This April I Will...



  • prgirl39mfp
    prgirl39mfp Posts: 3,154 Member
    @nebslp I take L-theanine for my mood, also use a vaginal cream for dryness. My diet has been key to control symptoms. I was taking a natural supplement I took that has black cohosh, blessed thistle, licorice root, chaste trees berry, sarsaparilla and squawvine. Was taking the capsules daily before I was diagnosed with pneumonia then I
    Stopped. Was told that I will not see
    The benefits for a while as for all things natural. If you find out of any other please share.

    Thanks @77tes . Went again today and it was so windy. Great chart!
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    @prgirl39mfp It's too bad you had to stop using the natural supplement. I hope you won't have to suffer from symptoms too much longer. And I'm glad you're able to get out and ride your bike. Just going outside has a positive effect on my mood.

    @77tes Great advice! I had forgotten about the "floss one tooth" theory to get a habit started. I will be changing my goal to 5 minutes of planned activity so I should never feel like I failed and want to give up.

    April 15: 15 minutes stationary bike, 30 minutes hiking in the pasture. It's a fairly steep slope to the bottom of the hill and then I have to go back up again so it's a good aerobic workout, except when I have to stop to explore or take photos. Then I get a little break. It's still chilly and we're expecting 1-3 inches of snow tomorrow. UGH! But then I wasn't planning on going anywhere anyway :/

    How's everyone doing?
  • prgirl39mfp
    prgirl39mfp Posts: 3,154 Member
    Yes @nebslp it has been key for me to keep some sort of routine including my exercise. I am grilling outside since it’s so hot now here for us so being outside has helped me get some fresh air. I plan to start the supplements again once summer is here. I am still stuffed and congested with all the pollen here.

    Awesome about your hike. Nice that you can take a break and take pics. Stay warm tomorrow ❤️
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,136 Member
    April 13 2 seconds
    April 14 12 seconds
    April 15. 30 seconds (timed)
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    @MadisonMolly2017 good job with the planks👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

    Day 2, April 16: 23 minutes of Miranda Edmond-White Classical Stretch
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,136 Member
    April 13 2 seconds
    April 14 12 seconds
    April 15. 30 seconds (timed from now on)
    April 16. 1 min 3 sec

    Thanks @nebslp!!
    And congratulations to you on your stretching!!!
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    Day 3 April 17: 36 minutes weight training with Chalean Extreme circuit 1 - 5, 8, and 10 lb weights.
    I love weight training but I should ice my knees or they might complain later. Good workout!
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,136 Member
    nebslp wrote: »
    Day 3 April 17: 36 minutes weight training with Chalean Extreme circuit 1 - 5, 8, and 10 lb weights.
    I love weight training but I should ice my knees or they might complain later. Good workout!

    Wow! Awesome @nebslp !!
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,136 Member
    April 13 2 seconds
    April 14 12 seconds
    April 15. 30 seconds (timed from now on)
    April 16. 1 min 3 sec
    April 17. 34 seconds

    April total so far: 2 min 21 sec
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    edited April 2020
    For some reason (?) I listened to an MFP blog by Michael Gervais this morning about setting a morning mindset routine. Now, I always think about a routine in terms of action...get up, get going, do this and that. I forget about the importance of mindset. He said there are 4 things you should do to start your day.
    1. Take a deep breath.
    2. Have one thought of gratitude.
    3. Set your intention for the day (not what you’re going to do, but how you’re going to show up).
    4. Feel your feet on the ground.
    I ❤️ #3!
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    Day 4 April 18: 30 minute walk on the gravel road for 30 active minutes😊
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 8,024 Member
    Awesome job @MadisonMolly2017 and @nebslp ! You are really hitting those goals! I’m going to see if I can listen to that blog!
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    Day 5. April 19: 110 minutes of tramping up and down hills through cornfield and bean field. Not easy walking but SO much fun exploring and taking bird pics.
  • prgirl39mfp
    prgirl39mfp Posts: 3,154 Member
    Glad you all are reaching your goals.
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    @prgirl39mfp (thank you) and @texasgardnr and @themedalist and other group members... I hope things are going well with you and your goals. I didn't start until April 15 this month and I'm very glad I did. It's never too late!! I'm sore but now I know I have muscles!
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    Day 6 April 20: 40 minutes of yard and grove cleanup including raking, digging, and clipping. Then I spent 10 minutes wandering around assessing future jobs. I need to look up how to prune spirea and hydrangeas. I’m probably too late🙄
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    Day 7 April 21: 1 hour, 15 minutes of pruning spires bushes. 64 active minutes.
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    The spirea on the left reminds me of my haircuts. A little sparse in places and too long in others🤪 I’m heading out to haul off the old stuff you see on the right. It was so bushy it killed the grass in front of the edging. Seeding soon perhaps?!
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    Just came in from hauling branches to the burn pile. Then I got sidetracked and worked in the grove for over an hour. Raking the forest to prevent fires LOL. Actually clearing paths so it’s safer walking out there. 84 active minutes and burned almost 1600 calories by 2:00. Off to a good start today😊
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 8,024 Member
    edited April 2020
    @nebslp, great work! I actually did some real gardening this month. A neighbor down the street is moving because his rental is being demolished, to make way for “improvement.” When I heard that the property would be bulldozed, I asked if I could take the beautiful rose bushes which have been lovingly tended for decades. The Saturday before Easter my daughters and I dug up 3 rose bushes and put them in our backyard. I’m not sure they’ll survive, being transplanted at this time of the year, but we are hoping. We also took a snapdragon and a bunch of daffodils.

    I also tried making sourdough bread this month. It was delicious.


    Here is my scorecard for the month.