Fresh Start February



  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,591 Member
    edited February 2020
    Happy Monday, peeps!

    I just came across a variation on a McDougall recipe that might interest you guys!

    It's a corn-based, oil-free spread that could be nice on toast.
    Super simple. Blend 16 oz bag of thawed frozen corn, 1 T water, 1 T lemon juice, 1/2 t salt, 1/4 t garlic powder

    Original McDougall recipe:
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,941 Member
    Thanks for sharing that recipe Austin. I think I've seen similar ones but haven't tried any.

    Busy day at work. I bought a new phone on the way home and it is annoying me. I used to love new technology, now it just irritates me. Can't get any of my stuff moved over so I'll have to take it back to the store and let them do it.

    B - skipped it
    L - Dr. McD hot and sour, an apple
    D - big ol' salad

  • CoffeeandHumblePie
    CoffeeandHumblePie Posts: 125 Member
    Hello everyone. What a crazy few weeks! I ended up with the same intestinal virus as my DH. Thankfully, I did not need a hospital stay, but I did end up with a secondary issue of a bout with diverticulitis. Having had this once before, I recognized what was happening and got on antibiotics early. DH has been back to work for 2 weeks but is home today and I'm concerned he may have C Diff from his hospital stay or from recently visiting a friend in the hospital. Goodness, I sure hope it's not C Diff.

    I've spent the last few weeks eating easily digestible foods - lots of malto-meal, mashed potatoes, noodle soup, and overcooked vegetables. :s Just beginning to feel back to normal, but not ready to face beans and large volumes of veggies just yet.

    It sounds like some of you have been under the weather, too. Hoping you are on the mend and feeling better soon.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,941 Member
    Hi C&HP, glad you are feeling better. You've had quite a trying time lately! I hope your husband is okay.

    Another busy busy day at work for me. I hope to get a few hours in tonight before bedtime.

    Magic, I ordered Unf*ck Your Habitat on my kindle and started reading it last night just a couple chapters in.

    B - Evolve plant protein drink
    L - Dr. McD miso ramen, apple
    D - big ol' salad

    Indulged in a few pretzels today too. Sigh...
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,814 Member
    edited February 2020
    Morning all...glad to see you back with us @CoffeeandHumblePie ...but, now I sure hope your DH is ok. Taking your time getting back to all those veggies is a good idea.

    Thanks for the recipe, @AustinRuadhain ... I will have to look into that.

    And @Mihani I gotta tell you...I really do love Dr. M's soups. I guess if I had a great recipe and time and patience, I could come up with a nice soup. But right now, I have none of that...especially the time and patience. I have been making more blocks of rice ramen (Lotus brand from Costco) and adding it to the soup to make it more like a meal...and adding big handfuls of spinach to make it more interesting.

    So, I love my mashed potatoes and spinach in the Hot Logic. And yesterday, I made a black bean, tortilla bake in there...with corn, onions, green chilies, salsa. I just winged it and it did turn out pretty darn good. Think I will keep at it...til I perfect it. Amy's is great in a pinch...but I know I can do better. And it is fast...just put it all in the glass dish, cover and done in about 3 hours.

    We are down on receptionist for quite a I am working 1/2 tomorrow. Eary shift...which is good, since Friday is my long day 13 hours and I go to sleep early.

    Hope everyone has a delicious day. Hugs to all of you.

    I ;) need to read more of our book, @Mihani!

  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,814 Member
    edited February 2020
    My lowest for a long time... 141.4 two days in a row.

    The goal is 135, which is really a little high for 5’2” , but I know it is doable and a weight I could maintain. Just have to get there!

    Today, overnight oats
    Salad and hot potatoes with spinach in hot logic
    Steamed veggies and Air Fried French fries.

    Working 7 to 12 today

    Have a delicious day everyone!

  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,591 Member
    Happy Thursday, peeps!

    @magic71755 - Congratulations on your progress towards your weight goal! That's super!

    @CoffeeandHumblePie - Wow. We are so glad to hear that you and your husband are generally on the mend. I hope that he does indeed not have C Diff. Hang in there.

    @Mihani - Have you got your new phone set up yet? I sympathize! I had to replace my old phone abotu a week ago, and am still getting a few wrinkles ironed out.

    My plant-based food plan for today is the usual green smoothie, beans and greens, big salad. I roasted some beets finally for the salad, and am looking forward to that (the house still smells delicious!).
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,941 Member
    Austin, I went back to the store and the app they had told me to use to transfer data was indeed not working so he used a different app. At least it wasn't me! I love beets raw or roasted, but hated beets for a long time because I had only had those canned pickled beets growing up and those are awful and disgusting. Never knew they were good if not ruined. LOL

    Woohoo, Magic! Great job nearing your goal!

    I have work to do yet tonight so I better get at it. Tax time is in full swing and I'll be hopping for the next couple months. Plus my contractor is starting in on Monday so that's going to be a lot of disruption to my home life. I may be a bit hit or miss on checking in daily for the next month or so.

    B - oatmeal bar
    L - Dr. McD hot and sour soup, apple
    D - big ol' salad

  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,814 Member
    Just a quick hello, my dear plant-eating friends!

    I had Amy's Vegan lasagna was actually really good, or I was really hungry. No, it was good.

    If time allows, will pick up another for lunch today.


    Dr. M's soup with spinach and ramen
    lasagna OR salad from Mad Greens. Taking my own dressing to work.

    Have a great day sweet people.
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,814 Member
    edited February 2020
    Well, I came into work with a positive attitude. I did the same yesterday, but left hating my job. Not the job really...even though it is boring...but the negative people are wearing me down.

