with all of the holiday food. I am looking forward to salads, much less sodium, and fewer carbs.

    Mama, I have done the same thing. I post and hit delete. Frustrating. Sounds like you have a chance to get some exercise and fasting in the next couple of days. BTW, if he does your honey-do list and does "man stuff" with your husband, I don't think your husband will mind the boyfriend. LOL

    Off to go to the grocery store. I have had 6 teenage boys in and out of the house for the last week along with a few adults. The cupboards are *bare*. I am only restocking good, healthy food. I am also getting the ingredients to be able to cook at home. I am not big into New Year's resolutions, but I am going to start cooking at home more, now that I have the time.
  • mamainthekitchen
    mamainthekitchen Posts: 929 Member
    Kate ^^^ hahaha ;)