WEIGHT NO MORE Team Chat - April 2020



  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    @1theresamcvean oh it’s so good to hear from you. My heart goes out to you and everything you have been through and still going through. Many hugs and prayers. You have been on my mind every day.
  • GingerPwr
    GingerPwr Posts: 1,984 Member
    @1theresamcvean Gah that sounds like a truly terrible experience. I'm so sorry you went through that. Glad you're starting to feel better!

    @Mrsbell8well You continue to be beautiful and awesome and a wonderful inspiration to me!
  • brown6267
    brown6267 Posts: 476 Member
    04/27 steps 3098
  • Freeglerock
    Freeglerock Posts: 2,864 Member

    Check in: Sunday 26th
    Food: logged and under goal
    Water: approx 55oz
    Exercise: 70min cardio
    Steps 13,764

    Check in: Monday 27th
    Food: logged and under goal (only just - and saved by the exercise!)
    Water: did not track, but not enough
    Exercise: 45min cardio and 20min yoga
    Steps 10,075

    I currently have my goal set to lose 0.5lb per week, so I do have a fair amount of calories to play with.  Even so, I am struggling to stay within plan.  Since posting here in Sunday I have been tracking my eating and trying to curb the snacks so at least I am mindful of what I am putting into my body.  I'm enjoying the new exercises I am doing, and so each evening I am dedicating some time to do that.  Scales not looking good for this week (currently up from last wednesday), but will just have to take it on the chin!

    @Cafelelia I would love to share details of my vegetable growing - you may need to tell me to curb it if I start overtaking the board with it and turning this place into a gardening forum!  Having the allotment has been amazing during lockdown.  Although we do have a garden, it is great to have somewhere else where the kids are free to play (on our patches...) and get some fresh air.  Last years purple sprouting broccoli and leeks are just about finishing and the strawberries are now starting to grow.  We have baby plants so far of onions, peas, broad bead, carrots, lettuce and butternut squash in the ground.  I'll take some photos next time I'm up there.  Most of the work though is in the greenhouse at home, where I spend my time planting seeds, separate plants and potting on waiting for a few more weeks before they can go in the ground!


    @sleepymom5 so pleased to hear that Jim is getting better and back home now.  Sounds like he is making really good progress. 

    @1theresamcvean so sorry you have been through that, and that dream sounds so scary.  Hopefully you are now past the worse and will get stronger and stronger each day.  Hugs to you x

    @GingerPwr thank for the recommendation - will take a look and try that site tonight.
  • 1theresamcvean
    1theresamcvean Posts: 936 Member
    @sleepymom5 and @Cafelelia You two are selfless, true leaders. With all you've gone through lately, you've been here for us, keeping the group organized, on track, motivated, and supported, while keeping us posted on your own situations. That can't be easy sometimes. We could not be luckier than having you two.

    @Zumba_Luvah Congratulations on reaching your goal! Good feedback on what made you succeed - mostly focusing on the right amount of food along with normal activities like cleaning and playing. Who would have guessed with Zumba in your username? Earlier in the month, you mentioned eating a bit more for two days and less after that. I used to specifically have two days a week at (approximately) maintenance calories and then five very light days. It all worked out to the same number of calories per week. For example, 2 days a week at 2,000 calories and 5 days a week at 1,050. The two 'eat-up' days could not be consecutive, so I'd usually do Saturday and Wednesday. Psychologically that worked really well. Thanks for reminding me of this and your inspiration!

    @xX_PhoenixRising_Xx You really have had a tough month with your health. Is your dizziness vertigo? That's often a companion of migraines. I have Meniere's Disease and I think the symptoms overlap with a condition called Vestibular Migraines. You really are strong and supportive in the face of this and your back pain. I love your beach picture. Just a beautiful scene. Stay strong!

    @tryingagain5 I feel like I know you. It's good you get to walk with your condo neighbours. I have no idea what your condo grounds look like, so I just picture my grandmother's, which was beautiful. The Bruce Trail passed right behind her back yard and out front was a view of the Niagara Escarpment. I figure that you're pretty close to Ontario, Canada so it could be similar. My favourite things you talked about these past few weeks: peanut butter pie and going to Niagara Falls when you were a child. At the time you went, I probably lived there. Our little part of the family lived there from the time I was in grade two until I went to university here in Toronto. Thinking about you at work. Stay safe and healthy there :blush:

    @timibotkin When I read through the posts that I missed one of yours really jumped out at me and I could see you struggling psychologically. You are strong and it's okay. I hope you're having some good days in there. My heart goes out to you. Big hugs!

    @srw32 Hello Sarah! Looking forward to getting to know you. :blush:

    @podperson1 Your writing style is so much fun. Hahaha about the older people on Zoom. Wait! I hope I'm not one of them. And then people dodging! The first day I was allowed to go out was Saturday and it was a mild, sunny day here in Toronto. I hear what you're saying. Where do you live? Thanks for keeping us uplifted!

