Fresh Start February

Mihani Posts: 3,941 Member
I thought this was kind of an appropriate title since Austin's suggestion that we update the description of the group to embrace all the vegan docs who inspire us.

Austin, glad to hear you are making progress on your office. My home projects seemed to come to an abrupt halt late last year with work craziness. Thanks for sharing that health challenge planner.

Magic, glad you got off work a bit early and will have more cuddle time with Lulu.

I haven't felt well today. Sinus pain and congestion started last night so I've been taking sudafed and naps off and on today while working from home rather than going to the office. I am almost never sick but I seem to be having a lot of sinus/allergy issues this year with the weird weather.

B - sprouted grain english muffin with PB, apple
L - skipped it
D - big ol' salad

I need to stop at the grocery tomorrow for apples. Only fruit I have left is frozen.


  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,814 Member
    Leaving 2 hours early today to start icing. I can’t get the swelling down!

    Feel like crying!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,941 Member
    Awww... so sorry Magic. I hope icing your knee helps.

    I came home early and went to bed. I'm sick again! All stuffed up and miserable. I am very rarely sick but I seem to be a germ magnet this winter. Haven't felt much like eating. Had a banana and some OJ earlier, and going to eat some Dr. McD's hot and sour soup and a little salad now.
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,591 Member
    Oh, @magic71755 - I am so SO sorry! I hope Lulu is sticking close and cuddling with you. I hope the icing is helping.

    Maybe, while you are icing (are you elevating, too?), do some breathing work? I like Dr. Weil's 4-7-8 exercise for relaxing, and relaxing might help you feel better and might help circulation?

    @Mihani - And I am SO sorry you are sick! Glad, though, to hear you took yourself home early and went to bed.

    I am beat. I worked hard in martial arts class this evening. Off to bed now!
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,814 Member
    edited February 2020
    Just a quick post, from bed, thanking you both so much!

    Get well soon Mihani! Sorry 😐 u r sick again!

    Way to rule the martial arts 🥋 class Austin!

    Better today! The pain is working on the swelling! Last night things did not look good so I am thrilled with my progress!

    Lulu is right by my side! 🐾❤️🐾

    Later dollies!
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,814 Member
    <3 juice, Dr, M’s pad tai soup with mushrooms I added, grapes...most like salad and potato later.

    Weigh in today: 139.4. BUT probably off a bit...didn’t eat much Sun & Mon cuz of pain.

    Nap time later!

    Hope u r taking good care of yourself Mihani!
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,591 Member
    @magic71755 - I am so glad you are seeing progress already! You are so smart to stop, rest and take care of yourself! SO glad Lulu is there with you! 🐾❤️🐾

    @Mihani - I hope you are feeling a little better today, and, as Magic says, taking good care of yourself today! 👐🤗👐

    I am having a good, plant-based day, and on track to get in all my GBOMBs!

    B-green smoothie (cauli, spinach, blueberries), almond butter & goji berries, coffee
    L-turnip greens with fire-roasted tomatoes; spaghetti squash; summer squash with raw onion & tomatoes; baby bella mushrooms with carrot & parsnips; steamed acorn squash with diced apple
    S-apple slice & peanut butter
    D will be big salad, plant-based dressing & side of spaghetti squash
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,814 Member
    I know I have I@AustinRuadhain thanks so much! ❤️ Hope you have a pleasant evening! Great meals!

    Continuing to ice. Cancel all my appointments this weekend

    I know I have to have knee replacement surgery...just not ready!
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,814 Member
    Morning dollies! Knee continues to improve...Monday night I went to sleep in agony. Tuesday no pain, swelling reduced...just cannot really bend.

    Will do minimum today...a little at a time, getting clothes ready for workweek.

    Food easy as usual...soup salad potatoes...need to put beans in my salad! Note to self.

    Hope @Mihani is feeling better! @AustinRuadhain has her brood on target...continues to be a role model for everything healthy!

    @CoffeeandHumblePie hope your DH is getting better. Would love for you to check in for a minute!

    Love you guys! TTYL <3
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,814 Member
    Used Amazon Prime for grocery shopping today! Free delivery overly $35 and ten off first delivery!

  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,814 Member
    Just made Dr. M’s Hot and Spicy soup. Added a bunch of baby spinach...cooked/wilted in the sistema mug. OH MY...pretty darn good for a cuppa soup kinda meal.

    I did try to do a bit in the kitchen...maybe stood for 30 min...that is all I could do. Back in bed with ice.

    I cannot be sick or have surgery til this house is in order. No details but it is messy...not hoarder status...but needs everything sorted, tossed, given away, washed and cleaned.

    I need good knees. ASAP!

    Later, sweet peas!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,941 Member
    The hot and sour soup is my favorite Magic. Glad to hear your knee is doing better. Keep taking it easy.

    Austin, excellent menu as usual!

    I stayed home yesterday and slept most of the day. I made it through about 7 hours today at work. Getting ready to take some night time cold medicine and curl up in my recliner for a bit. I feel a lot better but still stuffy and coughing.

