This April I Will...



  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,136 Member
    nebslp wrote: »
    Just came in from hauling branches to the burn pile. Then I got sidetracked and worked in the grove for over an hour. Raking the forest to prevent fires LOL. Actually clearing paths so it’s safer walking out there. 84 active minutes and burned almost 1600 calories by 2:00. Off to a good start today😊

    Wow! @nebslp you are on 🔥!!!

    @77tes yum homemade sourdough!!
    Thank you for saving the flowers!!
    And awesome job in your tracker!!
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,136 Member

    My official 1 year maintenance anniversary date is Saturday! Although My average monthly weights have been fewer than 160 (the maintenance range I decided on now that I have more muscle lol) since September 2018!!! So I’m counting myself in Maintenance for 20 months at the end of April!

    Best I’ve ever done.

    This month went well with just 3 days when food > exercise so far. My weight is down. bp, resting pulse, oxygen, & fitness are all great.

    Will have to get going in May’s tracker soon!!

  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 8,024 Member
    edited April 2020
    Wow! @MadisonMolly2017 , congratulations of your maintenance anniversary!!! 20 months is SUPER impressive! And the health stats are still more to celebrate! Your Tracker looks amazing!!! That's a clever idea to print a picture on graph paper. I'm finding my tracker very motivating - I really work to be able to color in one of the boxes. Sewing is not getting done every day, but with the whole family home all the time, I do have to keep my sewing stuff contained, so out of sight is out of mind until I realize at about 10 pm that I haven't sewn for that day. I'll have to find some way to tweak that goal for May,
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,136 Member
    77tes wrote: »
    Wow! @MadisonMolly2017 , congratulations of your maintenance anniversary!!! 20 months is SUPER impressive! And the health stats are still more to celebrate! Your Tracker looks amazing!!! That's a clever idea to print a picture on graph paper. I'm finding my tracker very motivating - I really work to be able to color in one of the boxes. Sewing is not getting done every day, but with the whole family home all the time, I do have to keep my sewing stuff contained, so out of sight is out of mind until I realize at about 10 pm that I haven't sewn for that day. I'll have to find some way to tweak that goal for May,

    Thank you @77tes!!
    They are motivating, aren’t they?!!

    I tweak my goals each month based on what is going on & what I think I need to focus on.

    For May, I might simplify things a bit :)

    I know you have maintained a very long time, which inspires me greatly 💞
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    @77tes I bet your flowers will survive the transplant if you water them well. That’s great that they didn’t have to be dozed under!
    @MadisonMolly2017 congratulations on your long term maintenance. That’s quite an accomplishment.

    I love both of your trackers😻 I’m going to try making a pretty one in May. If there’s something I don’t do every day, I’m thinking of using a special color to indicate that it wasn't planned (like outside activities or gardening if it rained) instead of leaving it colorless so it doesn’t look like I just didn’t do it. 🤔 I also use the HabitBull app which i like but a visual tracker would be more fun.
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,136 Member
    nebslp wrote: »
    @77tes I bet your flowers will survive the transplant if you water them well. That’s great that they didn’t have to be dozed under!
    @MadisonMolly2017 congratulations on your long term maintenance. That’s quite an accomplishment.

    I love both of your trackers😻 I’m going to try making a pretty one in May. If there’s something I don’t do every day, I’m thinking of using a special color to indicate that it wasn't planned (like outside activities or gardening if it rained) instead of leaving it colorless so it doesn’t look like I just didn’t do it. 🤔 I also use the HabitBull app which i like but a visual tracker would be more fun.


    I’m thrilled you’re joining the pretty habit club :)
    Love your modifications- important that it makes you happy & smiling!

    I can’t wait to see it!

    Have a wonderful day!
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    Day 9 April 23. 60-70 minutes spading one (of many) flower bed and raking up dead grass. I’m considering going on a short hike but am feeling comfortable in my chair with my feet up right now so...maybe not tonight.
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,136 Member
    nebslp wrote: »
    Day 9 April 23. 60-70 minutes spading one (of many) flower bed and raking up dead grass. I’m considering going on a short hike but am feeling comfortable in my chair with my feet up right now so...maybe not tonight.

    Wow @nebslp

    What a productive workout!
  • prgirl39mfp
    prgirl39mfp Posts: 3,154 Member
    Great work @nebslp You are doing fantastic! You are getting a hell of a workout!

    @77tes So happy to see your chart. Good luck with the rose bushes. You are the second person I see making sourdough and I am so tempted. That is my favorite kind of bread.

    I am down some lbs and I am happy. When this pandemic hit the 30 day mark it got to me. I was feeling so down, depressed and eating like crazy. Back to fasting, eating healthy and enjoying the days. Here in FL we might see some changes in the stay at home order around May. Not sure how that will pan out.

    Stay safe!
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    @prgirl39mfp Thank you. I appreciate your support in my attempts to keep moving. I hope you continue to move through this time becoming stronger and even better than before. 30 days into this was about my limit date too. I was having heart palpitations and my resting heart rate had gone up from mid 60's to mid 70's so I knew I had to make some changes. First thing I did was stop watching the press conferences. Lies and misrepresentations make me crazy. I just want the truth. I cut my news time way down as well. I was finding myself in tears daily listening to the sad stories. Even the commercials showing people united and helping each other made me cry so I often change the channel now when they come on. I stopped logging. I gained about 5 lbs. Making masks stressed me out, so I quit.

