January - Nutritarian New Year!



  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,825 Member
    edited January 2020
    Getting ready to leave for home soon...15 minutes.

    Today was a really good food day. The best in a long time. The potatoes kept me full...so did the oatmeal. The salad was perfect at 6:30...and I had the soup as well.

    I hope I am not eating too much. I am going to hop on the scale tomorrow...not expecting too much. I so want this to work. I am tired of being frumpy at 71.

    Not only that I am dealing with jerk salesmen at work. Today my job was not fun. Some of them are so annoying and very disrespectful. -sigh-

    Anyway, I am going to home straight home...not stopping for mushrooms...want to get to Lulu as soon as possible and cuddle with her. Just feeling sad at the moment.

    Talk to you guys tomorrow.
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,825 Member
    edited January 2020
    Morning dollies!

    Just having coffee...then making a big salad for the next three days...up a tiny bit today in weight...but not stressing.

    Just happy about the food and how easy it is and satisfying.

    Today taking:

    salad...might take two bowls...just because I can
    mashed potatoes with spinach and some cheese sauce (Plantiful Kiki's using the cashews)
    frozen cherries (didn't eat them yesterday)...and maybe some frozen pineapple...pretty exciting, eh?!

    I have a convert at work! She is young...26 and wants to go WFPB. She always asks me questions...and yesterday she asked about the book The Starch Solution. She loves that since she is not a big meat eater...but loves her starches. Sweet girl...works in the accounting office so I only see her Fridays and Mondays. She covers my desk when I need potty breaks.
    Anyway, thrilled that I have inspired someone, so young, to make changes now.

    I am still feeling crappy about work. One of the salesmen, who I was kinda friends with and who I gave countless telephone leads to, turned out to be a jerk. He now is having a crappy month...and I told him when he was being horrible to me, that karma would find him...and it has. That's fine with me. But the fun place, where I used to laugh so much at work..."it ain't there anymore".

    Anyway, I just have to figure this out...I don't like spending much time not being in a good place. Time to start listening to my audible and less mean and nasty comments in the dealership.

    Just FYI for new people. I am a receptionist at a Cadillac dealership. Been there 4 1/2 years almost. 71, still working...I thought it was keeping me healthy...maybe not mentally right now...but for sure physically. Anyway, enough of that.

    Back into the kitchen and fixing up a big salad. I got a Tupperware Thatsa Bowl ...like 42 cups...I had seen a YouTuber using one...and well, I am just a kitchen gadget junkie...that was all I needed to make the purchase.

    Ladies, you have a fabulous day...make it delicious ...talk to you soon.

  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,825 Member
    I forgot my soup! Darn, darn, darn! I had bought 6 of Dr. M's green onion on Amazon...and I left them at home. But I did remember to bring my electric kettle. Keeping THAT at my desk...it's black, attractive...hoping no one complains. Now, I can have wonderful hot tea all day long...and soup, when I remember it! Yahoo!

    I am obviously at work and am determined to have a good day. I feel good even though I did not get enough sleep. I am sure it is the food. I am focused and just feel that I am on the right path.

    Wishing everyone a glorious day!
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,592 Member
    edited January 2020
    Hey @magic71755 - I am sorry you have been having a tough time at work sometimes, and I love your focus on food and sleep and being on the right path.
    It is super great that you have a new WFPB friend at work!

    When those salesmen say whatever they say, they are not responding to you. It's all about them. When I am in situations like that, I try to relate to their words like the bubbles in a soda -- and just let the bubbles rise. And then keep doing my thing, as well as I can.

    Whatever you do, hang in there, and have as much fun as you can!

    Sending love,
    Your WFPB friend Austin
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,825 Member
    I LOVE THIS! ^^^^^ Going to use it...and in fact, go grab a can of pop...not to drink but to keep on my desk as a reminder how to handle these goofs! @AustinRuadhain thanks a million! Hugs, kiddo!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,959 Member
    I like Austin's bubbles idea too. Hope the can of pop helps you keep it in mind and let those jerks just float away, Magic. How were your salads today?

    I had a busy day running around. Had a nice visit with a friend after I got my hair done. The boy was a bit dramatic at the vet, but he made it through.

    Stopped and bought some greens (chard and mustard) and broccoli. I already have cauliflower so I'll roast the broccoli and cauliflower, and just saute the greens with onions and mushrooms. I also got a couple japanese sweet potatoes that I will bake. Set up my salads for the week and made some of the punchy mustard dressing.

  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,825 Member
    edited January 2020
    Thanks so much @Mihani ! Having a much better day...the instigator (he happens to be a manager) is off today. Feeling much more positive and some of the salesmen who are wonderful seem to be even kinder today. I think I let my feelings show yesterday and they are coming to my rescue.

    BTW, @Mihani I have only had one of the Amy's Vegan dinners...not great. I don't remember which one...but I think they all are kinda (four of them) alike.

    My salads are yummy! The avocado and sunflower seeds really add to making it more of a meal.

    AND the potatoes with the cheese sauce...wow, so good. A very good food day.

    I need to get that punch mustard dressing recipe. It must be a few pages back.