    @pacsnc6 Thank you for your well wishes. How are you doing? As I was catching up, I was so pleased that you were responding so well to your treatment in terms of very few side effects. I hope that continues.

    @Mrsbell8well You and I have the same goal weight, 142. Since you've seen that number more recently than I, I'm going to take cues from you. I'm intrigued by this Intermittent Fasting timer. The idea that it motivates you to stop eating unnecessarily in the evening sounds perfect for me. What is the name of the app you use? Once the pandemic got going, I never saw fresh artichokes again. Sigh. Edamame is the closest eating experience and really easy to heat up. Maybe next spring. Also, I love your motivating journalling and ordered supplies for me and more importantly, maybe, my international student Wendy who is very homesick and stranded here. I encouraged her to do bullet journalling so that one day when this is over and she has graduated, when her future children ask her what she was doing in the pandemic, she can show them. Happily, she took it on!

    Okay, halfway through the alphabet backward. Stay tuned everyone else, more to follow. I've missed you too.

  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    Hi everyone,
    Yesterday was my first good day in a while. The weather was nice, the day was productive and fun, and I felt good. I did not do a food plan yesterday, but focused on healthy eating and my hunger scale. When I did not feel well, I ate more small snacks as I ate less at meals. So I am working on eliminating the snacking this week. My big accomplishment was getting out for a 70 minute walk with my husband and younger son. We live by a park with forests and trails which is still open, so we hiked. I did well on the walk and felt good afterwards. I still feel a bit tired and will exercise every other day this week and next. Our province just laid out a gradual reopening plan, but they are being very conservative. Although we have somewhat flattened, they will not phase into reopening until we have several weeks of it. So I think we will stay in strict quarantine until June at least. We are at the point where this is really grating on us, but I would rather that we take this conservative approach.

    @Freeglerock - You have so many plants! I love your greenhouse too! It is so cute! I grew up on a small hobby farm, and love growing things. I have taken a break other than herbs for the past few years because we go away a lot to our family cottage in the summer, and the raccoons & squirrels love to invade. I just read about organic farmers that will help you set up organic garden troughs in your yard with pest-proofing, tend to your plants when you are away, and then you split your crops with them. I have seen some of their work in my neighbourhood and it is impressive. I am going to explore that for next year. Please keep the photos coming!

    @JillyBT - A lot of us are gaining right now, so you are not alone. I think that IF is great and a really good way to reset. I have had some success with it and @hope002 has been really successful in her journey with it. Very happy that you and your parents did not get the virus. How terrifying about your mom. I hope that she settles, but I know that dementia is very unpredictable. Virtual hug to you!

    @tryingagain5 - Your consistency with exercise is really inspiring. I know it is hard not to know about your work schedule. At least you are getting some hours right now and your company is taking distancing seriously.

    @1theresamcvean - Thanks for your kind words and we love this team! I am so relieved that you are getting better and were able to check in here. Even though your case was “mild”, it seemed to be just a terrible experience, especially the dreams. My worst thing was the fatigue, it was long lasting, draining and very unusual. When I received my negative result, the emerg doctor still warned that I could have had or could have the virus because it is so new and they don’t know much about it. It is why I kept so long in self-isolation. I have to say it feels glorious to have my energy back, but I returning to “normal” life gradually. While Toronto escaped the terrible experience that NYC had, I think that we have far more cases of the virus than reported due to our density, mass transit, etc and because there seem to be so many “silent” carriers of this virus. All major cities are probably like that. Anyway, just take care of yourself and sending you a big, virtual hug!

    @nstephenson01 - I am with you on those mood swings and the feeling of Groundhog Day. I am trying to mix things up to jolt myself out of it, with varying degrees of success. Keep us posted on the IF. I really do think that it works, but you do have to play around with it and find what works for you.

    @sleepymom5 - I am so happy that Jim is gradually getting stronger, and you are able to get back into the swing of things. I cannot believe that he lost 40 lbs, but he did go through a very intense experience. Maybe when he feels better, the two of you can focus together on nutrition and exercise. Don’t worry about checking in regularly and I’ve got you covered!

    @jedaschulz - Fantastic loss and I love your goals for this week! Your determination is inspiring!
  • 1theresamcvean
    1theresamcvean Posts: 936 Member
    Whoops, I missed @nstephenson01 in my second half of the alphabet backward. I haven't forgotten you. Loved seeing your majestic Willow. More later. :blush:
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member

    I'm glad you're starting to feel better and were able to go for that long walk.

    Michigan's stay at home order was extended to May 15th with less restrictions than before. Some businesses were allowed to open with others having to wait. Gyms, salons and other nonessential businesses are still closed. Bars are closed and restaurants can only do delivery or pick up orders. Outdoor businesses like landscaping and lawn care are open now. Golf courses are open now but no use of carts.

