1200 calories a day

Who else is on 1200 a day and what are you eating to not go over?


  • heyyyyskinnygirl
    i'm on 1100 a day. will start tracking properly from saturday because that's when i get back from vacation so i'll have a better idea. but fruits and veggies like apples, celery, blueberries, and raspberries are my favorites! also those packaged diet meals haha. and if i get hungry between meals i can eat like a granola bar or something and make sure to log it.
  • Lynn5cmu
    Lynn5cmu Posts: 7 Member
    I have a homemade protein shake in the am- the powder is only 100 cals with 15gm protein,sometimes with a scoop of ground flax, does help keep me fairly full for a while in the morning. Sometimes an egg white breakfast sandwich on 100 cal bread,turkey bacon and a piece of fr cheese is also filling in the am. I also make fruit smoothies with 1 container ff fruit flavored yogart(100 cal or less) and a cup of fruit (I use frozen fruit, so no need for ice cubes and it doesnt get watered down) and a splash of whatever diet fruit juice have if too thick.
    I always have some type of vegetable soup on hand for when I get ravenous . Various vegetable and broth and seasoning with herbs etc as u like- u can eat a lot for little calories. I added a can of low fat canned chicken and still very low cal.
    Also a mug of coffee to sip on all day. And I try to drink green tea too
  • danilyman
    Awesome ideas! Do you girls feel full? I read that if you eat less carbs, under 100 grams a day, you'll feel fuller. Any thoughts? I try to keep it under 80 grams but I find I still want to ea a couple hundred calories more a day. I probably just need to be more strict and make sure I'm getting enough nutrition! :)
  • jididier
    jididier Posts: 10
    I do a lot of unsalted almonds. They keep you full, in my opinion. The protein shake idea is definitely useful. I don't find that eating less carbs makes me feel full - honestly it just makes me want to eat more! I think another great one is vegetables in general broccoli, cauliflower, etc. Also making things from scratch will help you better understand where the calories are going. I have homemade granola for that reason!

    Hope this helps. :)
  • danilyman
    Also making things from scratch will help you better understand where the calories are going. I have homemade granola for that reason!

    Hope this helps. :)

    Love that! I've been trying to do more home cooking and actually found this amazing banana nut bread recipe packed with protein. Very filling and it just makes me feel better to know all the ingredients are clean and healthy.
  • heyyyyskinnygirl
    i feel pretty full with the low cal fruits and veggies because you can eat a lot! also if you're hungry sometimes drinking water or just doing something completely unrelated to dieting makes you forget about it haha.
  • jackielou867
    jackielou867 Posts: 422 Member
    2 egg omelette for brekkie fills me up for the morning 140 cals (I make in microwave, no oil). For lunch at work I just microwave a huge dish of veggies with tofu, and stir through a bit of marmite or something similar, sometimes a bit of low fat cream cheese, that's about 300 cals. Still leaves 760 for dinner and a snack. Then if I go to the gym I burn 4-600 calories, and I sometimes struggle to actually eat those back, and resort to a protein bar.Just lay off pasta bread rice and anything processed. I found after 2-3 weeks of eating really clean, I stopped getting hungry. Also have just upped my protein as I go to the gym 4 times a week, and they reckon I should eat 1.5g x body weight (kilos) So about 93g of protein for me :-)
  • niknakks
    Hello Darling (: When i was at 1200 cal/day I would typically have a cup of cereal with a full banana, the calories are est total of 160 and tides me over till lunch where i have some simple salad (really easy- homemade turkey breast/ham lettuce tomatoes spinich and whatever vegetable was on sale that week XD) thats a bout 250 cal depending and for lunch i start with a salad and have half a trout with jasmine rice and some more salad. about 500 cal for the fish and rice and 250 for salad. Hopefully this gives you some ideas (:
  • danilyman
    Thanks for the replies! I'll def incorporate some of your ideas into my meal plan. Hopefully after a week or so I'll get used to it and not be hungry anymore :)
  • stephaniefiteni
    stephaniefiteni Posts: 48 Member
    Im on 1260 and my diary is currently open, backtrack to about 3+ weeks ago and you'll see 1200.
  • LittleCulturedPearl
    LittleCulturedPearl Posts: 71 Member
    I'm on a daily 1200 calorie goal and I never go over calorie-wise because I incorporate the proper amount of exercise needed to maintain it. However, I do notice that occasionally I eat too much fat, sodium, and sugar. I am generally vegetarian, and I eat a lot of tofu, tempeh, flax and chia seed and other grains. I make my own granola and eat that almost every morning for breakfast. I have resolved to avoid eating many fruits because they are high in sugar. Vegetables are the way to go. For snacking, try Nature Valley Crunch granola bars (the chewy are higher in sugar).