    About 10 days ago I decided I couldn't continue. I started to focus on bird identification and took walks in nature. I focused on improving my own corner of the world by physically moving things like dirt! I started moving photos to Google Photo and that gives me an opportunity to look at the old videos and pics of my grandkids. That fills up my soul. I'm making masks again and enjoying it, and I have started being creative again in my sewing studio. So it took a month, but I'm recovering. My heart rate has gone down to 70ish and I'm trying to live in this moment. I'm logging again because I know how much physical health affects mental wellbeing. I don't know if this much sharing is acceptable on here or not, but I believe our mental state affects us physically and it's important to see the connection so I'm sharing anyway. I'll try not to do this too often😊
  • prgirl39mfp
    prgirl39mfp Posts: 3,154 Member
    @nebslp that’s fantastic!! I am so proud of you. Love your plan. It is important to keep doing what works. Thanks for sharing! I am sure it will be ok with the group. Bird identification sounds interesting. I sometimes sit on my porch and play videos of birds singing to see if I can attract birds to my porch 🤣 We have Robins, Sand Hill Cranes, Woodpeckers, Blue Jays, Cardinals, Mockingbirds and Hawks. I love watching them.

    Mental health is as important and yes, routine and food affect it deeply, so do news, social media, gossip, etc.

    My issue has been food. Slowly eating junk and eating all day long just because. I was depressed and anxious. My thoughts were sabotaging me and my body was showing symptoms ( joint pain, chest pain, constipation, etc). I decided to stop.

    I do not watch news anymore. Out Stay at Home orders will expire April 30 so I will watch news then for updates.

    I started following happy and positive pages on Facebook and Instagram to help me with my mood. If I am using my phone more I can spend the time looking at happy stuff.

    Just joined a group on FB called View From My Window. They are asking people to share their view from your window with a small message. Wow!! The pictures are beautiful. We’re all in this together but it does not have to be all bad.
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    @prgirl39mfp thank you so much for sharing the Facebook group. I checked it out (and joined). It’s like going on a virtual trip around the world! The world is so beautiful 😍

    We have a lot of those same birds here. There’s a migration of people from all over the world to about 100 miles west of here to see the Sandhills Cranes every spring. They’re quite a treat when they are seen and heard on the river in huge groups. But we never get them where I live, so you’re lucky!

    I’m glad you’ve figured out how to deal with the worldwide crisis in such a positive way. We will get through this and will appreciate life more when we get to the other side.
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    Day 10 April 24: 20 minute stroll in the pasture. Brrr... it was chilly today! 23 minutes of Classical Stretch.
  • prgirl39mfp
    prgirl39mfp Posts: 3,154 Member
    @nebslp glad you joined the group. I am in awe!! So pretty.
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    Day 11 April 25: 40 minutes in the pasture and below. I checked the bluebird house. There’s a nest but I’m not sure what kind so I will watch it awhile before removing it. My old wildlife camera died and my new one came yesterday so I put that up tonight. Hoping to catch a woodchuck pic. We cancelled our Alaskan cruise scheduled May 21 this week and will get a refund. Next I have to see if I can get my money back for flights or if I have to use it another time. Busy, but not busy. Hope everyone is having a good weekend and can get out and enjoy whatever nature you can find close to home. Our stay at home has been extended until May 31 so I should get lots done ( key word is should! But will I!?!)🤞
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    Day 12 April 26 At least 90 minutes planting seeds, transplanting daisies and sedum and checking bluebird house. I also checked on my wildlife camera and it had taken 588 deer, about 10 of me putting it up, and about 575 pictures of grass waving in the wind😲🙄 so I moved it to face the deer path instead of the hole in the ground. 🤞and hoping I get something better tomorrow. It’s getting easier to climb the hills. It’s 7 stories from the way bottom but only 3 to the birdhouse if my Fitbit measures it correctly. I try not to stop unless there’s something I want to look at and am pretty winded at the top when I don’t!
  • prgirl39mfp
    prgirl39mfp Posts: 3,154 Member
    Sorry you had to cancel your trip @nebslp . Glad you’re getting your workout and gardening done. Wow May 31? Oh my. We are supposed to hear from out governor today. Fingers crossed something opens.

    I started exercising again this week. Working on the garden as well. Plan on fixing my backyard and make it pretty.
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,136 Member
    All going well here!

    What are your plans for May’s I Will?

  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    @prgirl39mfp thank you. I don’t usually plan so many trips but my sister asked us to travel with them for 2 weeks over Easter, now the cruise is cancelled. Summer trip is still up in the air. All family trips. So disappointing! But now I have time to get in better shape for future plans, right!?!

    Some things in some counties are opening up. Good to go slowly into the unknown.

    Continuing activity goals, need to go to bed earlier, and log every day.
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,136 Member
    edited April 2020
    I’m focusing on & tracking 5 things

    Wt in 150’s 💚
    15oz fruits/veg a day 🍎🍊🥦🥕🥬
    Steps > 10K monthly average
    Saturated fat (grams) - just tracking
    Minutes of planks > 1 min daily 💪🏻

    I began April 26 (after reaching Maintenance Anniversary) & this chart goes for 6 weeks!!



    I hope you are all doing well.