    June is a long time but I understand. I understand both sides. I don't know if Michigan will extend again later with another set of businesses being allowed to open.

    Thank you, I've been doing my best to br consistent with something and it seems to be exercise. Having trouble being consistent with the food part. Not always unhealthy foods, just too much. Probably comfort eating. Time to get that under control.

    Yes, I'm glad I'm getting some hours in at work and that they're doing what they can for the social distancing.
  • kirsten11872
    kirsten11872 Posts: 519 Member
    Hello all, hope you are doing well!

    Nothing much new here, still working from home & feeding 2 hungry teenage boys, lol On the bright side, my laundry gets done during the week & I cleaned out my closet & cleaned up lots of papers. It is beautiful weather here today, so it is nice to open all the windows.

    I decided it is time to reset & get back on track. I have pretty much maintained the last month, but I am not at a weight I want to stay at. I just don't feel great in my skin right now. As the weather warms up, I want to be able to wear my summer clothes, which I do not fit in right now. When I cleaned out my closet, I saw all my cute summer clothes & that motivated me.

    I am really going to try to stay on track! I am back to 18:6 IF & logging all my food. I did my workout DVD last night & I will do another workout tonight when I finish working.

    Hope you are all hanging in there, staying safe & taking care of yourselves! I am really going to try to post on here daily!

    Have a good evening! :smiley:
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    edited April 2020

    I'm glad you're starting to feel better. Continued prayers for you to get back to complete health

    Thank you, that's so kind of you.
    My condo complex is small, about 100 or so condos total. People have the option of planting their own flowers and there are bushes and a few trees that were put in by the complex. Only 3 streets in the complex but there is a park nearby where there are soccer and baseball fields. There is a trail around a couple of small manmade lakes that are around 2 other condo complexes. (all 3 complexes are separate from each other and not related in any way) The way we go usually takes about an hour and is maybe 2 miles or so.

    No, actually I'm not that close to Canada. I'm on the west side of Michigan. About 3 hours west of Detroit and also 3 hours north of Chicago. For me to drive to Mackinac City is around 4 hours or so.

    I love anything peanut butter and if you add chocolate I'm even happier. Not the best for the waistline though. Gotta remember all things in moderation.😉 I really don't remember the trip to Niagara but I know I was there from pictures.

    Thank you. Work has done a great job keeping us safe.
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member

    I'm glad that Jim is continuing to improve.

    Yes, I'm glad I have really good neighbors. It helps a lot. If I had to be home alone for the first 3 weeks without being able to be outside with them would have been really difficult. I don't mind living alone and if I don't see anyone for a weekend it's not a problem but I was already starting to talk to the walls before I went back to work.😉

    It's too bad that church couldn't get the livestream going for the drive in service but it sounds like they're going to do a couple more. The people that I talked to said it was nice and the pastor and worship team did a good job.
  • brown6267
    brown6267 Posts: 476 Member
    04/28 steps 3716
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,216 Member
    Prepare to welcome your newest new member! @kenzierenzieroo will be along soon...
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    Good morning team, I hope that everyone is doing well today! I had a good day yesterday and am catching up on a lot of things. I will start my food plans on Sunday for the new month, same with an exercise plan. I had a rest day yesterday and am going to try an indoor workout this afternoon as we are expecting a lot of rain. We had virtual drinks with our neighbours last night which was a lot of fun. We had an unseasonably cold April, and I hope it warms in May so we can move some distanced socializing to the backyard.

    @podperson1 - Great job with the food and at least you are giving it a try with the workouts. My husband is in the office today to pick up some files and he said the same thing about it being weird and empty. Glad the the government payments came in for you!

    @GingerPwr - Fantastic loss and congratulations on getting so close to goal! You truly are an inspiration!

    @CassieGetsFit2013 - I am so happy that you are staying on track and focusing on your goals. I don’t know anything about TMS therapy and perhaps that is something you can discuss with your doctor and counsellor, if you have not already.

    @tryingagain5 - Masks are just so challenging and it must be hard working your entire shift with one. I think try you best on your breaks and lunch to take it off a bit, when allowed. When I was self-isolating, I wore a construction N95 mask that I had from my home Reno’s. It was just so hot and irritating to my skin. I don’t have the energy to make cloth masks right now, but I ordered a few cotton ones on Etsy from a local seamstress, so I can wear something semi comfortable when I go outside.

    @kirsten11872 - You are right that it is time to reset. Focusing on your summer clothes is a great way to do it! Feeding hungry teen boys is a full time job in quarantine!

    @1theresamcvean - It is so nice to have you back here posting! We missed you! I hope that you are feeling better each day.
This discussion has been closed.