    B - oatmeal
    L - Dr. McD miso ramen and an apple, a few wheat crackers
    D - salad, a banana

    Not much appetite with this cold.
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,591 Member
    Hey there!

    @Mihani - So glad to hear you are on the mend. Keep resting up! I hope you feel better soon! That recliner sounds nice. Hoping you are super comfy:

    @magic71755 - I feel you on the desire to clean house. I have gotten the top of my desk clear, and am now working on a new bit of my office. My house does not look like Hoarders, but I would not want anyone to see The Clutter Corner in My Office. So the game right now is to dispose of or handle one item a day, and then celebrate! Everything after that one item is a bonus! This is a game I picked up from the book Tiny Habits.

    Okay, off to do about 15 minutes of walking, to hit my steps goal for the day. Then a soak in the bathtub. Feeling tired and blue, maybe from the weather change (45 degrees cooler here today than yesterday, and a very grey day).

    On the plus side -- I had a good plant-based menu today, and got some veggie prep done.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,941 Member
    Corgi <3

    Made it through most of another day but glad to be home. Going to eat a little salad then nap until bedtime.

    B - oatmeal bar
    L - veggie soup and a few wheat crackers
    S - a few pretzels
    D - salad, a clementine
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,814 Member
    B)<3<3 I AGREE! Corgi for sure!

    Back to work...

    Juice potato celery grapes soup spinach cuties

  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,591 Member
    edited February 2020
    @Mihani , I hope you got in some good napping last night and are continuing to recover.

    @magic71755 - I have been thinking of you! So tickled to see you were on just a few minutes ago!

    I had a good plant-based menu yesterday. I need to go to the store today if I am to get in my GBOMBs, as I have run out of mushrooms. I will make that happen, as I love a dish I make with mushrooms, parsnips and carrots.

    Sending you both a Get Well Corgi! (Because, yes, obsessed by corgis a little bit!)

    As Magic says, HAGDE!
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,814 Member
    @AustinRuadhain {{{{{{{{{{big hugs}}}}}}}}}}}}

    At work...brought:
    GF VEGAN Soup with baby spinach
    Baked potato
    Amy’s Vegan GF frozen MEAL cooked in HOT LOGIC

    B L & D & SNACKS!

    HAGDE ...make it delish!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,941 Member
    Hi all, made it through nearly 8 hours today and only had a few coughing fits. Didn't take any cough syrup so that's great. I think I'm definitely getting a little better each day. Maybe another couple days I'll have completed kicked this. I'm just exhausted though, because I wasn't sleeping that well the past week with the cough and congestion. Hoping for a solid sleep tonight.

    Glad you are feeling well enough to get back to work, Magic. How's the knee feeling?

    Austin, please share your mushroom, parsnips, carrot recipe?

    B - oatmeal
    L - tofu scramble, an apple
    D - chickpea "tuna" salad on sprouted grain with lots of lettuce

    Need to spend a good portion of the weekend in the office.
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,814 Member
    Morning all...@Mihani good job making it through 8 hours, I hope you don't get run down again and open yourself to whatever is going around. You work so many hours.

    I had a really good Amy's Vegan GF frozen yesterday...really good. Mexican Casserole. Will buy it again.

    I have two more different ones in the freezer...will use another one today.

    Along with the same as yesterday:

    Dr. M's soup and added fresh baby spinach

    My knee held out. Cut my walking around down quite a bit. Slept well last night...feeling good today.

    Have a delicious day everyone! Later, mates.

    @Mihani I love Cathy Fisher's recipe for you made yesterday. So good.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,941 Member
    Slept in pretty late this morning, but needed the sleep. Just drinking some tea and going to head to the office hopefully be there by 10:00. I plan to work until 3:00 or so then a couple errands to run. Back in the office tomorrow. I feel like the wheezing is almost gone this morning. I haven't had bronchitis in years, and had forgotten how awful it is. My ribs actually hurt from coughing.

    I stopped at the store yesterday planning to get kale but it looked wilty so I got 3 bunches of lovely collard greens instead. Will make a batch of my white bean and collard greens stew tonight. Also need to set up my salads for the week and make a dressing.

    Glad to hear your knees are holding up Magic, and that you are finding some frozen meals you enjoy to make life easier.

    Today's plan...
    B - oats with all the goodies
    L - Dr. McD's hot and sour, an apple
    D - salad, white bean and collard greens stew
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,814 Member
    Morning all...managed to make a salad today...knee felt really good getting out of bed, so I had a fair amount of standing time to prep veggies: red & yellow bell peppers, carrots, scallions, zucchini, mini cukes and dark baby greens...tahini/lemon/maple syrup dressing.

    baked potatoes and ketchup

    soup and spinach


    I totally thanked God for helping me out...I can't even tell you how much pain I was in last Monday night...thanked God for making me smart enough to stay put and R.I.C.E all weekend.

    Have a good one, dear pals. Make it delicious!