WAISTAWAYS Team Chat - June 2020



  • jguldi11
    jguldi11 Posts: 201 Member
    PW 245.5
    CW 243.3
  • graceojo999
    graceojo999 Posts: 95 Member
    hello everyone.. im Steffy from India... im just beginning my 1st attempt to intermittent fasting and hoping to lose atleast 20lbs by the end of july.... plz help me out...

    Would appreciate, if anyone out here could really help me out with tips to intermittent fasting and the diet....

    Hi Steffy,

    I was doing IF at some point. I usually started eating at 12 then stopped at 8, or 10am to 6pm. The trick to loosing weight on IF is not to eat everything you would usually eat during the eating times. So if I was eating between 12 - 8...I’ll have lunch, a healthy snack and dinner. So I would have skipped breakfast. That’s the secret. If I eat the same amount of breakfast lunch and dinner and fast I will not loose anything. So pick a time slot that works for you.... with an 8 (or 10 😉) hour window to eat but skip a meal...or alternatively eat all your meals but in smaller portions. May I ask why you want to loose 20ibs in 2 months...that will depend on your initial weight etc, and if you are at the beginning of your journey . i usually can loose that amount but I put it back on quickly if it’s too fast. Another tip I have learnt is not to stay on low calories for more than 3 weeks. I usually eat maintenance calories twice a week 😅...it seems to push my body harder when I go back low during the week. Give your self a break once in a while. Being in this group has thought me to be patient with weight loss...it was hard but now even a 0.1 pound loss is great for me. I wish you all the best...can’t wait to hear about your journey
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    Happy Monday and Happy June! My June goals are to increase steps to 10,000. During the school year, I can get 12,000 without much effort but in the summer, I only 5,000-7,000 without significant effort. I also want log everything every single day. I am inconsistent with my logging.
  • Terytha
    Terytha Posts: 2,097 Member
    We bought a coffee maker. There was a very, very good sale.

    I'm currently looking into experimenting swapping out sugar for like, cocoa or chocolate milk.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,227 Member
    edited June 2020
    Happy June everyone!!! Today was a crazy hectic day in the banking world.. when it’s the 1st day of the month and it also falls on a Monday that makes for a super busy day!! I had a cliff bar for breakfast and I missed lunch. Pretty sure I had a ton of steps but I haven’t even had a chance to look! I still have to get 1 kids to dance comp and go to the store. Left overs for dinner tonight. Hope everyone has a great evening!
    I'm panting just reading about your day. Holy moly! I hope you have a chance for a calm meal and a breather tonight. Left overs sounds perfect. :heart:
    eponymoose wrote: »
    Thanks for the advice @jugar , I think you are probably right about my goals - certainly the August one. I'll see how this week goes and have a think about something more achievable. Oh and my name is Lindsay. 🙂

    In general, when I try to lose weight, there will be a few weeks of 3lb losses to start with so I think I may achieve 10lb in June before it slows down a bit.

    My other goals for the month are:
    1)Have reached week 6 of my couch to 5k programme without skipping any runs.
    2) Achieve my step target daily. My garmin gives me a different target every day and currently I'm around 10000 steps but if I keep achieving them, it will go up.
    3) Don't eat after 7pm. We all have our evening meal together at the moment so it's just snacking and never the right sort of food.
    4) Have increased my water intake to 2l daily and complete a full week of 2l days by the end of June.

    It's lovely to see so many people from all over the world. I'm in the West Highlands of Scotland so not terribly far from Inverness and Raasay. I forgot to mention my middle child (😱) in my first post. So I have an 11 yr old, an almost 8yr old and the baby who is 8 months.
    @KellyBgetsfit I find the same about steps during the holidays! I was easily hitting 18000 a day at school before maternity leave but I find it hard to hit 6000 at the moment.

    So impressed! The couch 2 5k program is a good one, and you are on week 6 with no skipping. WTG! And I am relieved to see your realistic take on starting with 3 lb losses, and calming down from there. The steps and STOPs (evening snacking) are going to be crucial in your plan. Next time I come to Scotland maybe I will visit! One of my flutes is made by an amazing flutemaker from Nairn. Is that near you? I have had some good pub meals there... OH - your middle kid forgives you. I'm a middle kid. It happens :wink:
    unevano wrote: »
    Unevano's Monday weigh in
    PW 224
    CW 220

    2 number challenge (met my numbers for today)
    GKI 5.25 (challenge number is less than 6)
    exercise 1 hour (challenge # is 1 hour)
    Looking good - I am glad you're doing the 2 magic numbers! It's silly but fun. And hopefully useful.
    I have 5 goals for each day in June:
    #1 Log everything and stay within +/- 5o calories of my daily allotment
    #2 Go for a walk everyday
    #3 Make a daily To-Do List of 5-7 items and complete them
    #4 Continue the 3 Mini-Habits from May and add a 4th
    #5 Complete the 2 Magic Numbers challenge

    I decided I needed to be more specific about exercise. Last month's goals were a little wide open. So I am specifying a daily walk and my 2 Magic Numbers are exercise related as well.

    I got off to a rather inauspicious start yesterday. I ended up unwell after supper so didn't get through a couple of the things on my list on the first day out of the gate. :(
    But today is going much better. :)
    I'm glad today is going well - icky days happen. I like your list. I'm going to go revise mine - it isn't quite right somehow!

    Good start to the week, team!
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