    Carbs are good for you. Workout more often, and you'll be fine.
  • PolkaDot_Princess
    PolkaDot_Princess Posts: 314 Member
    I'd love to check out your banana bread reciepe if you dont mind sharing!
  • PolkaDot_Princess
    PolkaDot_Princess Posts: 314 Member
    YES! I'm on 1200 per day and i find it incredibly challenging. Sure i'm not perfect, i eat too many carbs and i'm sure that sucks up alot of the calories. For a while i was doing really good, walking and working out more and really sticking to my 1200 goal and the lbs were dropping. Then i let stress get the best of me and i binged on pizza and wings a couple times last week, plus went wine tasting with the hubby and packed in some more calories.

    It's a challage for me because i try to eat whole, real food but the low fat versions are less calories, but more chemicals. It's a tough choice to make sometimes.

    For me i really try to eat a ton of salad and veggies with each meal and go without bread, pasta or rice as a side dish. OR if i do make it i'll go for brown rice and eat a tiny portion.

    I also like the protien shakes in the AM since i've always had a bad habit of skipping breakfast, this way i still get my metabolism reved up but i dont feel like im eating a giant meal, which i'm not usualy up for in the AM. Plus i work early mornings so there's a time issue as well.
  • Rory_123
    Rory_123 Posts: 68 Member
    I eat 1200-something calories a day, and it seems to work for me as long as a I follow my natural hunger cues and don't try to eat according to someone else's schedule (like the 3 meals, 2 snacks a day thing REALLY doesn't work for me - I end up being miserable and famished.)

    I'm rarely hungry for breakfast, so I usually start my day off with coffee, by 12-2 I will want to eat and I'll have a substantial lunch - usually a wrap filled with lots of veggies and meat or avocado or cheese or hummus. Dinner is some sort of protein, usually with veggies and some potato or rice or pasta. If I am hungry before the gym I'll have a protein bar or protein shake (my only real non-whole food indulgences) or yogurt.

    I don't believe in low-fat, fat-free this and that, all those foods are just laden with chemicals and gums and things I have no interest of putting in my body.

    If I find myself really hungry in the evening, I usually just suck it up and go to bed, or if I am really in the mood, I enjoy myself and have a half a bar of chocolate (milk or dark, I like both). When I indulge, I do it with all the things I love, no "diet" substitutes. But I don't indulge that often, so I make it work.

    I guess my point is - listen to your own body's cues. Eat when you are actually hungry - I promise it will be much more satisfying.
  • Squamation
    Squamation Posts: 522 Member
    I eat 1200 cals a day, and 5 times a day as I find it helps me have better portions.

    I try and eat clean and do a lot of cooking at home to control fat/calorie amounts. It helps me eat pretty much whatever I want.

    Today I've had: Turkey and cheese sandwich, apple, chicken alfredo, eggs, toast. Dinner is tbd.

    I find eating what I want in smaller portions helps me stay on track. I also try and stay under 100 g of carbs a day, and even with today's food list I'm only at 74 (before dinner).
  • melba_321
    melba_321 Posts: 65 Member
    1200 calories here too. I'm working on the "50 protein /30 carb. /20 fat" macros It is very filling and satisfying, once you get your proteins up there. Higher protein is suppose to help shed the fat faster and leave less room for losing lean muscle. I'm enjoying it & my energy is higher throughout the day. =)
  • dressandtights
    dressandtights Posts: 9 Member
    Berries for me. You can eat a whole package of raspberries or blueberries and it's less than 100 cal. They're full of fiber so you feel really full. I make a strawberry/blueberry/banana smoothie most mornings with a bit of almond milk and stay full for a while.

    Nuts are a bad idea for me personally. They're super high in calories which would be fine if I felt full after a few, but I don't--I just end up craving more.
  • CheerfulPinkFlower
    CheerfulPinkFlower Posts: 12 Member
    I am staying away from Diet Pepsi as much as possible! Also I order Nutri-System food. It comes to my door and helps me with portion size. Also I do 300 abdominal crunches a day, 15 minutes on my stationary bicycle, arm exercises and a really good days I walk at the mall. When I walk, this is when I notice that I start to lose weight. I walk twice on the upper and lower level and I'm out of the elements, so my allergies are not effected. It's a win-win!
  • dressandtights
    dressandtights Posts: 9 Member
    Oh, berries are also low glycemic and low in sugar overall. They have so much fiber that the sugar in them gets absorbed slowly, so it doesn't hike your blood sugar, but you still feel like you've had a sweet treat.
  • palmtreegirl621
    palmtreegirl621 Posts: 2 Member
    Excited to join this group!

    I am on a 1200 calorie day diet as well. I start every single morning with a 110 calorie smoothie (banana & frozen fruit, water to help it blend.) I have gotten addicted to my morning smoothie! When I get bored, I just mix up what kind of fruit. For lunch, I try to eat a salad or a few small snacks. I try to save about 700 calories for dinner so I don't have to feel completely deprived when eating with my husband or family. I know it's better to spread my calories more evenly throughout the day, but I'd never meet my goals if I didn't allow for big family dinners at night.

    Does anyone else save the bulk of their calories for a certain part of the day?