This February I Will....



  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,335 Member
    This article on building healthy habits is worth reading:

    I just joined this challenge. Thank you for posting! I need to get back to making tiny habit changes again. I've been ignoring self and focusing on work and moving my mom, when I know I should focus on self-care at the same time!

    We are moving my mom up to Wisconsin to a house in our neighborhood. We close on the house on Friday and move her up here at the end of March. Her house in Indiana sold but has no closing date as of yet. She's been alone down there since my stepdad passed last August and she's finally ready to make the move up by family. It's been overwhelming at times to do everything from 8 hours away, but we're on the home stretch now...

    I hope all goes well with moving your mom and dad to a different assisted living facility. I'm glad they'll be able to be together. I can't even imagine how difficult it must be for my mom and couples in general to be separated after so many years of being together!

    Take care of you, Denise! :heart:

  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,335 Member
    I probably only logged my food and closed my food journal 40% of the time in February. BUT, I know what I need to change and I've got pretty good insight into what I need to do differently. So, it was a good learning experience and I've established a pretty good habit this last week of February of prepping and packing my next day's meals and snacks and prelogging them, which has helped me close out my diary at the end of the day, along with make healthier more mindful choices. So, although I didn't succeed in February's goal, I did have some enlightenment that I think will be helpful in the coming months.

    You all did fantastic, as always!!! I will see you in March! :heart:
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,335 Member
    @77tes Thank you for posting the video of your ball! That was so fun to watch! I'd never seen anything like that before. I was trying to guess which one was you. Really cool...enjoyed it a lot!

    @nebslp Your post was so insightful as you summed up your month. I always enjoy reading your thoughts!

    @MadisonMolly2017 You also always have insightful updates! You have come so far since we started these challenges! It's really inspiring.

    Nice job everyone! Another month in the books...on to a new chapter! :smiley:
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,649 Member
    @PackerFanInGB hi, just found your posts from a week ago! I hope all went well with the house closing. One step closer to getting things a little more settled for your mom. Good luck with everything. And thank you for your kind words.

    And @themedalist I, too, hope all went well with your parents’ move and they feel more more at home in their new surroundings quickly. I know change is hard at any age, but especially as we get older. I hope this move has put your mind more at ease about them getting the care they need. I’m also going to read the article on tiny habits again. Thanks for sharing the link.