    I ate when I got home. I knew it was emotional eating and I did it anyway. Nothing off plan. I am not that out of it. But was not really hungry ... just needed some comfort food. I guess I should have just sat there with Lulu and loved on her for an hour.

    Anyway, back to today. The got to me again. Over stupid stuff. The worst negative people on the planet. I even went to google before work look for help on how to deal with them before it happened.

    I told this particular person to just leave me alone...enough! One salesman did come over and totally got that I was not having it and agreed, this guy was being horrible.

    Well, when I first started writing, I was on the verge of tears. I think I am ok...cuz I just cannot cry.

    Just venting my dear friends. Just venting. I am going to start looking on indeed. But for me to change is not smart really. I have almost 5 years in...2 weeks vacation, sick leave...401 k...not much but something. Car allowance for a new lease every 3 years. 3 miles from work. And I love my schedule. I just hate the negative *kitten* hole$! HATE THEM! You know what they are...they are bullies! F them!

    Back to work. Did not stop at the only soup and cuties ... ate the potatoes already. Not sure what I am going to order.

    Uh oh, tears are starting to well up AGAIN.... CRAP!
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,814 Member
    edited February 2020
    So, lots of the peeps on my facebook friends list are people who work here. So, I just went into facebook and deleted my account. That made me feel like I did something to take back control. So I am happy now. No more tears. I'll talk to you later. Love you guys!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,941 Member
    I posted yesterday and not sure what happened to the post!

    I'm so sorry that you are having trouble with people at work, Magic. It is so draining dealing with negative people.

  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,814 Member
    edited February 2020
    Thank you @Mihani even got worse later in the day. My supervisor comes in tomorrow...I will try and talk to her. I get way too emotional and will most likely end up I may just let it go. The getting so upset part is hard on me.

    I just want to go in, be a good receptionist, do my work, deal with the salesmen and go home. I hate this nonsense drama going on. And if I can just convey that to my supervisor, I would be ok.

    One of the trouble maker salesmen will not be in today. So I will focus on staying positive. And I will not let them get to me.

  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,814 Member
    Guess what? The salesman who was leading the charge yesterday just called...(he is not on the schedule today)...and apologized! He really is my best friend here...and it hurt so bad that he would be so thoughtless and mean spirited to be kinda bullying me.

    Anyway, the desk phone rang, his name popped up and he just began to apologize and tell me he talked to his wife and said I was his best friend here and just felt terrible that he overstepped his bounds...just went too far with the kidding. I listened and then after his last "I just want to apologize" (he had said it several times), I said, apology accepted...thank you very much...have a good day. I was rather choked up and really could not speak.

    Well, what do you know about that! I am pretty much so relieved...what a big weight off my shoulders. I had told Lulu just this morning, I hate going to work...I have never said that, but now I just hate it.

    I won't say that again. The end. Happy Ending!

    Since I could not really speak when he called, I just texted: Thank you very much for the call this morning. It meant a lot. Now, we both can have a great Sunday.
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,814 Member
    Menu today:


    Amy's Vegan Lasagna with lots of added spinach (I really like this selection...and I think on the weekend, I will add even more veggies...plenty of sauce to go around)

    Dr. M's soup with added ramen and spinach

    Lots of tea and cuties

    I may just get into bed as soon as I get's been quite a 24 hour period. I am mentally done!

    Hope everyone is ok. Talk to you tomorrow.

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,941 Member
    That's great that the salesman apologized to you Magic. Always better for people not to be jerks in the first place, but an apology is nice when they are!
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,814 Member
    Thanks, @Mihani ! Up, having coffee...feeling good...good night's sleep. Doc appointment for me tomorrow...wellness check. Lulu has one on Wednesday. That's it. Plan on doing some meal prepping. Might even try to use my insta pot...have had it for so long and still in the box.

    Back for one more coffee.

    Have a delicious day, mates.
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,591 Member
    Hi Peeps!
    Sorry to have been quite for a few days. I had a big event crunch with the teenager. The dust is telling down now. Phew!

    I finished a restful little book on zen and cleaning that kinda goes with the conversation on Un-f*** Your Habitat:
    A Monk's Guide to a Clean House and Mind

    @magic71755 - I am so SO sorry about your terrible day at work, and so glad that the ringleader called to apologize. It's so hard when people think they are kidding, and don;t get it that it is landing as not funny for the other person. As @Mihani says -- not being a jerk in the first place is best, but failing that, an apology is great.
    That morning coffee sounded delicious.
    I hope tomorrow's wellness check goes well!

    @Mihani - I hope tax time and the contractor are both going well for you today!

    Okay, off for afternoon tea and the next several things!
  • Pennylite
    Pennylite Posts: 66 Member
    Hi Austin & All,

    I’m Penny. Been WFPB since late 2017. As others in this group was inspired by Dr Fuhrman. I initially did a 10 day water-fast (along the lines of Dr Fuhrman’s book on the subject) at home. It totally normalised my seriously high blood pressure at the time which remained low ever since. I then followed the WFPB diet in Eat To Live, lost loads of weight & have never looked back since. Would love to hear anyone else’s journey.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,941 Member
    Hi Penny! Welcome to the group! That's awesome that you got your BP under control with WFPB.

    Magic, hope you have a great day with Lulu!

    Austin, I will check out that book. Thanks for all your recommendations.

    OMG, my life is in turmoil with all the things going on at work and now the work on the house starting. My contractor is amazing though. He works fast and does a great job. I can't wait to see what tomorrow brings but everything he has done so far looks beautiful.

    B - totally forgot
    L - Dr. McD soup, some wheat crackers, some baby carrots
    D - big ol' salad, an apple, and I think a glass of wine is in order once I get through some work!