    Alrighty then, back to work. Thanks so much for the support gang.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,959 Member
    Magic, glad you are having a better day! That dressing is in Dr. Neal Barnard's Cookbook for Reversing Diabetes with recipes by Dreena Burton. I bought it because I always seem to like Dreena's recipes, although I admit her older cookbooks when she still used oil and all those bad things, are soooo awesome. LOL >:)

    Anyway, the dressing:

    1/2 cup apple cider vinegar or rice vinegar (I've only tried it with apple cider)
    2 T tamari (I didn't have tamari on hand so I used 1 T soy sauce)
    1 1/2 T dijon mustard
    2 1/2 T coconut nectar or pure maple syrup (I used 1 1/2 T maple syrup as I don't like overly sweet)
    1/2 T ground chia seeds
    ground pepper to taste
    1/2 tsp sea salt (I omitted... plenty salty with the soy sauce)

    Blend it up! I didn't grind the chia seeds just threw them in the blender with everything else.

    I sauteed the greens with onion and spices. I forgot about the mushrooms. Yeesh! I am so bad about the M in GBOMBS. I will nuke a couple a la Austin and throw in with my veggies in the mornings. I am planning veggies for breakfast this week every day.

    Got my broccoli and cauliflower roasted and the japanese sweet potatoes are still in the oven. I also cooked up a pot of lentils to throw in my salads.

    Going to be a good ETL kind of week!
  • CoffeeandHumblePie
    CoffeeandHumblePie Posts: 128 Member
    Ditto! Thanks for the info on ordering from Dr. M's website! Convenience is the difference between staying on plan and blowing it.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,959 Member
    edited January 2020
    Hey C&P, I actually compared prices at the store and on amazon and it is cheaper to buy directly from Dr. McD, especially with the discount codes you get via email.

    I just noticed you changed your user name from coffee and pie to coffee and humble pie. I like that!

  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,825 Member
    Ordered the soups today...there was a coupon to start just by giving your email address and signing up for the newsletter. I do think the soups are great to help me get through my long days. Sometimes it is hard coming up with enough to keep me going 12 & 13 hours. So thanks so much, @Mihani!

    I liked that there were GF options. I ordered four different kinds.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,959 Member
    I agree about the soups, Magic. So convenient for lunches for me when I don't have anything prepped. A cup of the soup and a piece of fruit, sometimes a wasa cracker or two, and I'm good for the rest of the day. My favorites are the miso ramen (not the other ramen), spring onion, minestrone, hot and sour, and the clear noodle soups. I got some of the prepared garden vegetable and wasn't impressed. The veggies were too mushy.

    I got all my cooking done last night so I had some of the cooked greens and roasted broccoli and cauliflower for breakfast. So good! It really sets my mind on the right track in the mornings when I eat veggies first thing. I'm going to have to plan a weekday evening to cook up more greens and veggies since what I made won't last all week. I sprinkled the broccoli and cauliflower with some coconut aminos and TJ's no-salt seasoning before roasting. Yum! They taste so sweet when roasted. I don't even heat them up when eating as leftovers.

    Lunch will be a wrap with homemade E2 hummus and lots of veggies. Dinner a BIG salad with punchy mustard dressing and lentils.
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,825 Member
    edited January 2020
    I ordered:

    Hot & Spicy Clear Noodle Soup

    Pad Thai Noodle GF Soup

    Sesame Chicken Rice Noodle Soup

    Thai Tom Yum Rice Noodle Soup

    I had already ordered the Spring Onion from Amazon...and I remembered it today!

    I am going to stop at TJs after work and get that no salt seasoning and then roast the cauliflower and broccoli tonight to have at work tomorrow! I like that you don't even heat it before eating it...those two aromas are really not that welcome in the close working quarters at work. LOL

    Today I brought:

    PLENTY! oatmeal, cuppa soup, 2 small salads, frozen cherries, potatoes and cheese sauce

    Planning on broccoli and cauliflower steamed, after work, to share with Lulu. I copied the recipe for the Punchy Mustard Dressing and printed it off...I have all the ingredients at home. YAY!

    Have a delicious day everyone.

  • CoffeeandHumblePie
    CoffeeandHumblePie Posts: 128 Member
    Mihani, thanks for the note on ordering straight from McDougall's site. I'm hoping to place an order this week. He has a really nice variety! In the meantime, I picked up a box of ramen noodles (no spice packs) and will make my own broths this week.

    Thanks for sharing the recipe for Punchy Mustard Dressing, too. Sounds tasty!

    Ugh. It's been quite the weekend. Husband had a bad reaction to some pizza he ate Friday night and he is still miserable. Headed to the clinic tomorrow to see if something else is going on. I managed to eat right in spite of playing nurse and getting very little sleep Fri/Sat nights.

    Magic, it looks like you are going to be well stocked for soups! And your menu today looks great.

    My goals this week is to do some batch cooking. In particular, I'm out of Smoky Hummus - I have the ingredients, mind you, I just haven't had time to mix it up. Check out Krocks in the Kitchen for the recipe. It's delicious - love it as a salad dressing. Although, it has tahini in it and that may not be Fuhrman approved (?). I also love the Krock's spicy ketchup recipe. Truly yummy.

    Everyone, have a great Monday!
  • CoffeeandHumblePie
    CoffeeandHumblePie Posts: 128 Member
    Oh, and Mihani, I did change my name! And I guess it's here to stay as they only let you change once. ;)
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,592 Member
    edited January 2020
    Hello and happy Monday, plant-based friends!

    @Mihani - Seeing CoffeeandHumblePie refer to whether tahini is Fuhrman-approved or not, it crosses my mind to wonder -- would it be worth updating the group icon photo (currently the book cover of Eat to Live)? and maybe the group description? Current description: Group for those following the nutritarian diet outlined in Dr. Joel Fuhrman's book, Eat to Live. You don't have to be 100% ETL to join us, we all follow it to our own level of commitment and all are welcome!

    In practice, this group seems to be for anyone aiming to eat with a more plant-based, nutritarian focus, and sources of guidance and inspiration that might go into the description (if there's room) seem to include Joel Fuhrman, John A. McDougall, Neal Barnard, Caldwell Esseltyn, Rip Esseltyn (Engine2) , Michael Greger, Dean Ornish, Andrew Weil, T. Colin Campbell, The Game Changers, Forks Over Knives, and more.

    We seem in practice (and I love this) to not be rule-bound, so much as focused on a plant-based approach, which started with ETL and has room for all these other inspirations and variations.

    I still love the group name! I just wondered about the icon image and description.

    This is truly a question, an "I wonder" moment."
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,959 Member
    Hi Austin, good point! I always try to make it clear to people when they join but having in the description might help bring new people in who maybe think they have to be 100% ETL to hang out with us. One thing I have noticed over the years is people get hung up on the 6 week plan and they think that's forever. While it certainly can be, Dr. F leaves room for some deviation with the life plan. I still think, when people first start out or if they need a reboot, the full 6 week plan really can't be beat to make quick and drastic changes in your health, habits, taste buds and weight.

    I think most of the plant based gurus and plans have merit and I'm in no position to judge anyway as I lean to more starches and grains than Dr. F would recommend. I think whichever plan leads you to success and better health is the best plan!

    So long story short (LOL) ... I agree with you.

    How is your husband doing C&P? And did you get your batch cooking done?

    Magic, did you find any fun new things at TJ's?

    B - leftover sauteed greens and onions and I added a nuked mushroom since I forgot to cook them with the greens
    L - batch cooked goodies... broccoli and cauliflower, couple slices of japanese sweet potato, some lentils, a few pumpkin seeds
    D - big ol' salad (lettuce, beets, carrots, radish, zucchini) with punchy mustard dressing, an apple
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,825 Member
    edited January 2020
    Morning all...my weekend...yes!

    I think the title should be more inclusive to WFPB peeps...and not just Dr. F. But I go along with whatever you all come up with. I know I was accepted from the get-go even though I was never entirely ETL material.

    Thank you, @AustinRuadhain for bringing it up!

    Trader Joes, @Mihani ...kinda just sticking to the basics...I bought:
    organic russet potatoes (just me so their smaller bag is perfect...oh wait, I do share potatoes with Lulu girl)
    I picked up the steamed beets (just beets) in the celery cucumber section...it was on the top shelf.
    Shredded cabbage for salad
    Green onions for salad
    MUSHROOMS...will steam in the mic and use for salad
    organic romaine for salad
    organic herb salad for salad baby greens ...so tasty
    FROZEN hash browns. I use them a lot and the price is unbeatable. NOT as good as Sprouts ONE INGREDIENT hash browns. Next time will pick up lots ...but made a TJs run this morning.
    Not sure what else...but will use up my avocados and not buy anymore for awhile. They may be stalling my weight loss.

    I also get their raw corn tortillas. I used to buy Ezekiel corn tortillas...but man, so expensive. So now, TJs.

    My cheese sauce is amazing...made from Plantiful Niki's recipe. I did add the pickled jalapenos and juice...really aided in making it delish. There is sugar in there.

    Made a batch of almond milk. I love my almond milk. NEVER buy commercial.

    Having today:
    oatmeal and berries and flaxmeal
    salad with everything
    potatoes and brocolli, cauliflower cheese sauce
    frozen cherries for dessert...just defrosted a bit.

    ONE LAST THING: I downloaded the Happy Cow app ... $1.99. Tells you where you can get vegan/vegetarian food in the area you are in. Very cool!

    Hello @CoffeeandHumblePie ...love the new name.

    Later, dollies. Have a delicious day!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,959 Member
    I should try to make a TJ's run here soon, Magic. It's not far but it's out of the way and I am always get to work get home mode. Your menu today sounds yum! I buy the precooked beets sometimes. So convenient and tasty.

    I need to get laundry done and a little work tonight. Home later than I hoped so I am not going to be able to get everything done, but I can make a dent.

    B - sprouted grain toast, leftover greens and a couple nuked mushrooms
    L - Dr. McD miso ramen, apple
    D - big ol' salad same as yesterday

  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,825 Member
    Love ❤️ the new name! WTG @AustinRuadhain ! ✅